public async Task <AccountSubscriptionModelApi <int> > SubscribeUserByIdDefaultAsync(int userId) { var sub = await _subscriptionRepository.GetByTitleAsync("Free"); var rootFolder = await _rootFolderService.CreateRootFolderAsync(); AccountSubscriptionModelBussines <int> model = new AccountSubscriptionModelBussines <int> { AccountId = userId, IsActive = true, TakenSpace = 0, RootFolderId = rootFolder.Id, SubscriptionId = sub.Id }; NotificationModelBussines <int> notification = new NotificationModelBussines <int>() { Descritpion = "You registered and signed in on Common subscription", NotificationState = SharedTypes.Enums.NotificationStateEnum.New, Title = "Welcome to the service", AccountId = userId }; await this._notificationRepository.CreateAsync(notification); return(AutoMapperConfig.Mapper.Map <AccountSubscriptionModelApi <int> >( await this._accountSubscriptionRepository.CreateAsync(model) )); }
public async Task <NotificationModelBussines <int> > CreateAsync(NotificationModelBussines <int> model) { var res = await _context.Notifications.AddAsync( AutoMapperConfig.Mapper.Map <NotificationModel <int> >(model) ); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(await GetByIdAsync(res.Entity.Id)); }
internal async Task NotifyAboutSharing(string title, int recieverId) { var notification = new NotificationModelBussines <int>() { Descritpion = $"Folder {title} shared with you!", Title = $"Folder {title} shared with you!", NotificationState = SharedTypes.Enums.NotificationStateEnum.New, AccountId = recieverId }; var res = await this._notificationRepository.CreateAsync(notification); await this._signalRCommunicationService.SendNotificationSignalR( AutoMapperConfig.Mapper.Map <NotificationModelApi <int> >(res), recieverId); }
private async Task NotifyAboutDeletetionAsync(int userId, string title) { var notification = new NotificationModelBussines <int>() { Descritpion = $"{title} is deleted forever from your storage!", Title = $"{title} is deleted!", NotificationState = SharedTypes.Enums.NotificationStateEnum.New, AccountId = userId }; var res = await this._notificationRepository.CreateAsync(notification); await this._signalRCommunicationService.SendNotificationSignalR( AutoMapperConfig.Mapper.Map <NotificationModelApi <int> >(res), userId); }
public async Task <NotificationModelBussines <int> > UpdateAsync(int id, NotificationModelBussines <int> model) { var raw = await this.GetRawById(id); raw.IsDeleted = model.IsDeleted; raw.Title = model.Title ?? raw.Title; raw.Descritpion = model.Descritpion ?? raw.Descritpion; raw.NotificationState = model.NotificationState; _context.Notifications.Update(raw); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(await GetByIdAsync(id)); }