public override void UpdateVanity(Player player, EquipType type) { NoxiumPlayer sgaplayer = player.GetModPlayer(mod, typeof(NoxiumPlayer).Name) as NoxiumPlayer; if (!Main.dedServ) { sgaplayer.armorglowmasks[5] = "NoxiumMod/Items/Accesories/StriderWings_Wings_Glow"; } }
public override bool OnPickup(Player player) { NoxiumPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <NoxiumPlayer>(); = false; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item3, player.Center); Player p = Main.player[item.owner]; p.ManaEffect(2); return(false); }
public override void PostDrawInInventory(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, Rectangle frame, Color drawColor, Color itemColor, Vector2 origin, float scale) { //a rectangle for this items width and height adjusted to the scale of the inventory. //possibly devide width and height fiedls by 2 if position is the center Rectangle inventoryItemRect = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, (int)(item.width * scale), (int)(item.height * scale)); Player player = Main.player[item.owner]; //the player using this item //spriteBatch.Draw(Main.magicPixel, inventoryItemRect, null, Color.White); //Used for debugging purposes to draw the rectangle //a quick 2 variables to make our code look cleaner Point mousePoint = new Point(Main.mouseX, Main.mouseY); NoxiumPlayer noxiumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <NoxiumPlayer>(); //Copy vanillas way of holding a button to pick things up if (noxiumPlayer.SeedStackSplit <= 1 && inventoryItemRect.Contains(mousePoint) && noxiumPlayer.SeedKeyDown) { if ((Main.mouseItem.type == ModContent.ItemType <StrawberrySeeds>() && Main.mouseItem.stack < Main.mouseItem.maxStack) || Main.mouseItem.type == ItemID.None) { if (Main.mouseItem.type == ItemID.None) { Item newItem = new Item(); newItem.SetDefaults(ModContent.ItemType <StrawberrySeeds>()); Main.mouseItem = newItem; Main.mouseItem.stack = 0; Main.mouseItem.favorited = item.favorited; } Main.mouseItem.stack++; item.stack--; if (item.stack <= 0) { item.TurnToAir(); } Recipe.FindRecipes(); Main.soundInstanceMenuTick.Stop(); Main.soundInstanceMenuTick = Main.soundMenuTick.CreateInstance(); Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); noxiumPlayer.SeedStackSplit = noxiumPlayer.SeedStackSplit == 0 ? 15 : noxiumPlayer.SeedStackDelay; } } }
public override void AI() { Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner]; if ((int)Main.time % 120 == 0) { projectile.netUpdate = true; } if (! { = false; return; } NoxiumPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <NoxiumPlayer>(); if (player.dead) { modPlayer.PotionPet = false; } if (modPlayer.PotionPet) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } // head Vector2 center14 = player.Center; int num1049 = 10; int num1053 = -1; if (projectile.Distance(center14) > 2000f) { projectile.Center = center14; projectile.netUpdate = true; } if (num1053 != -1) { NPC nPC15 = Main.npc[num1053]; Vector2 vector148 = nPC15.Center - projectile.Center; float num1057 = (float)(vector148.X > 0f).ToDirectionInt(); float num1058 = (float)(vector148.Y > 0f).ToDirectionInt(); float scaleFactor15 = 0.4f; if (vector148.Length() < 600f) { scaleFactor15 = 0.6f; } if (vector148.Length() < 300f) { scaleFactor15 = 0.8f; } if (vector148.Length() > nPC15.Size.Length() * 0.75f) { projectile.velocity += Vector2.Normalize(vector148) * scaleFactor15 * 1.5f; if (Vector2.Dot(projectile.velocity, vector148) < 0.25f) { projectile.velocity *= 0.8f; } } float num1059 = 30f; if (projectile.velocity.Length() > num1059) { projectile.velocity = Vector2.Normalize(projectile.velocity) * num1059; } } else { float num1060 = 0.2f; Vector2 vector149 = center14 - projectile.Center; if (vector149.Length() < 200f) { num1060 = 0.12f; } if (vector149.Length() < 140f) { num1060 = 0.06f; } if (vector149.Length() > 100f) { if (Math.Abs(center14.X - projectile.Center.X) > 20f) { projectile.velocity.X = projectile.velocity.X + num1060 * (float)Math.Sign(center14.X - projectile.Center.X); } if (Math.Abs(center14.Y - projectile.Center.Y) > 10f) { projectile.velocity.Y = projectile.velocity.Y + num1060 * (float)Math.Sign(center14.Y - projectile.Center.Y); } } else if (projectile.velocity.Length() > 2f) { projectile.velocity *= 0.96f; } if (Math.Abs(projectile.velocity.Y) < 1f) { projectile.velocity.Y = projectile.velocity.Y - 0.1f; } float num1061 = 15f; if (projectile.velocity.Length() > num1061) { projectile.velocity = Vector2.Normalize(projectile.velocity) * num1061; } } projectile.rotation = projectile.velocity.ToRotation() + 1.57079637f; int direction = projectile.direction; projectile.direction = (projectile.spriteDirection = ((projectile.velocity.X > 0f) ? 1 : -1)); if (direction != projectile.direction) { projectile.netUpdate = true; } float num1062 = MathHelper.Clamp(projectile.localAI[0], 0f, 50f); projectile.position = projectile.Center; projectile.scale = 1f + num1062 * 0.01f; projectile.width = (projectile.height = (int)((float)num1049 * projectile.scale)); projectile.Center = projectile.position; if (projectile.alpha > 0) { projectile.alpha -= 42; if (projectile.alpha < 0) { projectile.alpha = 0; return; } } }