private void SendNotifys(WF_WORKFLOW_INST mainRow, IUnitOfData source) { try { INotifyAction notifyAction; if (!NotifyActions.IsNotEmpty()) { NotifyActions.Add("DefaultNotifyAction"); } //if (NotifyActions.IndexOf("NotifyAction") < 0 ) //{ // NotifyActions.Add("NotifyAction"); //} foreach (var notify in NotifyActions) { notifyAction = notify.CodePlugIn <INotifyAction>(); notifyAction.DoPush(QuoteIdList.LoadFromString(mainRow.WI_RECEIVE_LIST), null, mainRow, source); //DoActionDelegate doActionDelegate = new DoActionDelegate(notifyAction.DoAction); foreach (var userID in QuoteIdList.LoadFromString(mainRow.WI_RECEIVE_LIST)) { notifyAction.DoAction(userID, mainRow, null, source); //doActionDelegate.BeginInvoke(userID, mainRow, WorkflowInstUtil.CreateContent(mainRow), source, null, null); } } //---------- } catch (Exception ex) { string str = "工作流触发异常:" + ex.Message; AtawAppContext.Current.Logger.Debug(str); AtawTrace.WriteFile(LogType.Error, str); } }
public async Task <List <PuckUser> > UsersToNotify(string path, NotifyActions action) { //var user = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; var strAction = action.ToString(); var metas = repo.GetPuckMeta() .Where(x => x.Name.Contains(":" + strAction /*+ ":"*/)) .Where( x => x.Key.Equals(path) && x.Name.Contains(":.:") || x.Key.StartsWith(path) && x.Name.Contains(":*:") ) .ToList(); var usernames = metas.Select(x => x.Value).ToList(); var users = new List <PuckUser>(); foreach (var username in usernames) { var user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(username); if (user != null) { users.Add(user); } } return(users); }
public static string EmailTransform(string template, BaseModel model, NotifyActions action) { string date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); string time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); string user = ""; string editUrl = ""; try { var hcontext = HttpContext.Current; user = hcontext?.User?.Identity?.Name ?? ""; var uri = hcontext?.Request?.GetUri() ?? PuckCache.FirstRequestUrl; editUrl = uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host + (uri.Port != 80 ?(":" + uri.Port):"") + "/puck?hash=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("content?id=" + model.Id.ToString() + "&variant=" + model.Variant); } catch (Exception ex) { PuckCache.PuckLog.Log(ex); } template = template .Replace("<!--Id-->", model.Id.ToString()) .Replace("<!--NodeName-->", model.NodeName) .Replace("<!--LastEditedBy-->", model.LastEditedBy) .Replace("<!--CreatedBy-->", model.CreatedBy) .Replace("<!--Path-->", model.Path) .Replace("<!--Created-->", model.Created.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")) .Replace("<!--Updated-->", model.Updated.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")) .Replace("<!--Revision-->", model.Revision.ToString()) .Replace("<!--Variant-->", model.Variant) .Replace("<!--Published-->", model.Published.ToString()) .Replace("<!--SortOrder-->", model.SortOrder.ToString()) .Replace("<!--TemplatePath-->", model.TemplatePath) .Replace("<!--TypeChain-->", model.TypeChain) .Replace("<!--Type-->", model.Type) .Replace("<!--__Verb__", action.ToString()) .Replace("<!--EditUrl-->", editUrl) .Replace("<!--Date-->", date) .Replace("<!--Time-->", time) .Replace("<!--User-->", user) ; return(template); }
protected bool ReadXmlInternal(XmlReader reader, string password = null) { bool changed = false; decimal version; if (decimal.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute("version"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out version) == true) { Version = version; if (version > WinAuthConfig.CURRENTVERSION) { // ensure we don't overwrite a newer config throw new WinAuthInvalidNewerConfigException(string.Format(strings.ConfigIsNewer, version)); } } string encrypted = reader.GetAttribute("encrypted"); this.PasswordType = Authenticator.DecodePasswordTypes(encrypted); if (this.PasswordType != Authenticator.PasswordTypes.None) { // read the encrypted text from the node string data = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); // decrypt YubiKey yubi = null; if ((this.PasswordType & (Authenticator.PasswordTypes.YubiKeySlot1 | Authenticator.PasswordTypes.YubiKeySlot2)) != 0 /* && this.Yubi == null */) { yubi = YubiKey.CreateInstance(); } data = Authenticator.DecryptSequence(data, this.PasswordType, password, yubi); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Authenticator.StringToByteArray(data))) { reader = XmlReader.Create(ms); changed = ReadXml(reader, password); } this.PasswordType = Authenticator.DecodePasswordTypes(encrypted); this.Password = password; this.Yubi = yubi; return(changed); } reader.MoveToContent(); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Read(); return(changed); } bool defaultAutoRefresh = true; bool defaultAllowCopy = false; bool defaultCopyOnCode = false; bool defaultHideSerial = true; string defaultSkin = null; reader.Read(); while (reader.EOF == false) { if (reader.IsStartElement()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "config": changed = ReadXmlInternal(reader, password) || changed; break; // 3.2 has new layout case "data": { encrypted = reader.GetAttribute("encrypted"); this.PasswordType = Authenticator.DecodePasswordTypes(encrypted); if (this.PasswordType != Authenticator.PasswordTypes.None) { string md5 = reader.GetAttribute("md5"); // read the encrypted text from the node string data = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); using (var hasher = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider()) { hasher.ComputeHash(Authenticator.StringToByteArray(data)); } // decrypt YubiKey yubi = null; if ((this.PasswordType & (Authenticator.PasswordTypes.YubiKeySlot1 | Authenticator.PasswordTypes.YubiKeySlot2)) != 0 /* && this.Yubi == null */) { yubi = YubiKey.CreateInstance(); } data = Authenticator.DecryptSequence(data, this.PasswordType, password, yubi); byte[] plain = Authenticator.StringToByteArray(data); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(plain)) { var datareader = XmlReader.Create(ms); changed = ReadXmlInternal(datareader, password) || changed; } this.PasswordType = Authenticator.DecodePasswordTypes(encrypted); this.Password = password; this.Yubi = yubi; } } break; case "alwaysontop": _alwaysOnTop = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "usetrayicon": _useTrayIcon = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "notifyaction": string s = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == false) { try { _notifyAction = (NotifyActions)Enum.Parse(typeof(NotifyActions), s, true); } catch (Exception) { } } break; case "startwithwindows": _startWithWindows = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "autosize": _autoSize = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "left": _position.X = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; case "top": _position.Y = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; case "width": _width = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; case "height": _height = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; case "shadowtype": _shadowType = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "pgpkey": _pgpKey = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "settings": XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(setting[]), new XmlRootAttribute() { ElementName = "settings" }); _settings = ((setting[])serializer.Deserialize(reader)).ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Value); break; // previous setting used as defaults for new case "autorefresh": defaultAutoRefresh = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "allowcopy": defaultAllowCopy = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "copyoncode": defaultCopyOnCode = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "hideserial": defaultHideSerial = reader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(); break; case "skin": defaultSkin = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "WinAuthAuthenticator": var wa = new WinAuthAuthenticator(); changed = wa.ReadXml(reader, password) || changed; this.Add(wa); if (this.CurrentAuthenticator == null) { this.CurrentAuthenticator = wa; } break; // for old 2.x configs case "authenticator": var waold = new WinAuthAuthenticator(); waold.AuthenticatorData = Authenticator.ReadXmlv2(reader, password); if (waold.AuthenticatorData is BattleNetAuthenticator) { waold.Name = ""; } else if (waold.AuthenticatorData is GuildWarsAuthenticator) { waold.Name = "GuildWars 2"; } else if (waold.AuthenticatorData is GuildWarsAuthenticator) { waold.Name = "Authenticator"; } this.Add(waold); this.CurrentAuthenticator = waold; waold.AutoRefresh = defaultAutoRefresh; waold.AllowCopy = defaultAllowCopy; waold.CopyOnCode = defaultCopyOnCode; waold.HideSerial = defaultHideSerial; break; // old 2.x auto login script case "autologin": var hks = new HoyKeySequence(); hks.ReadXml(reader, password); if (hks.HotKey != 0) { if (this.CurrentAuthenticator.HotKey == null) { this.CurrentAuthenticator.HotKey = new HotKey(); } HotKey hotkey = this.CurrentAuthenticator.HotKey; hotkey.Action = HotKey.HotKeyActions.Inject; hotkey.Key = hks.HotKey; hotkey.Modifiers = hks.Modifiers; if (hks.WindowTitleRegex == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(hks.WindowTitle) == false) { hotkey.Window = "/" + Regex.Escape(hks.WindowTitle); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hks.WindowTitle) == false) { hotkey.Window = hks.WindowTitle; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hks.ProcessName) == false) { hotkey.Window = hks.ProcessName; } if (hks.Advanced == true) { hotkey.Action = HotKey.HotKeyActions.Advanced; hotkey.Advanced = hks.AdvancedScript; } } break; default: reader.Skip(); break; } } else { reader.Read(); break; } } return(changed); }