Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a literal value in JSON Light format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">EDM Model to use for validation and type lookups.</param>
        /// <param name="messageWriterSettings">Settings to use when writing.</param>
        /// <param name="textWriter">TextWriter to use as the output for the value.</param>
        /// <param name="writeValue">Delegate to use to actually write the value.</param>
        private static void WriteJsonLightLiteral(IEdmModel model, ODataMessageWriterSettings messageWriterSettings, TextWriter textWriter, Action <ODataJsonLightValueSerializer> writeValue)
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { MimeConstants.MimeIeee754CompatibleParameterName, messageWriterSettings.IsIeee754Compatible.ToString() }
            ODataMediaType mediaType = new ODataMediaType(MimeConstants.MimeApplicationType, MimeConstants.MimeJsonSubType, parameters);

            // Calling dispose since it's the right thing to do, but when created from a custom-built TextWriter
            // the output context Dispose will not actually dispose anything, it will just cleanup itself.
            // TODO: URI parser will also support DI container in the future but set the container to null at this moment.
            ODataMessageInfo messageInfo = new ODataMessageInfo
                Model      = model,
                IsAsync    = false,
                IsResponse = false,
                MediaType  = mediaType

            using (ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonOutputContext =
                       new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(textWriter, messageInfo, messageWriterSettings))
                ODataJsonLightValueSerializer jsonLightValueSerializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonOutputContext);
Пример #2
        private ODataJsonLightValueSerializer CreateODataJsonLightValueSerializer(bool writingResponse)
            var context    = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(ODataFormat.Json, stream, new ODataMediaType("application", "json"), Encoding.Default, settings, writingResponse, true, model, null);
            var serializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(context);

        private object WriteThenReadValue(object clrValue, IEdmTypeReference typeReference, ODataVersion version, bool isIeee754Compatible)
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings {
                Version = version

            settings.SetServiceDocumentUri(new Uri("http://odata.org/test/"));

            ODataMediaType mediaType = isIeee754Compatible
                ? new ODataMediaType("application", "json", new KeyValuePair <string, string>("IEEE754Compatible", "true"))
                : new ODataMediaType("application", "json");

            using (ODataJsonLightOutputContext outputContext = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(
                       new NonDisposingStream(stream),
                       /*writingResponse*/ true,
                       /*synchronous*/ true,
                       /*urlResolver*/ null))
                ODataJsonLightValueSerializer serializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(outputContext);
                serializer.WritePrimitiveValue(clrValue, typeReference);

            stream.Position = 0;

            object actualValue;

            using (ODataJsonLightInputContext inputContext = new ODataJsonLightInputContext(
                       new ODataMessageReaderSettings(),
                       /*readingResponse*/ true,
                       /*synchronous*/ true,
                       /*urlResolver*/ null))
                ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer deserializer = new ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer(inputContext);
                actualValue = deserializer.ReadNonEntityValue(
                    /*payloadTypeName*/ null,
                    /*duplicatePropertyNamesChecker*/ null,
                    /*collectionValidator*/ null,
                    /*validateNullValue*/ true,
                    /*isTopLevel*/ true,
                    /*insideComplexValue*/ false,
                    /*propertyName*/ null);

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <see cref="JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter"/> that can write a collection of <see cref="ODataInstanceAnnotation"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="valueSerializer">The <see cref="ODataJsonLightValueSerializer"/> to use for writing values of instance annotations.
 /// The <see cref="IJsonWriter"/> that is also used internally will be acquired from the this instance.</param>
 /// <param name="typeNameOracle">The oracle to use to determine the type name to write for entries and values.</param>
 internal JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(ODataJsonLightValueSerializer valueSerializer, JsonLightTypeNameOracle typeNameOracle)
     Debug.Assert(valueSerializer != null, "valueSerializer should not be null");
     this.valueSerializer       = valueSerializer;
     this.typeNameOracle        = typeNameOracle;
     this.jsonWriter            = this.valueSerializer.JsonWriter;
     this.odataAnnotationWriter = new JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter(this.jsonWriter,
                                                                     valueSerializer.JsonLightOutputContext.ODataSimplifiedOptions.EnableWritingODataAnnotationWithoutPrefix, this.valueSerializer.MessageWriterSettings.Version);
     this.writerValidator = this.valueSerializer.MessageWriterSettings.Validator;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a <see cref="JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter"/> that can write a collection of <see cref="ODataInstanceAnnotation"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="valueSerializer">The <see cref="ODataJsonLightValueSerializer"/> to use for writing values of instance annotations.
 /// The <see cref="IJsonWriter"/> that is also used internally will be acquired from the this instance.</param>
 /// <param name="typeNameOracle">The oracle to use to determine the type name to write for entries and values.</param>
 internal JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(ODataJsonLightValueSerializer valueSerializer, JsonLightTypeNameOracle typeNameOracle)
     Debug.Assert(valueSerializer != null, "valueSerializer should not be null");
     this.valueSerializer                   = valueSerializer;
     this.typeNameOracle                    = typeNameOracle;
     this.jsonWriter                        = this.valueSerializer.JsonWriter;
     this.odataAnnotationWriter             = this.valueSerializer.ODataAnnotationWriter;
     this.asynchronousJsonWriter            = this.valueSerializer.AsynchronousJsonWriter;
     this.asynchronousODataAnnotationWriter = this.valueSerializer.AsynchronousODataAnnotationWriter;
     this.writerValidator                   = this.valueSerializer.MessageWriterSettings.Validator;
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Write a literal value in JSON Light format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">EDM Model to use for validation and type lookups.</param>
 /// <param name="messageWriterSettings">Settings to use when writing.</param>
 /// <param name="textWriter">TextWriter to use as the output for the value.</param>
 /// <param name="writeValue">Delegate to use to actually write the value.</param>
 private static void WriteJsonLightLiteral(IEdmModel model, ODataMessageWriterSettings messageWriterSettings, TextWriter textWriter, Action <ODataJsonLightValueSerializer> writeValue)
     // Calling dispose since it's the right thing to do, but when created from a custom-built TextWriter
     // the output context Dispose will not actually dispose anything, it will just cleanup itself.
     using (ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonOutputContext = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(ODataFormat.Json, textWriter, messageWriterSettings, model))
         ODataJsonLightValueSerializer jsonLightValueSerializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonOutputContext);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a literal value in JSON Light format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">EDM Model to use for validation and type lookups.</param>
        /// <param name="messageWriterSettings">Settings to use when writing.</param>
        /// <param name="textWriter">TextWriter to use as the output for the value.</param>
        /// <param name="writeValue">Delegate to use to actually write the value.</param>
        private static void WriteJsonLightLiteral(IEdmModel model, ODataMessageWriterSettings messageWriterSettings, TextWriter textWriter, Action <ODataJsonLightValueSerializer> writeValue)
            // Calling dispose since it's the right thing to do, but when created from a custom-built TextWriter
            // the output context Dispose will not actually dispose anything, it will just cleanup itself.
            // TODO: URI parser will also support DI container in the future but set the container to null at this moment.
            ODataMessageInfo messageInfo = new ODataMessageInfo
                Model      = model,
                IsAsync    = false,
                IsResponse = false

            using (ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonOutputContext =
                       new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(textWriter, messageInfo, messageWriterSettings))
                ODataJsonLightValueSerializer jsonLightValueSerializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonOutputContext);
Пример #8
        private ODataJsonLightValueSerializer CreateODataJsonLightValueSerializer(bool writingResponse, IServiceProvider container = null)
            var messageInfo = new ODataMessageInfo
                MessageStream = stream,
                MediaType     = new ODataMediaType("application", "json"),
                Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(0),
                Encoding = Encoding.Default,
                IsResponse = writingResponse,
                IsAsync    = false,
                Model      = model,
                Container  = container
            var context    = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(messageInfo, settings);
            var serializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(context);

        private JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter CreateJsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(bool writingResponse, IServiceProvider container = null, bool isAsync = false)
            var messageInfo = new ODataMessageInfo
                MessageStream = this.stream,
                MediaType     = new ODataMediaType("application", "json"),
                Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(0),
                Encoding = Encoding.Default,
                IsResponse = writingResponse,
                IsAsync    = isAsync,
                Model      = model,
                Container  = container
            var context = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(messageInfo, this.settings);

            this.jsonLightValueSerializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(context);
            return(new JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(this.jsonLightValueSerializer, new JsonMinimalMetadataTypeNameOracle()));
        private static string WriteInstanceAnnotation(ODataInstanceAnnotation instanceAnnotation, IEdmModel model)
            var stringWriter  = new StringWriter();
            var outputContext = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(
                new ODataMessageWriterSettings {
                Version = ODataVersion.V4, ShouldIncludeAnnotation = ODataUtils.CreateAnnotationFilter("*")

            var valueSerializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(outputContext);

            // The JSON Writer will complain if there is no active scope, so start an object scope.
            var instanceAnnotationWriter = new JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(valueSerializer, new JsonMinimalMetadataTypeNameOracle());

            // The method under test.

Пример #11
        private object WriteThenReadValue(object clrValue, IEdmTypeReference typeReference, ODataVersion version, bool isIeee754Compatible)
            var stream = new MemoryStream();

            var settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings {
                Version = version

            settings.SetServiceDocumentUri(new Uri("http://odata.org/test/"));

            var mediaType = isIeee754Compatible
                ? new ODataMediaType("application", "json", new KeyValuePair <string, string>("IEEE754Compatible", "true"))
                : new ODataMediaType("application", "json");

            var messageInfoForWriter = new ODataMessageInfo
                MessageStream = new NonDisposingStream(stream),
                MediaType     = mediaType,
                Encoding      = Encoding.UTF8,
                IsResponse    = true,
                IsAsync       = false,
                Model         = this.model,
                Container     = this.container

            using (var outputContext = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(messageInfoForWriter, settings))
                var serializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(outputContext);
                serializer.WritePrimitiveValue(clrValue, typeReference);

            stream.Position = 0;

            var messageInfoForReader = new ODataMessageInfo
                Encoding      = Encoding.UTF8,
                IsResponse    = true,
                MediaType     = mediaType,
                IsAsync       = false,
                Model         = this.model,
                MessageStream = stream,
                Container     = this.container

            object actualValue;

            using (var inputContext = new ODataJsonLightInputContext(
                       messageInfoForReader, new ODataMessageReaderSettings()))
                var deserializer = new ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer(inputContext);
                actualValue = deserializer.ReadNonEntityValue(
                    /*payloadTypeName*/ null,
                    /*propertyAndAnnotationCollector*/ null,
                    /*collectionValidator*/ null,
                    /*validateNullValue*/ true,
                    /*isTopLevel*/ true,
                    /*insideResourceValue*/ false,
                    /*propertyName*/ null);

Пример #12
        private object WriteAsUntypedThenReadValue(string value, IEdmTypeReference typeReference, ODataVersion version)
            var stream = new MemoryStream();

            var settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings {
                Version = version

            settings.SetServiceDocumentUri(new Uri("http://tempuri.org/"));

            var mediaType = new ODataMediaType("application", "json");

            var messageInfoForWriter = new ODataMessageInfo
                MessageStream = new NonDisposingStream(stream),
                MediaType     = mediaType,
                Encoding      = Encoding.UTF8,
                IsResponse    = true,
                IsAsync       = false,
                Model         = this.model,
                Container     = this.container

            using (var outputContext = new ODataJsonLightOutputContext(messageInfoForWriter, settings))
                var serializer = new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(outputContext);
                // Writing the value as untyped it remains in its original form
                serializer.WriteUntypedValue(new ODataUntypedValue {
                    RawValue = value

            stream.Position = 0;

            var messageInfoForReader = new ODataMessageInfo
                Encoding      = Encoding.UTF8,
                IsResponse    = true,
                MediaType     = mediaType,
                IsAsync       = false,
                Model         = this.model,
                MessageStream = stream,
                Container     = this.container

            object actualValue;

            using (var inputContext = new ODataJsonLightInputContext(
                       messageInfoForReader, new ODataMessageReaderSettings()))
                var deserializer = new ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer(inputContext);
                actualValue = deserializer.ReadNonEntityValue(
                    /*payloadTypeName*/ null,
                    /*propertyAndAnnotationCollector*/ null,
                    /*collectionValidator*/ null,
                    /*validateNullValue*/ true,
                    /*isTopLevel*/ true,
                    /*insideResourceValue*/ false,
                    /*propertyName*/ null);
