Пример #1
            public void LoadActionPlanStep(string actionName, OCAction.OCActionArgs arguments)
                Debug.Log("OCActionController::LoadActionPlanStep: " + actionName);
                TreeType         treeType       = _ActionNameDictionary[actionName];
                Tree             tree           = _TreeTypeDictionary[treeType];
                OCActionPlanStep actionPlanStep = OCScriptableObject.CreateInstance <OCActionPlanStep>();

                actionPlanStep.Behaviour = tree;
                actionPlanStep.Arguments = arguments;
                Debug.Log("Enqueued Action Step: " + actionPlanStep.Arguments.ActionName);
Пример #2
            public void LoadActionPlanStep(string actionName, OCAction.OCActionArgs arguments)
                //Debug.Log("OCActionController::LoadActionPlanStep: " + actionName);
                TreeType         treeType       = _ActionNameDictionary[actionName];
                Tree             tree           = _TreeTypeDictionary[treeType];
                OCActionPlanStep actionPlanStep = OCScriptableObject.CreateInstance <OCActionPlanStep>();

                actionPlanStep.Behaviour = tree;
                actionPlanStep.Arguments = arguments;
                System.Console.WriteLine(OCLogSymbol.DETAILEDINFO + "Enqueued Action Step: " + actionPlanStep.Arguments.ActionName);
    public void LoadLevel()
        int verticalOffset = 85;

        Debug.Log("About to load level folder: " + _fullMapPath + ".");

        Substrate.AnvilWorld mcWorld = Substrate.AnvilWorld.Create(_fullMapPath);

        Substrate.AnvilRegionManager mcAnvilRegionManager = mcWorld.GetRegionManager();

        OpenCog.BlockSet.OCBlockSet blockSet = _map.GetBlockSet();

        //_map.GetSunLightmap().SetSunHeight(20, 4, 4);

        int createCount = 0;

        System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, int> unmappedBlockTypes = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, int>();

        //Debug.Log("In LoadLevel, there are " + blockSet.BlockCount + " blocks available.");

        foreach (Substrate.AnvilRegion mcAnvilRegion in mcAnvilRegionManager)
            // Loop through x-axis of chunks in this region
            for (int iMCChunkX = 0; iMCChunkX < mcAnvilRegion.XDim; iMCChunkX++)
                // Loop through z-axis of chunks in this region.
                for (int iMCChunkZ = 0; iMCChunkZ < mcAnvilRegion.ZDim; iMCChunkZ++)
                    // Retrieve the chunk at the current position in our 2D loop...
                    Substrate.ChunkRef mcChunkRef = mcAnvilRegion.GetChunkRef(iMCChunkX, iMCChunkZ);

                    if (mcChunkRef != null)
                        if (mcChunkRef.IsTerrainPopulated)
                            // Ok...now to stick the blocks in...

                            int iMCChunkY = 0;

                            OCChunk chunk     = null;                //new OCChunk(_map, new Vector3i(iMCChunkX, iMCChunkY, iMCChunkZ));
                            OCChunk lastChunk = null;

                            Vector3i chunkPos     = new Vector3i(mcAnvilRegion.ChunkGlobalX(iMCChunkX), iMCChunkY + verticalOffset, mcAnvilRegion.ChunkGlobalZ(iMCChunkZ));
                            Vector3i lastChunkPos = Vector3i.zero;
                            chunk = _map.GetChunkInstance(chunkPos);

                            for (int iMCChunkInternalY = 0; iMCChunkInternalY < mcChunkRef.Blocks.YDim; iMCChunkInternalY++)
                                if (iMCChunkInternalY / OCChunk.SIZE_Y > iMCChunkY)
                                    lastChunk    = chunk;
                                    lastChunkPos = chunkPos;
                                    chunkPos     = new Vector3i(mcAnvilRegion.ChunkGlobalX(iMCChunkX), (iMCChunkInternalY + verticalOffset) / OCChunk.SIZE_Y, mcAnvilRegion.ChunkGlobalZ(iMCChunkZ));
                                    chunk        = _map.GetChunkInstance(chunkPos);

                                for (int iMCChunkInternalX = 0; iMCChunkInternalX < mcChunkRef.Blocks.XDim; iMCChunkInternalX++)
                                    for (int iMCChunkInternalZ = 0; iMCChunkInternalZ < mcChunkRef.Blocks.ZDim; iMCChunkInternalZ++)
                                        int iBlockID = mcChunkRef.Blocks.GetID(iMCChunkInternalX, iMCChunkInternalY, iMCChunkInternalZ);

                                        if (iBlockID != 0)
                                            Vector3i blockPos = new Vector3i(iMCChunkInternalX, iMCChunkInternalY % OCChunk.SIZE_Y, iMCChunkInternalZ);

                                            int ourBlockID = -1;

//											switch (iBlockID)
//											{
//											case 3: // Dirt to first grass
//												ourBlockID = 1;
//												break;
//											case 12: // Grass to grass
//												ourBlockID = 1;
//												break;
//											case 13: // Gravel to stone
//												ourBlockID = 4;
//												break;
//											case 1: // Stone to second stone
//												ourBlockID = 5;
//												break;
//											case 16: // Coal ore to fungus
//												ourBlockID = 17;
//												break;
//											case 15: // Iron ore to pumpkin
//												ourBlockID = 20;
//												break;
//											case 9: // Water to water
//												ourBlockID = 8;
//												//Debug.Log ("Creating some water at [" + blockPos.x + ", " + blockPos.y + ", " + blockPos.z + "]");
//												break;
////											case 2:
////												iBlockID = 16;
////												break;
////											case 4:
////												iBlockID = 16;
////												break;
////											case 18:
////												iBlockID = 16;
////												break;
//											default:
//											{
//												//Debug.Log ("Unmapped BlockID: " + iBlockID);
//												if (!unmappedBlockTypes.ContainsKey (iBlockID))
//												{
//													unmappedBlockTypes.Add (iBlockID, 1);
//												}
//												else
//												{
//													unmappedBlockTypes[iBlockID] += 1;
//												}
//												break;
//												}
//											}

                                            if (mcToOCBlockDictionary.ContainsKey(iBlockID))
                                                ourBlockID = mcToOCBlockDictionary[iBlockID];
                                                if (!unmappedBlockTypes.ContainsKey(iBlockID))
                                                    unmappedBlockTypes.Add(iBlockID, 1);
                                                    unmappedBlockTypes[iBlockID] += 1;

                                            if (ourBlockID != -1)
                                                OCBlock newBlock = blockSet.GetBlock(ourBlockID);

                                                //OCBlockData block = new OpenCog.Map.OCBlockData(newBlock, blockPos);
                                                OCBlockData block = (OCBlockData)OCScriptableObject.CreateInstance <OCBlockData>();
                                                block.Init(newBlock, blockPos);

                                                chunk.SetBlock(block, blockPos);
                                                OpenCog.Map.Lighting.OCLightComputer.RecomputeLightAtPosition(_map, blockPos);

                                                if (block.block.GetName() == "Battery")
                                                    GameObject batteryPrefab = OCMap.Instance.BatteryPrefab;
                                                    if (batteryPrefab == null)
                                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("OCBuilder::Update, batteryPrefab == null");
                                                        GameObject battery = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(batteryPrefab);
                                                        battery.transform.position = blockPos;
                                                        battery.name             = "Battery";
                                                        battery.transform.parent = OCMap.Instance.BatteriesSceneObject.transform;

                                                if (block.block.GetName() == "Hearth")
                                                    GameObject hearthPrefab = OCMap.Instance.HearthPrefab;
                                                    if (hearthPrefab == null)
                                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("OCBuilder::Update, hearthPrefab == null");
                                                        GameObject hearth = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(hearthPrefab);
                                                        hearth.transform.position = blockPos;
                                                        hearth.name             = "Hearth";
                                                        hearth.transform.parent = OCMap.Instance.HearthsSceneObject.transform;

                                                createCount += 1;
                                    }                     // End for (int iMCChunkInternalZ = 0; iMCChunkInternalZ < mcChunkRef.Blocks.ZDim; iMCChunkInternalZ++)
                                }                         // End for (int iMCChunkInternalY = 0; iMCChunkInternalY < mcChunkRef.Blocks.YDim; iMCChunkInternalY++)

                                string chunkCoord = chunkPos.x + ", " + chunkPos.z;

                                if (!chunkList.ContainsKey(chunkCoord))
                                    chunkList.Add(chunkCoord, chunkPos);

                                if (iMCChunkY < iMCChunkInternalY / OCChunk.SIZE_Y)
                                    _map.Chunks.AddOrReplace(lastChunk, lastChunkPos);
                                    iMCChunkY = iMCChunkInternalY / OCChunk.SIZE_Y;
                            } // End for (int iMCChunkInternalX = 0; iMCChunkInternalX < mcChunkRef.Blocks.XDim; iMCChunkInternalX++)
                        }     // End if (mcChunkRef.IsTerrainPopulated)
                    }         // End if (mcChunkRef != null)
                }             // End for (int iMCChunkZ = 0; iMCChunkZ < mcAnvilRegion.ZDim; iMCChunkZ++)
            }                 // End for (int iMCChunkX  = 0; iMCChunkX < mcAnvilRegion.XDim; iMCChunkX++)
        } // End foreach( Substrate.AnvilRegion mcAnvilRegion in mcAnvilRegionManager )

        foreach (Vector3i chunkToLight in chunkList.Values)
            OpenCog.Map.Lighting.OCChunkSunLightComputer.ComputeRays(_map, chunkToLight.x, chunkToLight.z);
            OpenCog.Map.Lighting.OCChunkSunLightComputer.Scatter(_map, null, chunkToLight.x, chunkToLight.z);

        foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair <int, int> unmappedBlockData in unmappedBlockTypes)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Unmapped BlockID '" + unmappedBlockData.Key + "' found " + unmappedBlockData.Value + " times.");

        Debug.Log("Loaded level: " + _fullMapPath + ", created " + createCount + " blocks.");

    } // End public void LoadLevel()
Пример #4
            public void UpdateAI()
                _ActionPlanList = _ActionPlanQueue.ToList();

                if (_step == null && _ActionPlanQueue.Count != 0)
                    _step = _ActionPlanQueue.First();
                    Debug.LogWarning("In OCActionController.UpdateAI, starting action step: " + _step.Arguments.ActionName + ", retry: " + _step.Retry);
                else if (_step == null && _ActionPlanQueue.Count == 0)
                    _PlanSucceeded = true;
                    OCActionPlanStep step = OCScriptableObject.CreateInstance <OCActionPlanStep>();
                    step.Behaviour = _TreeTypeDictionary[_TreeType];
                    step.Arguments = new OCAction.OCActionArgs(_defaultSource, _defaultStartTarget, _defaultEndTarget);
                    KeyValuePair <string, TreeType> keyValuePair = _ActionNameDictionary.First(s => s.Value == _TreeType);
                    step.Arguments.ActionName = keyValuePair.Key;
                    _step = step;

                BehaveResult result = _step.Behaviour.Tick();

//		if((_step.Behaviour.Name == _TreeTypeDictionary[TreeType.Character_IdleShow].Name) && result == BehaveResult.Success)
//		{
//			//iTween itween = _step.Arguments.Source.GetComponent<iTween>();
//			iTween.Stop(_step.Arguments.Source);
//		}

                if (result != BehaveResult.Running)
                    OCAction.OCActionArgs args = _step.Arguments;

//			if((_step.Behaviour.Name != _TreeTypeDictionary[_TreeType].Name)
//				|| ((_step.Behaviour.Name == _TreeTypeDictionary[_TreeType].Name)
//					&& (GameObject.Find("EndPointStub").transform.position != Vector3.zero)))
                        // if we have a goal...
                        if (_step.Arguments.EndTarget != null)
                            if (_step.Arguments.EndTarget.transform.position != Vector3.zero)
                                _PlanSucceeded &= result == BehaveResult.Success;

                            Vector3 startPosition  = _step.Arguments.StartTarget.transform.position;
                            Vector3 endPosition    = _step.Arguments.EndTarget.transform.position;
                            Vector3 sourcePosition = _step.Arguments.Source.transform.position;
                            sourcePosition.y = sourcePosition.y - 0.5f;

                            Vector3 startToEnd  = endPosition - startPosition;
                            Vector3 sourceToEnd = endPosition - sourcePosition;

                            float startToEndManDist  = Math.Abs(endPosition.x - startPosition.x) + Math.Abs(endPosition.y - startPosition.y) + Math.Abs(endPosition.z - startPosition.z);
                            float sourceToEndManDist = Math.Abs(endPosition.x - sourcePosition.x) + Math.Abs(endPosition.y - sourcePosition.y) + Math.Abs(endPosition.z - sourcePosition.z);

                            if (_step.Behaviour.Name == "Character.Move" || _step.Arguments.ActionName == "walk" || _step.Arguments.ActionName == "jump_toward")
                                // don't use euclideon distance
                                //_PlanSucceeded |= sourceToEnd.sqrMagnitude < startToEnd.sqrMagnitude;

                                // use manhattan distance
                                //_PlanSucceeded = sourceToEndManDist <= startToEndManDist;

                                if (VectorUtil.AreVectorsEqual(sourcePosition, endPosition))
                                    _PlanSucceeded = true;
                                    _PlanSucceeded = false;

                            if (_step.Behaviour.Name == "Character.Destroy" || _step.Arguments.ActionName == "eat")
                                _PlanSucceeded = (endPosition == Vector3.zero || _step.Arguments.EndTarget == null);

                            if (_step.Arguments.ActionName == "grab")
                                _PlanSucceeded = OCAction.IsEndTargetCloseForward(null, _step.Arguments);

//					if(_step.Arguments.ActionName == "grab")
//					{
//						_PlanSucceeded = endPosition != startPosition && endPosition != null;
//					}

                            if (_step.Arguments.ActionPlanID != null && (_PlanSucceeded || _step.Retry > OCActionPlanStep.MaxRetries))
                                OCConnectorSingleton.Instance.SendActionStatus(args.ActionPlanID, args.SequenceID, args.ActionName, _PlanSucceeded);

                                if (_step.Behaviour.Name != "Character.IdleShow" && !_step.Behaviour.Name.Contains("Behaviour"))
                                    Debug.LogWarning("In OCActionController.UpdateAI, Result: " + (_PlanSucceeded ? "Success" : "Failure") + " for Action: " + (_step.Arguments.ActionName == null ? _step.Behaviour.Name : (_step.Arguments.ActionName + " & Sequence: " + _step.Arguments.SequenceID)));
                            else if (_step.Arguments.ActionPlanID == null && (_PlanSucceeded || _step.Retry > OCActionPlanStep.MaxRetries) && OCConnectorSingleton.Instance.IsEstablished)
                                OCConnectorSingleton.Instance.HandleOtherAgentActionResult(_step, _PlanSucceeded);

//				if(!_PlanSucceeded)
//					Debug.LogWarning(" -- Step Failed: " + (_step.Arguments.ActionName == null ? _step.Behaviour.Name : _step.Arguments.ActionName));


                        // if we failed, retry last step
                        if (_PlanSucceeded == false && OCActionPlanStep.MaxRetries > _step.Retry)
                            _step.Retry += 1;
                        else if (_PlanSucceeded == false && OCActionPlanStep.MaxRetries <= _step.Retry)
                            _step = null;
                        else if (_step.Arguments.EndTarget)
                            OCFadeOutGameObject fadeOut = _step.Arguments.EndTarget.GetComponent <OCFadeOutGameObject>();

                            if (fadeOut != null)
                                fadeOut.enabled = true;

                        if (_ActionPlanQueue.Count == 0)
                            if (_LastPlanID != null)
//						if(result == BehaveResult.Failure)
//							OCConnectorSingleton.Instance.SendActionStatus(args.ActionPlanID, args.SequenceID, args.ActionName, true);

                                OCConnectorSingleton.Instance.SendActionPlanStatus(_LastPlanID, _PlanSucceeded);

                                if (_step != null && _step.Arguments.EndTarget != null)
                                    OCFadeOutGameObject fadeOut = _step.Arguments.EndTarget.GetComponent <OCFadeOutGameObject>();

                                    if (fadeOut != null)
                                        fadeOut.enabled = true;

                                _LastPlanID = null;
                            _step = null;
                        else if (_LastPlanID != null)
                            _step = _ActionPlanQueue.First();
                            Debug.LogWarning("In OCActionController.UpdateAI, starting action step: " + _step.Arguments.ActionName + ", retry: " + _step.Retry);
                            if (_LastPlanID != _step.Arguments.ActionPlanID)
                                Debug.LogError("We've changed plans without reporting back to OpenCog!");
                            _LastPlanID = _step.Arguments.ActionPlanID;
                            _step       = _ActionPlanQueue.First();
                            Debug.LogWarning("In OCActionController.UpdateAI, starting action step: " + _step.Arguments.ActionName + ", retry: " + _step.Retry);
Пример #5



            #region Public Member Functions


            public IEnumerator Start()
                _TreeTypeDictionary = new Dictionary <TreeType, Tree>();
                _ActionPlanQueue    = new LinkedList <OCActionPlanStep>();

                foreach (TreeType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TreeType)).Cast <TreeType>())
                    _TreeTypeDictionary.Add(type, BLOCBehaviours.InstantiateTree(type, this));

                OCAction[] actions = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OCAction>(true);

                foreach (Tree tree in _TreeTypeDictionary.Values)
                    if (tree == null)
                    int index = tree.Name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1;
                    if (index < 0 || index > tree.Name.Count())
                        index = 0;
                    string treeName = tree.Name.Substring(index);

                    foreach (OCAction action in actions)
                        if (((action.FullName.Contains(treeName) || treeName.Contains("Behaviour")) &&
                             !(treeName == "GhostBehaviour" && action.name.Contains("Create")) &&
                             !(treeName == "GhostBehaviour" && action.name.Contains("Destroy"))) ||
                            (treeName == "TurnAndCreate" && action.FullName == "HoldRightHandCreate") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnAndCreate" && action.FullName == "HoldRightHandCreateBelow") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnAndCreate" && action.FullName == "StandTurnLeftMove") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnAndCreate" && action.FullName == "StandTurnRightMove") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnAndCreate" && action.FullName == "StandIdleShow") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnAndCreate" && action.FullName == "FallIdleShow") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnLeftOrRight" && action.FullName == "StandTurnLeftMove") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnLeftOrRight" && action.FullName == "StandTurnRightMove") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnLeftOrRight" && action.FullName == "StandIdleShow") ||
                            (treeName == "TurnLeftOrRight" && action.FullName == "FallIdleShow") ||
                            (treeName == "BothHandsTransfer" && action.FullName == "HoldBothHandsTransfer")
                            int actionTypeID = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(BLOCBehaviours.ActionType), action.FullName);

                            tree.SetTickForward(actionTypeID, action.ExecuteBehave);

                OCActionPlanStep firstStep = OCScriptableObject.CreateInstance <OCActionPlanStep>();

                firstStep.Behaviour = _TreeTypeDictionary[_TreeType];
                firstStep.Arguments = new OCAction.OCActionArgs(_defaultSource, _defaultStartTarget, _defaultEndTarget);
                KeyValuePair <string, TreeType> keyValuePair = _ActionNameDictionary.First(s => s.Value == _TreeType);

                firstStep.Arguments.ActionName = keyValuePair.Key;


                RunningActions = new List <string>();

                // vvvv Testing Nil's action for the SantaFe problem vvvv

//		XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//		doc.LoadXml("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>\n<oc:action-plan xmlns:oc=\"http://www.opencog.org/brain\" demand=\"\" entity-id=\"OAC_AGI_Robot\" id=\"0\">\n<action name=\"step_forward\" sequence=\"1\"/>\n</oc:action-plan>");
//		XmlNodeList list = doc.GetElementsByTagName(OCEmbodimentXMLTags.ACTION_PLAN_ELEMENT);
//		XmlElement root = (XmlElement)list.Item(0);//MakeXMLElementRoot(doc);
//		CharacterController charControl = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
//		bool tryParse = true;


                while (Application.isPlaying)
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f / 100.0f));


//			if(tryParse && charControl.isGrounded)
//			{
//				OCConnectorSingleton.Instance.ParseActionPlanElement(root);
//				tryParse = false;
//			}