public static void AsyncCopyObject(string sourceBucket, string sourceKey, string targetBucket, string targetKey) { try { var metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.AddHeader("mk1", "mv1"); metadata.AddHeader("mk2", "mv2"); var req = new CopyObjectRequest(sourceBucket, sourceKey, targetBucket, targetKey) { NewObjectMetadata = metadata }; client.BeginCopyObject(req, CopyObjectCallback, null); _event.WaitOne(); } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// sample for put object to oss /// </summary> public static void PutObject() { try { // 1. put object to specified output stream using (var fs = File.Open(fileToUpload, FileMode.Open)) { var metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.UserMetadata.Add("mykey1", "myval1"); metadata.UserMetadata.Add("mykey2", "myval2"); metadata.CacheControl = "No-Cache"; metadata.ContentType = "text/html"; metadata.ContentLength = fs.Length; client.PutObject(bucketName, key, fs, metadata); } // 2. put object to specified file //client.PutObject(bucketName, key, fileToUpload); // 3. put object from specified object with multi-level virtual directory //key = "folder/sub_folder/key0"; //client.PutObject(bucketName, key, fileToUpload); } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public static void ModifyObjectMeta(string bucketName) { const string key = "key1"; try { byte[] binaryData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("forked from aliyun/aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk "); var stream = new MemoryStream(binaryData); client.PutObject(bucketName, key, stream); var meta = new ObjectMetadata() { ContentType = "application/msword" }; client.ModifyObjectMeta(bucketName, key, meta); Console.WriteLine("Modify object meta succeeded"); } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public static void AsyncPutObject() { try { // 1. put object to specified output stream using (var fs = File.Open(fileToUpload, FileMode.Open)) { var metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.UserMetadata.Add("mykey1", "myval1"); metadata.UserMetadata.Add("mykey2", "myval2"); metadata.CacheControl = "No-Cache"; metadata.ContentType = "text/html"; client.BeginPutObject(bucketName, key, fs, metadata, PutObjectCallback, new string('a', 8)); _event.WaitOne(); } } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public void TestCreation() { const string DBPath = "test1.db"; if (File.Exists(DBPath)) File.Delete(DBPath); using (var provider = new QueryMetadataProvider()) { const string TestKey = "TestKey"; const string TestUrl = "a/test/url"; const string TestValue = "test value"; // Create database bool result = provider.Create(DBPath); Assert.True(result); // Add a key and retrieve it result = provider.AddKey(new MetadataKey(TestKey, MetadataKey.DatabaseType.String)); Assert.True(result); IEnumerable<MetadataKey> fetchedKeys = provider.FetchAllKeys(); Assert.NotNull(fetchedKeys); Assert.AreEqual(fetchedKeys.Count(), 1); MetadataKey key = fetchedKeys.First(); Assert.NotNull(key); Assert.AreEqual(key.Name, TestKey); Assert.AreEqual(key.Type, MetadataKey.DatabaseType.String); // Add a metadata and retrieve it var stringMetadata = new ObjectMetadata<string>(TestUrl, key, TestValue); result = provider.Write(stringMetadata); Assert.True(result); IEnumerable<string> fetchedUrls = provider.FetchAllObjectUrls(); Assert.NotNull(fetchedUrls); Assert.AreEqual(fetchedUrls.Count(), 1); string url = fetchedUrls.First(); Assert.AreEqual(url, TestUrl); IEnumerable<IObjectMetadata> metadata = provider.Fetch(url); Assert.NotNull(metadata); Assert.AreEqual(metadata.Count(), 1); IObjectMetadata metadatum = metadata.First(); Assert.AreEqual(metadatum.Key, key); Assert.AreEqual(metadatum.ObjectUrl, TestUrl); Assert.AreEqual(metadatum.Value, TestValue); provider.Close(); } }
public static void GetObject() { try { string eTag; using (Stream fs = File.Open(fileToUpload, FileMode.Open)) { // compute content's md5 eTag = ComputeContentMd5(fs); } // put object var metadata = new ObjectMetadata {ETag = eTag}; ossClient.PutObject(bucketName, key, fileToUpload, metadata); Console.WriteLine("PutObject done."); // verify etag var o = ossClient.GetObject(bucketName, key); using (var requestStream = o.Content) { int len = (int) o.Metadata.ContentLength; var buf = new byte[len]; requestStream.Read(buf, 0, len); var fs = File.Open(fileToDownload, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); fs.Write(buf, 0, len); //eTag = ComputeContentMd5(requestStream); //Assert.AreEqual(o.Metadata.ETag, eTag.ToUpper()); } Console.WriteLine("GetObject done."); } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public static void CopyObject() { try { var metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.AddHeader("mk1", "mv1"); metadata.AddHeader("mk2", "mv2"); var req = new CopyObjectRequest(sourceBucket, sourceKey, targetBucket, targetKey) { NewObjectMetadata = metadata }; var ret = client.CopyObject(req); Console.WriteLine("target key's etag: " + ret.ETag); } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
private static object ReadValue(Type inst_type, JsonReader reader) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { return(null); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Null) { if (!inst_type.IsClass) { throw new JsonException($"Can't assign null to an instance of type {inst_type}"); } return(null); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Double || reader.Token == JsonToken.Int || reader.Token == JsonToken.Long || reader.Token == JsonToken.String || reader.Token == JsonToken.Boolean) { Type type = reader.Value.GetType(); if (inst_type.IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return(reader.Value); } if (custom_importers_table.ContainsKey(type) && custom_importers_table[type].ContainsKey(inst_type)) { ImporterFunc importerFunc = custom_importers_table[type][inst_type]; return(importerFunc(reader.Value)); } if (base_importers_table.ContainsKey(type) && base_importers_table[type].ContainsKey(inst_type)) { ImporterFunc importerFunc2 = base_importers_table[type][inst_type]; return(importerFunc2(reader.Value)); } if (inst_type.IsEnum) { return(Enum.ToObject(inst_type, reader.Value)); } MethodInfo convOp = GetConvOp(inst_type, type); if (convOp != null) { return(convOp.Invoke(null, new object[1] { reader.Value })); } throw new JsonException($"Can't assign value '{reader.Value}' (type {type}) to type {inst_type}"); } object obj = null; if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayStart) { AddArrayMetadata(inst_type); ArrayMetadata arrayMetadata = array_metadata[inst_type]; if (!arrayMetadata.IsArray && !arrayMetadata.IsList) { throw new JsonException($"Type {inst_type} can't act as an array"); } IList list; Type elementType; if (!arrayMetadata.IsArray) { list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); elementType = arrayMetadata.ElementType; } else { list = new ArrayList(); elementType = inst_type.GetElementType(); } while (true) { object obj2 = ReadValue(elementType, reader); if (obj2 == null && reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { break; } list.Add(obj2); } if (arrayMetadata.IsArray) { int count = list.Count; obj = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ((Array)obj).SetValue(list[i], i); } } else { obj = list; } } else if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectStart) { AddObjectMetadata(inst_type); ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = object_metadata[inst_type]; obj = Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); while (true) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectEnd) { break; } string text = (string)reader.Value; if (objectMetadata.Properties.ContainsKey(text)) { PropertyMetadata propertyMetadata = objectMetadata.Properties[text]; if (propertyMetadata.IsField) { ((FieldInfo)propertyMetadata.Info).SetValue(obj, ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader)); continue; } PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)propertyMetadata.Info; if (propertyInfo.CanWrite) { propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader), null); } else { ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader); } } else if (!objectMetadata.IsDictionary) { if (!reader.SkipNonMembers) { throw new JsonException($"The type {inst_type} doesn't have the property '{text}'"); } ReadSkip(reader); } else { ((IDictionary)obj).Add(text, ReadValue(objectMetadata.ElementType, reader)); } } } return(obj); }
public void ProvisionIndex(ObjectMetadata metadata) { _indexer.ProvisionIndex(metadata); }
public void BulkIndexObject(string objectFullName, ObjectMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<object[]> indexes) { lock (_bulkIndexLock) { _indexer.BulkUpsertIndexValues(objectFullName, metadata, indexes); } }
private static void AddObjectMetadata(Type type) { if (object_metadata.ContainsKey(type)) { return; } ObjectMetadata data = new ObjectMetadata(); if (type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IDictionary") != null) { data.IsDictionary = true; } data.Properties = new Dictionary <string, PropertyMetadata>(); foreach (PropertyInfo p_info in type.GetProperties()) { if (p_info.Name == "Item") { ParameterInfo[] parameters = p_info.GetIndexParameters(); if (parameters.Length != 1) { continue; } if (parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(string)) { data.ElementType = p_info.PropertyType; } continue; } PropertyMetadata p_data = new PropertyMetadata(); p_data.Info = p_info; p_data.Type = p_info.PropertyType; data.Properties.Add(p_info.Name, p_data); } foreach (FieldInfo f_info in type.GetFields()) { PropertyMetadata p_data = new PropertyMetadata(); p_data.Info = f_info; p_data.IsField = true; p_data.Type = f_info.FieldType; data.Properties.Add(f_info.Name, p_data); } lock (object_metadata_lock) { try { object_metadata.Add(type, data); } catch (ArgumentException) { return; } } }
public void WriteObjectMetadata(ObjectMetadata metadata) { _out.WriteLine(ObjectMetadataPrefix + BinaryHelper.ByteToHexString(SerializerHelper.Serialize<ObjectMetadata>(metadata))); }
internal static async Task HttpPutObject(RequestMetadata md) { string header = md.Http.Request.SourceIp + ":" + md.Http.Request.SourcePort + " "; ContainerClient client = _ContainerMgr.GetContainerClient(md.Params.UserGuid, md.Params.ContainerName); if (client == null) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unable to find container " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 404; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(5, 404, null, null), true)); return; } if (!client.Container.IsPublicWrite) { if (md.User == null || !(md.User.GUID.ToLower().Equals(md.Params.UserGuid.ToLower()))) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unauthorized unauthenticated write attempt to object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 401; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(3, 401, null, null), true)); return; } } if (md.Perm != null) { if (!md.Perm.WriteObject) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unauthorized write attempt to object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 401; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(3, 401, null, null), true)); return; } } if (!client.Exists(md.Params.ObjectKey)) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey + " does not exists"); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 404; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(5, 404, null, null), true)); return; } ErrorCode error; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(md.Params.Rename)) { #region Rename if (!_ObjectHandler.Rename(md, client, md.Params.ObjectKey, md.Params.Rename, out error)) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unable to rename object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey + " to " + md.Params.Rename + ": " + error.ToString()); int statusCode = 0; int id = 0; ContainerClient.HttpStatusFromErrorCode(error, out statusCode, out id); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = statusCode; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(id, statusCode, "Unable to rename.", error), true)); return; } else { md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 200; await md.Http.Response.Send(); return; } #endregion } else if (md.Params.Index != null) { #region Range-Write #region Verify-Transfer-Size if (md.Http.Request.ContentLength > _Settings.Server.MaxTransferSize || (md.Http.Request.Data != null && md.Http.Request.ContentLength > _Settings.Server.MaxTransferSize) ) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject transfer size too large (count requested: " + md.Params.Count + ")"); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 413; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(11, 413, null, null), true)); return; } #endregion #region Retrieve-Original-Data long originalContentLength = 0; Stream originalDataStream = null; byte[] originalData = null; string originalContentType = null; if (!_ObjectHandler.Read( md, client, md.Params.ObjectKey, Convert.ToInt32(md.Params.Index), Convert.ToInt32(md.Http.Request.ContentLength), out originalContentType, out originalContentLength, out originalDataStream, out error)) { if (error == ErrorCode.OutOfRange) { // continue, simply appending the data originalData = new byte[md.Http.Request.ContentLength]; for (int i = 0; i < originalData.Length; i++) { originalData[i] = 0x00; } } else { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unable to retrieve original data from object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey + ": " + error.ToString()); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 500; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(4, 500, "Unable to retrieve original data.", error), true)); return; } } else { if (originalContentLength > 0 && originalDataStream != null) { originalData = Common.StreamToBytes(originalDataStream); } } #endregion #region Perform-Update if (!_ObjectHandler.WriteRange(md, client, md.Params.ObjectKey, Convert.ToInt64(md.Params.Index), md.Http.Request.ContentLength, md.Http.Request.Data, out error)) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unable to write range to object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey + ": " + error.ToString()); int statusCode = 0; int id = 0; ContainerClient.HttpStatusFromErrorCode(error, out statusCode, out id); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = statusCode; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(id, statusCode, "Unable to write range to object.", error), true)); return; } else { md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 200; await md.Http.Response.Send(); return; } #endregion #endregion } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(md.Params.Tags)) { #region Tags #region Retrieve-Original-Object-Metadata ObjectMetadata originalMetadata = null; if (!client.ReadObjectMetadata(md.Params.ObjectKey, out originalMetadata)) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unable to read original metadata for tag rewrite for object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 404; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(5, 404, null, null), true)); return; } #endregion #region Update-Tags if (!client.WriteObjectTags(md.Params.ObjectKey, md.Params.Tags, out error)) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unable to write tags to object " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey + ": " + error.ToString()); int statusCode = 0; int id = 0; ContainerClient.HttpStatusFromErrorCode(error, out statusCode, out id); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = statusCode; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(id, statusCode, "Unable to write tags to object.", error), true)); return; } else { md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 200; await md.Http.Response.Send(); return; } #endregion #endregion } else if (md.Params.Keys) { #region Update-Keys Dictionary <string, string> keys = null; if (md.Http.Request.Data != null && md.Http.Request.ContentLength > 0) { byte[] reqData = Common.StreamToBytes(md.Http.Request.Data); try { keys = Common.DeserializeJson <Dictionary <string, string> >(reqData); } catch (Exception) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutContainer unable to deserialize request body"); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 400; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(9, 400, null, null), true)); return; } } if (!_ObjectHandler.WriteKeyValues(md, client, md.Params.ObjectKey, keys, out error)) { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject unable to write keys to " + md.Params.UserGuid + "/" + md.Params.ContainerName + "/" + md.Params.ObjectKey + ": " + error.ToString()); int statusCode = 0; int id = 0; ContainerClient.HttpStatusFromErrorCode(error, out statusCode, out id); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = statusCode; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(id, statusCode, "Unable to write keys.", error), true)); return; } else { md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 201; await md.Http.Response.Send(); return; } #endregion } else { _Logging.Warn(header + "HttpPutObject request query does not contain _index, _rename, or _tags"); md.Http.Response.StatusCode = 400; md.Http.Response.ContentType = "application.json"; await md.Http.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(2, 400, "Querystring must contain values for '_index', '_rename', or '_tags'.", null), true)); return; } }
public static OcsObjectMetadata Map(ObjectMetadata objectMetadata) => new OcsObjectMetadata(objectMetadata.hash, objectMetadata.last_modified, objectMetadata.bytes,, objectMetadata.content_type);
private static object ReadValue(Type inst_type, JsonReader reader) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { return(null); } Type underlying_type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(inst_type); Type value_type = underlying_type ?? inst_type; if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Null) { if (inst_type.IsClass || underlying_type != null) { return(null); } throw new JsonException(String.Format( "Can't assign null to an instance of type {0}", inst_type)); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Double || reader.Token == JsonToken.Int || reader.Token == JsonToken.Long || reader.Token == JsonToken.String || reader.Token == JsonToken.Boolean) { Type json_type = reader.Value.GetType(); if (value_type.IsAssignableFrom(json_type)) { return(reader.Value); } // If there's a custom importer that fits, use it if (custom_importers_table.ContainsKey(json_type) && custom_importers_table[json_type].ContainsKey( value_type)) { ImporterFunc importer = custom_importers_table[json_type][value_type]; return(importer(reader.Value)); } // Maybe there's a base importer that works if (base_importers_table.ContainsKey(json_type) && base_importers_table[json_type].ContainsKey( value_type)) { ImporterFunc importer = base_importers_table[json_type][value_type]; return(importer(reader.Value)); } // Maybe it's an enum if (value_type.IsEnum) { return(Enum.ToObject(value_type, reader.Value)); } // Try using an implicit conversion operator MethodInfo conv_op = GetConvOp(value_type, json_type); if (conv_op != null) { return(conv_op.Invoke(null, new object[] { reader.Value })); } // No luck throw new JsonException(String.Format( "Can't assign value '{0}' (type {1}) to type {2}", reader.Value, json_type, inst_type)); } object instance = null; if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayStart) { AddArrayMetadata(inst_type); ArrayMetadata t_data = array_metadata[inst_type]; if (!t_data.IsArray && !t_data.IsList) { throw new JsonException(String.Format( "Type {0} can't act as an array", inst_type)); } IList list; Type elem_type; if (!t_data.IsArray) { list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); elem_type = t_data.ElementType; } else { list = new ArrayList(); elem_type = inst_type.GetElementType(); } while (true) { object item = ReadValue(elem_type, reader); if (item == null && reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { break; } list.Add(item); } if (t_data.IsArray) { int n = list.Count; instance = Array.CreateInstance(elem_type, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ((Array)instance).SetValue(list[i], i); } } else { instance = list; } } else if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectStart) { AddObjectMetadata(value_type); ObjectMetadata t_data = object_metadata[value_type]; instance = Activator.CreateInstance(value_type); while (true) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectEnd) { break; } string property = (string)reader.Value; if (t_data.Properties.ContainsKey(property)) { PropertyMetadata prop_data = t_data.Properties[property]; if (prop_data.IsField) { ((FieldInfo)prop_data.Info).SetValue( instance, ReadValue(prop_data.Type, reader)); } else { PropertyInfo p_info = (PropertyInfo)prop_data.Info; if (p_info.CanWrite) { p_info.SetValue( instance, ReadValue(prop_data.Type, reader), null); } else { ReadValue(prop_data.Type, reader); } } } else { if (!t_data.IsDictionary) { if (!reader.SkipNonMembers) { throw new JsonException(String.Format( "The type {0} doesn't have the " + "property '{1}'", inst_type, property)); } else { ReadSkip(reader); continue; } } ((IDictionary)instance).Add( property, ReadValue( t_data.ElementType, reader)); } } } return(instance); }
/// <summary> /// Returns all of an object's metadata and its ACL in /// one call. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">the object's identifier.</param> /// <returns>the object's metadata</returns> public ObjectMetadata GetAllMetadata( Identifier id ) { HttpWebResponse resp = null; try { string resource = getResourcePath(context, id); Uri u = buildUrl(resource); HttpWebRequest con = createWebRequest(u); // Build headers Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); headers.Add("x-emc-uid", uid); if (utf8Enabled) headers.Add("x-emc-utf8", "true"); if (id is ObjectKey) { headers.Add("x-emc-pool", (id as ObjectKey).pool); } // Add date addDateHeader(headers); // Sign request signRequest(con, "HEAD", resource, headers); // Check response resp = (HttpWebResponse)con.GetResponse(); int statInt = (int)resp.StatusCode; if (statInt > 299) { handleError(resp); } // Parse return headers. Regular metadata is in x-emc-meta and // listable metadata is in x-emc-listable-meta MetadataList meta = new MetadataList(); readMetadata(meta, resp.Headers["x-emc-meta"], false); readMetadata(meta, resp.Headers["x-emc-listable-meta"], true); // Parse return headers. User grants are in x-emc-useracl and // group grants are in x-emc-groupacl Acl acl = new Acl(); readAcl(acl, resp.Headers["x-emc-useracl"], Grantee.GRANTEE_TYPE.USER); readAcl(acl, resp.Headers["x-emc-groupacl"], Grantee.GRANTEE_TYPE.GROUP); ObjectMetadata om = new ObjectMetadata(); om.ACL = acl; om.Metadata = meta; return om; } catch (UriFormatException e) { throw new EsuException("Invalid URL", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EsuException("Error connecting to server", e); } catch (WebException e) { if (e.Response != null) { handleError((HttpWebResponse)e.Response); } else { throw new EsuException("Error executing request: " + e.Message, e); } } finally { if (resp != null) { resp.Close(); } } return null; }
// Token: 0x06015702 RID: 87810 RVA: 0x0056F278 File Offset: 0x0056D478 private static object ReadValue(Type inst_type, JsonReader reader) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { return(null); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Null) { if (!inst_type.IsClass) { throw new JsonException(string.Format("Can't assign null to an instance of type {0}", inst_type)); } return(null); } else { if (reader.Token != JsonToken.Double && reader.Token != JsonToken.Int && reader.Token != JsonToken.Long && reader.Token != JsonToken.String && reader.Token != JsonToken.Boolean) { object obj = null; if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayStart) { JsonMapper.AddArrayMetadata(inst_type); ArrayMetadata arrayMetadata = JsonMapper.array_metadata[inst_type]; if (!arrayMetadata.IsArray && !arrayMetadata.IsList) { throw new JsonException(string.Format("Type {0} can't act as an array", inst_type)); } IList list; Type elementType; if (!arrayMetadata.IsArray) { list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); elementType = arrayMetadata.ElementType; } else { list = new ArrayList(); elementType = inst_type.GetElementType(); } for (;;) { object value = JsonMapper.ReadValue(elementType, reader); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { break; } list.Add(value); } if (arrayMetadata.IsArray) { int count = list.Count; obj = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ((Array)obj).SetValue(list[i], i); } } else { obj = list; } } else if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectStart) { JsonMapper.AddObjectMetadata(inst_type); ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = JsonMapper.object_metadata[inst_type]; obj = Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); string text; for (;;) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectEnd) { break; } text = (string)reader.Value; if (objectMetadata.Properties.ContainsKey(text)) { PropertyMetadata propertyMetadata = objectMetadata.Properties[text]; if (propertyMetadata.IsField) { ((FieldInfo)propertyMetadata.Info).SetValue(obj, JsonMapper.ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader)); } else { PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)propertyMetadata.Info; if (propertyInfo.CanWrite) { propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, JsonMapper.ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader), null); } else { JsonMapper.ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader); } } } else { if (!objectMetadata.IsDictionary) { goto Block_27; } ((IDictionary)obj).Add(text, JsonMapper.ReadValue(objectMetadata.ElementType, reader)); } } return(obj); Block_27: throw new JsonException(string.Format("The type {0} doesn't have the property '{1}'", inst_type, text)); } return(obj); } Type type = reader.Value.GetType(); if (inst_type.IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return(reader.Value); } if (JsonMapper.custom_importers_table.ContainsKey(type) && JsonMapper.custom_importers_table[type].ContainsKey(inst_type)) { ImporterFunc importerFunc = JsonMapper.custom_importers_table[type][inst_type]; return(importerFunc(reader.Value)); } if (JsonMapper.base_importers_table.ContainsKey(type) && JsonMapper.base_importers_table[type].ContainsKey(inst_type)) { ImporterFunc importerFunc2 = JsonMapper.base_importers_table[type][inst_type]; return(importerFunc2(reader.Value)); } if (inst_type.IsEnum) { return(Enum.ToObject(inst_type, reader.Value)); } MethodInfo convOp = JsonMapper.GetConvOp(inst_type, type); if (convOp != null) { return(convOp.Invoke(null, new object[] { reader.Value })); } throw new JsonException(string.Format("Can't assign value '{0}' (type {1}) to type {2}", reader.Value, type, inst_type)); } }
private ObjectMetadata[] generateObjectMetadataForTag(string tag, bool isAnimated) { // Encode these in a json string and send it to the server SimObj[] simObjects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SimObj)) as SimObj[]; HashSet <SimObj> visibleObjectIds = new HashSet <SimObj>(); foreach (SimObj so in VisibleSimObjs()) { visibleObjectIds.Add(so); } int numObj = simObjects.Length; List <ObjectMetadata> metadata = new List <ObjectMetadata>(); Dictionary <string, string> parentReceptacles = new Dictionary <string, string> (); for (int k = 0; k < numObj; k++) { ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata(); SimObj simObj = simObjects[k]; if (this.excludeObject(simObj)) { continue; } GameObject o = simObj.gameObject; =; meta.position = o.transform.position; meta.rotation = o.transform.eulerAngles; meta.objectType = Enum.GetName(typeof(SimObjType), simObj.Type); meta.receptacle = simObj.IsReceptacle; meta.openable = IsOpenable(simObj); if (meta.openable) { meta.isopen = IsOpen(simObj); } meta.pickupable = IsPickupable(simObj); if (meta.receptacle) { List <string> receptacleObjectIds = new List <string>(); foreach (SimObj cso in SimUtil.GetItemsFromReceptacle(simObj.Receptacle)) { receptacleObjectIds.Add(cso.UniqueID); parentReceptacles.Add(cso.UniqueID, simObj.UniqueID); } List <PivotSimObj> pivotSimObjs = new List <PivotSimObj>(); for (int i = 0; i < simObj.Receptacle.Pivots.Length; i++) { Transform t = simObj.Receptacle.Pivots[i]; if (t.childCount > 0) { SimObj psimobj = t.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SimObj>(); PivotSimObj pso = new PivotSimObj(); pso.objectId = psimobj.UniqueID; pso.pivotId = i; pivotSimObjs.Add(pso); } } meta.pivotSimObjs = pivotSimObjs.ToArray(); meta.receptacleObjectIds = receptacleObjectIds.ToArray(); meta.receptacleCount = simObj.Receptacle.Pivots.Length; } meta.objectId = simObj.UniqueID; meta.visible = (visibleObjectIds.Contains(simObj)); meta.distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, o.transform.position); Bounds bounds = simObj.Bounds; meta.bounds3D = new [] { bounds.min.x, bounds.min.y, bounds.min.z, bounds.max.x, bounds.max.y, bounds.max.z, }; metadata.Add(meta); } foreach (ObjectMetadata meta in metadata) { if (parentReceptacles.ContainsKey(meta.objectId)) { meta.parentReceptacle = parentReceptacles [meta.objectId]; } } return(metadata.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve metadata for an object. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Object name.</param> /// <param name="metadata">Object metadata.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public abstract bool GetObjectMetadata(string name, out ObjectMetadata metadata);
/// <summary> /// 将指定的字符串内容上传为文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="bucket"></param> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="mimeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <OssResult <PutObjectResult> > PutObjectAsync(BucketInfo bucket, string key, string content, string mimeType = "text/plain", ObjectMetadata meta = null, IDictionary <string, string> extraHeaders = null) { var file = new RequestContent() { ContentType = RequestContentType.String, StringContent = content, MimeType = mimeType, Metadata = meta }; return(await PutObjectAsync(bucket, key, file, extraHeaders)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据指定的文件名上传文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="bucket"></param> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="filePathName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <OssResult <PutObjectResult> > PutObjectByFileNameAsync(BucketInfo bucket, string key, string filePathName, ObjectMetadata meta = null, IDictionary <string, string> extraHeaders = null) { using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filePathName)) { var file = new RequestContent() { ContentType = RequestContentType.Stream, StreamContent = stream, MimeType = MimeHelper.GetMime(filePathName), Metadata = meta }; return(await PutObjectAsync(bucket, key, file, extraHeaders)); } }
public void TestDelete() { const string DBPath = "test3.db"; if (File.Exists(DBPath)) File.Delete(DBPath); using (var provider = new QueryMetadataProvider()) { // Create database and fill it provider.Create(DBPath); foreach (MetadataKey key in keys) provider.AddKey(key); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { provider.Write(new ObjectMetadata(urls[0], keys[i], values1[i])); provider.Write(new ObjectMetadata(urls[1], keys[i], values2[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { bool result = provider.Delete(new ObjectMetadata(urls[0], keys[i], values1[i])); Assert.True(result); if (i != 3) { IObjectMetadata data = provider.Fetch(urls[1], keys[i]); result = provider.Delete(data); Assert.True(result); } } IEnumerable<IObjectMetadata> metadata = provider.FetchAll(); Assert.NotNull(metadata); Assert.AreEqual(metadata.Count(), 1); IObjectMetadata fetchedData = metadata.First(); Assert.NotNull(fetchedData); Assert.AreEqual(fetchedData.Key, keys[3]); Assert.AreEqual(fetchedData.Value, values2[3]); } using (var provider = new QueryMetadataProvider()) { provider.Open(DBPath, false); IObjectMetadata data = new ObjectMetadata(urls[1], keys[3]); bool result = provider.Delete(data); Assert.True(result); IEnumerable<IObjectMetadata> metadata = provider.FetchAll(); Assert.NotNull(metadata); Assert.AreEqual(metadata.Count(), 0); } }
public static PutObjectResult UploadObject(IOss ossClient, string bucketName, string objectKeyName, string originalFile, ObjectMetadata metadata) { //using (var fs = File.Open(originalFile, FileMode.Open)) //{ // return ossClient.PutObject(bucketName, objectKeyName, fs, metadata); //} return(ossClient.PutObject(bucketName, objectKeyName, originalFile, metadata)); }
public MethodBodyTransformation(ObjectMetadata currentComponent) { _this = currentComponent; }
public static void PutObjectWithMd5(string bucketName) { const string key = "PutObjectWithMd5"; string eTag; using (var fs = File.Open(fileToUpload, FileMode.Open)) { eTag = OssUtils.ComputeContentMd5(fs, fs.Length); } var meta = new ObjectMetadata() { ETag = eTag }; try { client.PutObject(bucketName, key, fileToUpload, meta); Console.WriteLine("Put object:{0} succeeded", key); } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public void MultipartUploadCallbackVarTest() { // Initiate a multipart upload var initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey); var initResult = _ossClient.InitiateMultipartUpload(initRequest); // Sets the part size as 1M const int partSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1; var partFile = new FileInfo(Config.MultiUploadTestFile); // Calculates the part count var partCount = OssTestUtils.CalculatePartCount(partFile.Length, partSize); // creates a list of PartETag var partETags = new List <PartETag>(); //upload the file using (var fs = new FileStream(partFile.FullName, FileMode.Open)) { for (var i = 0; i < partCount; i++) { // skip to the start of each part long skipBytes = partSize * i; fs.Position = skipBytes; // calculates the part size var size = partSize < partFile.Length - skipBytes ? partSize : partFile.Length - skipBytes; // uploads the part var uploadPartRequest = new UploadPartRequest(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey, initResult.UploadId) { InputStream = fs, PartSize = size, PartNumber = (i + 1) }; var uploadPartResult = _ossClient.UploadPart(uploadPartRequest); // adds the result to the list partETags.Add(uploadPartResult.PartETag); } } string callbackHeaderBuilder = new CallbackHeaderBuilder(_callbackUrl, _callbackBody).Build(); string CallbackVariableHeaderBuilder = new CallbackVariableHeaderBuilder(). AddCallbackVariable("x:var1", "x:value1").AddCallbackVariable("x:var2", "x:value2").Build(); var metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.AddHeader(HttpHeaders.Callback, callbackHeaderBuilder); metadata.AddHeader(HttpHeaders.CallbackVar, CallbackVariableHeaderBuilder); var completeRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey, initResult.UploadId); completeRequest.Metadata = metadata; foreach (var partETag in partETags) { completeRequest.PartETags.Add(partETag); } var completeMultipartUploadResult = _ossClient.CompleteMultipartUpload(completeRequest); Assert.IsTrue(completeMultipartUploadResult.IsSetResponseStream()); Assert.AreEqual(_callbackOkResponse, GetCallbackResponse(completeMultipartUploadResult)); Assert.AreEqual(completeMultipartUploadResult.HttpStatusCode, HttpStatusCode.OK); Assert.AreEqual(completeMultipartUploadResult.ContentLength, _callbackOkResponse.Length); Assert.AreEqual(completeMultipartUploadResult.RequestId.Length, "58DB0ACB686D42D5B4163D75".Length); Assert.AreEqual(completeMultipartUploadResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.ContentType], "application/json"); Assert.AreEqual(completeMultipartUploadResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.ETag], completeMultipartUploadResult.ETag); Assert.IsFalse(completeMultipartUploadResult.ResponseMetadata.ContainsKey(HttpHeaders.ContentMd5)); Assert.IsTrue(completeMultipartUploadResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.HashCrc64Ecma].Length > 0); Assert.IsTrue(completeMultipartUploadResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.ServerElapsedTime].Length > 0); Assert.AreEqual(completeMultipartUploadResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.Date].Length, "Wed, 29 Mar 2017 01:15:58 GMT".Length); //delete the object _ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey); }
private CreateSymlinkCommand(IServiceClient client, Uri endpoint, ExecutionContext context, string bucketName, string symlink, string target, ObjectMetadata metadata) : this(client, endpoint, context, bucketName, symlink, target) { _objectMetadata = metadata; }
public static void PutObjectWithHeader(string bucketName) { const string key = "PutObjectWithHeader"; try { using (var content = File.Open(fileToUpload, FileMode.Open)) { var metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.ContentLength = content.Length; metadata.UserMetadata.Add("github-account", "qiyuewuyi"); client.PutObject(bucketName, key, content, metadata); Console.WriteLine("Put object:{0} succeeded", key); } } catch (OssException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public void MultipartUploadCallbackUriInvalidNegativeTest() { // initiates a multipart upload var initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey); var initResult = _ossClient.InitiateMultipartUpload(initRequest); // set part size 1MB const int partSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1; var partFile = new FileInfo(Config.MultiUploadTestFile); // sets part count var partCount = OssTestUtils.CalculatePartCount(partFile.Length, partSize); var partETags = new List <PartETag>(); //upload the file using (var fs = new FileStream(partFile.FullName, FileMode.Open)) { for (var i = 0; i < partCount; i++) { // skip to start position of each part long skipBytes = partSize * i; fs.Position = skipBytes; // sets the part size var size = partSize < partFile.Length - skipBytes ? partSize : partFile.Length - skipBytes; // creates a UploadPartRequest, uploading parts var uploadPartRequest = new UploadPartRequest(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey, initResult.UploadId) { InputStream = fs, PartSize = size, PartNumber = (i + 1) }; var uploadPartResult = _ossClient.UploadPart(uploadPartRequest); // saves the result to the list partETags.Add(uploadPartResult.PartETag); } } var completeRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey, initResult.UploadId); foreach (var partETag in partETags) { completeRequest.PartETags.Add(partETag); } string callbackHeaderBuilder = new CallbackHeaderBuilder("", _callbackBody).Build(); var metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.AddHeader(HttpHeaders.Callback, callbackHeaderBuilder); completeRequest.Metadata = metadata; try { _ossClient.CompleteMultipartUpload(completeRequest); Assert.Fail("Multipart upload callback should be not successfully with invald callback uri"); } catch (OssException e) { Assert.AreEqual(OssErrorCode.CallbackFailed, e.ErrorCode); Assert.AreEqual("Error status : 502.", e.Message); } finally { _ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, _bigObjectKey); } }
public override void ExecuteCommand(CancellationToken token) { var options = new MockOptionsDictionary(); var ok = new Action <string, MockOptionsDictionary>((result, checkedOptions) => { int numRows = 0; if (!int.TryParse(result, out numRows)) { ShellManager.ShowMessageBox("Please input a valid number"); return; } else { if (numRows <= 0) { numRows = 0; } else if (numRows > 1000) { numRows = 1000; } } string selectedText = ShellManager.GetSelectedText(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var ds = new DataSet()) { QueryManager.Run(ConnectionManager.GetConnectionStringForCurrentWindow(), token, (queryManager) => { queryManager.Fill(string.Format("SET ROWCOUNT {0}; {1}", numRows, selectedText), ds); }); if (ds.Tables.Count == 1) { sb.AppendDropTempTableIfExists("#Actual"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendDropTempTableIfExists("#Expected"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendTempTablesFor(ds.Tables[0], "#Actual"); sb.Append("INSERT INTO #Actual"); ShellManager.AddTextToTopOfSelection(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.AppendColumnNameList(ds.Tables[0]); ShellManager.AppendToEndOfSelection( string.Format("{0}SELECT {1}INTO #Expected{0}FROM #Actual{0}WHERE 1=0;{0}", Environment.NewLine, sb.ToString()) ); ShellManager.AppendToEndOfSelection( TsqltManager.GenerateInsertFor(ds.Tables[0], ObjectMetadata.FromQualifiedString("#Expected"), false, false)); } else { return; } } //var meta = ObjectMetadata.FromQualifiedString(selectedText); //ObjectMetadataAccess da = new ObjectMetadataAccess(ConnectionManager.GetConnectionStringForCurrentWindow()); //var table = da.SelectTopNFrom(meta, numRows); //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //sb.Append(TsqltManager.GetFakeTableStatement(selectedText)); //sb.AppendLine(); //sb.Append(TsqltManager.GenerateInsertFor(table, meta, options.EachColumnInSelectOnNewRow, options.EachColumnInValuesOnNewRow)); //shellManager.ReplaceSelectionWith(sb.ToString()); }); var diagManager = new DialogManager.InputWithCheckboxesDialogManager <MockOptionsDictionary>(); diagManager.Show("How many rows to select? (0=max)", "1", options, ok, cancelCallback); }
public void StoreMetadata(ObjectMetadata metadata) { // validate format of the object name if (!ObjectNameValidator.IsValidObjectName(metadata.ObjectName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid object name. It should be 3-30 characters long and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores."); } if (null != metadata.Indexes) { // validate format of the index names foreach (var idx in metadata.Indexes) { if (!ObjectNameValidator.IsValidIndexName(idx.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid index name found " + idx.Name + ". It should be 1-30 characters long and contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores."); } } } if (null != metadata.Dependencies) { // validate # of dependencies if (metadata.Dependencies.Length > _config.MaxObjectDependencies) { throw new ArgumentException("Maximum number of dependencies exceeded."); } // validate that dependencies exist foreach (var dep in metadata.Dependencies) { var fullDepObjName = ObjectNaming.CreateFullObjectName(metadata.NameSpace, dep); if (!Exists(fullDepObjName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Object dependency does not exist: " + fullDepObjName); } } } var fullObjName = ObjectNaming.CreateFullObjectName(metadata.NameSpace, metadata.ObjectName); var objKey = SerializerHelper.Serialize(fullObjName); var metadataVal = SerializerHelper.Serialize<ObjectMetadata>(metadata); _store.Set(objKey, metadataVal); lock (_mdCache) { _mdCache[fullObjName] = metadata; } if (null != ObjectMetadataAdded) { ObjectMetadataAdded(fullObjName); } }