Пример #1
        internal static void readChat()
            while (runThread)
                if (ObjectManager.playerPtr != 0)
                    if (ClearChat)
                        ClearChat = false;
                        // clearing chat line by line
                        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i = i + 1)
                            BmWrapper.memory.WriteBytes(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), emptyMessage);

                    // reading all chat messages (60)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 60; i = i + 1)
                        // Is message empty?
                        if (BmWrapper.memory.ReadASCIIString(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), 1) != " ")
                            // split into type, channel, playername and the body
                            string[] tmpMsgSplitted = BmWrapper.memory.ReadASCIIString(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), 150).Trim().Split(',');
                            if (tmpMsgSplitted.Length == 4)
                                // make an object of the message
                                Objects.ChatMessage tmpChat = new Objects.ChatMessage();
                                tmpChat.Time = DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute;
                                tmpChat.Type = tmpMsgSplitted[0].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();
                                tmpChat.Channel = tmpMsgSplitted[1].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();
                                tmpChat.playerName = tmpMsgSplitted[2].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();
                                tmpChat.Text = tmpMsgSplitted[3].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();

                                // Notify on whisper (6) or say (0)
                                if (tmpChat.Type == "6" || tmpChat.Type == "0"
                                        || tmpChat.Text.ToLower().Contains(ObjectManager.playerName.ToLower()))
                                    // Let the gui timer now that it needs to make a noise
                                    if (doNotify)
                                        Notify = true;
                                // add the message object to the list of messages
                                // empty the memory where the cur message is stored so it dont get read again
                                BmWrapper.memory.WriteBytes(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), emptyMessage);
Пример #2
        internal static void readChat()
            while (runThread)
                if (ObjectManager.playerPtr != 0)
                    if (ClearChat)
                        ClearChat = false;
                        // clearing chat line by line
                        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i = i + 1)
                            BmWrapper.memory.WriteBytes(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), emptyMessage);

                    // reading all chat messages (60)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 60; i = i + 1)
                        // Is message empty?
                        if (BmWrapper.memory.ReadASCIIString(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), 1) != " ")
                            // split into type, channel, playername and the body
                            string[] tmpMsgSplitted = BmWrapper.memory.ReadASCIIString(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), 150).Trim().Split(',');
                            if (tmpMsgSplitted.Length == 4)
                                // make an object of the message
                                Objects.ChatMessage tmpChat = new Objects.ChatMessage();
                                tmpChat.Time       = DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute;
                                tmpChat.Type       = tmpMsgSplitted[0].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();
                                tmpChat.Channel    = tmpMsgSplitted[1].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();
                                tmpChat.playerName = tmpMsgSplitted[2].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();
                                tmpChat.Text       = tmpMsgSplitted[3].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' })[1].Trim();

                                // Notify on whisper (6) or say (0)
                                if (tmpChat.Type == "6" || tmpChat.Type == "0" ||
                                    // Let the gui timer now that it needs to make a noise
                                    if (doNotify)
                                        Notify = true;
                                // add the message object to the list of messages
                                // empty the memory where the cur message is stored so it dont get read again
                                BmWrapper.memory.WriteBytes(0xB50580 + (uint)(0x800 * i), emptyMessage);