public bool GetCookie(OJ oj) { try { oj.Statuses = OJService.SelectStatusByOJ(oj.OJID); oj.Senders = SenderService.SelectByOJ(oj.OJID); oj.CookieContainers = new List <CookieContainer>(); foreach (Sender sender in oj.Senders) { CookieContainer cookieContainer = HttpHelper.GetCooKie(oj.UrlLogin, oj.UrlLoginPart1 + sender.Username + oj.UrlLoginPart2 + sender.Password + oj.UrlLoginPart3, header); if (cookieContainer != null) { oj.CookieContainers.Add(cookieContainer); } } oj.QSenders = new Queue <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < oj.Senders.Count; ++i) { oj.QSenders.Enqueue(i); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { LogService.Insert(2, e); return(false); } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); try { SqlHelper.OpenConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("DataBase Connection seemed to be Failed"); button1.IsEnabled = false; } MakeHttpHeader(); try { ojs = OJService.SelectAll(); foreach (OJ oj in ojs) { comboBox1.Items.Add(oj.OJName); } comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch (Exception e) { LogService.Insert(1, e); button1.IsEnabled = false; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { header = new HttpHeader(); MakeHttpHeader(); try { SqlHelper.OpenConnection(); Console.WriteLine("DataBase Connection Success"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("DataBase Connection seemed to be Failed"); } try { ojs = OJService.SelectAll(); foreach (OJ oj in ojs) { oj.Statuses = OJService.SelectStatusByOJ(oj.OJID); oj.Senders = SenderService.SelectByOJ(oj.OJID); oj.CookieContainers = new List <CookieContainer>(); foreach (Sender sender in oj.Senders) { CookieContainer cookieContainer = HttpHelper.GetCooKie(oj.UrlLogin, oj.UrlLoginPart1 + sender.Username + oj.UrlLoginPart2 + sender.Password, header); if (cookieContainer != null) { oj.CookieContainers.Add(cookieContainer); } } oj.QSenders = new Queue <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < oj.Senders.Count; ++i) { oj.QSenders.Enqueue(i); } Console.WriteLine(oj.OJName + " Succeed to Get Cookie"); } RunID = RunIDService.Select(); Console.WriteLine("Judge Start"); StartJudge(); } catch (Exception e) { LogService.Insert(2, e); Console.WriteLine("Fail to Get Cookie"); } Console.ReadKey(); }
private void start_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { start.IsEnabled = false; stop.IsEnabled = true; IsWork = true; try { ojs = OJService.SelectAll(); foreach (OJ oj in ojs) { if ((oj.IsWork = GetCookie(oj)) == false) { UpdateStatus(oj.OJName + "Connection seemed to be Failed"); } } RunID = RunIDService.Select(); } catch (Exception ee) { LogService.Insert(2, ee); start.IsEnabled = false; } StartJudge(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; string action = context.Request["action"]; HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies["GUID"]; if (cookie == null) { context.Response.Write("<script>alert('Log in First');window.location.href='index.ashx'</script>"); return; } uint uid = CookieService.SelectByGUID(cookie.Value); if (uid == 0) { context.Response.Write("<script>alert('Log in First');window.location.href='index.ashx'</script>"); return; } #region /* * ajax * */ if (action == "check") { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; uint cid = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["cid"]); if (ContestUserService.Select(cid, uid)) { context.Response.Write("ok"); } else { context.Response.Write("no"); } } #endregion #region /* * ajax * */ else if (action == "checkcpsd") { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; uint cid = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["cid"]); Contest contest = ContestService.SelectByID(cid); if (contest.Type == "private" && ContestUserService.Select(cid, uid) == false) { string pp = (string)context.Request["psd"]; if (pp == contest.Password) { ContestUserService.Insert(cid, uid); context.Response.Write("ok"); } else { context.Response.Write("no"); } } else { context.Response.Write("ok"); } return; } #endregion #region else if (action == "view") { uint cid = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["cid"]); Contest contest = ContestService.SelectByID(cid); if (contest.Type == "private" && ContestUserService.Select(cid, uid) == false) { context.Response.Write("<script>alert('No Permission')</script>"); return; } List <ContestProblem> contestproblems; if (contest.Status == "Pending") { contestproblems = new List <ContestProblem>(); } else { contestproblems = ContestProblemService.SelectByContestID(cid); } List <Solution> solsAsc = SolutionService.SelectByContestIDAsc(cid); List <Solution> solsDesc = new List <Solution>(solsAsc); solsDesc.Reverse(0, solsAsc.Count); /* * OverView * */ foreach (ContestProblem contestproblem in contestproblems) { List <Solution> msols = SolutionService.SelectByUserContestProblem(uid, contestproblem.ContestProblemID); if (msols.Count == 0) { contestproblem.Status = ""; continue; } contestproblem.Status = "No"; foreach (Solution solution in msols) { if (solution.IsAccepted) { contestproblem.Status = "Yes"; break; } } } /* * RankList * */ List <User> us = new List <User>(); foreach (Solution sol in solsAsc) { sol.IsVisible = (sol.UserID == uid); bool ok = false; foreach (User u in us) { if (sol.UserID == u.UserID) { ok = true; break; } } if (ok == false) { User user = new User(); user.UserID = sol.UserID; user.Username = sol.Username; user.Nickname = sol.Nickname; for (int i = 0; i < contestproblems.Count; ++i) { user.Items.Add(new Item()); } us.Add(user); } } foreach (Solution sol in solsAsc) { foreach (User u in us) { if (sol.UserID == u.UserID) { uint id = (uint)sol.OrderID - 'A'; if (u.Items[(int)id].IsSolved == false) { if (sol.IsAccepted) { u.Items[(int)id].IsSolved = true; u.Items[(int)id].Time = sol.SubmitTime - contest.StartTime; } else if (sol.IsJudged) { u.Items[(int)id].Penalty++; } } break; } } } foreach (User u in us) { foreach (Item item in u.Items) { if (item.IsSolved == true) { u.ProsSolved++; u.Timer += item.Time.Add(new TimeSpan(0, (int)(20 * item.Penalty), 0)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < contestproblems.Count; ++i) { TimeSpan FB = new TimeSpan(1000, 0, 0); foreach (User u in us) { if (u.Items[i].Time < FB && u.Items[i].Time != TimeSpan.Zero) { FB = u.Items[i].Time; } } foreach (User u in us) { if (u.Items[i].Time == FB) { u.Items[i].IsFirst = true; } } } us.Sort(); for (int i = 0; i < us.Count; ++i) { us[i].Rank = (uint)i + 1; } var Data = new { problems = contestproblems, contest = contest, solutions = solsDesc, users = us, ctime = (DateTime.UtcNow - DateTime.Parse("1970-1-1")).TotalMilliseconds }; string html = CommonHelper.RenderHtml("contestView.html", Data); context.Response.Write(html); } #endregion #region else if (action == "add") { List <OJ> OJs = OJService.SelectAll(); Contest contest = new Contest(); var Data = new { OJs = OJs, edit = false, Title = "", Time = "", Length = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0), Dec = "", Psd = "" }; string html = CommonHelper.RenderHtml("contestAdd.html", Data); context.Response.Write(html); } #endregion #region else if (action == "csearch") { string mtitle = context.Request["mtitle"].ToString(); string mcreator = context.Request["mcreator"].ToString(); string mstatus = context.Request["mstatus"].ToString(); string mtype = context.Request["mtype"].ToString(); if (mtitle == "" && mcreator == "" && mstatus == "" && mtype == "") { context.Response.Redirect("ContestDo.ashx?action=list", false); } uint Page; uint IsLast = 0; uint npp = 20; if (context.Request["Page"] == null) { Page = 1; } else { Page = Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["Page"]); } uint num = ContestService.CountByPara(mtitle, mcreator, mstatus, mtype); uint last = Math.Max(1, (num % npp == 0 ? num / npp : num / npp + 1)); if (Page == 0 || Page >= last) { Page = last; } if (Page == last) { IsLast = 1; } List <Contest> contests = ContestService.SelectPartByPara(mtitle, mcreator, mstatus, mtype, Page, npp); var Data = new { contests = contests, mlist = false, Page = Page, IsLast = IsLast, mTitle = mtitle, mCreator = mcreator, mStatus = mstatus, mType = mtype, csearch = true }; string html = CommonHelper.RenderHtml("contestList.html", Data); context.Response.Write(html); } #endregion #region else if (action == "list") { uint Page; uint IsLast = 0; uint npp = 20; if (context.Request["Page"] == null) { Page = 1; } else { Page = Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["Page"]); } uint num = ContestService.CountAll(); uint last = Math.Max(1, (num % npp == 0 ? num / npp : num / npp + 1)); if (Page == 0 || Page >= last) { Page = last; } if (Page == last) { IsLast = 1; } List <Contest> contests = ContestService.SelectPart(Page, npp); var Data = new { contests = contests, mlist = false, Page = Page, IsLast = IsLast, mTitle = "", mCreator = "", mStatus = "", mType = "", csearch = false }; string html = CommonHelper.RenderHtml("contestList.html", Data); context.Response.Write(html); } #endregion #region else if (action == "mlist") { uint Page; uint IsLast = 0; uint npp = 20; if (context.Request["Page"] == null) { Page = 1; } else { Page = Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["Page"]); } uint num = ContestService.CountByUID(uid); uint last = Math.Max(1, (num % npp == 0 ? num / npp : num / npp + 1)); if (Page == 0 || Page >= last) { Page = last; } if (Page == last) { IsLast = 1; } List <Contest> contests = ContestService.SelectPartByUID(Page, npp, uid); var Data = new { contests = contests, mlist = true, Page = Page, IsLast = IsLast }; string html = CommonHelper.RenderHtml("contestList.html", Data); context.Response.Write(html); } #endregion #region else if (action == "getptitle") { /* * ajax * */ context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; uint oid = (uint)Convert.ToUInt64(context.Request["oid"]); string pid = context.Request["pid"].ToString(); Problem problem = ProblemService.SelectByOJProblemID(oid, pid); if (problem.ProblemID == 0) { context.Response.Write("no"); } else { JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string json = jss.Serialize(problem); context.Response.Write(json); } } #endregion #region else if (action == "addnew") { string ctitle = (string)context.Request["ctitle"]; string stime = (string)context.Request["stime"]; string tlen = (string)context.Request["tlen"]; string psd = (string)context.Request["psd"]; string dcl = (string)context.Request["dcl"]; string pid = (string)context.Request["pid"]; string ptitle = (string)context.Request["ptitle"]; for (int i = 0; i < psd.Length; ++i) { if (IsValidChar(psd[i]) == false) { return; } } if (ctitle.Length > 80 || psd.Length > 24 || dcl.Length > 400) { return; } string p_stime = @"(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d)"; Regex r_stime = new Regex(p_stime); Match match = r_stime.Match(stime); int hh = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[1].ToString()); int mm = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].ToString()); int ss = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[3].ToString()); int MM = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[4].ToString()); int dd = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[5].ToString()); int yyyy = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[6].ToString()); DateTime StartTime = new DateTime(yyyy, MM, dd, hh, mm, ss); string[] strs = tlen.Split(':'); if (Convert.ToInt32(strs[0]) > 999 || Convert.ToInt32(strs[1]) > 23 || Convert.ToInt32(strs[2]) > 59 || Convert.ToInt32(strs[3]) > 59) { return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(strs[0]) <= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(strs[1]) <= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(strs[2]) <= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(strs[3]) <= 0) { return; } DateTime EndTime = StartTime.AddDays(Convert.ToInt32(strs[0])).AddHours(Convert.ToInt32(strs[1])) .AddMinutes(Convert.ToInt32(strs[2])).AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(strs[3])); string[] pros = pid.Split("`".ToCharArray()); string[] protitles = ptitle.Split("`".ToCharArray()); if (pros.Length > 15 || pros.Length <= 0 || protitles.Length > 15 || protitles.Length <= 0 || pros.Length != protitles.Length) { return; } foreach (string title in protitles) { if (title.Length <= 0 || title.Length > 80) { return; } } Contest contest = new Contest(); contest.Title = ctitle; contest.Type = psd.Length > 0 ? "private" : "public"; contest.Password = psd; contest.UserID = uid; contest.StartTime = StartTime; contest.EndTime = EndTime; contest.Declaration = dcl; contest.ProsNum = (uint)pros.Length; uint cid = ContestService.Insert(contest); ContestUserService.Insert(cid, uid); List <ContestProblem> conpros = new List <ContestProblem>(); for (int i = 0; i < pros.Length; ++i) { ContestProblem conpro = new ContestProblem(); conpro.ContestID = cid; conpro.ProblemID = Convert.ToUInt32(pros[i]); conpro.Title = protitles[i]; conpro.Accepted = 0; conpro.Submit = 0; conpro.OrderID = (char)(i + 'A'); conpros.Add(conpro); } ContestProblemService.Insert(conpros); context.Response.Redirect("ContestDo.ashx?action=mlist", false); return; } #endregion #region else if (action == "editold") { string ctitle = (string)context.Request["ctitle"]; string stime = (string)context.Request["stime"]; string tlen = (string)context.Request["tlen"]; string psd = (string)context.Request["psd"]; string dcl = (string)context.Request["dcl"]; string pid = (string)context.Request["pid"]; string ptitle = (string)context.Request["ptitle"]; for (int i = 0; i < psd.Length; ++i) { if (IsValidChar(psd[i]) == false) { return; } } if (ctitle.Length > 80 || psd.Length > 24 || dcl.Length > 400) { return; } string p_stime = @"(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d)"; Regex r_stime = new Regex(p_stime); Match match = r_stime.Match(stime); int hh = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[1].ToString()); int mm = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].ToString()); int ss = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[3].ToString()); int MM = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[4].ToString()); int dd = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[5].ToString()); int yyyy = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[6].ToString()); DateTime StartTime = new DateTime(yyyy, MM, dd, hh, mm, ss); string[] strs = tlen.Split(':'); if (Convert.ToInt32(strs[0]) > 999 || Convert.ToInt32(strs[1]) > 23 || Convert.ToInt32(strs[2]) > 59 || Convert.ToInt32(strs[3]) > 59) { return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(strs[0]) <= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(strs[1]) <= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(strs[2]) <= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(strs[3]) <= 0) { return; } DateTime EndTime = StartTime.AddDays(Convert.ToInt32(strs[0])).AddHours(Convert.ToInt32(strs[1])) .AddMinutes(Convert.ToInt32(strs[2])).AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(strs[3])); string[] pros = pid.Split("`".ToCharArray()); string[] protitles = ptitle.Split("`".ToCharArray()); if (pros.Length > 15 || pros.Length <= 0 || protitles.Length > 15 || protitles.Length <= 0 || pros.Length != protitles.Length) { return; } foreach (string title in protitles) { if (title.Length <= 0 || title.Length > 80) { return; } } Contest contest = new Contest(); contest.Title = ctitle; contest.Type = psd.Length > 0 ? "private" : "public"; contest.Password = psd; contest.UserID = uid; contest.StartTime = StartTime; contest.EndTime = EndTime; contest.Declaration = dcl; contest.ProsNum = (uint)pros.Length; uint cid = Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["cid"]); contest.ContestID = cid; ContestService.Update(contest); ContestProblemService.DeleteByContestID(contest.ContestID); List <ContestProblem> conpros = new List <ContestProblem>(); for (int i = 0; i < pros.Length; ++i) { ContestProblem conpro = new ContestProblem(); conpro.ContestID = cid; conpro.ProblemID = Convert.ToUInt32(pros[i]); conpro.Title = protitles[i]; conpro.Accepted = 0; conpro.Submit = 0; conpro.OrderID = (char)(i + 'A'); conpros.Add(conpro); } ContestProblemService.Insert(conpros); context.Response.Redirect("ContestDo.ashx?action=mlist", false); } #endregion #region /* * ajax * */ else if (action == "getcompilers") { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; uint oid = (uint)Convert.ToUInt64(context.Request["oid"]); List <Compiler> compilers = CompilerService.SelectByOJ(oid); string ret = ""; for (int i = 0; i < compilers.Count; ++i) { if (i > 0) { ret += "|"; } ret += compilers[i].CompilerID + "&" + compilers[i].Name; } context.Response.Write(ret); } #endregion #region else if (action == "submit") { uint conid = Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["cid"]); Contest contest = ContestService.SelectByID(conid); if (contest.EndTime <= DateTime.Now || contest.StartTime >= DateTime.Now) { context.Response.Write("<script>alert('Contest is not Running');window.location.href='ContestDo.ashx?action=view&cid=" + conid + "'</script>"); return; } string pid = (string)context.Request["pselect"]; uint cid = Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["cselect"]); string code = (string)context.Request["code"]; if (code.Length < 50 || code.Length > 65536) { context.Response.Write("<script>alert('The Code is Too Short or Too Long');window.location.href='ContestDo.ashx?action=view&cid=" + conid + "#submit'</script>"); return; } string[] strs = pid.Split('&'); Solution solution = new Solution(); solution.ContestProblemID = Convert.ToUInt32(strs[0]); solution.CompilerID = cid; solution.SourceCode = code; solution.IsJudged = false; solution.SubmitTime = DateTime.Now; solution.UserID = Convert.ToUInt32(uid); SolutionService.Insert(solution); ContestProblemService.UpdateSubmit(solution.ContestProblemID); Problem problem = ContestProblemService.SelectByContestProblemID(solution.ContestProblemID); ProblemService.UpdateSubmit(problem.ProblemID); context.Response.Redirect("ContestDo.ashx?action=view&cid=" + conid + "#status", false); } #endregion #region /* * ajax * */ else if (action == "code") { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; uint id = Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["sid"]); Solution solution = SolutionService.SelectBySolutionID(id); if (solution.SolutionID == 0) { context.Response.Write("no"); } else { context.Response.Write(solution.SourceCode); } } #endregion #region else if (action == "edit") { uint cid = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(context.Request["cid"]); Contest contest = ContestService.SelectByID(cid); if (DateTime.Now >= contest.StartTime) { context.Response.Write("<script>alert('Contest is Running');window.location.href='ContestDo.ashx?action=mlist'</script>"); return; } if (contest.UserID != uid) { return; } else { List <ContestProblem> conpros = ContestProblemService.SelectByContestID(cid); foreach (ContestProblem conpro in conpros) { conpro.Description = conpro.Input = conpro.Output = conpro.SampleInput = conpro.SampleOutput = conpro.Hint = null; } List <OJ> OJs = OJService.SelectAll(); TimeSpan Length = contest.EndTime - contest.StartTime; var Data = new { OJs = OJs, edit = true, pros = conpros, ID = contest.ContestID, Title = contest.Title, Time = contest.StartTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy"), Length = contest.EndTime - contest.StartTime, Dec = contest.Declaration, Psd = contest.Password }; string html = CommonHelper.RenderHtml("contestAdd.html", Data); context.Response.Write(html); } } #endregion #region else { context.Response.Redirect("index.ashx", false); } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { LogService.Insert(0, e); context.Response.Redirect("index.ashx", false); } }