public void ResetFilter(bool applyToOutgoing = true) { log.Trace($"Resetting filter {(applyToOutgoing ? "Outgoing" : "Incoming")} offers"); if (applyToOutgoing) { if (_outgoingOffers != null) { OutgoingOffers.Clear(); foreach (var offer in _outgoingOffers) { OutgoingOffers.Add(offer); } } } else { if (_offers != null) { Offers.Clear(); foreach (var offer in _offers) { Offers.Add(offer); } } } }
public Station(XElement station) : base(station) { this._orders = new ObservableCollection <XElement>(); this._offers = new ObservableCollection <XElement>(); this._crew = new ObservableCollection <CMember>(); IEnumerable <XElement> crewquery = from crew in this.Data.Descendants().Elements("component") where (string)crew.Attribute("class") == "npc" select crew; foreach (XElement person in crewquery) { Crew.Add(new CMember(person)); } foreach (XElement order in this.Data.Elements("trade").Elements("orders").Elements("trade")) { Orders.Add(order); } foreach (XElement offer in this.Data.Elements("trade").Elements("offers").Descendants <XElement>().Elements("trade")) { Offers.Add(offer); } }
public async Task Load() { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { URLBuilder url = new URLBuilder(_filter, controler); url.URL += "&ShowMyOffers=false"; var request = new HttpRequestMessage() { RequestUri = new Uri(url.URL), Method = HttpMethod.Get }; request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:{1}", _authenticationUser.UserId.ToString(), _authenticationUser.Password)))); var response = await client.SendAsync(request); var contents = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); List <SellOfferDto> result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SellOfferDto> >(contents); Offers.Clear(); foreach (SellOfferDto bo in result) { SellOfferWrapper boffer = bo.createSellOffer(); Offers.Add(boffer); } } }
async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand(int?categoryId = null) { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { Offers.Clear(); var items = await DataStore.GetItemsAsync(true, categoryId); foreach (var item in items) { Offers.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Apply an offer to this calculation /// </summary> /// <param name="offer">The offer</param> /// <param name="value">The total value that this offer has changed the basket</param> public void AddOffer(Offer offer, decimal value) { var appliedOffer = new AppliedOffer(); appliedOffer.Description = offer.Description; appliedOffer.PriceDelta = value; Offers.Add(appliedOffer); }
public void AddOffer(Offer offer) { if (offer.IsNull()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(offer)); } Offers.Add(offer); }
//public RawMaterialOrder OrderMaterial(double quantity ,double price) //{ // //New Order Material // RawMaterialOrder newOrder = new RawMaterialOrder(quantity, price); // return newOrder; //} //public ChocolateOrder OrderChocolate(List<Chocolate> chocolates, IChocoBuyers buyer) //{ // //New Order Chocolate // ChocolateOrder newOrder = new ChocolateOrder(chocolates, this, buyer); // return newOrder; //} public RawMaterialOffer CreateOffer() { //Create an Offer Random selector = new Random(); RawMaterialOffer newoffer = new RawMaterialOffer(selector.Next(2, 4), selector.Next(51, 300), this); Offers.Add(newoffer); return(newoffer); }
public CountryMarketOffersListViewModel(Entities.Entity entity, Entities.Country currentCountry, IList <MarketOfferModel> offers, IList <Entities.Country> countries, IList <int> allowedProductTypes, PagingParam pagingParam, int quality, int productID) { Info = new CountryInfoViewModel(currentCountry); var marketService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <IMarketService>(); foreach (var offer in offers) { Offers.Add(new MarketOfferViewModel(entity, offer, marketService)); } initSelf(currentCountry, countries, allowedProductTypes, pagingParam, quality, productID); }
private List <RawMaterialOffer> RequestOffers() { List <RawMaterialOffer> offers = new List <RawMaterialOffer>(); foreach (var supplier in Suppliers) { RawMaterialOffer newOffer = supplier.CreateOffer(); offers.Add(newOffer); Offers.Add(newOffer); } return(offers); }
private void RefillOffers(IEnumerable <Ticket.UserTicket> userTickets) { InvokeOnMainThread(() => Offers.Clear()); foreach (var userTicket in userTickets) { InvokeOnMainThread( () => Offers.Add(new TicketOfferViewModel(userTicket.BinaryId, userTicket.Id, TicketId, Ticket.UserServerId.Equals(ServiceBus.UserService.CurrentUser.ServerId)) { NotifyOfferDeleted = OfferDeleted })); } }
private void AppService_OnNewOffer(Core.Models.Offer offer) { log.Trace("New offer event"); var config = Config; if (config.OnlyShowOffersOfCurrentLeague && config.CurrentLeague != offer.League) { return; } if (!offer.IsOutgoing) { AudioService.Instance.PlayNotif1(); } App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { if (!offer.IsOutgoing) { if (Offers.Count >= 8) { OverflowOffers.Enqueue(new Offer(offer)); } else { Offers.Add(new Offer(offer)); } } else { if (OutgoingOffers.Count >= 8) { var buffer = OutgoingOffers.ToList(); OverflowOutgoingOffers.Enqueue(buffer.Last()); buffer.RemoveAt(buffer.Count - 1); OutgoingOffers.Clear(); buffer.ForEach(o => OutgoingOffers.Add(o)); OutgoingOffers.Add(new Offer(offer)); ReorderOutgoingOffers(); } else { OutgoingOffers.Add(new Offer(offer)); ReorderOutgoingOffers(); } } OnPropertyChanged("IsOffersFilterVisible"); OnPropertyChanged("IsOutgoingOffersFilterVisible"); }); }
public void ClearOffers() { log.Trace("Clearing offers"); AppService.Instance.FocusGame(); Offers.Clear(); while (OverflowOffers.Count > 0) { Offers.Add(OverflowOffers.Dequeue()); } OnPropertyChanged("IsOffersFilterVisible"); }
public void AddOffer(Offer o) { try { /*Graph.Instance.Cypher * .Match("(p:Product),(off:Offer)") * .Where((Product p) => p.Id == this.Id) * .AndWhere((Offer off) => off.Id == o.Id) * .Create("(p)-[:HAS_OFFER]->(off)") * .ExecuteWithoutResults();*/ Offers.Add(o); } catch { } }
public CompanyMarketOfferListViewModel(Entities.Company company, IQueryable <MarketOfferModel> marketOffers, PagingParam pagingParam, CompanyRights rights, IMarketService marketService) { Info = new CompanyInfoViewModel(company); CompanyRights = rights; PagingParam = pagingParam; if (marketOffers.Count() > 0) { var filteredOffers = marketOffers.OrderByDescending(mo => mo.OfferID).Apply(PagingParam).ToList(); foreach (var offer in filteredOffers) { Offers.Add(new MarketOfferViewModel(SessionHelper.CurrentEntity, offer, marketService, deleteable: true, showDetails: true)); } } }
public void FilterOffers(string searchText, bool applyToOutgoing = true) { log.Trace($"Filtering {(applyToOutgoing ? "Outgoing" : "Incoming")} offers with {searchText}"); searchText = searchText.ToLower().Trim(); ResetFilter(applyToOutgoing); if (applyToOutgoing) { var results = OutgoingOffers.ToList().FindAll(e => e.ItemName.ToLower().IndexOf(searchText) != -1 || e.PlayerName.ToLower().IndexOf(searchText) != -1); if (_outgoingOffers == null) { _outgoingOffers = new Offer[OutgoingOffers.Count]; } OutgoingOffers.CopyTo(_outgoingOffers, 0); OutgoingOffers.Clear(); foreach (var r in results) { OutgoingOffers.Add(r); } } else { var results = Offers.ToList().FindAll(e => e.ItemName.ToLower().IndexOf(searchText) != -1 || e.PlayerName.ToLower().IndexOf(searchText) != -1); if (_offers == null) { _offers = new Offer[Offers.Count]; } Offers.CopyTo(_offers, 0); Offers.Clear(); foreach (var r in results) { Offers.Add(r); } } }
public JobMarketOfferListViewModel(IList <JobOfferDOM> offers, int countryID, int workTypeID, int offerType, double minSkill, double maxSkill, double minSalary, double maxSalary, bool includeRegionInformation, PagingParam pagingParam) { PParam = pagingParam; CountryID = countryID; WorkTypeID = workTypeID; OfferType = offerType; MinSalary = minSalary; MaxSalary = maxSalary; MinSkill = minSkill; MaxSkill = maxSkill; var currency = Persistent.Countries.GetCountryCurrency(countryID); foreach (var offer in offers) { Offers.Add(new JobMarketOfferViewModel(offer, currency)); } IncludeRegionInformation = includeRegionInformation; IsCitizen = (SessionHelper.CurrentEntity.EntityID == SessionHelper.LoggedCitizen.ID); }
public void RemoveOffer(int id, bool isOutgoing = false) { log.Trace($"Removing offer {id}"); int index = isOutgoing ? OutgoingOffers.Select(e => e.Id) .ToList() .IndexOf(id) : Offers.Select(e => e.Id) .ToList() .IndexOf(id); if (index != -1) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { var refOffers = (isOutgoing ? OutgoingOffers : Offers); refOffers.RemoveAt(index); if (refOffers.Count < 8) { if (isOutgoing) { if (OverflowOutgoingOffers.Count > 0) { OutgoingOffers.Add(OverflowOutgoingOffers.Dequeue()); ReorderOutgoingOffers(); } } else { if (OverflowOffers.Count > 0) { Offers.Add(OverflowOffers.Dequeue()); } } } UpdateOffers(); AppService.Instance.FocusGame(); }); } }
protected CatalogPage(IReadOnlyPacket packet) { Id = packet.ReadInt(); Mode = packet.ReadString(); LayoutCode = packet.ReadString(); short n = packet.ReadLegacyShort(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Images.Add(packet.ReadString()); } n = packet.ReadLegacyShort(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Texts.Add(packet.ReadString()); } n = packet.ReadLegacyShort(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Offers.Add(CatalogOffer.Parse(packet)); } UnknownIntA = packet.ReadInt(); AcceptSeasonCurrencyAsCredits = packet.ReadBool(); if (packet.Available > 0) { n = packet.ReadLegacyShort(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Data.Add(CatalogPageData.Parse(packet)); } } }
private void UpdateOffers() { log.Trace("Updating offers"); Offer[] buffer = new Offer[Offers.Count]; Offers.CopyTo(buffer, 0); Offers.Clear(); foreach (var o in buffer) { Offers.Add(o); } Offer[] buffer2 = new Offer[OutgoingOffers.Count]; OutgoingOffers.CopyTo(buffer2, 0); OutgoingOffers.Clear(); foreach (var o in buffer2) { OutgoingOffers.Add(o); } OnPropertyChanged("IsOffersFilterVisible"); OnPropertyChanged("IsOutgoingOffersFilterVisible"); }
public override void ParseFromNetworkMessage(NetworkMessage message) { CategoryName = message.ReadString(); DisplayOfferId = message.ReadUInt32(); WindowType = message.ReadByte(); Collections.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var i = 0; i < Collections.Capacity; ++i) { Collections.Add(message.ReadString()); } if (Client.VersionNumber >= 11900000) { DisplaySubCategory = message.ReadString(); } Offers.Capacity = message.ReadUInt16(); for (var i = 0; i < Offers.Capacity; ++i) { var offer = new Offer { Name = message.ReadString(), IsFeatured = WindowType == 3 }; offer.Details.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var j = 0; j < offer.Details.Capacity; ++j) { var details = new OfferDetails { Id = message.ReadUInt32(), Amount = message.ReadUInt16(), Price = message.ReadUInt32() }; if (Client.VersionNumber >= 11900000) { details.IsConfirmedPrice = message.ReadBool(); } details.IsDisabled = message.ReadBool(); if (details.IsDisabled) { details.DisabledReasons.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var x = 0; x < details.DisabledReasons.Capacity; ++x) { var disabledReason = message.ReadString(); details.DisabledReasons.Add(disabledReason); } } details.HighlightState = message.ReadByte(); if (details.HighlightState == (int)StoreOfferHighlightState.Sale) { // This may actually be wrong, but since there aren't currently // any items on sale I can't confirm it. var saleValidUntilTimestamp = message.ReadUInt32(); var basePrice = message.ReadUInt32(); } offer.Details.Add(details); } offer.DisplayType = message.ReadByte(); if (offer.DisplayType == 0) // image (.png) { offer.DisplayImage = message.ReadString(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 1) // mount id { offer.DisplayMountId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 2) // outfit { offer.DisplayLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 3) // item id { offer.DisplayItemId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 4) // male/female outfit { offer.GenderToShow = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayFemaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.DisplayMaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } offer.TryType = message.ReadByte(); // 0 = disabled, 1 = mounts/outfits, 2 = hireling dresses offer.Collection = message.ReadString(); offer.PopularityScore = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.NewUntilTimestamp = message.ReadUInt32(); offer.NeedsUserConfigurationBeforeBuying = message.ReadBool(); offer.Products.Capacity = message.ReadUInt16(); for (var j = 0; j < offer.Products.Capacity; ++j) { var subOffer = new Offer { Name = message.ReadString(), DisplayType = message.ReadByte() }; if (subOffer.DisplayType == 0) // image (.png) { subOffer.DisplayImage = message.ReadString(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 1) // mount id { subOffer.DisplayMountId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 2) // outfit { subOffer.DisplayLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); subOffer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 3) // item sprite { subOffer.DisplayItemId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 4) // male/female outfit { subOffer.GenderToShow = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayFemaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); subOffer.DisplayMaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); subOffer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } offer.Products.Add(subOffer); } Offers.Add(offer); } if (CategoryName.Equals("Search", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { TooManySearchResults = message.ReadBool(); } if (WindowType == 3) // Home { Banners.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var i = 0; i < Banners.Capacity; ++i) { var banner = new Banner { Image = message.ReadString(), Type = message.ReadByte() }; if (banner.Type == 2) { banner.Category = message.ReadString(); banner.Collection = message.ReadString(); } else if (banner.Type == 4) { banner.OfferId = message.ReadUInt32(); } banner.Unknown = message.ReadUInt16(); // Always 0x0200 (512)? Banners.Add(banner); } BannerSwitchDelay = message.ReadByte(); } }
public void GetPage(int page, int min_price, int max_price, int order = 0) { string url = ""; if (page <= 1) { url = "" + min_price.ToString() + "-" + max_price.ToString(); } else { url = "" + page.ToString() + "&price=" + min_price.ToString() + "-" + max_price.ToString(); } if (order >= 1) { url += "&order=" + order.ToString(); } var data = GetURL(url); var json = JObject.Parse(data); var html = json["html"].ToString(); CQ cq = CQ.Create(html); var priceRequest = new PriceContainer(); var containers = priceRequest.containers; string cnt = json["data"]["itemsCount"].ToString(); cq["div .catalog-item"].Each(c => { var guid = c.GetAttribute("data-guid"); if (guid == "") { return; } var offer = new Offer(); offer.guid = guid; var product = c.Cq().Find(".n-catalog-product__main"); var product_info = product.Find(".product-info"); var price = product.Find(".product-min-price"); var link = product_info.Find(".ui-link"); var pics = product_info.Find("picture"); offer.Name = link.Text().Trim(); offer.URL = link[0].GetAttribute("href").Trim(); if (pics[0] != null) { offer.Image = pics[0][0].GetAttribute("data-srcset"); } offer.Rating = product_info.Find(".product-info__rating")[0].GetAttribute("data-rating").Trim(); offer.Character = product_info.Find(".product-info__title-description").Text().Trim(); offer.PriceId = price[0].GetAttribute("id"); containers.Add(new PriceRequest() { id = offer.PriceId, data = new GuidContainer() { id = offer.guid } }); GetCharacters(guid, offer); Thread.Sleep(1000); Offers.Add(offer); }); string jsonPriceRequest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(priceRequest); FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "data", jsonPriceRequest } }); data = PostURL("", content); json = JObject.Parse(data); foreach (var price in json["data"]["states"]) { var pid = price["id"].ToString(); var offer = Offers.Where(t => t.PriceId == pid).First(); offer.Price = int.Parse(price["data"]["current"].ToString()); if (offer.Price < 20000) { offer.Familly.Budget = Budget.small; } if (offer.Price >= 20000 && offer.Price < 35000) { offer.Familly.Budget = Budget.normal; } if (offer.Price >= 35000) { offer.Familly.Budget = Budget.big; } } if (page == 1) { ElementsOnPage = Offers.Count; } int cntElements = 0; int.TryParse(string.Join("", cnt.Where(c => char.IsDigit(c))), out cntElements); CntElements = cntElements; }
public void RegisterOffer(Offer offer) { Offers.Add(offer); }
public void AddOffer(int num, int price, int res1, int unlockinglevel) { Offers.Add(new OfferConfig(num, price, res1, unlockinglevel)); }