public static HexTile FindByOffset(OffsetCoordinate center, OffsetCoordinate offset) { int x = center.x + offset.x; int y = center.y + offset.y; return(FindByCoordinate(x, y)); }
public void GenerateHexagons() { for (int i = 0; i < GameConfiguration.Instance.GetColumnCount(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GameConfiguration.Instance.GetRowCount(); j++) { OffsetCoordinate coord = new OffsetCoordinate(i, j); Hexagon hexa = PoolManager.Instance.GetNewHexagon(); hexa.gameObject.SetActive(true); = "[" + i + ", " + j + "]"; hexa.transform.SetParent(parent); if (!hexa.IsEventSubbed()) { hexa.SetEventSubbedFlag(true); hexa.OnExploded.AddListener(() => GameManager.Instance.OnHexagonExploded()); hexa.OnExploded.AddListener(() => PoolManager.Instance.DespawnHexagon(hexa)); } hexa.transform.position = CoordToWorld(coord); if (i > 0) { //avoid pre-matches at startup SetDifferentColorToHexagon(hexa, coord); } else { int colorIndex = ColorReferencer.Instance.GetRandomColorIndexExcepts(); hexa.SetColor(ColorReferencer.Instance.GetColorByIndex(colorIndex)); hexa.SetColorIndex(colorIndex); } SetHexagon(coord, hexa); } } }
PairedGroup GetPairedGroup(HexagonGroup group) { Hexagon a = HexagonManager.Instance.GetHexagon(group.A); Hexagon b = HexagonManager.Instance.GetHexagon(group.B); Hexagon c = HexagonManager.Instance.GetHexagon(group.C); if (a.IsSameColorWith(b)) { OffsetCoordinate[] pairs = new OffsetCoordinate[2]; pairs[0] = group.A; pairs[1] = group.B; OffsetCoordinate other = group.C; return(new PairedGroup(pairs, other, a.GetColorIndex())); } if (b.IsSameColorWith(c)) { OffsetCoordinate[] pairs = new OffsetCoordinate[2]; pairs[0] = group.B; pairs[1] = group.C; OffsetCoordinate other = group.A; return(new PairedGroup(pairs, other, b.GetColorIndex())); } if (c.IsSameColorWith(a)) { OffsetCoordinate[] pairs = new OffsetCoordinate[2]; pairs[0] = group.C; pairs[1] = group.A; OffsetCoordinate other = group.B; return(new PairedGroup(pairs, other, c.GetColorIndex())); } return(null); }
public static float GetDistance(OffsetCoordinate a, OffsetCoordinate b) { var ac = OffsetCoordToCubeCoord(a); var bc = OffsetCoordToCubeCoord(b); return(GetDistance(ac, bc)); }
public static void OffsetToCube(ref OffsetCoordinate o, HexCellOrientation orientation, out HexCubeCoordinate c) { switch (orientation) { case HexCellOrientation.PointyOdd: PointyOddToCube(ref o, out c); break; case HexCellOrientation.PointyEven: PointyEvenToCube(ref o, out c); break; case HexCellOrientation.FlatOdd: FlatOddToCube(ref o, out c); break; case HexCellOrientation.FlatEven: FlatEvenToCube(ref o, out c); break; default: PointyOddToCube(ref o, out c); break; } }
private Hexagon SwapHexagonLocation(OffsetCoordinate oldCoord, OffsetCoordinate newCoord) { Hexagon hexOld = GetHexagon(oldCoord); SetHexagon(oldCoord, GetHexagon(newCoord)); SetHexagon(newCoord, hexOld); return(hexOld); }
public void ExplodeHexagon(OffsetCoordinate coord) { if (_hexagons[coord.Column, coord.Row] == null) { return; } _hexagons[coord.Column, coord.Row].Explode(); _hexagons[coord.Column, coord.Row] = null; }
public static OffsetCoordinate CubeCoordToOffsetCoord(CubeCoordinate cubeCoordinate, bool isEven) { OffsetCoordinate offset = new OffsetCoordinate(); offset.y = cubeCoordinate.x; offset.x = isEven ? cubeCoordinate.z + (cubeCoordinate.x - (cubeCoordinate.x & 1)) / 2 : cubeCoordinate.z + (cubeCoordinate.x + (cubeCoordinate.x & 1)) / 2; return(offset); }
private Color32 GetColorForTerrainAtPoint(OffsetCoordinate point) { // map noise over a larger hex grid size to get larger-scale // hexagons of terrain. looks kinda neato var largeHexGridRadius = 1; var largeHexGridRelativeScale = largeHexGridRadius * 2 + 1; var scaled = point.ToCube().GetCoordInLargerHexGrid(largeHexGridRadius); var sample = SampleNoise(new Vector2(scaled.x, scaled.y) * largeHexGridRelativeScale); return(colorRamp.Evaluate(sample)); }
public static CubeCoordinate OffsetCoordToCubeCoord(OffsetCoordinate offsetCoordinate) { CubeCoordinate cube = new CubeCoordinate(); cube.x = offsetCoordinate.y; cube.z = offsetCoordinate.IsEven() ? offsetCoordinate.x - (offsetCoordinate.y - (offsetCoordinate.y & 1)) / 2 : offsetCoordinate.x - (offsetCoordinate.y + (offsetCoordinate.y & 1)) / 2; cube.y = -cube.x - cube.z; return(cube); }
private IList <ITilemapMember> GetListFromCoord(OffsetCoordinate coordinate) { var vectorInGrid = new Vector2Int(coordinate.column - tileMapMin.column, coordinate.row - tileMapMin.row); if (vectorInGrid.x < 0 || vectorInGrid.y < 0 || vectorInGrid.y >= tileMapHeight || vectorInGrid.x >= tileMapWidth) { return(null); } return(tileGrid[vectorInGrid.y][vectorInGrid.x]); }
void SpawnNewHexagons(int column, int emptyCount) { for (int i = 0; i < emptyCount; i++) { OffsetCoordinate coord = new OffsetCoordinate(column, GameConfiguration.Instance.GetRowCount() - 1 - i); Vector2 target = CoordToWorld(coord); Hexagon newHexagon; if (_nextHexagonIsBomb) { newHexagon = PoolManager.Instance.GetNewBombHexagon(); BombHexagon bombHexagon = (BombHexagon)newHexagon; bombHexagon.SetCounter(5); bombHexagon.UpdateText(); //if detonate event not registered yet if (bombHexagon.OnBombDetonated.GetPersistentEventCount() == 0) { } if (!bombHexagon.IsEventSubbed()) { bombHexagon.OnBombDetonated.AddListener( () => GameManager.Instance.LoseGame(GameOverReason.BombExploded)); bombHexagon.OnExploded.AddListener(() => GameManager.Instance.OnHexagonExploded()); bombHexagon.OnExploded.AddListener(() => RemoveBombHexagonFromList(bombHexagon)); bombHexagon.OnExploded.AddListener(() => PoolManager.Instance.DespawnBombHexagon(bombHexagon)); bombHexagon.SetEventSubbedFlag(true); } bombHexagon.SetNewlySpawnedFlag(true); _nextHexagonIsBomb = false; _bombHexagons.Add(bombHexagon); } else { newHexagon = PoolManager.Instance.GetNewHexagon(); if (!newHexagon.IsEventSubbed()) { newHexagon.OnExploded.AddListener(() => PoolManager.Instance.DespawnHexagon(newHexagon)); newHexagon.OnExploded.AddListener(() => GameManager.Instance.OnHexagonExploded()); newHexagon.SetEventSubbedFlag(true); } } = "[" + coord.Column + ", " + coord.Row + "]"; newHexagon.transform.SetParent(parent); newHexagon.transform.position = new Vector3(target.x, CameraManager.Instance.GetTopOfCamera() + 1.5f + ((emptyCount - i) * 0.7f)); int colorIndex = ColorReferencer.Instance.GetRandomColorIndexExcepts(); newHexagon.SetColorIndex(colorIndex); newHexagon.SetColor(ColorReferencer.Instance.GetColorByIndex(colorIndex)); newHexagon.gameObject.SetActive(true); _hexagons[coord.Column, coord.Row] = newHexagon; StartCoroutine(newHexagon.Move(target, 10f)); } }
public void CalculateGroups(int columnCount, int rowCount) { //two hexagons on right, only even numbered columns for (int column = 0; column < columnCount - 1; column += 2) { for (int row = 0; row < rowCount - 1; row++) { var a = new OffsetCoordinate(column, row); var b = new OffsetCoordinate(column + 1, row + 1); var c = new OffsetCoordinate(column + 1, row); _groupList.Add(new HexagonGroup(a, b, c, GroupRotation.TwoHexagonsRight)); } } //two hexagons on right, only odd numbered columns for (int column = 1; column < columnCount - 1; column += 2) { for (int row = 1; row < rowCount; row++) { var a = new OffsetCoordinate(column, row); var b = new OffsetCoordinate(column + 1, row); var c = new OffsetCoordinate(column + 1, row - 1); _groupList.Add(new HexagonGroup(a, b, c, GroupRotation.TwoHexagonsRight)); } } //two hexagons on left, only even numbered columns for (int column = 0; column < columnCount - 1; column += 2) { for (int row = 0; row < rowCount - 1; row++) { var a = new OffsetCoordinate(column, row); var b = new OffsetCoordinate(column, row + 1); var c = new OffsetCoordinate(column + 1, row + 1); _groupList.Add(new HexagonGroup(a, b, c, GroupRotation.TwoHexagonsLeft)); } } //two hexagons on left, only odd numbered columns for (int column = 1; column < columnCount - 1; column += 2) { for (int row = 0; row < rowCount - 1; row++) { var a = new OffsetCoordinate(column, row); var b = new OffsetCoordinate(column, row + 1); var c = new OffsetCoordinate(column + 1, row); _groupList.Add(new HexagonGroup(a, b, c, GroupRotation.TwoHexagonsLeft)); } } }
private IEnumerable <OffsetCoordinate> GetTilesInRectangle(HexTileMapManager tilemapManager) { var totalCells = new Vector2Int(tilemapManager.hexWidth, tilemapManager.hexHeight);//new Vector2Int(10, 10); var min = tilemapManager.tileMapMin.ToAxial(); for (var verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < totalCells.y; verticalIndex++) { for (var horizontalIndex = 0; horizontalIndex < totalCells.x; horizontalIndex++) { var newPos = new OffsetCoordinate(horizontalIndex, verticalIndex); yield return((newPos.ToAxial() + min).ToOffset()); } } }
public void Awake() { coordinateSystem = new HexCoordinateSystem(hexRadius); tileMapMax = new OffsetCoordinate(tileMapMin.column + hexWidth, tileMapMin.row + hexHeight); tileGrid = new IList <ITilemapMember> [hexHeight][]; for (var verticalIndex = 0; verticalIndex < hexHeight; verticalIndex++) { tileGrid[verticalIndex] = new IList <ITilemapMember> [hexWidth]; for (var horizontalIndex = 0; horizontalIndex < hexWidth; horizontalIndex++) { tileGrid[verticalIndex][horizontalIndex] = new List <ITilemapMember>(); } } tileMemberChunkMap = new Dictionary <AxialCoordinate, IList <ITilemapMember> >(); }
public void ShouldGeneratePathBetweenPoints() { var origin = new OffsetCoordinate(-1, 4).ToAxial(); var destination = new OffsetCoordinate(3, -1).ToAxial(); var expectedPathLength = 7; var coordSystem = new HexCoordinateSystem(2); var actualPath = coordSystem.GetRouteGenerator(origin, destination) .ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPathLength, actualPath.Count); foreach (var pair in actualPath.RollingWindow(2)) { var distanceBetween = pair[0].DistanceTo(pair[1]); Assert.AreEqual( 1, distanceBetween, $"Jump between {pair[0]} and {pair[1]} should have been distance of 1 but was {distanceBetween}"); } }
public void SetDifferentColorToHexagon(Hexagon hexagon, OffsetCoordinate coord) { OffsetCoordinate leftCoord = new OffsetCoordinate(coord.Column - 1, coord.Row); OffsetCoordinate topLeftCoord = new OffsetCoordinate(coord.Column - 1, coord.Row + 1); OffsetCoordinate lowerLeftCoord = new OffsetCoordinate(coord.Column - 1, coord.Row - 1); if (coord.Row == 0) { Hexagon leftHexa = GetHexagon(leftCoord); Hexagon topLeftHexa = GetHexagon(topLeftCoord); int colorIndex = ColorReferencer.Instance.GetRandomColorIndexExcepts(leftHexa.GetColorIndex(), topLeftHexa.GetColorIndex()); hexagon.SetColorIndex(colorIndex); hexagon.SetColor(ColorReferencer.Instance.GetColorByIndex(colorIndex)); } else { Hexagon leftHexa = GetHexagon(leftCoord); Hexagon lowerLeftHexa = GetHexagon(lowerLeftCoord); int colorIndex = ColorReferencer.Instance.GetRandomColorIndexExcepts(leftHexa.GetColorIndex(), lowerLeftHexa.GetColorIndex()); hexagon.SetColorIndex(colorIndex); hexagon.SetColor(ColorReferencer.Instance.GetColorByIndex(colorIndex)); } }
public static void CalculateServiceRanges(HexTileMapManager manager) { //foreach (var market in allMarkets) //{ // var marketMember = market.GetComponentInParent<HexMember>(); // var myHexPosition = marketMember.PositionInTileMap; // var effectiveRange = HexTileMapManager // .GetPositionsWithinJumpDistance(myHexPosition, 2); // market.myServiceRange = effectiveRange.ToArray(); //} var allMarkets = manager.GetAllOfType <MarketBehavior>().ToList(); Debug.Log($"Initializing {allMarkets.Count} markets"); var marketPositions = allMarkets .Select(x => x.GetComponentInParent <HexMember>()) .Select(x => x.PositionInTileMap) .ToList(); var minimum = manager.tileMapMin; var minimumAxial = minimum.ToAxial(); var maximum = manager.tileMapMax; var voroniData = VoroniTilingMapper.SetupVoroniMap(marketPositions, minimum, maximum); for (var row = 0; row < voroniData.Length; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < voroniData[row].Length; col++) { var index = voroniData[row][col]; var coordinate = new OffsetCoordinate(col, row).ToAxial() + minimumAxial; allMarkets[index].myServiceRange.Add(coordinate.ToOffset()); } } }
public HexTile[] GetNeighborsInRange(int radius) { HashSet <HexTile> tiles = new HashSet <HexTile>(); for (int dx = -radius; dx <= radius; ++dx) { for (int dy = Mathf.Max(-radius, -dx - radius); dy <= Mathf.Min(radius, -dx + radius); ++dy) { int dz = -dx - dy; var center = new OffsetCoordinate(this.x, this.y); var offsetCube = new CubeCoordinate(dx, dy, dz); HexTile neighbor = HexTile.FindByOffset(center, HexUtils.CubeCoordToOffsetCoord(offsetCube, center.IsEven())); if (neighbor != null) { tiles.Add(neighbor); } } } HexTile[] results = new HexTile[tiles.Count]; tiles.CopyTo(results); return(results); }
public PairedGroup(OffsetCoordinate[] pairs, OffsetCoordinate other, int colorIndex) { Pairs = pairs; Other = other; ColorIndex = colorIndex; }
private static void PointyEvenToCube(ref OffsetCoordinate o, out HexCubeCoordinate c) { c.x = o.col - (o.row + (o.row & 1)) / 2; c.z = o.row; c.y = -c.x - c.z; }
private static void FlatOddToCube(ref OffsetCoordinate o, out HexCubeCoordinate c) { c.x = o.col; c.z = o.row - (o.col - (o.col & 1)) / 2; c.y = -c.x - c.z; }
private static void CubeToFlatEven(ref HexCubeCoordinate c, out OffsetCoordinate o) { o.row = c.x; o.col = c.z + (c.x + (c.x & 1)) / 2; }
public Hexagon GetHexagon(OffsetCoordinate coord) { return(_hexagons[coord.Column, coord.Row]); }
private static void CubeToPointyEven(ref HexCubeCoordinate c, out OffsetCoordinate o) { o.row = c.z; o.col = c.x + (c.z + (c.z & 1)) / 2; }
public static void CubeToOffset(ref HexCubeCoordinate c, HexCellOrientation orientation, out OffsetCoordinate o) { switch (orientation) { case HexCellOrientation.PointyOdd: CubeToPointyOdd(ref c, out o); break; case HexCellOrientation.PointyEven: CubeToPointyEven(ref c, out o); break; case HexCellOrientation.FlatOdd: CubeToFlatOdd(ref c, out o); break; case HexCellOrientation.FlatEven: CubeToFlatEven(ref c, out o); break; default: CubeToPointyOdd(ref c, out o); break; } }
public void GetOffsetCoordinates(HexCellOrientation orientation, out OffsetCoordinate o) { CubeToOffset(ref this, orientation, out o); }
public void SetHexagon(OffsetCoordinate coord, Hexagon hexagon) { _hexagons[coord.Column, coord.Row] = hexagon; }
public Vector3 CoordToWorld(OffsetCoordinate coord) { return(coord.ToPixel() - CenterOffset()); }