Пример #1
        public static MoveResult MoveToward(Vector3 pos, float stoppingRange = .25f, bool stopAtEnd = true, float maxSpeed = 3f, bool debug = false)
            if (pos == Vector3.Zero)
            var speed               = Speed(Self);
            var posDelta            = (pos - PlayerPosition);
            ObstructionFlags result = CheckObstruction(PlayerPosition, posDelta, debug);

            if (!IsWalkable(result))
                if (speed < .02f)
                    if (IsClimbable(result))
                        SetControlValue(0, Control.Jump, 1.0f);                         // Attempt to jump over a positive obstruction

            Vector3 delta = Vector3.Normalize(posDelta);             // Position(PlayerMatrix);
            float   right = Vector3.Dot(delta, Right(CameraMatrix));
            float   up = Vector3.Dot(delta, Forward(CameraMatrix));
            float   dX, dY;

            SetControlValue(1, Control.MoveLeftRight, dX = MoveActivation(right, deadZone: -0.9f));
            SetControlValue(1, Control.MoveUpDown, dY    = MoveActivation(-up, deadZone: -0.9f));
            var dist = DistanceToSelf(pos);

            if (debug)
                DrawLine(HeadPosition(Self), pos, Color.Orange);
                UI.DrawTextInWorld(pos, $"dX:{right:F2}->{dX:F2} dY:{up:F2}->{dY:F2} dist:{DistanceToSelf(pos):F2}");

            return(dist < stoppingRange ? MoveResult.Complete : MoveResult.Continue);
Пример #2
        public static ObstructionFlags CheckObstruction(Vector3 start, Vector3 heading, bool debug = false)
            ObstructionFlags ret = ObstructionFlags.None;

            if (IsRagdoll(Self))                // Call<bool>(IS_PED_RAGDOLL, Self) ) {
            heading = new Vector3(heading.X, heading.Y, 0f);
            IntersectOptions opts        = IntersectOptions.Map | IntersectOptions.Objects | IntersectOptions.Vehicles;
            float            capsuleSize = .12f;
            float            stepSize    = .25f;

            heading = Vector3.Normalize(heading) * .5f;
            Vector3 head = HeadPosition(Self) + (Up * 5 * stepSize);

            for (int i = 1; i <= (int)ObstructionFlags.Knee; i *= 2)             // do probes from top to bottom
                RaycastResult headRay = Raycast(head, head + heading, capsuleSize, opts, Self);
                if (headRay.DidHit)
                    if (debug)
                        DrawSphere(headRay.HitPosition, .01f, Color.Red);
                    ret |= (ObstructionFlags)i;
                head.Z -= stepSize;
            if (debug)
                string str = IsWalkable(ret) ? "Walkable" : IsClimbable(ret) ? "Climbable" : "Blocked";
                UI.DrawTextInWorld(HeadPosition(Self) + heading, $"{str}");
Пример #3
 public static bool IsWalkable(ObstructionFlags flags) => 0 == (flags &
                                                                (ObstructionFlags.Waist | ObstructionFlags.Stomach | ObstructionFlags.Chest | ObstructionFlags.Shoulder | ObstructionFlags.Head | ObstructionFlags.Knee));
Пример #4
 public static bool IsClimbable(ObstructionFlags flags) => (flags & ObstructionFlags.CannotClimb) == 0;