Пример #1
        private static Portion getCostBaseline(long globalCost, Func <CacheHitInfo, CacheStats> getStats)
            var cumulativeCost = 0L;
            var cacheCount     = 0;
            var _90pct         = Portion.Ratio(9, 10);
            var threshold      = globalCost * _90pct;

            var costs = from cache in Nrdo.GetCacheHitInfoUnsorted()
                        let cost = getStats(cache).CumulativeCost
                                   orderby cost descending
                                   select cost;

            foreach (var cost in costs)
                cumulativeCost += cost;
                if (cumulativeCost >= threshold)
                    return(Portion.Ratio(cumulativeCost, cacheCount));

            // The only way we should be able to get to here is if there aren't any caches at all, but just in case, we define the threshold as equal to 90% of
            // the global cost in that case.
Пример #2
        private static TimeSpan getImpactBaseline(TimeSpan globalQueryTime, Func <CacheHitInfo, CacheStats> getStats)
            var cumulativeQueryTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
            var caches = from cache in Nrdo.GetCacheHitInfoUnsorted()
                         let stats = getStats(cache)
                                     let impact = stats.Impact
                                                  orderby impact ascending
                                                  select new { impact, totalQueryTime = stats.CumulativeTime };

            foreach (var cache in caches)
                if (cache.impact == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    globalQueryTime -= cache.totalQueryTime; // Caches with zero impact aren't counted as part of the total at all
                    cumulativeQueryTime += cache.totalQueryTime;
                if (cumulativeQueryTime + cumulativeQueryTime >= globalQueryTime)

            // If no caches have any impact at all then the baseline is kind of undefined, so we arbitrarily pick the total query time of the entire site as the baseline.
Пример #3
        private static void rebalance()
            // Accumulate cost for all caches
            long cost = 0;

            foreach (var hitInfo in Nrdo.GetCacheHitInfoUnsorted())
                cost += hitInfo.CycleCost();
            globalStats = globalStats.WithCycleCost(cost);

            // Do the grow cycle

            // See if it's time for a shrink cycle
            if (ShrinkCycleCounter == 0)

            // Store last rebalance info
            lastRebalanceStats = globalStats.ToNow();

Пример #4
        private static void doShrinkCycle()
            var baselines = CalculateBaselines();

            // sort all caches that have existed and not been grown for a full shrink cycle by score ascending
            // score = (1 + impact/baselineImpact) / (1 + cost/baselineCost)
            // calculate forever and this cycle and take the higher (better) answer
            var shrinkCandidates = (from hitInfo in Nrdo.GetCacheHitInfoUnsorted()
                                    where hitInfo.Cache.IsEnabled && hitInfo.lastShrinkCycleStats != null && (hitInfo.lastGrownStats == null || hitInfo.lastGrownStats.LatestGlobalStats.LatestOperationStamp < hitInfo.lastShrinkCycleStats.LatestGlobalStats.LatestOperationStamp)
                                    let stats = hitInfo.CacheStats.ToNow()
                                                let thisCycle = stats.Since(hitInfo.lastShrinkCycleStats)
                                                                let sinceLastShrink = stats.Since(hitInfo.lastShrunkStats)
                                                                                      let globalScore = (1 + Portion.SafeRatio(stats.Impact, baselines.Baseline.Impact)) / (1 + sinceLastShrink.CumulativeCost / baselines.Baseline.Cost)
                                                                                                        let cycleScore = (1 + Portion.SafeRatio(thisCycle.Impact, baselines.CycleBaseline.Impact)) - (1 + thisCycle.CumulativeCost / baselines.CycleBaseline.Cost)
                                                                                                                         let score = Portion.Max(globalScore, cycleScore)
                                                                                                                                     orderby score ascending
                                                                                                                                     select new { hitInfo, score }).ToList();

            // shrink the first 1/4 of the caches in that list as long as their score is strictly < 100%
            shrinkCandidates = shrinkCandidates.Take(shrinkCandidates.Count / 4).Where(c => c.score < Portion.Complete).ToList();

            foreach (var candidate in shrinkCandidates)
                if (candidate.hitInfo.IsList)
                    var listCache = (IListCache)candidate.hitInfo.Cache;
                    if (listCache.Capacity == 0 && listCache.ItemCapacity == 1)
                    else if (listCache.ItemCapacity == 0 && listCache.Capacity == 1)
                        listCache.ItemCapacity = (int)candidate.hitInfo.CacheStats.AverageResultItems + 1;
                        listCache.Capacity     = 0;
                        listCache.Capacity     = listCache.Capacity * 3 / 4;
                        listCache.ItemCapacity = listCache.ItemCapacity * 3 / 4;
                    if (candidate.hitInfo.Cache.Capacity <= 1)
                        candidate.hitInfo.Cache.Capacity = candidate.hitInfo.Cache.Capacity * 3 / 4;
                candidate.hitInfo.lastShrunkStats = candidate.hitInfo.CacheStats.ToNow();

            // store last shrink cycle info for each individual cache
            lastShrinkCycleStats = globalStats.ToNow();
            foreach (var hitInfo in Nrdo.GetCacheHitInfoUnsorted())
                hitInfo.lastShrinkCycleStats = hitInfo.CacheStats.ToNow();
Пример #5
        private static void doGrowPulse()
            // - Grow caches where ImpactGainHybrid is "high" both as a percentage of total DB time and in
            //   absolute value as measured over the period *since this cache was last rebalanced*.
            //   Algorithm:
            //   - Take all caches where ImpactGainHybrid[since last grown] is greater than zero
            //     - Sort by ImpactGainHybrid[since last grown]/Nrdo.TotalQueryTime[since last grown]
            //   - Take all caches that existed at last cycle, haven't grown since then, and where ImpactGainHybrid[this cycle] is greater than zero
            //     (using this pulse would be better but we don't have this cache's stats for that)
            //     - Sort by ImpactGainHybrid[this cycle]/Nrdo.TotalQueryTime[this cycle]
            //   - Grow any caches that are in the top 50% of either list and also have ImpactGainHybrid[since last grown] > CacheGrowThreshold
            var growCandidates = (from hitInfo in Nrdo.GetCacheHitInfoUnsorted()
                                  let stats = hitInfo.CacheStats.ToNow()
                                              let sinceGrow = stats.Since(hitInfo.lastGrownStats)
                                                              let gainSinceGrow = sinceGrow.PotentialImpactGainHybrid
                                                                                  where gainSinceGrow > TimeSpan.Zero
                                                                                  let ratioSinceGrow = Portion.SafeRatio(gainSinceGrow, sinceGrow.LatestGlobalStats.TotalQueryTime)

                                                                                                       let thisCycle = hitInfo.lastShrinkCycleStats == null ||
                                                                                                                       (hitInfo.lastGrownStats != null && hitInfo.lastGrownStats.LatestGlobalStats.LatestOperationStamp >= hitInfo.lastShrinkCycleStats.LatestGlobalStats.LatestOperationStamp)
                                      ? null : stats.Since(hitInfo.lastShrinkCycleStats)
                                                                                                                       let gainThisCycle = thisCycle == null ? TimeSpan.Zero : thisCycle.PotentialImpactGainHybrid
                                                                                                                                           let ratioThisCycle = thisCycle == null ? Portion.Zero : Portion.SafeRatio(gainThisCycle, thisCycle.LatestGlobalStats.TotalQueryTime)
                                                                                                                                                                select new

            if (!growCandidates.Any())

            var sinceGrowRatioLimit = growCandidates.OrderBy(c => c.ratioSinceGrow).ElementAt(growCandidates.Count / 2).ratioSinceGrow;

            var cycleCandidates = growCandidates.Where(c => c.gainThisCycle > TimeSpan.Zero).ToList();
            var cycleRatioLimit = cycleCandidates.Any() ? cycleCandidates.OrderBy(c => c.ratioThisCycle).ElementAt(cycleCandidates.Count / 2).ratioThisCycle : Portion.Complete;

            var growCaches = from cache in growCandidates
                             where cache.gainSinceGrow > CacheGrowThreshold &&
                             (cache.ratioSinceGrow >= sinceGrowRatioLimit ||
                              (cache.gainThisCycle > TimeSpan.Zero && cache.ratioThisCycle >= cycleRatioLimit))
                             select cache;

            foreach (var candidate in growCaches)
                //  - Calculate GrowthFactor: 1 + Max(NonHitsOverCapacity / TotalQueries, 0.2)
                var growthFactor = 1 + Math.Max((double)candidate.sinceGrow.NonHitsOverCapacity / candidate.sinceGrow.TotalQueries, 0.2);

                //  - For non-list caches, Capacity = Max(Capacity * GrowthFactor, Capacity + 2)
                if (!candidate.hitInfo.IsList)
                    var targetCapacity = Math.Max((int)(candidate.hitInfo.Cache.Capacity * growthFactor), candidate.hitInfo.Cache.Capacity + 2);
                    candidate.hitInfo.Cache.Capacity = Math.Min(targetCapacity, Nrdo.MaxCacheCapacity);
                    var listSinceGrow = candidate.sinceGrow.ListStats;
                    var listCache     = (IListCache)candidate.hitInfo.Cache;

                    //  - For list caches,
                    //    - Calculate PotentialCost: Max(PeakItemCount, ItemCapacity, Capacity * WeightedResultItems)
                    var potentialCost = Math.Max(Math.Max(listCache.ItemCapacity, listCache.PeakItemCount), listCache.Capacity * candidate.sinceGrow.WeightedResultItems);

                    //    - Calculate TargetCost = GrowthFactor * Max(PotentialCost, WeightedResultItems)
                    var targetCost = Math.Min(growthFactor * Math.Max(potentialCost, candidate.hitInfo.CacheStats.WeightedResultItems), Nrdo.MaxCacheCapacity);

                    //    - Calculate TargetCapacity = Max(TargetCost / WeightedResultItems, Capacity + 1)
                    var targetCapacity = Math.Max((int)(targetCost / candidate.hitInfo.CacheStats.WeightedResultItems), listCache.Capacity + 1);

                    //      - If ItemCapacity < TargetCapacity * AvgResultItems or (Capacity = 0 and Skipped = 0)
                    if (listCache.ItemCapacity < targetCapacity * candidate.hitInfo.CacheStats.AverageResultItems ||
                        (listCache.Capacity == 0 && listSinceGrow.Skipped == 0))
                        //        - Set ItemCapacity = Max(TargetCost, ItemCapacity + 2)
                        listCache.ItemCapacity = Math.Max((int)targetCost, listCache.ItemCapacity + 2);
                        //        - Set Capacity = TargetCapacity and ItemCapacity = TargetCapacity * AvgResultItems
                        listCache.Capacity     = targetCapacity;
                        listCache.ItemCapacity = (int)(targetCapacity * candidate.hitInfo.CacheStats.AverageResultItems);
                candidate.hitInfo.lastGrownStats = candidate.hitInfo.CacheStats.ToNow();