private static void InstanceBridgeExport() { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(_path); string extract = CodeBase.ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(dir, "extract.xml"); CheckCreatedFile(extract); double linesProcessedCount = 0; string licenseKey = ProgramProperties.GetPropVal(Programs.GetProgramNum(ProgramName.DemandForce), "Enter your DemandForce license key (required)"); string versionCur = new Version(Application.ProductVersion).ToString(); string extractDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffK"); Dictionary <long, DateTime> dateLastVisit = Appointments.GetDateLastVisit(); Dictionary <long, List <Appointment> > allPatApts = Appointments.GetAptsForPats(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), DateTime.Now.AddDays(210).ToUniversalTime()); //appointments from todays date forward 210 days Dictionary <long, List <long> > allAptProcNums = Appointments.GetCodeNumsAllApts(); long[] arrayPatNums = Patients.GetAllPatNums(false); Patient patient; Appointment apt; List <Appointment> listApts; List <long> listProcNums; double totalLines = CalculateTotalLinesOfCode(arrayPatNums, allAptProcNums, allPatApts); while (!_formProg.IsHandleCreated) { } //Wait for the form to show the first time, or else the Invoke calls will cause an exception. _formProg.Invoke(new PassProgressDelegate(PassPercentProgressToDialog), new object[] { linesProcessedCount, Lan.g(_formProg, "Executing the bridge to DemandForce"), 100.0, "" }); Thread.Sleep(1000); //Wait 1 second so the user can see the progress bar popup. try { StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; settings.Indent = true; settings.IndentChars = " "; settings.NewLineChars = "\r\n"; settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(strb, settings); writer.WriteRaw("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n"); writer.WriteStartElement("DemandForce"); writer.WriteAttributeString("licenseKey", licenseKey); writer.WriteAttributeString("scope", "full"); writer.WriteStartElement("Business"); writer.WriteStartElement("Extract"); writer.WriteAttributeString("extractDateTime", extractDateTime); writer.WriteAttributeString("managementSystemName", "Open Dental"); writer.WriteAttributeString("managementSystemVersion", versionCur); writer.WriteEndElement(); //Extract for (int i = 0; i < arrayPatNums.Length; i++) { patient = Patients.GetPat(arrayPatNums[i]); writer.WriteStartElement("Customer"); writer.WriteAttributeString("id", patient.PatNum.ToString()); if (patient.ChartNumber != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("chartId", patient.ChartNumber); } if (dateLastVisit.ContainsKey(patient.PatNum)) //Need input. Will it ever be null? Or will it check empty string? { writer.WriteAttributeString("lastVisit", dateLastVisit[patient.PatNum].ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffK")); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString("lastVisit", PIn.DateT("0001-01-01 00:00:00").ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffK")); } writer.WriteStartElement("Demographics"); if (patient.FName != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("firstName", patient.FName); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString("firstName", "X"); //need input on what to do with patients who don't have a FName. } writer.WriteAttributeString("lastName", patient.LName); if (patient.Gender.ToString() == "Female") { writer.WriteAttributeString("gender", "Female"); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString("gender", "Male"); } if (patient.Birthdate.Year > 1880) { writer.WriteAttributeString("birthday", patient.Birthdate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffK")); } if (patient.Address != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("address1", patient.Address); } if (patient.City != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("city", patient.City); } if (patient.State != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("State", patient.State); } if (patient.Zip != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("Zip", patient.Zip); } if (patient.Email != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("Email", patient.Email); } writer.WriteEndElement(); //Demographics if (allPatApts.ContainsKey(patient.PatNum)) { listApts = allPatApts[patient.PatNum]; for (int j = 0; j < listApts.Count; j++) { apt = listApts[j]; writer.WriteStartElement("Appointment"); writer.WriteAttributeString("id", apt.AptNum.ToString()); if (apt.AptStatus.ToString() == "Complete") { writer.WriteAttributeString("status", "1"); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString("status", "3"); } if (Defs.GetDef(DefCat.ApptConfirmed, apt.Confirmed).ItemName.ToLower() == "unconfirmed") { writer.WriteAttributeString("confirmed", "0"); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString("confirmed", "1"); } writer.WriteAttributeString("date", apt.AptDateTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffK")); writer.WriteAttributeString("duration", (apt.Pattern.Length * 5).ToString()); if (allAptProcNums.ContainsKey(apt.AptNum)) { listProcNums = allAptProcNums[apt.AptNum]; string codes = ""; for (int k = 0; k < listProcNums.Count; k++) { codes += ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(listProcNums[k]); if (k < listProcNums.Count - 1) { codes += ", "; } if (linesProcessedCount < totalLines) //this avoids setting progress bar to max, which would close the dialog. { _formProg.Invoke(new PassProgressDelegate(PassPercentProgressToDialog), new object[] { (linesProcessedCount / totalLines * 100), Lan.g(_formProg, "Creating export file: ?currentVal % of ?maxVal % completed"), 100.0, "" }); } linesProcessedCount += 2; } if (codes != "") { writer.WriteAttributeString("code", codes); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); //Appointment if (linesProcessedCount < totalLines) //this avoids setting progress bar to max, which would close the dialog. { _formProg.Invoke(new PassProgressDelegate(PassPercentProgressToDialog), new object[] { (linesProcessedCount / totalLines * 100), Lan.g(_formProg, "Creating export file: ?currentVal % of ?maxVal % completed"), 100.0, "" }); } linesProcessedCount += 12; } } writer.WriteEndElement(); //Customer if (linesProcessedCount < totalLines) //this avoids setting progress bar to max, which would close the dialog. { _formProg.Invoke(new PassProgressDelegate(PassPercentProgressToDialog), new object[] { (linesProcessedCount / totalLines * 100), Lan.g(_formProg, "Creating export file: ?currentVal % of ?maxVal % completed"), 100.0, "" }); } linesProcessedCount += 20; } writer.WriteEndElement(); //Business writer.WriteEndElement(); //DemandForce writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); ODFileUtils.WriteAllText(extract, strb.ToString()); } catch { MessageBox.Show(Lan.g("DemandForce", "Export file creation failed") + ". " + Lan.g("DemandForce", "User may not have sufficient permissions") + "."); } if (linesProcessedCount >= totalLines) //this avoids setting progress bar to max, which would close the dialog. { _formProg.DisplayText = "Creating export file: 100 % of 100 % completed"; } Thread.Sleep(600); //Wait a little bit so the user can see that it got to 100% complete. //force dialog to close even if no files copied or calculation was slightly off. _formProg.Invoke(new PassProgressDelegate(PassPercentProgressToDialog), new object[] { 0, "", 0, "" }); }
///<summary>Surround with try catch. The "data" is the previously constructed xml. If the internet connection is lost or unavailable, then the exception thrown will be a 404 error similar to the following: "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found"</summary> public static void Send(string data, long clinicNum) { //Validate the structure of the XML before sending. StringReader sr = new StringReader(data); try { XmlReader xmlr = XmlReader.Create(sr); while (xmlr.Read()) //Read every node an ensure that there are no exceptions thrown. { } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid XML in statement batch: " + ex.Message); } finally { sr.Dispose(); } string strHistoryFile = ""; if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BillingElectSaveHistory)) { string strHistoryDir = CodeBase.ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(ImageStore.GetPreferredAtoZpath(), "EHG_History"); if (!Directory.Exists(strHistoryDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strHistoryDir); } strHistoryFile = CodeBase.ODFileUtils.CreateRandomFile(strHistoryDir, ".txt"); ODFileUtils.WriteAllText(strHistoryFile, data); } //Step 1: Post authentication request: Version myVersion = new Version(Application.ProductVersion); HttpWebRequest webReq; WebResponse response; StreamReader readStream; string str; string[] responseParams; string status = ""; string group = ""; string userid = ""; string authid = ""; string errormsg = ""; string alertmsg = ""; string curParam = ""; string serverName = "";//live URL for claims (According to phone call with Dentalxchange) string serverNameOverride = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.BillingElectStmtUploadURL); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverNameOverride)) { serverName = serverNameOverride; } #if DEBUG //serverName=""; //test URL for claims //serverName=""; //live URL for claims //serverName=""; //test URL for Stmts //serverName=""; //live URL for Stmts; probably the correct one to use. #endif webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(serverName); Ebill ebillDefault = Ebills.GetForClinic(0); string billingUserName = ebillDefault.ElectUserName; string billingPassword = ebillDefault.ElectPassword; if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled && clinicNum != 0) { Ebill eBill = Ebills.GetForClinic(clinicNum); if (eBill != null) //eBill entry exists, check the fields for overrides. { if (eBill.ElectUserName != "") { billingUserName = eBill.ElectUserName; } if (eBill.ElectPassword != "") { billingPassword = eBill.ElectPassword; } } } string postData = "Function=Auth" //CONSTANT; signifies that this is an authentication request + "&Source=STM" //CONSTANT; file format + "&UploaderName=OpenDental" //CONSTANT + "&UploaderVersion=" + myVersion.Major.ToString() + "." + myVersion.Minor.ToString() + "." + myVersion.Build.ToString() //eg 12.3.24 + "&Username="******"&Password="******"POST"; webReq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; webReq.ContentLength = postData.Length; ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(postData); Stream streamOut = webReq.GetRequestStream(); streamOut.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); streamOut.Close(); response = webReq.GetResponse(); //Process the authentication response: readStream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII); str = readStream.ReadToEnd(); readStream.Close(); if (strHistoryFile != "") //Tack the response onto the end of the saved history file if one was created above. { File.AppendAllText(strHistoryFile, "\r\n\r\nCONNECTION REQUEST: postData.Length=" + postData.Length + " bytes.Length=" + bytes.Length + "==============\r\n" + " RESPONSE TO CONNECTION REQUEST================================================================\r\n" + str); } //Debug.WriteLine(str); //MessageBox.Show(str); responseParams = str.Split('&'); for (int i = 0; i < responseParams.Length; i++) { curParam = GetParam(responseParams[i]); switch (curParam) { case "Status": status = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; case "GROUP": group = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; case "UserID": userid = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; case "AuthenticationID": authid = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; case "ErrorMessage": errormsg = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; case "AlertMessage": alertmsg = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; default: throw new Exception("Unexpected parameter: " + curParam); } } //Process response for errors: if (alertmsg != "") { MessageBox.Show(alertmsg); } switch (status) { case "0": //MessageBox.Show("Authentication successful."); break; case "1": throw new Exception("Authentication failed. " + errormsg); case "2": throw new Exception("Cannot authenticate at this time. " + errormsg); case "3": throw new Exception("Invalid authentication request. " + errormsg); case "4": throw new Exception("Invalid program version. " + errormsg); case "5": throw new Exception("No customer contract. " + errormsg); default: //some as-yet-undefined error throw new Exception("Error " + status + ". " + errormsg); } //Step 2: Post upload request: //string fileName=Directory.GetFiles(clearhouse.ExportPath)[0]; string boundary = "------------7d13e425b00d0"; postData = "--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Function\"\r\n" + "\r\n" + "Upload\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Source\"\r\n" + "\r\n" + "STM\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"AuthenticationID\"\r\n" + "\r\n" + authid + "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"File\"; filename=\"" + "stmt.xml" + "\"\r\n" + "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" + "\r\n" //using(StreamReader sr=new StreamReader(fileName)) { // postData+=sr.ReadToEnd()+"\r\n" + data + "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "--"; //} //Debug.WriteLine(postData); //MessageBox.Show(postData); webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(serverName); //Timeout documentation: //Timeout: "Gets or sets the time-out value in milliseconds for the GetResponse and GetRequestStream methods." //Timeout default is 100 seconds, which should be sufficient in waiting for a reply from dentalxchange, since the reply is small. //ReadWriteTimeout documentation: //ReadWriteTimeout: "Gets or sets a time-out in milliseconds when writing to or reading from a stream." //ReadWriteTimeout default is 300 seconds (5 minutes). //Our message box that tells the user to wait up to 10 minutes for bills to send, therefore we need at least a 10 minute ReadWriteTimeout. //The user sees progress in the UI when sending. We can increase timeouts as much as we want without making the program look like it crashed. webReq.ReadWriteTimeout = 600000; //10 minutes = 10*60 seconds = 600 seconds = 600*1000 milliseconds = 600,000 milliseconds. webReq.KeepAlive = false; webReq.Method = "POST"; webReq.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary; webReq.ContentLength = postData.Length; bytes = encoding.GetBytes(postData); streamOut = webReq.GetRequestStream(); streamOut.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); streamOut.Close(); response = webReq.GetResponse(); //Process the response readStream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII); str = readStream.ReadToEnd(); readStream.Close(); if (strHistoryFile != "") //Tack the response onto the end of the saved history file if one was created above. { File.AppendAllText(strHistoryFile, "\r\n\r\nUPLOAD REQUEST: postData.Length=" + postData.Length + " bytes.Length=" + bytes.Length + "==============\r\n" + " RESPONSE TO DATA UPLOAD================================================================\r\n" + str); } errormsg = ""; status = ""; str = str.Replace("\r\n", ""); //Debug.Write(str); if (str.Length > 300) { throw new Exception("Unknown lengthy error message received."); } responseParams = str.Split('&'); for (int i = 0; i < responseParams.Length; i++) { curParam = GetParam(responseParams[i]); switch (curParam) { case "Status": status = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; case "Error Message": case "ErrorMessage": errormsg = GetParamValue(responseParams[i]); break; case "Filename": case "Timestamp": break; case "": //errorMessage blank break; default: throw new Exception(str); //"Unexpected parameter: "+str);//curParam+"*"); } } switch (status) { case "0": //MessageBox.Show("Upload successful."); break; case "1": throw new Exception("Authentication failed. " + errormsg); case "2": throw new Exception("Cannot upload at this time. " + errormsg); } }