public AffairForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); datePicker.Visible = false; Affair affair = _editedNote as Affair; if (affair != null) { nameTextBox.Text = affair.Name; descriptionRichTextBox.Text = affair.Description; setDateCheckBox.Checked = affair.IsDateSet; datePicker.Value = affair.Date; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)affair.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = affair.Comment; } KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public SerialForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); Serial serial = _editedNote as Serial; if (serial != null) { nameTextBox.Text = serial.Name; seasonTextBox.Text = serial.Season.ToString(); episodeTextBox.Text = serial.Episode.ToString(); stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)serial.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = serial.Comment; } seasonTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); episodeTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public ProgramForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); Program program = _editedNote as Program; if (program != null) { nameTextBox.Text = program.Name; linkRichTextBox.Text = program.DownloadLink; versionTextBox.Text = program.Version; loginTextBox.Text = program.Login; passwordTextBox.Text = program.Password; emailTextBox.Text = program.Email; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)program.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = program.Comment; } KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public DescribedNoteForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); DescribedNote describedNote = _editedNote as DescribedNote; if (describedNote != null) { nameTextBox.Text = describedNote.Name; descriptionRichTextBox.Text = describedNote.Description; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)describedNote.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = describedNote.Comment; } KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public PersonForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); sexComboBox.Items.AddRange(PeopleTable.Sex); sexComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; Person person = _editedNote as Person; if (person != null) { nameTextBox.Text = person.Name; nicknameTextBox.Text = person.Nickname; sexComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)person.Sex; birthdateTextBox.Text = person.Birthdate; addressTextBox.Text = person.Address; contactsRichTextBox.Text = person.Contacts; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)person.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = person.Comment; } birthdateTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckDate); KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("NoteId,NoteTitle,NoteText,UserId")] NoteTable noteTable) { if (id != noteTable.NoteId) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(noteTable); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!NoteTableExists(noteTable.NoteId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["UserId"] = new SelectList(_context.User, "Id", "Id", noteTable.UserId); return(View(noteTable)); }
public DatedNoteForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); DatedNote datedNote = _editedNote as DatedNote; if (datedNote != null) { nameTextBox.Text = datedNote.Name; yearTextBox.Text = (datedNote.Year == 0) ? "" : datedNote.Year.ToString(); stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)datedNote.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = datedNote.Comment; } yearTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public BookmarkForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); Bookmark b = _editedNote as Bookmark; if (b != null) { nameTextBox.Text = b.Name; URLRichTextBox.Text = b.URL; loginTextBox.Text = b.Login; passwordTextBox.Text = b.Password; emailTextBox.Text = b.Email; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)b.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = b.Comment; } KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public void saveDocumentDB(HttpPostedFileBase[] documentFiles, string addedStep, string errorNo) { var userModel = common.getCurrentUserModel(); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/UploadFiles/" + userModel.Company)); // geçerli şirket resimlerine ait klasör yaratılır // Add image flie to db------------------ int counter = 0; foreach (var document in documentFiles) { try { var fileNameWithOutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(document.FileName); // uzantısız adı alınır var extension = Path.GetExtension(document.FileName); // uzantısı alınır // uzantısız dosya adı illegal karakterlerden arındırıldı fileNameWithOutExtension = Regex.Replace(fileNameWithOutExtension, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+", "_", RegexOptions.Compiled); // dosya adı uzantısız olarak değiştirildi counter++; NoteTable noteTable = new NoteTable(); noteTable.ErrorNo = errorNo; noteTable.AddedPlace = addedStep; string filePath = "~/UploadFiles/" + userModel.Company + "/" + "(" + addedStep + ")" + errorNo + "_" + "KanitDosyasi(" + counter.ToString() + ")_" + fileNameWithOutExtension + extension; noteTable.Note = filePath; // file path db.NoteTable.Add(noteTable); db.SaveChanges(); //Save the Image File in Folder. document.SaveAs(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filePath)); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public MealForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); Meal meal = _editedNote as Meal; if (meal != null) { nameTextBox.Text = meal.Name; ingredientsRichTextBox.Text = meal.Ingredients; recipeRichTextBox.Text = meal.Recipe; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)meal.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = meal.Comment; } KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public Task DropTables() { return(Task.WhenAll(new List <Task>() { UserTable.DropIfExistsAsync(), NoteTable.DropIfExistsAsync(), })); }
public Task CreateTables() { return(Task.WhenAll(new List <Task>() { Task.Run(() => UserTable.CreateIfNotExists()), Task.Run(() => NoteTable.CreateIfNotExists()), })); }
private void ReplaceNoteTableInControls(string tableNameDB) { if (_currentNoteTable != null) { Controls.Remove(_currentNoteTable); } _currentNoteTable = _noteTables[tableNameDB]; Controls.Add(_currentNoteTable); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("NoteId,NoteTitle,NoteText,UserId")] NoteTable noteTable) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(noteTable); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["UserId"] = new SelectList(_context.User, "Id", "Id", noteTable.UserId); return(View(noteTable)); }
// GET: api/notes public List <Note> Get(string query = null) { List <Note> notes = null; if (query == null) { notes = NoteTable.GetNotes(); } else { notes = NoteTable.GetNoteByBody(query); } return(notes); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (DescriptionLabel != null) { DescriptionLabel.Dispose(); DescriptionLabel = null; } if (DetailsView != null) { DetailsView.Dispose(); DetailsView = null; } if (JobTable != null) { JobTable.Dispose(); JobTable = null; } if (NewNoteField != null) { NewNoteField.Dispose(); NewNoteField = null; } if (NoteTable != null) { NoteTable.Dispose(); NoteTable = null; } if (OrderNoLabel != null) { OrderNoLabel.Dispose(); OrderNoLabel = null; } if (StatusLabel != null) { StatusLabel.Dispose(); StatusLabel = null; } if (DetailsSection != null) { DetailsSection.Dispose(); DetailsSection = null; } }
public NoteForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) { _mainForm = mainForm; _editedTable = editedTable; _editedNote = (mode == Mode.Edit) ? _editedTable.GetNoteFromSelectedRow() : null; OpenMode = mode; KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { Close(); } }; }
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) { // Web API configuration and services // Web API routes config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(); config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( name: "DefaultApi", routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}", defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional } ); NoteTable.CreateDatabase(); }
private void AddNote(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_currentOrder != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NewNoteField.StringValue)) { var note = new Note { WorkOrderId = _currentOrder.WorkOrderId, Author = User.CurrentUser, Added = DateTime.Now, Content = NewNoteField.StringValue }; _db.Notes.Add(note); _db.SaveChanges(); ((NoteViewSource)NoteTable.Source).AddNote(note); NoteTable.ReloadData(); NewNoteField.StringValue = string.Empty; } }
public GameForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); AutoCompleteStringCollection genres = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); genres.AddRange(Database.SelectUniqueValues("Games", "Genre").Where(x => x != "").ToArray()); genreTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = genres; playersCountComboBox.Items.AddRange(GameTable.PlayersCount); playersCountComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; Game game = _editedNote as Game; if (game != null) { nameTextBox.Text = game.Name; linkRichTextBox.Text = game.DownloadLink; versionTextBox.Text = game.Version; genreTextBox.Text = game.Genre; loginTextBox.Text = game.Login; passwordTextBox.Text = game.Password; emailTextBox.Text = game.Email; playersCountComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)game.Players; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)game.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = game.Comment; } KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
/// <summary> /// Determine if note is a duplicate, and adjust mid and/or guid as required /// returns true if note should be added /// </summary> /// <param name="note"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool UniquifyNote(NoteTable note) { string origGuid = note.GuId; long srcMid = note.Mid; long dstMid = GetMid(srcMid); // duplicate Schemas? if (srcMid == dstMid) { return(!notes.ContainsKey(origGuid)); } // differing schemas and note doesn't exist? note.Mid = dstMid; if (!notes.ContainsKey(origGuid)) { return(true); } // as the schemas differ and we already have a note with a different // note type, this note needs a new guid if (!dupeOnSchemaChange) { return(false); } while (true) { note.GuId = Utils.GetGuidIncrease(note.GuId); changedGuids.Add(origGuid, (note.GuId)); // if we don't have an existing guid, we can add if (!notes.ContainsKey(note.GuId)) { return(true); } // if the existing guid shares the same mid, we can reuse if (dstMid == Convert.ToInt64(notes[note.GuId][MID])) { return(false); } } }
public LiteratureForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); AutoCompleteStringCollection authors = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); authors.AddRange(Database.SelectUniqueValues("Literature", "Author").Where(x => x != "").ToArray()); authorTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = authors; AutoCompleteStringCollection genres = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); genres.AddRange(Database.SelectUniqueValues("Literature", "Genre").Where(x => x != "").ToArray()); genreTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = genres; AutoCompleteStringCollection universes = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); universes.AddRange(Database.SelectUniqueValues("Literature", "Universe").Where(x => x != "").ToArray()); universeTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = universes; AutoCompleteStringCollection serieses = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); serieses.AddRange(Database.SelectUniqueValues("Literature", "Series").Where(x => x != "").ToArray()); seriesTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = serieses; Literature lit = _editedNote as Literature; if (lit != null) { nameTextBox.Text = lit.Name; authorTextBox.Text = lit.Author; genreTextBox.Text = lit.Genre; universeTextBox.Text = lit.Universe; seriesTextBox.Text = lit.Series; volumeTextBox.Text = (lit.Volume == 0) ? "" : lit.Volume.ToString(); chapterTextBox.Text = (lit.Chapter == 0) ? "" : lit.Chapter.ToString(); pageTextBox.Text = (lit.Page == 0) ? "" : lit.Page.ToString(); pagesTextBox.Text = (lit.Pages == 0) ? "" : lit.Pages.ToString(); yearTextBox.Text = (lit.Year == 0) ? "" : lit.Year.ToString(); stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)lit.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = lit.Comment; } // При редактировании вносится только 1 том, а при добавлении можно указать сразу диапазон. if (lit != null) { volumeTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); } else { volumeTextBox.KeyPress += delegate(object o, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && (e.KeyChar != '-')) { e.Handled = true; } }; } chapterTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); pageTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); pagesTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); yearTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(InputEventHandler.CheckNumeric); KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
// GET: api/notes/(int) public Note Get(int id) { Note note = NoteTable.GetNoteById(id); return(note); }
// POST: api/notes public Note Post([FromBody] Note note) { return(NoteTable.InsertNote(note.Body)); }