Пример #1
        private static GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> AssignChargeStatesbkp(GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> peaks, int maxCharge, MassTolerance isotopicMzTolerance)
            GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> new_peaks = new GraphML_List <MsMsPeak>();

            for (int i = 0; i < peaks.Count - 1; i++)
                int        j       = i + 1;
                List <int> charges = new List <int>();
                while (j < peaks.Count)
                    if (peaks[j].MZ > (peaks[i].MZ + Constants.C12_C13_MASS_DIFFERENCE) + isotopicMzTolerance)

                    for (int c = maxCharge; c >= 1; c--)
                        if (Math.Abs(Numerics.CalculateMassError(peaks[j].MZ, peaks[i].MZ + Constants.C12_C13_MASS_DIFFERENCE / (double)c, isotopicMzTolerance.Units)) <= isotopicMzTolerance.Value)
                            new_peaks.Add(new MsMsPeak(peaks[i].MZ, peaks[i].Intensity, c));

                if (charges.Count == 0)
                    new_peaks.Add(new MsMsPeak(peaks[i].MZ, peaks[i].Intensity, 0));


        public IEnumerable <ProductMatch> GetProductMZs(DBOptions options, GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> peaks)//, List<double> theoretical_product_mzs = null)
            // speed optimizations
            //double[] experimental_masses = Query.spectrum.Masses;
            //GraphML_List<MSPeak> peaks = Query.spectrum.Peaks;
            int num_experimental_peaks = peaks.Count;

            TotalTheoreticalProducts = 0;
            TotalWeightedProducts    = 0;
            //New version that should include charged ions

            //foreach (ProductMatch matchTheo in AllFragmentSearch.ComputeAllFragments(Peptide, Query.precursor.Charge, options))
            foreach (ProductMatch matchTheo in options.fragments.ComputeFragmentsFast(Peptide.GetMasses(), Query.precursor.Charge, options))
            //foreach (ProductMatch matchTheo in options.fragments.ComputeFragments(Peptide, Query.precursor.Charge, options))
                TotalWeightedProducts += matchTheo.weight;//++;
                //TODO test what is most common between charged ions, and uncharged ions
                //for (int charge = 1; charge <= Query.precursor.Charge; charge++)
                //for (int charge = Query.precursor.Charge; charge >= 1; charge--)
                double massDiff = options.productMassTolerance.Value;
                double bestMz   = -1;
                double bestInt  = 0;

                foreach (int index in Query.spectrum.GetIndexOfMZInRange(matchTheo.theoMz, options.productMassTolerance))
                    if (peaks[index].Charge <= 0 || peaks[index].Charge == matchTheo.charge)
                        double diff = Numerics.CalculateMassError(peaks[index].MZ, matchTheo.theoMz, options.productMassTolerance.Units);
                        //double diff = matchTheo.theoMz - peaks[index].MZ;// experimental_masses[index];//TODO DALTON ONLY : add product mass tolerance unit test
                        if (Math.Abs(diff) < options.productMassTolerance.Value)
                            if (Math.Abs(diff) < Math.Abs(massDiff))//TODO Priority to intensity, or precision?
                                massDiff = diff;
                                bestMz   = peaks[index].MZ;
                            //if (peaks[index].Intensity > bestInt)
                            bestInt += peaks[index].Intensity;
                if (bestMz >= 0)
                    ProductMatch pMatch = new ProductMatch();
                    pMatch.weight              = matchTheo.weight;
                    pMatch.theoMz              = matchTheo.theoMz; // Utilities.MZFromMzSingleCharge(theoMass, charge);
                    pMatch.obsMz               = bestMz;           // experimental_masses[bestIndex];
                    pMatch.mass_diff           = massDiff;
                    pMatch.obsIntensity        = bestInt;          // Intensities[bestIndex];
                    pMatch.charge              = matchTheo.charge; // peaks[bestIndex].Charge;
                    pMatch.Fragment            = matchTheo.Fragment;
                    pMatch.fragmentPos         = matchTheo.fragmentPos;
                    pMatch.normalizedIntensity = pMatch.obsIntensity / (Query.spectrum.InjectionTime * Query.spectrum.PrecursorIntensityPerMilliSecond);
                    yield return(pMatch);
Пример #3
        private static GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> Deisotopebkp(GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> peaks, int maxCharge, MassTolerance isotopicMzTolerance)
            GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> new_peaks = new GraphML_List <MsMsPeak>(peaks);


            for (int lowMassIndex = 0; lowMassIndex < new_peaks.Count - 1; lowMassIndex++)
                if (new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Charge > 0)
                    int    toRemove      = -1;
                    double bestMassError = isotopicMzTolerance.Value;
                    double aim           = Numerics.IsotopicMassShift(1, new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Charge) + new_peaks[lowMassIndex].MZ;

                    int potentialIsotopeIndex = lowMassIndex + 1;
                    while (potentialIsotopeIndex < new_peaks.Count && new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].MZ < aim + bestMassError)
                        if (new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Intensity > new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            double massError = Math.Abs(Numerics.CalculateMassError(new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].MZ, aim, isotopicMzTolerance.Units));
                            if (massError < bestMassError)
                                bestMassError = massError;
                                toRemove      = potentialIsotopeIndex;
                    if (toRemove > 0)
                        new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Intensity += new_peaks[toRemove].Intensity;
Пример #4
        private static GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> AssignChargeStatesAndDeisotope(GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> peaks, int maxCharge, MassTolerance isotopicMzTolerance)
            GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> new_peaks = new GraphML_List <MsMsPeak>(peaks);


            int[] bestIsotopes    = new int[4];
            int[] currentIsotopes = new int[4];
            for (int lowMassIndex = 0; lowMassIndex < new_peaks.Count - 1; lowMassIndex++)
                double bestChargeScore = 0;
                int    bestCharge      = 0;
                bestIsotopes[0] = 0; bestIsotopes[1] = 0; bestIsotopes[2] = 0; bestIsotopes[3] = 0;
                for (int charge = maxCharge; charge > 0; charge--)
                    currentIsotopes[0] = 0; currentIsotopes[1] = 0; currentIsotopes[2] = 0; currentIsotopes[3] = 0;
                    double score = 0;
                    int    potentialIsotopeIndex = lowMassIndex + 1;
                    for (int isotope = 1; isotope <= 4; isotope++)
                        double bestMassError = isotopicMzTolerance.Value;
                        double aim           = Numerics.IsotopicMassShift(isotope, charge) + new_peaks[lowMassIndex].MZ;

                        while (potentialIsotopeIndex < new_peaks.Count && new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].MZ < aim + bestMassError)
                            if (new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Intensity > new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].Intensity)
                                double massError = Math.Abs(Numerics.CalculateMassError(new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].MZ, aim, isotopicMzTolerance.Units));
                                if (massError < bestMassError)
                                    bestMassError = massError;
                                    currentIsotopes[isotope - 1] = potentialIsotopeIndex;
                        score += isotopicMzTolerance.Value - bestMassError;
                        if (score == 0)
                    if (score > bestChargeScore)
                        bestIsotopes[0] = currentIsotopes[0];
                        bestIsotopes[1] = currentIsotopes[1];
                        bestIsotopes[2] = currentIsotopes[2];
                        bestIsotopes[3] = currentIsotopes[3];
                        bestChargeScore = score;
                        bestCharge      = charge;

                new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Charge = bestCharge;
                for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (bestIsotopes[i] > 0)
                        new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Intensity += new_peaks[bestIsotopes[i]].Intensity;