public override void Execute(object parameter) { Logging.DebugLogger.WriteLine($"{GetType().Name}.{nameof(Execute)}({parameter})"); var result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to transform this tile?", "Warning!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (result == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } if (!(parameter is ITile tile)) { MessageBox.Show($"Could not transform to {nameof(NoteTile)}, parameter was of type {parameter.GetType()}."); return; } if (tile.Button == null) { MessageBox.Show($"Could not transform to {nameof(NoteTile)}, not connected to a button yet."); return; } var newTile = new NoteTile(tile.Id, tile.Column, tile.Row, tile.Text, tile.Background, tile.Foreground, ""); tile.Button.Update(newTile); Settings.ReplaceTile(tile, newTile); new EditTileCommand().Execute(newTile); }
public NoteWindow(NoteTile tile) { InitializeComponent(); _tile = tile; Width = Math.Max(tile.WindowWidth, 0); // avoid exception on negative values Height = Math.Max(tile.WindowHeight, 0); Title = $"Note: {tile.Text}"; MainGrid.Children.Add(_txtNote); SetupTextBox(); }
void hitAKey(int note) { Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapBox(transform.position + transform.forward * 0.5f, * 0.05f, new Quaternion(), GenerateMap.NoteMask); if (cols.Length > 0) { Collider col = cols[0]; NoteTile sNote = col.GetComponentInParent <NoteTile>(); if (sNote.note == note && !sNote.hasBeenHit) { int tmpNote = sNote.note; sNote.hasBeenHit = true; GenerateMap.score++; HUD.SetScore(GenerateMap.score); col.transform.parent.GetChild(1).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false; if (GenerateMap.noteToEvent[tmpNote] == EventType.Loot) { col.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetTrigger("Open"); _animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); } if (GenerateMap.noteToEvent[tmpNote] == EventType.Monster) { col.GetComponentInChildren <Enemy>().Die(); _animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); } if (GenerateMap.noteToEvent[tmpNote] == EventType.Jump) { _animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); } AddToCombo(); GenerateMap.notesPlayed++; } else if (sNote.note != note && !sNote.hasBeenHit) { sNote.hasBeenHit = true; LoseCombo(); GenerateMap.notesPlayed++; } lastCollider.GetComponentInParent <NoteTile>().hasBeenHit = true; } if (!isMoving) { HUD.HideStartMessage(); } isMoving = true; }
private void Select() { isSelected = true; render.color = selectedColor; previousSelected = GetComponent <NoteTile>(); Debug.Log(; if ( == "blue 0") { //Instantiate(padManagers[0], spawnPoint, Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log("Fired!"); } SFXManager.instance.PlaySFX(Clip.Select); mainCamera.GetComponent <CameraShake>().shakecamera(); StartCoroutine(StopShakingCamera()); }
private void Deselect() { isSelected = false; render.color = Color.white; previousSelected = null; }