Пример #1
        public unsafe void LockNLoad(ref int j, byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            cBufs[j]    = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN];
            xBufs[j]    = new byte[BufSz];
            oLaps[j]    = new byte[20];
            pktsInfo[j] = new ISO_PKT_INFO[M280DEF.Packet_Xfer];

            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps[j], tc0 = cBufs[j], tb0 = xBufs[j])
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = (IntPtr)PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                int len = BufSz;

                inEndpoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[j], ref xBufs[j], ref len, ref oLaps[j]);


                if (j < QueueSz)
                    LockNLoad(ref j, cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);
                    XferData(cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);
 public static extern BOOL ReadFile(
     HANDLE hFile,
     byte *lpBuffer,
     DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
     DWORD *lpNumberOfBytesRead,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped
 public static extern BOOL WriteFile(
     HANDLE hFile,
     byte *lpBuffer,
     DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
     DWORD *lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped
Пример #4
         * This is a recursive routine for pinning all the buffers used in the transfer in memory.
         * It will get recursively called QueueSz times.  On the QueueSz_th call, it will call
         * XferData, which will loop, transferring data, until the stop button is clicked.
         * Then, the recursion will unwind.
        public unsafe void LockNLoad(ref int j, byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            // Allocate one set of buffers for the queue. Buffered IO method require user to allocate a buffer as a part of command buffer,
            // the BeginDataXfer does not allocated it. BeginDataXfer will copy the data from the main buffer to the allocated while initializing the commands.
            cBufs[j]    = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + IsoPktBlockSize + ((EndPoint.XferMode == XMODE.BUFFERED) ? BufSz : 0)];
            xBufs[j]    = new byte[BufSz];
            oLaps[j]    = new byte[20];
            pktsInfo[j] = new ISO_PKT_INFO[PPX];

            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps[j], tc0 = cBufs[j], tb0 = xBufs[j])   // Pin the buffers in memory
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = (IntPtr)PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                // Pre-load the queue with a request
                int len = BufSz;

                EndPoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[j], ref xBufs[j], ref len, ref oLaps[j]);


                if (j < QueueSz)
                    LockNLoad(ref j, cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);  // Recursive call to pin next buffers in memory
                    XferData(cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);          // All loaded. Let's go!
Пример #5
        public unsafe bool PreReadAsysnchonous()
            cBufs    = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + IsoPktBlockSize + ((InEndpoint.XferMode == XMODE.BUFFERED) ? BufSz : 0)];
            xBufs    = new byte[BufSz];
            oLaps    = new byte[20];
            pktsInfo = new ISO_PKT_INFO[PPX];
            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps, tc0 = cBufs, tb0 = xBufs)
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = (IntPtr)PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);
                // Pre-load the queue with a request
                int len = BufSz;

                if (InEndpoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs, ref xBufs, ref len, ref oLaps) == false)
                    LogHelper.GetLogger <USB>().Debug("Begin data xfer failure");
                if (!InEndpoint.WaitForXfer(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500))
                    PInvoke.WaitForSingleObject(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500);

Пример #6
        // Call this one if you want the PacketInfo data passed-back
        public unsafe bool XferData(ref byte[] buf, ref int len, ref ISO_PKT_INFO[] pktInfos)
            byte[] ovLap = new byte[OverlapSignalAllocSize];

            fixed(byte *tmp0 = ovLap)
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tmp0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                // This SINGLE_TRANSFER buffer must be allocated at this level.
                int bufSz = CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + GetPktBlockSize(len) + ((XferMode == XMODE.DIRECT) ? 0 : len);

                byte[] cmdBuf = new byte[bufSz];

                fixed(byte *tmp1 = cmdBuf, tmp2 = buf)
                    bool bResult = BeginDataXfer(ref cmdBuf, ref buf, ref len, ref ovLap);
                    bool wResult = WaitForIO(ovLapStatus->hEvent);
                    bool fResult = FinishDataXfer(ref cmdBuf, ref buf, ref len, ref ovLap, ref pktInfos);


                    return(wResult && fResult);
Пример #7
        private unsafe void LockNLoad(ref int j, byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps)
            // Allocate one set of buffers for the queue. Buffered IO method require user to allocate a buffer as a part of command buffer,
            // the BeginDataXfer does not allocated it. BeginDataXfer will copy the data from the main buffer to the allocated while initializing the commands.
            cBufs[j] = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + BufSz];
            xBufs[j] = new byte[BufSz];
            oLaps[j] = new byte[CyConst.OverlapSignalAllocSize];

            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps[j], tc0 = cBufs[j], tb0 = xBufs[j])   // Pin the buffers in memory
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = (IntPtr)PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                // Pre-load the queue with a request
                int len = BufSz;

                bulkInEndPoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[j], ref xBufs[j], ref len, ref oLaps[j]);


                if (j < QueueSz)
                    LockNLoad(ref j, cBufs, xBufs, oLaps); // Recursive call to pin next buffers in memory
                    XferData(cBufs, xBufs, oLaps); // All loaded. Let's go!
        private unsafe void LockNLoad(ref int j, byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            CyIsocEndPoint InEndpt = usbdevice.IsocInEndPt;

            cBufs[j] = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + bulkendpoint.MaxPktSize + ((bulkendpoint.XferMode == XMODE.BUFFERED) ? buffersize : 0)];

            xBufs[j]    = new byte[buffersize];
            oLaps[j]    = new byte[20];
            pktsInfo[j] = new ISO_PKT_INFO[M280DEF.Packet_Xfer];

            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps[j], tc0 = cBufs[j], tb0 = xBufs[j])
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);
                int len = buffersize;

                bulkendpoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[j], ref xBufs[j], ref len, ref oLaps[j]);
                if (j < queuesize)
                    LockNLoad(ref j, cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);
                    XferData(cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);
Пример #9
         * This is a recursive routine for pinning all the buffers used in the transfer in memory.
         *  It will get recursively called QueueSz times.  On the QueueSz_th call, it will call
         *  XferData, which will loop, transferring data.
        public unsafe void LockNLoad(ref int j, byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            // Allocate one set of buffers for the queue
            cBufs[j] = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN];
            xBufs[j] = new byte[BufSz];
            oLaps[j] = new byte[20];
            //pktsInfo[j] = new ISO_PKT_INFO[PPX];
            pktsInfo[j] = new ISO_PKT_INFO[M280DEF.Packet_Xfer];

            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps[j], tc0 = cBufs[j], tb0 = xBufs[j])   // Pin the buffers in memory
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = (IntPtr)PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                // Pre-load the queue with a request
                int len = BufSz;

                inEndpoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[j], ref xBufs[j], ref len, ref oLaps[j]);


                if (j < QueueSz)
                    LockNLoad(ref j, cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);  // Recursive call to pin next buffers in memory
                    XferData(cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);          // All loaded. Let's go!
Пример #10
        // These used by both BULK and INTERRUPT endpoints
        public unsafe virtual bool XferData(ref byte[] buf, ref int len)
            byte[] ovLap = new byte[OverlapSignalAllocSize];

            fixed(byte *fixedOvLap = ovLap)
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)fixedOvLap;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                // This SINGLE_TRANSFER buffer must be allocated at this level.
                int bufSz = CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + ((XferMode == XMODE.DIRECT) ? 0 : len);

                byte[] cmdBuf = new byte[bufSz];

                // These nested fixed blocks ensure that the buffers don't move in memory
                // While we're doing the asynchronous IO - Begin/Wait/Finish
                fixed(byte *tmp1 = cmdBuf, tmp2 = buf)
                    bool bResult = BeginDataXfer(ref cmdBuf, ref buf, ref len, ref ovLap);
                    //  This waits for driver to call IoRequestComplete on the IRP
                    //  we just sent.
                    bool wResult = WaitForIO(ovLapStatus->hEvent);
                    bool fResult = FinishDataXfer(ref cmdBuf, ref buf, ref len, ref ovLap);


                    return(wResult && fResult);
Пример #11
 public static unsafe extern bool DeviceIoControl(
     SafeHandle hDevice,
     ControlCode dwIoControlCode,
     void *lpInBuffer,
     uint nInBufferSize,
     void *lpOutBuffer,
     uint nOutBufferSize,
     out uint lpBytesReturned,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
Пример #12
 public static extern unsafe bool DeviceIoControl(
     SafeObjectHandle hDevice,
     uint dwIoControlCode,
     IntPtr inBuffer,
     int nInBufferSize,
     IntPtr outBuffer,
     int nOutBufferSize,
     out int pBytesReturned,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
Пример #13
         * Called at the end of recursive method, LockNLoad().
         * XferData() implements the infinite transfer loop
        public unsafe void XferData(byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            int k       = 0;
            int len     = 0;
            int pDataBF = 0;

            Successes = 0;
            Failures  = 0;
            XferBytes = 0;

            for (; bRunning;)
                // WaitForXfer
                fixed(byte *tmpOvlap = oLaps[k])
                    OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tmpOvlap;

                    if (!inEndpoint.WaitForXfer(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500))
                        PInvoke.WaitForSingleObject(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500);

                // FinishDataXfer
                if (inEndpoint.FinishDataXfer(ref cBufs[k], ref xBufs[k], ref len, ref oLaps[k]))
                    XferBytes += len;
                    Array.Copy(xBufs[k], 0, DataBuf[pDataBF], 0, len);
                if (k == QueueSz)  // Finish
                    k = 0;
                    if (Failures == 0)
                        // this.Invoke(Img_View);
                        // Scanner busy
                        //MessageBox.Show("Scanner Busy! Please Try again.");
                    bRunning = false;
Пример #14
         * This is a recursive routine for pinning all the buffers used in the transfer in memory.
         * It will get recursively called QueueSz times.  On the QueueSz_th call, it will call
         * XferData, which will loop, transferring data, until the stop button is clicked.
         * Then, the recursion will unwind.
        public unsafe void LockNLoad(ref int j, byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            // Allocate one set of buffers for the queue, Buffered IO method require user to allocate a buffer as a part of command buffer,
            // the BeginDataXfer does not allocated it. BeginDataXfer will copy the data from the main buffer to the allocated while initializing the commands.
            cBufs[j] = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + IsoPktBlockSize + ((EndPoint.XferMode == XMODE.BUFFERED) ? BufSz : 0)];

            xBufs[j] = new byte[BufSz];

            //initialize the buffer with initial value 0xA5
            for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < BufSz; iIndex++)
                xBufs[j][iIndex] = DefaultBufInitValue;

            oLaps[j]    = new byte[20];
            pktsInfo[j] = new ISO_PKT_INFO[PPX];

            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps[j], tc0 = cBufs[j], tb0 = xBufs[j])   // Pin the buffers in memory
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = (IntPtr)PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                // Pre-load the queue with a request
                int len = BufSz;

                EndPoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[j], ref xBufs[j], ref len, ref oLaps[j]);

                //if (Save == true)  //mady
                //    Buffer.BlockCopy(xBufs[j], 0, temp, j * PPX * EndPoint.MaxPktSize, PPX * EndPoint.MaxPktSize); //mady: Take Backup of received data to Temp Buffer


                if (j < QueueSz)
                    LockNLoad(ref j, cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);  // Recursive call to pin next buffers in memory
                    XferData(cBufs, xBufs, oLaps, pktsInfo);
Пример #15
        // Control endpoint uses the BUFFERED xfer method.  So that it
        // doesn't collide with the base class' XferData, we declare it 'new'
        public new unsafe bool XferData(ref byte[] buf, ref int len)
            byte[] ovLap = new byte[sizeof(OVERLAPPED)];

            fixed(byte *tmp0 = ovLap)
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tmp0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);

                bool bResult, wResult, fResult;

                // Create a temporary buffer that will contain a SINGLE_TRANSFER structure
                // followed by the actual data.
                byte[] tmpBuf = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    tmpBuf[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + i] = buf[i];

                GCHandle bufSingleTransfer = GCHandle.Alloc(tmpBuf, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                GCHandle bufDataAllocation = GCHandle.Alloc(buf, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                fixed(int *lenTemp = &len)
                    bResult = BeginDataXfer(ref tmpBuf, ref *lenTemp, ref ovLap);
                    wResult = WaitForIO(ovLapStatus->hEvent);
                    fResult = FinishDataXfer(ref buf, ref tmpBuf, ref *lenTemp, ref ovLap);


                return(wResult && fResult);
 public static extern int PostQueuedCompletionStatus([NativeTypeName("HANDLE")] IntPtr CompletionPort, [NativeTypeName("DWORD")] uint dwNumberOfBytesTransferred, [NativeTypeName("ULONG_PTR")] nuint dwCompletionKey, [NativeTypeName("LPOVERLAPPED")] OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
        private unsafe void XferData(byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            int k       = 0;
            int len     = 0;
            int pDataBF = 0;

            successes     = 0;
            failures      = 0;
            transferbytes = 0;
            for (; running;)
                fixed(byte *tmpOvlap = oLaps[k])
                    OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tmpOvlap;

                    if (!bulkendpoint.WaitForXfer(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500))
                        PInvoke.WaitForSingleObject(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500);

                if (bulkendpoint.FinishDataXfer(ref cBufs[k], ref xBufs[k], ref len, ref oLaps[k]))
                    transferbytes += len;
                    Array.Copy(xBufs[k], 0, databuffer[pDataBF], 0, len);
                // WIN10 UPDATE (VER:1803) -->
                // Re-submit this buffer into the queue
                len = buffersize;
                bulkendpoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[k], ref xBufs[k], ref len, ref oLaps[k]);
                // <-- WIN10 UPDATE (VER:1803)
                if (k == queuesize)
                    k = 0;
                    if (failures == 0)
                    else if (successes == 0)
                        len = 1024 * 4;
                        byte[] buf = new byte[len];
                        bulkendpoint.XferData(ref buf, ref len);
                        MessageBox.Show(@"Scanner is busy please wait a few seconds and try again!", "M280", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
                        len = 1024 * 4;
                        byte[] buf = new byte[len];
                        bulkendpoint.XferData(ref buf, ref len);
                    running = false;
            // WIN10 UPDATE (VER:1803) -->
            release = true;
            // <-- WIN10 UPDATE (VER:1803)
Пример #18
         * Called at the end of recursive method, LockNLoad().
         * XferData() implements the infinite transfer loop
        public unsafe void XferData(byte[][] cBufs, byte[][] xBufs, byte[][] oLaps, ISO_PKT_INFO[][] pktsInfo)
            int k   = 0;
            int len = 0;

            Successes = 0;
            Failures  = 0;

            XferBytes = 0;
            t1        = DateTime.Now;

            for (; bRunning;)
                // WaitForXfer
                fixed(byte *tmpOvlap = oLaps[k])
                    OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tmpOvlap;

                    if (!EndPoint.WaitForXfer(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500))
                        PInvoke.WaitForSingleObject(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500);

                if (EndPoint.Attributes == 1)
                    CyIsocEndPoint isoc = EndPoint as CyIsocEndPoint;
                    // FinishDataXfer
                    if (isoc.FinishDataXfer(ref cBufs[k], ref xBufs[k], ref len, ref oLaps[k], ref pktsInfo[k]))
                        //XferBytes += len;

                        ISO_PKT_INFO[] pkts = pktsInfo[k];

                        for (int j = 0; j < PPX; j++)
                            if (pkts[j].Status == 0)
                                XferBytes += pkts[j].Length;


                            pkts[j].Length = 0;
                    // FinishDataXfer
                    if (EndPoint.FinishDataXfer(ref cBufs[k], ref xBufs[k], ref len, ref oLaps[k]))
                        XferBytes += len;

                // Re-submit this buffer into the queue
                len = BufSz;
                EndPoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs[k], ref xBufs[k], ref len, ref oLaps[k]);

                if (k == QueueSz)  // Only update displayed stats once each time through the queue
                    k = 0;

                    t2      = DateTime.Now;
                    elapsed = t2 - t1;

                    xferRate = (long)(XferBytes / elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                    xferRate = xferRate / (int)100 * (int)100;

                    // Call StatusUpdate() in the main thread

                    // For small QueueSz or PPX, the loop is too tight for UI thread to ever get service.
                    // Without this, app hangs in those scenarios.
            } // End infinite loop
            // Let's recall all the queued buffer and abort the end point.
Пример #19
 public static extern unsafe bool WriteFile(
     SafeObjectHandle hFile,
     void *lpBuffer,
     int nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
     [Friendly(FriendlyFlags.Out | FriendlyFlags.Optional)] int *lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
Пример #20
 public static extern unsafe bool CancelIoEx(
     SafeObjectHandle hFile,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
 public static extern int GetOverlappedResultEx([NativeTypeName("HANDLE")] IntPtr hFile, [NativeTypeName("LPOVERLAPPED")] OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped, [NativeTypeName("LPDWORD")] uint *lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, [NativeTypeName("DWORD")] uint dwMilliseconds, [NativeTypeName("BOOL")] int bAlertable);
 public static extern int CancelIoEx([NativeTypeName("HANDLE")] IntPtr hFile, [NativeTypeName("LPOVERLAPPED")] OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
 public static extern int GetOverlappedResult([NativeTypeName("HANDLE")] IntPtr hFile, [NativeTypeName("LPOVERLAPPED")] OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped, [NativeTypeName("LPDWORD")] uint *lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, [NativeTypeName("BOOL")] int bWait);
Пример #24
 static extern unsafe bool PostQueuedCompletionStatus(uint hCompletionPort, uint uiSizeOfArgument, uint *puiUserArg, OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped);
Пример #25
 public unsafe static extern bool WaitCommEvent(
     SafeFileHandle hFile,
     out EventMask lpEvtMask,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
Пример #26
 public static extern bool WriteFile(IntPtr fFile,
                                     byte *lpBuffer,
                                     int nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
                                     out int lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
                                     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
Пример #27
 public static extern BOOL CancelIPChangeNotify([NativeTypeName("LPOVERLAPPED")] OVERLAPPED *notifyOverlapped);
Пример #28
 public static extern uint NotifyRouteChange([NativeTypeName("PHANDLE")] HANDLE *Handle, [NativeTypeName("LPOVERLAPPED")] OVERLAPPED *overlapped);
Пример #29
 public static extern bool GetOverlappedResult(
     IntPtr hFile,
     OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped,
     ref int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bWait);
 public static extern int DeviceIoControl([NativeTypeName("HANDLE")] IntPtr hDevice, [NativeTypeName("DWORD")] uint dwIoControlCode, [NativeTypeName("LPVOID")] void *lpInBuffer, [NativeTypeName("DWORD")] uint nInBufferSize, [NativeTypeName("LPVOID")] void *lpOutBuffer, [NativeTypeName("DWORD")] uint nOutBufferSize, [NativeTypeName("LPDWORD")] uint *lpBytesReturned, [NativeTypeName("LPOVERLAPPED")] OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);