Пример #1
        public List <string> Export(DateTime start, DateTime end, int interval, StrategyParameters parameters)
            //Read the OHLC from database
            var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["marketdata-local"].ConnectionString;

            List <OHLC> ohlcList = new List <OHLC>();

                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("", connection))
                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                        command.CommandText = "SELECT o.Id, o.[Open], o.High, o.Low, o.[Close], Start, Volume FROM dbo.OHLC o " +
                                              "WHERE o.[Start] >= @start AND o.[End] < @end ORDER BY o.Id ASC";
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("start", start));
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("end", end));

                        using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                var ohlc = new OHLC();

                                ohlc.Open  = reader.GetDecimal(1);
                                ohlc.High  = reader.GetDecimal(2);
                                ohlc.Low   = reader.GetDecimal(3);
                                ohlc.Close = reader.GetDecimal(4);
                                ohlc.Start = reader.GetDateTime(5);
                                var volume = reader.GetDecimal(6);
                                ohlc.Volume = (volume * 1000);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            //l h o c

            //Find the first trade
            //Find all trades within the next 5 minutes
            //If there are any trade
            //Calculate low, high, open, close
            if (ohlcList.Any())
                start = ohlcList.First().Start > start?ohlcList.First().Start : start;

                for (DateTime i = start; i < end; i = i.AddMinutes(interval))
                    var windowStart = i;
                    var windowEnd   = windowStart.AddMinutes(interval);

                    var ohlcInTheSameWindow = ohlcList.Where(o => o.Start >= windowStart && o.Start < windowEnd).ToList();

                    if (ohlcInTheSameWindow.Any())
                        var low    = Math.Round(ohlcInTheSameWindow.Select(t => t.Low).Min(), 2);
                        var high   = Math.Round(ohlcInTheSameWindow.Select(t => t.High).Max(), 2);
                        var open   = Math.Round(ohlcInTheSameWindow.First().Open, 2);
                        var close  = Math.Round(ohlcInTheSameWindow.Last().Close, 2);
                        var volume = Math.Round(ohlcInTheSameWindow.Sum(t => t.Volume), 2);

                        var ohlc = new OhlcIndicators(open, high, low, close)
                            Volume = volume,
                            Start  = windowStart,
                            End    = windowEnd,


                        var prices = DataPoints.Select(d => d.Close).ToList();

                        ohlc.Mva10  = Math.Round(CalculateMovingAverage(prices, 10), 2);
                        ohlc.Mva200 = Math.Round(CalculateMovingAverage(prices, 200), 2);
                        ohlc.Rsi2   = Math.Round(CalculateRelativeStrengthIndex(prices, 3), 2);
                        ohlc.Rsi14  = Math.Round(CalculateRelativeStrengthIndex(prices, 15), 2);
                        var bb = CalculateBollingerBands(prices, 20, 2);
                        ohlc.PercentB  = Math.Round(bb.PercentB, 2);
                        ohlc.Bandwidth = Math.Round(bb.Bandwidth, 2);

            //Calculate action - looking backward and forward
            //which is obviously not possible in real time trading
            CalculateAction(10, 4);

            //var balanced = OverSample(10);

            var normalized = Normalize(DataPoints);

            var exportLines = normalized.Select(d => $"{d.Start:M/d/yyyy H:mm},{d.Open},{d.High},{d.Low},{d.Close},{d.Volume},{d.Mva10},{d.Mva200},{d.Rsi2},{d.Rsi14},{d.PercentB},{d.Bandwidth},{d.Action}").ToList();

            exportLines.Insert(0, "Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Mva10,Mva200,Rsi2,Rsi14,PercentB,Bandwidth,Action");

Пример #2
        private void CalculateAction(int dataPointCount, int profitThreshold)
            //Set all actions to Hold
            DataPoints.ForEach(d => d.Action = "H");

            var totalProfit = 0m;
            var lastProfit  = 0m;

            OhlcIndicators lastSell = new OhlcIndicators(0, 0, 0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < DataPoints.Count - dataPointCount; i++)
                var past   = DataPoints.Skip(i).Take(dataPointCount).ToList();
                var min    = past.Min(d => d.Close);
                var future = DataPoints.Skip(i + dataPointCount).Take(dataPointCount).ToList();
                var max    = future.Max(d => d.Close);

                var profit      = max - min;
                var profitRatio = profit / max * 100;

                if (profitRatio >= profitThreshold)
                    //Find the buy and sell dates
                    var buy  = past.First(d => d.Close == min);
                    var sell = future.First(d => d.Close == max);

                    //If sell is already detected then skip
                    if (sell.Action == "S")

                    //If buy action is already detected
                    //then revert the matching S back to H for a longer hold
                    if (buy.Action == "B")
                        lastSell.Action = "H";
                        totalProfit    -= lastProfit;

                    //If buy action is S
                    //then it doesn't make sense to buy from the same price we sell
                    //revert the S to H for holding longer
                    if (buy.Action == "S")
                        buy.Action = "H";
                        buy.Action = "B";

                    sell.Action = "S";
                    lastSell    = sell;
                    lastProfit  = profit;

                    totalProfit += profit;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Total Profit: {totalProfit}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"Buys: {DataPoints.Count(d => d.Action == "B")} Total: {DataPoints.Where(d => d.Action == "B").Sum(d => d.Close)}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"Sells: {DataPoints.Count(d => d.Action == "S")} Total: {DataPoints.Where(d => d.Action == "S").Sum(d => d.Close)}");

            var held    = 0;
            var maxHeld = 0;
            var action  = "B";

            foreach (var dataPoint in DataPoints)
                if (dataPoint.Action == "H")

                if (dataPoint.Action == action)
                    held   = 0;
                    action = dataPoint.Action;

                maxHeld = Math.Max(held, maxHeld);

            Debug.WriteLine($"Max Held {maxHeld}");