Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and bulk updates notification templates. Called when the "Get and bulk update templates" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationTemplate method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndBulkUpdateNotificationTemplates()
        // Prepare the parameters
        string where = "TemplateName LIKE N'MyNewTemplate%'";
        where        = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "TemplateSiteID = " + CMSContext.CurrentSiteID, "AND");

        // Get the data
        DataSet templates = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetTemplates(where, null);

        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(templates))
            // Loop through the individual items
            foreach (DataRow templateDr in templates.Tables[0].Rows)
                // Create object from DataRow
                NotificationTemplateInfo modifyTemplate = new NotificationTemplateInfo(templateDr);

                // Update the property
                modifyTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = modifyTemplate.TemplateDisplayName.ToUpper();

                // Update the notification template


Пример #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Show info message inf changes were saved
        if (QueryHelper.GetInteger("saved", 0) == 1)
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
            lblInfo.Text    = GetString("general.changessaved");

            // Reload header if changes were saved
            ScriptHelper.RefreshTabHeader(Page, null);

        // Get resource strings
        lblDisplayName.ResourceString = "general.displayname";
        lblCodeName.ResourceString    = "general.codename";
        valCodeName.Text     = GetString("general.requirescodename");
        valDisplayName.Text  = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname");
        btnOk.ResourceString = "general.ok";

        // Load values
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (this.TemplateID != 0))
            NotificationTemplateInfo nti = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(this.TemplateID);
            if (nti != null)
                txtCodeName.Text    = nti.TemplateName;
                txtDisplayName.Text = nti.TemplateDisplayName;
        public async Task UpdateTemplateAsync_BadRequest_TemplateAndLocal_Exist()
            var templateService = new Mock <ITemplateService>();
            var controller      = new NotificationTemplateController(templateService.Object);

            var info = new NotificationTemplateInfo("temp", new List <Localization>

            templateService.Setup(e => e.GetTemplateInfoAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))

            var ex = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() =>
                                                 controller.UpdateTemplateAsync(new NewTemplateRequest
                TemplateName     = "temp",
                TemplateBody     = "hello",
                LocalizationCode = "en-us"

            Assert.IsType <ValidationApiException>(ex);
            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ((ValidationApiException)ex).StatusCode);

Пример #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates notification template text. Called when the "Create text" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateNotificationTemplateText()
        // Get the template
        NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        // Get the gateway
        NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("MyNewGateway");

        if ((template != null) && (gateway != null))
            // Create new notification template text object
            NotificationTemplateTextInfo newText = new NotificationTemplateTextInfo();

            // Set the properties
            newText.TemplateSubject           = "My new text";
            newText.TemplateID                = template.TemplateID;
            newText.GatewayID                 = gateway.GatewayID;
            newText.TemplateHTMLText          = "";
            newText.TemplatePlainText         = "";
            newText.TempalateTextLastModified = DateTime.Now;

            // Create the notification template text


Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and updates notification template text. Called when the "Get and update text" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationTemplateText method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndUpdateNotificationTemplateText()
        // Get the template
        NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        //Get the gateway
        NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("MyNewGateway");

        if ((template != null) && (gateway != null))
            // Get the notification template text
            NotificationTemplateTextInfo updateText = NotificationTemplateTextInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateTextInfo(gateway.GatewayID, template.TemplateID);
            if (updateText != null)
                // Update the property
                updateText.TemplateSubject = updateText.TemplateSubject.ToLower();

                // Update the notification template text


Пример #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates notification subscription. Called when the "Create subscription" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateNotificationSubscription()
        // Get the gateway
        NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("MyNewGateway");

        // Get the tamplate
        NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        if ((gateway != null) && (template != null))
            // Create new notification subscription object
            NotificationSubscriptionInfo newSubscription = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo();

            // Set the properties
            newSubscription.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = "My new subscription";
            newSubscription.SubscriptionGatewayID        = gateway.GatewayID;
            newSubscription.SubscriptionTemplateID       = template.TemplateID;
            newSubscription.SubscriptionTime             = DateTime.Now;
            newSubscription.SubscriptionUserID           = CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserID;
            newSubscription.SubscriptionTarget           = "";
            newSubscription.SubscriptionLastModified     = DateTime.Now;
            newSubscription.SubscriptionSiteID           = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;

            // Create the notification subscription


Пример #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and bulk updates notification subscriptions. Called when the "Get and bulk update subscriptions" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationSubscription method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndBulkUpdateNotificationSubscriptions()
        // Get the gateway
        NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("MyNewGateway");

        // Get the tamplate
        NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        if ((gateway != null) && (template != null))
            // Prepare the parameters
            string where = "SubscriptionGatewayID = " + gateway.GatewayID + " AND SubscriptionTemplateID = " + template.TemplateID;

            // Get the notification subscription
            DataSet subscriptions = NotificationSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetSubscriptions(where, null);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(subscriptions))
                foreach (DataRow subscriptionDr in subscriptions.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Create object from DataRow
                    NotificationSubscriptionInfo updateSubscription = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo(subscriptions.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

                    // Update the property
                    updateSubscription.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = updateSubscription.SubscriptionEventDisplayName.ToUpper();

                    // Update the notification subscription


        public async Task InsertOrUpdateAsync(NotificationTemplateInfo templateInfo)
            using (var context = _msSqlContextFactory.CreateDataContext())
                var entity = await context.Templates.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == templateInfo.Name);

                if (entity == null)
                    entity = new TemplateEntity
                        Name = templateInfo.Name,
                        ListOfLocalization = ConvertListLocalizationToString(templateInfo.AvailableLocalizations)

                    await context.AddAsync(entity);
                    entity.ListOfLocalization = ConvertListLocalizationToString(templateInfo.AvailableLocalizations);


                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Пример #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes notification subscription. Called when the "Delete subscription" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationSubscription method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool DeleteNotificationSubscription()
        // Get the gateway
        NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("MyNewGateway");

        // Get the template
        NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        if ((gateway != null) && (template != null))
            // Prepare the parameters
            string where = "SubscriptionGatewayID = " + gateway.GatewayID + " AND SubscriptionTemplateID = " + template.TemplateID;

            // Get the notification subscription
            DataSet subscriptions = NotificationSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetSubscriptions(where, null);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(subscriptions))
                // Create object from DataRow
                NotificationSubscriptionInfo deleteSubscription = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo(subscriptions.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

                // Delete the notification subscription

                return(deleteSubscription != null);

Пример #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes notification template. Called when the "Delete template" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationTemplate method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool DeleteNotificationTemplate()
        // Get the notification template
        NotificationTemplateInfo deleteTemplate = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        // Delete the notification template

        return(deleteTemplate != null);
Пример #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates notification template. Called when the "Create template" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateNotificationTemplate()
        // Create new notification template object
        NotificationTemplateInfo newTemplate = new NotificationTemplateInfo();

        // Set the properties
        newTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = "My new template";
        newTemplate.TemplateName        = "MyNewTemplate";
        newTemplate.TemplateSiteID      = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;

        // Create the notification template

Пример #12
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Load or create new NotificationTemplateInfo
        NotificationTemplateInfo nti = null;

        string target = "";

        if (TemplateID > 0)
            nti = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(TemplateID);

            if (nti == null)
                throw new Exception("Template with given ID not found!");

            target = "Template_Edit_General.aspx";
            nti = new NotificationTemplateInfo();
            nti.TemplateGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
            target           = "Template_Edit.aspx";

        // Validate codename
        string error = ValidateForm(nti);

        if ((error != null) && (error != ""))
            // Show error message


        // Setup object
        nti.TemplateName        = txtCodeName.Text.Trim();
        nti.TemplateDisplayName = txtDisplayName.Text.Trim();
        nti.TemplateSiteID      = SiteID;

        // Update db
        TemplateID = nti.TemplateID;

        //Redirect to edit page
        URLHelper.Redirect(target + "?saved=1&templateid=" + TemplateID.ToString() + "&siteid=" + SiteID.ToString());
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Load or create new NotificationTemplateInfo
        NotificationTemplateInfo nti = null;

        string target = "";

        if (TemplateID > 0)
            nti = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(TemplateID);

            if (nti == null)
                throw new Exception("Template with given ID not found!");

            target = "Template_Edit_General.aspx";
            nti = new NotificationTemplateInfo();
            nti.TemplateGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
            target = "Template_Edit.aspx";

        // Validate codename
        string error = ValidateForm(nti);
        if ((error != null) && (error != ""))
            // Show error message


        // Setup object
        nti.TemplateName = txtCodeName.Text.Trim();
        nti.TemplateDisplayName = txtDisplayName.Text.Trim();
        nti.TemplateSiteID = SiteID;

        // Update db
        TemplateID = nti.TemplateID;

        //Redirect to edit page
        URLHelper.Redirect(target + "?saved=1&templateid=" + TemplateID.ToString() + "&siteid=" + SiteID.ToString());
        public async Task <NotificationTemplateInfo> GetTemplateInfoAsync(string templateName)
            using (var context = _msSqlContextFactory.CreateDataContext())
                var entity = await context.Templates.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == templateName);

                if (entity == null)

                var info = new NotificationTemplateInfo(

Пример #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and updates notification template. Called when the "Get and update template" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationTemplate method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndUpdateNotificationTemplate()
        // Get the notification template
        NotificationTemplateInfo updateTemplate = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        if (updateTemplate != null)
            // Update the property
            updateTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = updateTemplate.TemplateDisplayName.ToLower();

            // Update the notification template


Пример #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes notification template text. Called when the "Delete text" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationTemplateText method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool DeleteNotificationTemplateText()
        // Get the template
        NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        //Get the gateway
        NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("MyNewGateway");

        if ((template != null) && (gateway != null))
            // Get the notification template text
            NotificationTemplateTextInfo deleteText = NotificationTemplateTextInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateTextInfo(gateway.GatewayID, template.TemplateID);

            // Delete the notification template text

            return(deleteText != null);

Пример #17
        public async Task CreateOrUpdateTemplateAsync(string templateName, string templateBody, Localization localization)
            await _templateContentRepository.SaveContentAsync(templateName, localization, templateBody);

            var info = await _templateRepository.GetTemplateInfoAsync(templateName);

            if (info == null)
                info = new NotificationTemplateInfo(templateName, new List <Localization> {
                await _templateRepository.InsertOrUpdateAsync(info);
            else if (!info.HasLocalization(localization))
                await _templateRepository.InsertOrUpdateAsync(info);

            _log.Info("Template updated", new { Name = templateName, Localization = localization.ToString() });
Пример #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and bulk updates notification template texts. Called when the "Get and bulk update texts" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationTemplateText method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndBulkUpdateNotificationTemplateTexts()
        // Get the template
        NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("MyNewTemplate", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        //Get the gateway
        NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("MyNewGateway");

        if ((template != null) && (gateway != null))
            // Prepare the parameters
            string where = "";
            where        = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "TemplateID = " + template.TemplateID, "AND");
            where        = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "GatewayID = " + gateway.GatewayID, "AND");

            // Get the data
            DataSet texts = NotificationTemplateTextInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateTexts(where, null);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(texts))
                // Loop through the individual items
                foreach (DataRow textDr in texts.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Create object from DataRow
                    NotificationTemplateTextInfo modifyText = new NotificationTemplateTextInfo(textDr);

                    // Update the property
                    modifyText.TemplateSubject = modifyText.TemplateSubject.ToUpper();

                    // Update the notification template text


Пример #19
    private string ValidateForm(NotificationTemplateInfo nti)
        string codename = txtCodeName.Text.Trim();

        // Check if display name is not empty
        string result = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtDisplayName.Text.Trim(), "general.requiresdisplayname").Result;

        if (result != "")

        // Check if code name is not empty
        result = new Validator().NotEmpty(codename, "general.requiresdisplayname").Result;
        if (result != "")

        // Check if code name is valid
        result = new Validator().IsCodeName(codename, "general.invalidcodename").Result;
        if (result != "")

        // Check if codename is unique
        if ((nti.TemplateName != codename))
            NotificationTemplateInfo testNti = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(codename, this.SiteID);
            if ((testNti != null) && (testNti.TemplateID != nti.TemplateID))

        public async Task UpdateTemplateAsync_SuccessCreate()
            var templateService = new Mock <ITemplateService>();
            var controller      = new NotificationTemplateController(templateService.Object);

            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();

            var info = new NotificationTemplateInfo("temp", new List <Localization>

            templateService.Setup(e => e.GetTemplateInfoAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))

            await controller.UpdateTemplateAsync(new NewTemplateRequest { TemplateName = "temp", TemplateBody = "hello", LocalizationCode = "en" });

            templateService.Verify(e => e.CreateOrUpdateTemplateAsync("temp", "hello", Localization.From("en")), Times.Once);

            Assert.Equal((int)HttpStatusCode.NoContent, controller.Response.StatusCode);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates notification template. Called when the "Create template" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateNotificationTemplate()
        // Create new notification template object
        NotificationTemplateInfo newTemplate = new NotificationTemplateInfo();

        // Set the properties
        newTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = "My new template";
        newTemplate.TemplateName = "MyNewTemplate";
        newTemplate.TemplateSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;

        // Create the notification template

        return true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Calls Validate() method, if validation fails returns error message,
    /// otherwise creates subscriptions and returns empty string.
    /// </summary>
    public override string Subscribe()
        // Validate inputs
        string errorMessage = this.Validate();

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))

        // Get correct user ID
        int userId = 0;

        if (this.EventUserID > 0)
            userId = this.EventUserID;
            if (CMSContext.CurrentUser != null)
                userId = CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserID;

        // Parse the notification template site and name
        NotificationTemplateInfo nti = null;
        string templateName          = this.NotificationTemplateName;

        if (this.NotificationTemplateName != null)
            string[] temp = this.NotificationTemplateName.Split(new char[] { '.' });
            if (temp.Length == 2)
                SiteInfo tempSite = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(temp[0]);
                if (tempSite != null)
                    templateName = temp[1];
                    nti          = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(templateName, tempSite.SiteID);
                nti = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(templateName, 0);

        bool hasSubscription = false;

        // Inputs are valid now, create the subscriptions
        for (int i = 0; i < this.NotificationGateways.Count; i++)
            CheckBox chk             = controls[i, 0] as CheckBox;
            Panel    pnl             = controls[i, 1] as Panel;
            CMSNotificationGateway g = controls[i, 2] as CMSNotificationGateway;
            if ((pnl != null) && (chk != null) && (g != null) && (chk.Checked))
                // Register the subscriptions
                if (g.NotificationGatewayObj != null)
                    if (g.NotificationGatewayForm != null)
                        // Stores NotificationSubscriptionInfo objects
                        List <NotificationSubscriptionInfo> infos = new List <NotificationSubscriptionInfo>();
                        bool uniquenessFailed = false;
                        bool templateFailed   = false;

                        foreach (NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsiTemplate in this.Subscriptions)
                            // Create new subscription and initialize it with default values
                            NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsi = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo();
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = this.EventDisplayName;
                            nsi.SubscriptionTarget           = Convert.ToString(g.NotificationGatewayForm.Value);
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventCode        = this.EventCode;
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID    = this.EventObjectID;
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventSource      = this.EventSource;
                            nsi.SubscriptionGatewayID        = g.NotificationGatewayObj.GatewayID;
                            nsi.SubscriptionTime             = DateTime.Now;
                            nsi.SubscriptionUserID           = userId;
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventData1       = this.EventData1;
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventData2       = this.EventData2;
                            nsi.SubscriptionUseHTML          = this.SubscriptionUseHTML;
                            nsi.SubscriptionSiteID           = this.SubscriptionSiteID;
                            if (nti != null)
                                nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID = nti.TemplateID;

                            // Overwrite default values if these are specified in template subscription
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventDisplayName))
                                nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventDisplayName;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventCode))
                                nsi.SubscriptionEventCode = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventCode;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventSource))
                                nsi.SubscriptionEventSource = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventSource;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData1))
                                nsi.SubscriptionEventData1 = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData1;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData2))
                                nsi.SubscriptionEventData2 = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData2;
                            if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventObjectID > 0)
                                nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventObjectID;
                            if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionUserID > 0)
                                nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionUserID;
                            if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionSiteID > 0)
                                nsi.SubscriptionSiteID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionSiteID;
                            if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionTemplateID > 0)
                                nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionTemplateID;

                            // Check uniqueness (create only unique subsciptions)
                            string where = "SubscriptionEventSource = '" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(nsi.SubscriptionEventSource, false) + "' AND " +
                                           "SubscriptionEventCode = '" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(nsi.SubscriptionEventCode, false) + "' AND " +
                                           "SubscriptionTarget = '" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(nsi.SubscriptionTarget, false) + "' AND " +
                                           "SubscriptionEventObjectID = " + nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID + " AND " +
                                           "SubscriptionGatewayID = " + nsi.SubscriptionGatewayID + " AND " +
                                           "SubscriptionEventData1 LIKE '" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(nsi.SubscriptionEventData1, false) + "' AND " +
                                           "SubscriptionEventData2 LIKE '" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(nsi.SubscriptionEventData2, false) + "' AND ";

                            if (nsi.SubscriptionSiteID > 0)
                                where += "SubscriptionSiteID = " + nsi.SubscriptionSiteID;
                                where += "SubscriptionSiteID IS NULL";

                            // Only if subscription is unique and if the template is set, put it into the list
                            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(NotificationSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetSubscriptions(where, null)))
                                uniquenessFailed = true;
                            else if (nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID <= 0)
                                templateFailed = true;

                        if (uniquenessFailed)
                        else if (templateFailed)
                            // Save vaild subscriptions into the DB
                            foreach (NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsi in infos)

                        // Clear the form after successful registration

                        hasSubscription = true;

        if (hasSubscription)
            if (this.NotificationGateways.Count > 1)
                // Reset the state of the gateways
                for (int i = 0; i < this.NotificationGateways.Count; i++)
                    CheckBox chk = controls[i, 0] as CheckBox;
                    Panel    pnl = controls[i, 1] as Panel;
                    if ((chk != null) && (pnl != null))
                        chk.Checked = false;
                        pnl.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            subscriptionElem.StopProcessing = true;
            // Build the actions string
            string actionsString = (CreateEventEnabled ? "|CREATEDOC" : "") +
                                   (DeleteEventEnabled ? "|DELETEDOC" : "") +
                                   (UpdateEventEnabled ? "|UPDATEDOC" : "");

            actionsString = actionsString.TrimStart('|');

            // Get the actions
            string[] actions = actionsString.Split(new char[] { '|' });
            if (actions.Length > 0)
                // Inititalize subscriptionElem control
                subscriptionElem.GatewayNames        = GatewayNames;
                subscriptionElem.EventSource         = "Content";
                subscriptionElem.EventDescription    = EventDescription;
                subscriptionElem.EventObjectID       = 0;
                subscriptionElem.EventData1          = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) ? "/%" : MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path));
                subscriptionElem.EventData2          = DocumentTypes;
                subscriptionElem.SubscriptionUseHTML = SubscriptionUseHTML;

                // If "#current#" is set, then get current site ID
                if (SiteName == "#current#")
                    subscriptionElem.SubscriptionSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
                // If "-" as global is not set, then try to find the site
                else if (SiteName != "-")
                    // Try to find given site
                    SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(SiteName);
                    if (si != null)
                        subscriptionElem.SubscriptionSiteID = si.SiteID;

                // Initialize SubscriptionInfo objects
                NotificationSubscriptionInfo[] subscriptions = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo[actions.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++)
                    NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsi = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo();
                    nsi.SubscriptionEventCode = actions[i];

                    // Get correct template name and event display name
                    string currentDisplayName  = string.Empty;
                    string currentTemplateName = string.Empty;
                    switch (actions[i].ToLowerCSafe())
                    case "createdoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = CreateEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = CreateEventTemplateName;

                    case "deletedoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = DeleteEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = DeleteEventTemplateName;

                    case "updatedoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = UpdateEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = UpdateEventTemplateName;

                    // Get correct template
                    NotificationTemplateInfo nti = GetTemplateInfo(currentTemplateName);
                    if (nti != null)
                        nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID = nti.TemplateID;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDisplayName))
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(String.Format(GetString("notifications.contentsubscription.name"),
                                                                                                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) ? "/%" : Path),
                                                                                                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DocumentTypes) ? GetString("notifications.contentsubscription.alldoctypes") : DocumentTypes),
                                                                                                actions[i]), 250, wholeWords: true, cutLocation: CutTextEnum.Middle);
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = currentDisplayName;
                    subscriptions[i] = nsi;
                subscriptionElem.Subscriptions = subscriptions;
Пример #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (this.StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            this.subscriptionElem.StopProcessing = true;
            // Build the actions string
            string actionsString = (CreateEventEnabled ? "|CREATEDOC" : "") +
                                   (DeleteEventEnabled ? "|DELETEDOC" : "") +
                                   (UpdateEventEnabled ? "|UPDATEDOC" : "");

            actionsString = actionsString.TrimStart('|');

            // Get the actions
            string[] actions = actionsString.Split(new char[] { '|' });
            if (actions.Length > 0)
                // Inititalize subscriptionElem control
                this.subscriptionElem.GatewayNames        = this.GatewayNames;
                this.subscriptionElem.EventSource         = "Content";
                this.subscriptionElem.EventDescription    = this.EventDescription;
                this.subscriptionElem.EventObjectID       = 0;
                this.subscriptionElem.EventData1          = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Path) ? "/%" : this.Path);
                this.subscriptionElem.EventData2          = this.DocumentTypes;
                this.subscriptionElem.SubscriptionUseHTML = this.SubscriptionUseHTML;

                // If "#current#" is set, then get current site ID
                if (this.SiteName == "#current#")
                    this.subscriptionElem.SubscriptionSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;
                // If "-" as global is not set, then try to find the site
                else if (this.SiteName != "-")
                    // Try to find given site
                    SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(this.SiteName);
                    if (si != null)
                        this.subscriptionElem.SubscriptionSiteID = si.SiteID;

                // Initialize SubscriptionInfo objects
                NotificationSubscriptionInfo[] subscriptions = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo[actions.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++)
                    NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsi = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo();
                    nsi.SubscriptionEventCode = actions[i];

                    // Get correct template name and event display name
                    string currentDisplayName  = "";
                    string currentTemplateName = "";
                    switch (actions[i].ToLower())
                    case "createdoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = this.CreateEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = this.CreateEventTemplateName;

                    case "deletedoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = this.DeleteEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = this.DeleteEventTemplateName;

                    case "updatedoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = this.UpdateEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = this.UpdateEventTemplateName;

                    // Get correct template
                    NotificationTemplateInfo nti = GetTemplateInfo(currentTemplateName);
                    if (nti != null)
                        nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID = nti.TemplateID;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDisplayName))
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = String.Format(GetString("notifications.contentsubscription.name"),
                                                                         (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Path) ? "/%" : this.Path),
                                                                         (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DocumentTypes) ? GetString("notifications.contentsubscription.alldoctypes") : this.DocumentTypes),
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = currentDisplayName;
                    subscriptions[i] = nsi;
                this.subscriptionElem.Subscriptions = subscriptions;
    private string ValidateForm(NotificationTemplateInfo nti)
        string codename = txtCodeName.Text.Trim();

        // Check if display name is not empty
        string result = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtDisplayName.Text.Trim(), "general.requiresdisplayname").Result;
        if (result != "")
            return result;

        // Check if code name is not empty
        result = new Validator().NotEmpty(codename, "general.requiresdisplayname").Result;
        if (result != "")
            return result;

        // Check if code name is valid
        result = new Validator().IsCodeName(codename, "general.invalidcodename").Result;
        if (result != "")
            return result;

        // Check if codename is unique
        if ((nti.TemplateName != codename))
            NotificationTemplateInfo testNti = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(codename, this.SiteID);
            if ((testNti != null) && (testNti.TemplateID != nti.TemplateID))
                return "general.uniquecodenameerror";

        return null;
Пример #26
    /// <summary>
    /// Calls Validate() method, if validation fails returns error message,
    /// otherwise creates subscriptions and returns empty string.
    /// </summary>
    public override string Subscribe()
        // Validate inputs
        string errorMessage = Validate();

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))

        // Get correct user ID
        int userId = 0;

        if (EventUserID > 0)
            userId = EventUserID;
            if (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser != null)
                userId = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID;

        // Parse the notification template site and name
        NotificationTemplateInfo nti = null;
        string templateName          = NotificationTemplateName;

        if (NotificationTemplateName != null)
            string[] temp = NotificationTemplateName.Split(new char[] { '.' });
            if (temp.Length == 2)
                SiteInfo tempSite = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(temp[0]);
                if (tempSite != null)
                    templateName = temp[1];
                    nti          = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(templateName, tempSite.SiteID);
                nti = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo(templateName, 0);

        bool hasSubscription = false;

        // Inputs are valid now, create the subscriptions
        for (int i = 0; i < NotificationGateways.Count; i++)
            CMSCheckBox            chk = controls[i, 0] as CMSCheckBox;
            Panel                  pnl = controls[i, 1] as Panel;
            CMSNotificationGateway g   = controls[i, 2] as CMSNotificationGateway;
            if ((pnl != null) && (chk != null) && (g != null) && (chk.Checked))
                // Register the subscriptions
                if (g.NotificationGatewayObj != null && g.NotificationGatewayForm != null)
                    // Stores NotificationSubscriptionInfo objects
                    List <NotificationSubscriptionInfo> infos = new List <NotificationSubscriptionInfo>();
                    bool uniquenessFailed = false;
                    bool templateFailed   = false;

                    foreach (NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsiTemplate in Subscriptions)
                        // Create new subscription and initialize it with default values
                        NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsi = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo();
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = EventDisplayName;
                        nsi.SubscriptionTarget           = Convert.ToString(g.NotificationGatewayForm.Value);
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventCode        = EventCode;
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID    = EventObjectID;
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventSource      = EventSource;
                        nsi.SubscriptionGatewayID        = g.NotificationGatewayObj.GatewayID;
                        nsi.SubscriptionTime             = DateTime.Now;
                        nsi.SubscriptionUserID           = userId;
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventData1       = EventData1;
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventData2       = EventData2;
                        nsi.SubscriptionUseHTML          = SubscriptionUseHTML;
                        nsi.SubscriptionSiteID           = SubscriptionSiteID;
                        if (nti != null)
                            nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID = nti.TemplateID;

                        // Overwrite default values if these are specified in template subscription
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventDisplayName))
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventDisplayName;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventCode))
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventCode = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventCode;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventSource))
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventSource = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventSource;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData1))
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventData1 = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData1;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData2))
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventData2 = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventData2;
                        if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventObjectID > 0)
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionEventObjectID;
                        if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionUserID > 0)
                            nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionUserID;
                        if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionSiteID > 0)
                            nsi.SubscriptionSiteID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionSiteID;
                        if (nsiTemplate.SubscriptionTemplateID > 0)
                            nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID = nsiTemplate.SubscriptionTemplateID;

                        // Check whether template is set
                        if (nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID <= 0)
                            templateFailed = true;

                        // Check uniqueness (create only unique subscriptions)
                        var additionalWhere = new WhereCondition()
                                              .WhereEquals("SubscriptionTarget", nsi.SubscriptionTarget)
                                              .WhereEquals("SubscriptionGatewayID", nsi.SubscriptionGatewayID);

                        var whereConditionObj = NotificationSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetWhereConditionObject(nsi.SubscriptionEventSource, nsi.SubscriptionEventCode, nsi.SubscriptionEventObjectID, nsi.SubscriptionEventData1, nsi.SubscriptionEventData2, nsi.SubscriptionSiteID, additionalWhere);

                        bool subscriptionExists = NotificationSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetNotificationSubscriptions()

                        // Only if subscription is unique put it into the list
                        if (subscriptionExists)
                            uniquenessFailed = true;

                    if (uniquenessFailed)
                    else if (templateFailed)
                        // Save valid subscriptions into the DB
                        foreach (NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsi in infos)

                    // Clear the form after successful registration

                    hasSubscription = true;

        if (hasSubscription)
            if (NotificationGateways.Count > 1)
                // Reset the state of the gateways
                for (int i = 0; i < NotificationGateways.Count; i++)
                    CMSCheckBox chk = controls[i, 0] as CMSCheckBox;
                    Panel       pnl = controls[i, 1] as Panel;
                    if ((chk != null) && (pnl != null))
                        chk.Checked = false;
                        pnl.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and bulk updates notification templates. Called when the "Get and bulk update templates" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateNotificationTemplate method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndBulkUpdateNotificationTemplates()
        // Prepare the parameters
        string where = "TemplateName LIKE N'MyNewTemplate%'";
        where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "TemplateSiteID = " + CMSContext.CurrentSiteID, "AND");

        // Get the data
        DataSet templates = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetTemplates(where, null);
        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(templates))
            // Loop through the individual items
            foreach (DataRow templateDr in templates.Tables[0].Rows)
                // Create object from DataRow
                NotificationTemplateInfo modifyTemplate = new NotificationTemplateInfo(templateDr);

                // Update the property
                modifyTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = modifyTemplate.TemplateDisplayName.ToUpper();

                // Update the notification template

            return true;

        return false;