public async Task <JsonResult> UploadFile(UploadFileAddressModel model) { var app = await _coreApiService.ValidateAccessTokenAsync(model.AccessToken); //try find the target bucket var targetBucket = await _dbContext.Bucket.FindAsync(model.BucketId); if (targetBucket == null || targetBucket.BelongingAppId != app.AppId) { return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.Unauthorized, "The bucket you try to upload is not your app's bucket!")); } //try get the file from form var file = Request.Form.Files.First(); var newFile = new OSSFile { RealFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName.Replace(" ", "")), FileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName), BucketId = targetBucket.BucketId, AliveDays = model.AliveDays, UploadTime = DateTime.Now }; //Ensure there not exists file with the same file name. lock (_obj) { var exists = _dbContext.OSSFile.Exists(t => t.RealFileName == newFile.RealFileName && t.BucketId == newFile.BucketId); if (exists) { return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.HasDoneAlready, "There already exists a file with that name.")); } //Save to database _dbContext.OSSFile.Add(newFile); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); } //Try saving file. string DirectoryPath = _configuration["StoragePath"] + $"{_}Storage{_}{targetBucket.BucketName}{_}"; if (Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(DirectoryPath); } using (var fileStream = new FileStream(DirectoryPath + newFile.FileKey + ".dat", FileMode.Create)) { await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream); fileStream.Close(); } // Get Internet path newFile.InternetPath = new AiurUrl(_serviceLocation.OSS, newFile.BelongingBucket.BucketName, newFile.RealFileName, new { }).ToString(); //Return json return(Json(new UploadFileViewModel { Code = ErrorType.Success, FileKey = newFile.FileKey, Message = "Successfully uploaded your file.", Path = newFile.InternetPath })); }
public async Task UploadObject(string bucketKey, OSSFile file) { string objectKey = file.Name; MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(file.Path)); client.BaseUrl = new Uri($"{bucketKey}/objects/{objectKey}"); request = new RestRequest(Method.PUT); request.AddHeader("Authorization", $"{this.token.TokenType} {this.token.AccessToken}"). AddHeader("Content-Length", data.Length.ToString()). AddParameter("application/octet-stream", data.ToArray(), ParameterType.RequestBody); Upload?.Invoke(false, file); data.Close(); IRestResponse response = await client.ExecuteTaskAsync(request); while (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { Upload?.Invoke(false, file); } Upload?.Invoke(true, file); }
public async Task <JsonResult> UploadFile(CommonAddressModel model) { var app = await APIService.ValidateAccessTokenAsync(model.AccessToken); //try find the target bucket var targetBucket = await _dbContext.Bucket.FindAsync(model.BucketId); if (targetBucket == null || targetBucket.BelongingAppId != app.AppId) { return(Json(new AiurProtocal { code = ErrorType.Unauthorized, message = "The bucket you try to upload is not your app's bucket!" })); } //try get the file from form var file = Request.Form.Files.First(); if (file == null) { return(Json(new AiurProtocal { code = ErrorType.InvalidInput, message = "Please upload your file!" })); } //Test the extension bool validExtension = MIME.MIMETypesDictionary.ContainsKey(Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).Replace(".", "")); if (!validExtension) { return(Json(new AiurProtocal { code = ErrorType.InvalidInput, message = "The extension of your file is not supported!" })); } //Save to database var newFile = new OSSFile { RealFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName.Replace(" ", "")), FileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName), BucketId = targetBucket.BucketId, BelongingBucket = targetBucket, }; _dbContext.OSSFile.Add(newFile); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); //Try saving file. string DirectoryPath = GetCurrentDirectory() + $@"{_}Storage{_}{targetBucket.BucketName}{_}"; if (Exists(DirectoryPath) == false) { CreateDirectory(DirectoryPath); } var fileStream = new FileStream(DirectoryPath + newFile.FileKey + ".dat", FileMode.Create); await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream); fileStream.Close(); //Return json return(Json(new UploadFileViewModel { code = ErrorType.Success, FileKey = newFile.FileKey, message = "Successfully uploaded your file.", Path = newFile.GetInternetPath })); }
public async Task UploadChunkObject(string bucketKey, OSSFile file) { FileStream data = File.OpenRead(file.Path); var length = data.Length; string objectKey = file.Name; if (await this.GetBucketObject(bucketKey, objectKey) != null) { await this.DeleteObject(bucketKey, objectKey); } string sessionId = "SI" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(objectKey) + length; ObjectsApi api = new ObjectsApi(); api.Configuration.AccessToken = this.token.AccessToken; int chunkSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; long chunkCount = (long)Math.Round(0.5 + ((double)length / (double)chunkSize)); long dataWrited = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) { long startByte = i * chunkSize; long next = (i + 1) * chunkSize; if (next > length) { next = length - 1; } else { next--; } long byteLength = next - startByte + 1; string bytesRange = string.Format("bytes {0}-{1}/{2}", startByte, next, length); byte[] buffer = new byte[byteLength]; data.Read(buffer, 0, (int)byteLength); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, (int)byteLength); ms.Position = 0; var response = await api.UploadChunkAsyncWithHttpInfo(bucketKey, objectKey, (int)byteLength, bytesRange, sessionId, ms); dataWrited += byteLength; double progress = (double)(100 * decimal.Ceiling(dataWrited) / decimal.Ceiling(length)); if (response.StatusCode == 202) { ProgressUpload?.Invoke(false, file, Convert.ToInt32(progress)); } else if (response.StatusCode == 200) { Upload?.Invoke(true, file); break; } else { ErrorOccurred("Error occurred while uploading...\nCode: " + response.StatusCode); break; } } data.Close(); }
public void OSSdownload(DownloadUnit downUnit, OSSFile of, Action <bool> callback) { //打开上次下载的文件 long startPos = 0; //将文件的后缀名改为临时文件名 .temp string tempfilename = downUnit.fileName.Replace(Path.GetExtension(downUnit.fileName), ".temp"); string tempFile = downUnit.savePath + "/" + tempfilename; string InstallFile = downUnit.savePath + "/" + downUnit.fileName; //若此文件已经存在 则直接返回文件的总大小 if (File.Exists(InstallFile) && string.Equals(Utility.GetMd5Hash(File.OpenRead(InstallFile)), downUnit.md5)) { //不执行下载流程 //Debug.LogError("下载的文件 已经存在 : " + InstallFile); if (callback != null) { callback(true); } return; } ///如果本地已经临时文件 获取临时文件的长度 断点续传 if (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFile)) { FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(tempFile); startPos = fs.Length; fs.Seek(startPos, SeekOrigin.Current); //移动文件流中的当前指针 } //必须要GMT时间 string expire = DateTime.UtcNow.GetDateTimeFormats('r')[0].ToString(); //Debug.Log(of.endpoint + " " + of.objectName); //Debug.Log("OSS下载 url @" + downUnit.downUrl + "@ 签名 @" + Utility.OSSSignature(of.endpoint, of.objectName, expire) + "@ 时间 @" + expire); HttpBase.OssGet(downUnit.downUrl, new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Date", expire), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Authorization", Utility.OSSSignature(of.endpoint, of.objectName, expire)), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Range", "bytes=" + (int)startPos + "-"), }, ((originalRequest, response) => { //float fileSize = float.Parse(downUnit.size) / (1024 * 1024); //originalRequest.ConnectTimeout = new TimeSpan(600000); //originalRequest.Timeout = new TimeSpan(600000); FileStream fs = null; if (response == null) { // Debug.Log("请求为空" +downUnit.downUrl +" "+ downUnit.fileName); if (fs != null) { fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); fs = null; } if (callback != null) { callback(false); } return; } if (!response.IsSuccess) { // Debug.Log("请求失败!" + response.StatusCode + " "+downUnit.downUrl+" "+ downUnit.fileName); if (fs != null) { fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); fs = null; } if (callback != null) { callback(false); } return; } try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFile)) { fs = File.OpenWrite(tempFile); } else { string direName = Path.GetDirectoryName(tempFile); if (!Directory.Exists(direName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(direName); } fs = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Create); } var resp_bytes = response.Data; fs.Write(resp_bytes, 0, resp_bytes.Length); fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); fs = null; response.Dispose(); if (!File.Exists(InstallFile)) { File.Move(tempFile, InstallFile); } var file = File.OpenRead(InstallFile); string md5 = Utility.GetMd5Hash(file); //Debug.LogError("文件路径 :" + InstallFile + " /文件名称/ :" + downUnit.fileName + // " /本地计算的md5值为/ :" + md5 + " /服务器的md5/ :" + downUnit.md5 + // " /下载url / :" + downUnit.downUrl); file.Dispose(); file.Close(); fs = null; if (md5 == downUnit.md5) { //Debug.LogError("下载成功"); if (callback != null) { callback(true); } return; } else { File.Delete(InstallFile); //Debug.LogError( // "删除 删除 删除 删除 删除 删除 删除 删除 删除 删除 删除 " + // InstallFile); if (callback != null) { callback(false); } return; } } catch (WebException ex) { Debug.Log("下载出错:"); if (fs != null) { fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); fs = null; } if (callback != null) { callback(false); } return; } finally { if (fs != null) { fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); fs = null; } response.Dispose(); } })); }