public async Task <ActionResult <Offices> > PostOffices(Offices offices) { _context.Offices.Add(offices); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetOffices", new { id = offices.Id }, offices)); }
public frmAddEditOffices(Offices oldValue, MethodType methodType) { InitializeComponent(); this.methodType = methodType; this.oldValue = oldValue; Details(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(uint id, [Bind("Id,Name,OfficeNumber,Budget")] Offices offices) { if (id != offices.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(offices); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!OfficesExists(offices.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(offices)); }
public List <SelectListItem> GetOfficeList(ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { var list = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(CRSConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "PleaseSelect"), Value = "", Selected = OfficeCode == null } }; var officeList = Offices.ToList(); list.AddRange(officeList .Select(office => new SelectListItem { Text = office.Name.ToString(), Value = office.Code.ToString(), Selected = office.Equals(OfficeCode) }) ); return(list); }
public ActionResult CreateOfficeProject(Offices office) { var listProjectType = proType.ListProjectTypes(); ViewBag.listProjectTypeDll = new SelectList(listProjectType, "Project_type_id", "Project_type_name"); var listPhaseTypes = phaseType.ListPhaseTypes(); ViewBag.listPhaseTypesDll = new SelectList(listPhaseTypes, "Phase_id", "Phase_name"); var listSpeedConnectionsTypes = speedType.ListSpeedConnectionTypes(); ViewBag.listSpeedConnectionsTypesDll = new SelectList(listSpeedConnectionsTypes, "Speed_connection_id", "Speed_connection_name"); var listOfficeScopes = offScop.ListOfficeScopes(); ViewBag.listOfficeScopesDll = new SelectList(listOfficeScopes, "Office_scope_id", "Office_scope_name"); if (office.Office_requestor_id != null) { //Changes the lab project null to 2=Laboratory office.Project_type = 1; try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } var officeToAdd = Mapper.Map <DATA.Offices>(office); off.AddOfficeProject(officeToAdd); int x = (Int32)Session["UserType"]; switch (x) { case 1: return(RedirectToAction("PmProjects", "User")); case 2: return(RedirectToAction("UserMyProjects", "User")); case 3: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Office")); case 4: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Office")); default: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } else { return(View()); } }
void Save() { try { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to submit this?", "Submit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return; } UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); offices = unitOfWork.OfficesRepo.Find(x => x.Id == offices.Id); offices.OffcAcr = txtOfficeAcr.Text; offices.OfficeName = txtOfficeName.Text; offices.TelNo = txtTelNo.Text; offices.Address = txtAddress.Text; offices.Chief = txtHeadChief.Text; offices.ChiefPosition = txtPosition.Text; offices.ResponsibilityCenter = txtResponsibilityCenter.Text; offices.ResponsibilityCenterCode = txtCode.Text; offices.InsideAddress = txtInsideAddress.ToHtml(); offices.IsDivision = chkDivision.Checked; offices.UnderOf = cboUnderOf.EditValue?.ToInt(); unitOfWork.Save(); this.isClosed = true; Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private Control GenerateReport(string stateCode, string countyCode, string congressionalDistrict, string stateSenateDistrict, string stateHouseDistrict, bool includeLocals, bool localsSeparated = false) { ReportUser = ReportUser.Public; DataManager.SetData(Offices.GetElectedReportData(stateCode, countyCode, congressionalDistrict, stateSenateDistrict, stateHouseDistrict, includeLocals)); (new USPresidentCategory()).Generate(this); (new USSenateCategory()).Generate(this, false, stateCode); (new USHouseCategory()).Generate(this, false, stateCode); (new USGovernorsCategory()).Generate(this, false, stateCode); (new StatewideCategory()).Generate(this, false, stateCode); (new StateSenateCategory()).Generate(this, false, stateCode); (new StateHouseCategory()).Generate(this, false, stateCode); (new CountyCategory()).Generate(this, false, stateCode, countyCode); if (includeLocals) { var reportContainer = ReportContainer; if (localsSeparated) { new HtmlDiv { InnerText = "Local Elected Officials" }.AddTo(ReportContainer, "category-title accordion-header elected-report-locals"); reportContainer = new HtmlDiv().AddTo(ReportContainer, "category-content accordion-content elected-report-locals elected-report-locals-content"); } new AllLocalsCategory().GenerateAll(this, stateCode, countyCode, reportContainer); } return(ReportContainer.AddCssClasses("elected-report")); }
// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global // ReSharper disable MemberCanBeProtected.Global // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global // ReSharper disable UnusedMethodReturnValue.Global // ReSharper disable UnusedAutoPropertyAccessor.Global // ReSharper disable UnassignedField.Global #endregion ReSharper disable public static void GetReport(Control container, string stateCode) { // We get a dictionary of office counts by county // Key: countyCode; Value: count of offices // Counties with no offices will not be in the dictionary var countCountyOfficesDictionary = Offices.CountCountyOfficesByCounty(stateCode); if (countCountyOfficesDictionary.Count == 0) { return; } new HtmlDiv { InnerText = "County Elected Representatives" }.AddTo(container, "accordion-header"); var content = new HtmlDiv().AddTo(container, "local-anchors accordion-content"); // For reporting we start with all counties for the state (it will be in // order by county name). Then we select only those in the offices dictionary. var reorderedCounties = CountyCache.GetCountiesByState(stateCode) .Where(countCountyOfficesDictionary.ContainsKey) .ToList(); foreach (var iteratedCountyCode in reorderedCounties) { var countyName = CountyCache.GetCountyName(stateCode, iteratedCountyCode); CreatePublicOfficalsAnchor(countyName, stateCode, iteratedCountyCode) .AddTo(content, "local-anchor"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("OfficeId,OfficeName,OfficeNotes,OfficeHousesId,OfficeIsStore")] Offices offices, bool OfficeIsStore, string filter = "", int page = 1, string sortExpression = "OfficeId") { ViewBag.Filter = filter; ViewBag.Page = page; ViewBag.SortExpression = sortExpression; offices.OfficeIsStore = OfficeIsStore ? 1 : 0; ModelState.Clear(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(offices); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index), new { filter = filter, page = page, sortExpression = sortExpression })); } ViewData["OfficeRegionId"] = new SelectList(_context.Region, "RegionId", "RegionName"); ViewData["OfficeHousesId"] = new SelectList(_context.Houses, "HouseId", "HouseName"); return(View(offices)); }
private void CreateOfficeTitle(Control categoryContent, Control officeContent, IList <DataRow> politicians, string officeTitle) { var officeHeading = officeTitle; var officeInfo = politicians[0]; switch (officeInfo.ElectionType()) { case Elections.ElectionTypeUSPresidentialPrimary: case Elections.ElectionTypeStatePresidentialPrimary: case Elections.ElectionTypeStatePrimary: officeHeading += " " + Parties.GetNationalPartyDescription(officeInfo.NationalPartyCode()); break; } var titleDiv = new HtmlDiv().AddTo(categoryContent, "office-title accordion-header"); new HtmlSpan { InnerText = officeHeading }.AddTo(titleDiv); new HtmlSpan { //InnerText = $" {Offices.GetVoteForNoMoreThanWording(officeInfo.ElectionPositions())}" InnerText = $" {Offices.GetVoteForNoMoreThanWording(GetElectionPositions(officeInfo))}" }.AddTo(titleDiv, "vote-for"); CreateMasterOfficeLinks(officeContent, officeInfo, politicians.Count(p => p.IsWinner())); }
// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global // ReSharper disable MemberCanBeProtected.Global // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global // ReSharper disable UnusedMethodReturnValue.Global // ReSharper disable UnusedAutoPropertyAccessor.Global // ReSharper disable UnassignedField.Global #endregion ReSharper disable public static void GetReport(Control container, string stateCode, string countyCode) { // Get a dictionary of all locals with offices defined // Key: localCode; Value: localDistrictName var localNamesWithOfficesDictionary = Offices.GetLocalNamesWithOffices(stateCode, countyCode); if (localNamesWithOfficesDictionary.Count == 0) { return; } // For reporting, we sort the dictionary by name var sortedListOflocalNamesWithOffices = localNamesWithOfficesDictionary .OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value) .Select(kvp => kvp.Key) .ToList(); new HtmlDiv { InnerText = "Local District Elected Representatives" }.AddTo(container, "accordion-header"); var content = new HtmlDiv().AddTo(container, "local-anchors accordion-content"); foreach (var iteratedLocalCode in sortedListOflocalNamesWithOffices) { var localName = localNamesWithOfficesDictionary[iteratedLocalCode]; CreatePublicOfficalsAnchor(localName, stateCode, countyCode, iteratedLocalCode) .AddTo(content, "local-anchor"); } }
//private int PopulateWinnersTreeOld(DataTable table, Control parent, // bool isPrimary) //{ // var officeCount = 0; // parent.Controls.Clear(); // var tree = new HtmlUl().AddTo(parent); // var rootText = isPrimary // ? "Cannot update incumbents for primary election" // : "Check to update incumbents in addition to recording winners"; // var rootData = isPrimary // ? "addClass:'root-node no-checkbox',hideCheckbox:true,unselectable:true" // : "addClass:'root-node'"; // var rootNode = // new HtmlLi // { // InnerHtml = rootText // }.AddTo(tree); // rootNode.Attributes.Add("data", rootData); // var rootTree = new HtmlUl().AddTo(rootNode); // var officeClasses = table.Rows.Cast<DataRow>() // .GroupBy(row => row.OfficeClass()); // foreach (var officeClass in officeClasses) // { // var offices = officeClass.GroupBy(row => row.OfficeKey()) // .ToList(); // officeCount += offices.Count; // if (offices.Count == 1) // PopulateWinnersTree_CreateNodeOld(rootTree, offices[0], false, false); // else // { // // If all OfficeLine1's are identical, don't show them // var hasVariedLine1 = offices.Exists(row => row.First() // .OfficeLine1() != offices[0].First() // .OfficeLine1()); // var text = Offices.GetOfficeClassShortDescription(officeClass.Key, // StateCode); // var classNode = // new HtmlLi { InnerHtml = text }.AddTo(rootTree); // classNode.Attributes.Add("data", // "addClass:'office-class office-class-" + officeClass.Key + // "',key:'office-class-" + officeClass.Key + "'"); // var classSubTree = new HtmlUl().AddTo(classNode); // foreach (var office in offices) // PopulateWinnersTree_CreateNodeOld(classSubTree, office, !hasVariedLine1, isPrimary); // } // } // return officeCount; //} //private void PopulateWinnersTree_CreateNodeOld(Control parent, // IEnumerable<DataRow> office, bool useLine2Only = false, // bool isPrimary = false) //{ // var officeRows = office.ToList(); // var officeInfo = officeRows[0]; // var officeState = Offices.GetStateCodeFromKey(officeInfo.OfficeKey()); // var electionState = Elections.GetStateCodeFromKey(GetElectionKey()); // var canUpdateIncumbents = StateCache.IsValidStateCode(officeState) && // StateCache.IsValidStateCode(electionState) && !isPrimary; // var winners = officeRows.Where(row => row.IsWinner()) // .ToList(); // var candidates = officeRows.Where(row => !row.IsIncumbentRow()) // .ToList(); // var incumbents = officeRows.Where(row => row.IsIncumbentRow()) // .ToList(); // // We begin by creating a dropdown for each already-identified winner, // // with the default selection as the winner. // var dropdownContents = // winners.Select( // winner => // new // { // DefaultPolitician = winner.PoliticianKey(), // List = new List<DataRow>(candidates) // }) // .ToList(); // if (dropdownContents.Count < officeInfo.Incumbents()) // // We need additional dropdowns // // If this is a single incumbent office, we add incumbent as // // default selection only if a candidate // if (officeInfo.Incumbents() == 1) // dropdownContents.AddRange(incumbents.Where( // incumbent => // candidates.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.PoliticianKey() // .IsEqIgnoreCase(incumbent.PoliticianKey())) != null) // .Select( // incumbent => // new // { // DefaultPolitician = incumbent.PoliticianKey(), // List = new List<DataRow>(candidates) // })); // else // // There are multiple incumbent slots // if (winners.Count > 0) // // There were winners, but not enough to fill all slots. // // We add any incumbents NOT in the election as defaults, along // // with all candidates // dropdownContents.AddRange(incumbents.Where( // incumbent => // candidates.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.PoliticianKey() // .IsEqIgnoreCase(incumbent.PoliticianKey())) == null) // .Select( // incumbent => // new // { // DefaultPolitician = incumbent.PoliticianKey(), // List = // new List<DataRow>( // candidates.Union(new List<DataRow> { incumbent })) // })); // else // // No winners were identified. Add all incumbents as defaults, // // whether in the election or not. The Where on candidates is to // // prevent a duplicate entry when the incumbent is in the election // dropdownContents.AddRange( // incumbents.Select( // incumbent => // new // { // DefaultPolitician = incumbent.PoliticianKey(), // List = // new List<DataRow>(candidates.Where( // candidate => candidate.PoliticianKey() // .IsNeIgnoreCase(incumbent.PoliticianKey())) // .Union(new List<DataRow> { incumbent })) // })); // // If there are still office slots to fill, fill them out with undefaulted // // candidate lists. // while (dropdownContents.Count < officeInfo.Incumbents()) // dropdownContents.Add( // new // { // DefaultPolitician = String.Empty, // List = new List<DataRow>(candidates) // }); // // Now create the node // // Format he office description // var text = useLine2Only // ? officeInfo.OfficeLine2() // : Offices.FormatOfficeName(officeInfo); // // Include the incumbent slot count if > 1 // if (officeInfo.Incumbents() > 1) // text = String.Format("{0} [{1}]", text, officeInfo.Incumbents()); // var data = "key:'" + officeInfo.OfficeKey(); // if (canUpdateIncumbents) // data += "',addClass:'office-name'"; // else // data += // "',addClass:'office-name no-checkbox',hideCheckbox:true,unselectable:true"; // var officeNode = new HtmlLi().AddTo(parent); // officeNode.Attributes.Add("data", data); // new HtmlDiv { InnerHtml = text }.AddTo(officeNode, "label"); // var dropdownDiv = new HtmlDiv().AddTo(officeNode, // "dropdowns idwinners-" + officeInfo.OfficeKey()); // // Create the dropdowns // foreach (var dropdownContent in dropdownContents) // { // var dropdownList = // new HtmlSelect { EnableViewState = false }.AddTo(dropdownDiv); // // The first option in each dropdown is a disabled header // var dropDownMessage = officeInfo.Incumbents() == 1 // ? "Select winner or Vacant" // : "Select winner, incumbent or Vacant"; // var option = dropdownList.AddItem(dropDownMessage, String.Empty, // dropdownContent.DefaultPolitician == String.Empty); // option.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); // // Add an option for each politician // foreach ( // var politician in dropdownContent.List.OrderBy(row => row.LastName()) // .ThenBy(row => row.FirstName())) // { // var name = Politicians.FormatName(politician); // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(politician.PartyCode())) // name += " (" + politician.PartyCode() + ")"; // var indicators = String.Empty; // // Add winner indicator // if (winners.FirstOrDefault(winner => winner.PoliticianKey() // .IsEqIgnoreCase(politician.PoliticianKey())) != null) // indicators += "◄"; // // Add incumbent indicator // if (incumbents.FirstOrDefault(incumbent => incumbent.PoliticianKey() // .IsEqIgnoreCase(politician.PoliticianKey())) != null) // if (candidates.FirstOrDefault(candidate => candidate.PoliticianKey() // .IsEqIgnoreCase(politician.PoliticianKey())) != null) // indicators += "■"; // else // indicators += "□"; // if (indicators != String.Empty) // name += " " + indicators; // dropdownList.AddItem(name, politician.PoliticianKey(), // dropdownContent.DefaultPolitician == politician.PoliticianKey()); // } // // Add a "Vacant" option // dropdownList.AddItem("Vacant", "vacant"); // } //} private int PopulateWinnersTree(DataTable table, Control parent) { var officeCount = 0; parent.Controls.Clear(); var tree = new HtmlUl().AddTo(parent); const string rootText = "Check to update incumbents in addition to recording winners"; const string rootData = "addClass:'root-node'"; var rootNode = new HtmlLi { InnerHtml = rootText }.AddTo(tree); rootNode.Attributes.Add("data", rootData); var rootTree = new HtmlUl().AddTo(rootNode); var officeClasses = table.Rows.Cast <DataRow>() .GroupBy(row => row.OfficeClass()); var even = false; foreach (var officeClass in officeClasses) { var offices = officeClass.GroupBy(row => row.OfficeKey()) .ToList(); officeCount += offices.Count; if (offices.Count == 1) { PopulateWinnersTree_CreateNode(rootTree, offices[0], /*even ? "even" :*/ "odd"); even = !even; } else { // If all OfficeLine1's are identical, don't show them var hasVariedLine1 = offices.Exists(row => row.First() .OfficeLine1() != offices[0].First() .OfficeLine1()); var text = Offices.GetOfficeClassShortDescription(officeClass.Key, StateCode); var classNode = new HtmlLi { InnerHtml = text }.AddTo(rootTree); classNode.Attributes.Add("data", "addClass:'office-class office-class-" + officeClass.Key + "',key:'office-class-" + officeClass.Key + "'"); var classSubTree = new HtmlUl().AddTo(classNode); foreach (var office in offices) { PopulateWinnersTree_CreateNode(classSubTree, office, /*even ? "even" :*/ "odd", !hasVariedLine1); } even = !even; } } return(officeCount); }
public override void LoadControl() { OfficeCount = 0; var table = Elections.GetWinnersData(Page.GetElectionKey()); var incumbentsToEliminate = ElectionsOffices.GetOfficesWithCandidatesToEliminate(Page.GetElectionKey()); if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { Page.IdentifyWinnersMessage.RemoveCssClass("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersInstructions.RemoveCssClass("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersControl.AddCssClasses("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersMessage.InnerHtml = "No offices were found for this election"; } else if (incumbentsToEliminate.Count > 0) { Page.IdentifyWinnersMessage.RemoveCssClass("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersInstructions.AddCssClasses("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersControl.AddCssClasses("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersMessage.InnerHtml = "<em>There are too many incumbents for the following offices:</em><br/><br/>" + Join("<br/>", incumbentsToEliminate.Select(g => Offices.FormatOfficeName(g.First()))) + "<br/><br/><em>Please use the </em>Adjust Incumbents<em> tab to remove the extra incumbents or use the </em>Add/Remove Offices<em> tab to remove the office contest.</em>"; } else { Page.IdentifyWinnersMessage.AddCssClasses("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersInstructions.RemoveCssClass("hidden"); Page.IdentifyWinnersControl.RemoveCssClass("hidden"); OfficeCount = Page.PopulateWinnersTree(table, Page.PlaceHolderIdentifyWinnersTree); } }
private void UpdateLockedClasses() { // Get all OfficesAllIdentified rows for the state and make a dictionary of // only the true values var dictionary = OfficesAllIdentified.GetDataByStateCode(StateCode) .Where(row => row.IsOfficesAllIdentified) .ToDictionary(row => row.OfficeLevel.ToOfficeClass(), row => null as object); // now get any items that don't match the dictionary var items = ControlMasterOnlyClassesToLock.Items.OfType <ListItem>() .Where( item => dictionary.ContainsKey(Offices.GetValidatedOfficeClass(item.Value)) != item.Selected); foreach (var item in items) { var officeClass = Offices.GetValidatedOfficeClass(item.Value); OfficesAllIdentified.UpdateIsOfficesAllIdentified(item.Selected, StateCode, officeClass.ToInt()); } FeedbackMasterOnly.AddInfo("The locked office classes were updated"); }
public MFCBotModel(MFCBotContext dbContext) { SectionOffices = dbContext.SectionOffice.ToList(); Offices = dbContext.Office.Where(x => (x.IsActive != null && x.TerritoryID != null && (bool)x.IsActive) || x.Name == "Ярмарка").ToList(); var supportedOffices = SectionOffices.Select(y => y.OfficeID); Offices = Offices.Where(x => supportedOffices.Contains(x.OfficeID)).ToList(); //Services = dbContext.Service.DistinctBy(x => x.DisplayName).OrderByDescending(x => x.Priority).ToList(); // исключил услуги за ненадобностью. Оставил в коде на всякий случай //foreach (var item in Services) //{ // item.DisplayName = item.DisplayName.Replace("\r", ""); // item.DisplayName = item.DisplayName.Replace("\n", ""); // item.DisplayName = item.DisplayName.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""); //} AllSections = dbContext.Section.Where(x => x.IsActive).OrderByDescending(x => x.Rating).ToList(); foreach (var item in Sections) { item.Name = item.Name.Replace("\r", ""); item.Name = item.Name.Replace("\n", ""); item.Name = item.Name.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""); } Texts = dbContext.BotText.ToList(); Jokes = dbContext.BotJoke.ToList(); WindowsOffices = dbContext.WindowsOffice.ToList(); }
protected void CheckBoxListOfficeClassAllIdentified_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Get all OfficesAllIdentified rows for the jurisdiction and make a // dictionary of only the true values var dictionary = OfficesAllIdentified.GetDataByStateCode(StateCode, CountyCode, LocalCode) .Where(row => row.IsOfficesAllIdentified) .ToDictionary(row => row.OfficeLevel.ToOfficeClass(), row => null as object); // now get any items that don't match the dictionary var items = CheckBoxListOfficeClassAllIdentified.Items.OfType <ListItem>() .Where( item => dictionary.ContainsKey(Offices.GetValidatedOfficeClass(item.Value)) != item.Selected); // should only be one item, but we'll loop just in case... Msg.Text = string.Empty; var regenerateReport = GetSelectedOfficeClass() == OfficeClass.All; foreach (var item in items) { var officeClass = Offices.GetValidatedOfficeClass(item.Value); if (OfficesAllIdentified.StateCodeOfficeLevelCountyCodeLocalCodeExists( StateCode, officeClass.ToInt(), CountyCode, LocalCode)) { OfficesAllIdentified.UpdateIsOfficesAllIdentified(item.Selected, StateCode, officeClass.ToInt(), CountyCode, LocalCode); } else if (item.Selected) { OfficesAllIdentified.Insert(StateCode, CountyCode, LocalCode, officeClass.ToInt(), true); } var officeDesc = GetOfficeClassDescription(officeClass, true); Msg.Text += item.Selected ? Ok(officeDesc + " was changed to PROHIBIT the addition of offices.") : Ok(officeDesc + " was changed to ALLOW the addition of offices."); if (officeClass == GetSelectedOfficeClass()) { regenerateReport = true; } } if (regenerateReport) { GenerateReport(); UpdatePanel.Update(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Msg.Text = Fail(ex.Message); LogException("CheckBoxListOfficeClassAllIdentified_SelectedIndexChanged", ex); } }
public frmAddEditOffice(Offices offices, MethodType methodType) { InitializeComponent(); this.methodType = methodType; this.offices = offices; Init(); }
private string GetOfficeClassDescription(OfficeClass officeClass, bool shortDesc = false) => (shortDesc ? Offices.GetShortLocalizedOfficeClassDescription(officeClass, StateCode, CountyCode, LocalKey) : Offices.GetLocalizedOfficeClassDescription(officeClass, StateCode, CountyCode, LocalKey)) + " Politicians";
public static string FindLocalKey() { var stateCode = FindStateCode(); if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stateCode)) { return(Empty); } var localKey = QueryLocal; if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localKey)) { if (IsMasterUser || IsAdminUser) { localKey = UserLocalKey; if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localKey)) { localKey = Elections.GetLocalKeyFromKey(QueryElection); } if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localKey)) { localKey = Offices.GetLocalKeyFromKey(QueryOffice); } } } return(!IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localKey) && LocalDistricts.IsValidKey(stateCode, localKey) ? localKey : Empty); }
private void LoadLocalLinks() { var stateCode = ViewState["StateCode"].ToString(); var countyCode = ViewState["CountyCode"].ToString(); TableLocalLinks.Visible = true; Label_County.Text = Offices.GetElectoralClassDescription(stateCode, countyCode) + " LOCAL DISTRICTS, TOWNS and CITIES (" + countyCode + ")"; LabelLocalDistricts.Text = LocalLinks.GetDefaultLocalLinks(stateCode, countyCode, true, true).RenderToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LabelLocalDistricts.Text)) { LabelLocalDistricts.Text = "No Local Districts, Towns or Cities have been identified for " + Offices.GetElectoralClassDescription(stateCode, countyCode); LabelLocalDesc.Text = string.Empty; } else { LabelLocalDesc.Text = "Use the links above to EDIT information for any of these local districts," + " towns or cities in this county." + " Use the link below to ADD local districts, towns and cities to this county."; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("OfficeId,OfficeName,OfficeAddress1,OfficeAddress2,OfficeCity,OfficeState,CountryId,OfficePostalCode,OfficePhoneNumber,OfficeFaxNumber")] Offices offices) { if (id != offices.OfficeId) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(offices); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!OfficesExists(offices.OfficeId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["CountryId"] = new SelectList(_context.Countries, "CountryId", "CountryName", offices.CountryId); ViewBag.returnUrl = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString(); return(View(offices)); }
public static ElectoralClass Electoral_Class_Election(string electionKey) { switch (electionKey.Length) { case Elections.ElectionKeyLengthStateOrFederal: return(Electoral_Class( Offices.GetStateCodeFromKey(electionKey) , string.Empty , string.Empty )); case Elections.ElectionKeyLengthCounty: return(Electoral_Class( Offices.GetStateCodeFromKey(electionKey) , Elections.GetCountyCodeFromKey(electionKey) , string.Empty )); case Elections.ElectionKeyLengthLocal: return(Electoral_Class( Offices.GetStateCodeFromKey(electionKey) , Elections.GetCountyCodeFromKey(electionKey) , Elections.GetLocalCodeFromKey(electionKey) )); default: return(Electoral_Class( string.Empty , string.Empty , string.Empty )); } }
public ActionResult EditOfficeProject(Offices office) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } var updateOfficeProject = Mapper.Map <DATA.Offices>(office); off.UpdateOfficeProject(updateOfficeProject); int x = (Int32)Session["UserType"]; switch (x) { case 1: return(RedirectToAction("PmProjects", "User")); case 2: return(RedirectToAction("UserMyProjects", "User")); case 3: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Office")); case 4: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Office")); default: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } catch { return(View()); } }
private void HandleCompareCandidatesPage() { var officeKey = string.Empty; var electionKey = MemCache.IsValidElection(GetQueryParm("Election")) ? GetQueryParm("Election") : FixElectionKeyFromQueryString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(electionKey)) { if (Offices.IsInElection(GetQueryParm("Office"), electionKey)) { officeKey = GetQueryParm("Office"); } } var stateCode = Elections.GetStateCodeFromKey(electionKey); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(electionKey) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(officeKey)) { NormalizedUri = UrlManager.GetCompareCandidatesPageUri(stateCode, electionKey, officeKey); } else { ErrorMessage = "Cannot find this combination of State, Election and Office"; } }
private void BindBranchDropDownList() { Collection <Office> offices = Offices.GetOffices(); this.BranchDropDownList.DataSource = offices; this.BranchDropDownList.DataBind(); }
private void BindData() { drpQuarterCat.DataSource = Quarters.GetQuarterCategory(); drpQuarterCat.DataBind(); drpOffice.DataSource = Offices.GetAlloffices(); drpOffice.DataBind(); }
private void BindBranchDropDownList() { IEnumerable <DbGetOfficesResult> offices = Offices.GetOffices(AppUsers.GetCurrentUserDB()); this.branchSelect.DataSource = offices; this.branchSelect.DataBind(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Offices oficinas = new Offices(); using (oficinas) { oficinas.Name = txtNombre.Text; oficinas.Domicilio = txtDomicilio.Text; oficinas.Telefono = txtTelefono.Text; oficinas.Servidor = txtServidor.Text; oficinas.Connection = txtCone.Text; oficinas.Notas = txtNotas.Text; oficinas.Factura = txtFacturacion.Text; oficinas.Rfc = txtRfc.Text; oficinas.Interior = txtInterior.Text; oficinas.Exterior = txtExterior.Text; oficinas.Calle = txtCalle.Text; oficinas.Colonia = txtColonia.Text; oficinas.Cp = txtCp.Text; oficinas.Municipio = txtMunicipio.Text; oficinas.Estado = txtEstado.Text; if (id != 0) { oficinas.Id = id; oficinas.SaveOffice(); } else { oficinas.CreateOffice(); } } this.Close(); }
public IActionResult AddOffice([FromBody] OfficeObj OfficeData) { try { UserProfile UP =, db); if (UP.UserId <= 0) { return(StatusCode(401, "الرجاء الـتأكد من أنك قمت بتسجيل الدخول")); } if (UP.ProfileId <= 0) { return(StatusCode(401, "الرجاء تفعيل ضبط الملف الانتخابي التشغيلي")); } Offices offices = new Offices(); offices.ArabicName = OfficeData.ArabicName; offices.EnglishName = OfficeData.EnglishName; offices.Description = OfficeData.Description; offices.ProfileId = UP.ProfileId; offices.CreatedBy = UP.UserId; offices.Status = 1; offices.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; db.Offices.Add(offices); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(" تم اضافة المكتب بنـجاح")); } catch (Exception e) { return(StatusCode(500, e.Message)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutOffices(long id, Offices offices) { if (id != offices.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(offices).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!OfficesExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }