Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates an array list from pg represenation of an array.
		/// Multidimensional arrays are treated as ArrayLists of ArrayLists
		/// </summary>
		private ArrayList ToArrayList(NpgsqlBackendTypeInfo TypeInfo, String BackendData, Int16 elementTypeSize,
									  Int32 elementTypeModifier)
			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
			//remove the braces on either side and work on what they contain.
			string stripBraces = BackendData.Trim().Substring(1, BackendData.Length - 2).Trim();
			if (stripBraces.Length == 0)
				return list;
			if (stripBraces[0] == '{')
			//there are still braces so we have an n-dimension array. Recursively build an ArrayList of ArrayLists
				foreach (string arrayChunk in ArrayChunkEnumeration(stripBraces))
					list.Add(ToArrayList(TypeInfo, arrayChunk, elementTypeSize, elementTypeModifier));
			//We're either dealing with a 1-dimension array or treating a row of an n-dimension array. In either case parse the elements and put them in our ArrayList
				foreach (string token in TokenEnumeration(stripBraces))
					//Use the NpgsqlBackendTypeInfo for the element type to obtain each element.
					list.Add(_elementConverter.ConvertToNative(token, elementTypeSize, elementTypeModifier));
			return list;
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates an array from pg representation.
		/// </summary>
		public object ToArray(NpgsqlBackendTypeInfo TypeInfo, String BackendData, Int16 TypeSize, Int32 TypeModifier)
			//first create an arraylist, then convert it to an array.
			return ToArray(ToArrayList(TypeInfo, BackendData, TypeSize, TypeModifier), _elementConverter.Type);
        /// This method is reponsible to derive the command parameter list with values obtained from function definition.
        /// It clears the Parameters collection of command. Also, if there is any parameter type which is not supported by Npgsql, an InvalidOperationException will be thrown.
        /// Parameters name will be parameter1, parameter2, ...
        /// For while, only parameter name and NpgsqlDbType are obtained.
        /// <param name="command">NpgsqlCommand whose function parameters will be obtained.</param>
        public static void DeriveParameters(NpgsqlCommand command)
            // Updated after 0.99.3 to support the optional existence of a name qualifying schema and case insensitivity when the schema ror procedure name do not contain a quote.
            // This fixed an incompatibility with NpgsqlCommand.CheckFunctionReturn(String ReturnType)
            String query         = null;
            string procedureName = null;
            string schemaName    = null;

            string[] fullName = command.CommandText.Split('.');
            if (fullName.Length > 1 && fullName[0].Length > 0)
                query =
                    "select proargnames, proargtypes from pg_proc p left join pg_namespace n on p.pronamespace = n.oid where proname=:proname and n.nspname=:nspname";
                schemaName    = (fullName[0].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[0] : fullName[0].ToLower();
                procedureName = (fullName[1].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[1] : fullName[1].ToLower();
                query         = "select proargnames, proargtypes from pg_proc where proname = :proname";
                procedureName = (fullName[0].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[0] : fullName[0].ToLower();

            using (NpgsqlCommand c = new NpgsqlCommand(query, command.Connection))
                c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("proname", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
                c.Parameters[0].Value = procedureName.Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                if (fullName.Length > 1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaName))
                    NpgsqlParameter prm = c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("nspname", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
                    prm.Value = schemaName.Replace("\"", "").Trim();

                String[] names = null;
                String[] types = null;

                using (NpgsqlDataReader rdr = c.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow | CommandBehavior.SingleResult))
                    if (rdr.Read())
                        if (!rdr.IsDBNull(0))
                            names = rdr.GetValue(0) as String[];
                        if (!rdr.IsDBNull(1))
                            types = rdr.GetString(1).Split();

                if (types == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_InvalidFunctionName"), command.CommandText));

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                    // skip parameter if type string is empty
                    // empty parameter lists can cause this
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(types[i]))
                        NpgsqlBackendTypeInfo typeInfo = null;
                        if (!c.Connector.OidToNameMapping.TryGetValue(int.Parse(types[i]), out typeInfo))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Invalid parameter type: {0}", types[i]));
                        if (names != null && i < names.Length)
                            command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter(":" + names[i], typeInfo.NpgsqlDbType));
                            command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("parameter" + i + 1, typeInfo.NpgsqlDbType));
Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new ArrayBackendToNativeTypeConverter
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="elementConverter"><see cref="NpgsqlBackendTypeInfo"/> for the element type.</param>
		public ArrayBackendToNativeTypeConverter(NpgsqlBackendTypeInfo elementConverter)
			_elementConverter = elementConverter;
Пример #5
        private static void DoDeriveParameters(NpgsqlCommand command)
            // See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/catalog-pg-proc.html
            // Updated after 0.99.3 to support the optional existence of a name qualifying schema and case insensitivity when the schema ror procedure name do not contain a quote.
            // This fixed an incompatibility with NpgsqlCommand.CheckFunctionReturn(String ReturnType)
            var    serverVersion = command.Connector.ServerVersion;
            String query         = null;
            string procedureName = null;
            string schemaName    = null;

            string[] fullName = command.CommandText.Split('.');
            if (fullName.Length > 1 && fullName[0].Length > 0)
                // proargsmodes is supported for Postgresql 8.1 and above
                if (serverVersion >= new Version(8, 1, 0))
                    query = "select proargnames, proargtypes, proallargtypes, proargmodes from pg_proc p left join pg_namespace n on p.pronamespace = n.oid where proname=:proname and n.nspname=:nspname";
                    query = "select proargnames, proargtypes from pg_proc p left join pg_namespace n on p.pronamespace = n.oid where proname=:proname and n.nspname=:nspname";
                schemaName    = (fullName[0].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[0] : fullName[0].ToLower();
                procedureName = (fullName[1].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[1] : fullName[1].ToLower();
                // proargsmodes is supported for Postgresql 8.1 and above
                if (serverVersion >= new Version(8, 1, 0))
                    query = "select proargnames, proargtypes, proallargtypes, proargmodes from pg_proc where proname = :proname";
                    query = "select proargnames, proargtypes from pg_proc where proname = :proname";
                procedureName = (fullName[0].IndexOf("\"") != -1) ? fullName[0] : fullName[0].ToLower();

            using (NpgsqlCommand c = new NpgsqlCommand(query, command.Connection))
                c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("proname", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
                c.Parameters[0].Value = procedureName.Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                if (fullName.Length > 1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaName))
                    NpgsqlParameter prm = c.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("nspname", NpgsqlDbType.Text));
                    prm.Value = schemaName.Replace("\"", "").Trim();

                string[] names = null;
                int[]    types = null;
                string[] modes = null;

                using (NpgsqlDataReader rdr = c.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow | CommandBehavior.SingleResult))
                    if (rdr.Read())
                        if (!rdr.IsDBNull(0))
                            names = rdr.GetValue(0) as String[];
                        if (serverVersion >= new Version("8.1.0"))
                            if (!rdr.IsDBNull(2))
                                types = rdr.GetValue(2) as int[];
                            if (!rdr.IsDBNull(3))
                                modes = rdr.GetValue(3) as String[];
                        if (types == null)
                            if (rdr.IsDBNull(1) || rdr.GetString(1) == "")
                                return;  // Parameterless function
                            types = rdr.GetString(1).Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(resman.GetString("Exception_InvalidFunctionName"), command.CommandText));

                for (var i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                    var param = new NpgsqlParameter();
                    NpgsqlBackendTypeInfo typeInfo = null;
                    if (!c.Connector.OidToNameMapping.TryGetValue(types[i], out typeInfo))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Invalid parameter type: {0}", types[i]));
                    param.NpgsqlDbType = typeInfo.NpgsqlDbType;

                    if (names != null && i < names.Length)
                        param.ParameterName = ":" + names[i];
                        param.ParameterName = "parameter" + (i + 1);

                    if (modes == null) // All params are IN, or server < 8.1.0 (and only IN is supported)
                        param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                        switch (modes[i])
                        case "i":
                            param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

                        case "o":
                            param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                        case "b":
                            param.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                        case "v":
                            throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot derive function parameter of type VARIADIC");

                        case "t":
                            throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot derive function parameter of type TABLE");

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("proargmode", modes[i],
                                                                  "Unknown code in proargmodes while deriving: " + modes[i]);
