public void NoteHit(NoteQuality quality, bool optional) { Debug.Log("Note HIT"); switch (quality) { case NoteQuality.Normal: currentScore += scorePerNote; normalHits += 1; break; case NoteQuality.Good: currentScore += scorePerGoodNote; goodHits += 1; break; case NoteQuality.Perfect: currentScore += scorePerPerfectNote; perfectHits += 1; break; } totalHits += 1; musicTrack.PlayOneShot(hitSound); }
private void NoteHit(NoteQuality quality, float diff) { if (quality != NoteQuality.Miss) { ResetBeat(); TriggerFade(1); _beatInputService.NoteHit -= NoteHit; } }
public override void Executed(NoteQuality noteQuality, int streak) { UpdateClosestVisibleEnemy(); _initPosition = unit.transform.position; unit.Agent.isStopped = false; unit.Agent.speed = unit.MovementSpeed + unit.MovementSpeed * streakBonus; if (_closestEnemy) { Vector3 direction = (_closestEnemy.transform.position - unit.transform.position).normalized; unit.Agent.destination = _closestEnemy.transform.position - direction * unit.Range; } }
public override void Executed(NoteQuality noteQuality, int streak) { unit.Agent.isStopped = false; unit.Agent.speed = unit.MovementSpeed + unit.MovementSpeed * streakBonus; unit.Agent.destination = unit.transform.position + Vector3.up * 20; NavMeshHit hit; // true if terminated before reaching max distance if (unit.Agent.SamplePathPosition(NavMesh.AllAreas, unit.Agent.remainingDistance, out hit)) { unit.Agent.destination = hit.position; } }
public override void Executed(NoteQuality noteQuality, int streak) { // do nothing if current target still has health // otherwise search deposits on screen (closest first) and pick a target // pick targets depending on unit equipment (tier, type) _closestDeposit = unit.GetClosestDeposit(); _initPosition = unit.transform.position; unit.Agent.isStopped = false; unit.Agent.speed = unit.MovementSpeed + unit.MovementSpeed * streakBonus; if (_closestDeposit) { Vector3 direction = (_closestDeposit.transform.position - unit.transform.position).normalized; unit.Agent.destination = _closestDeposit.transform.position - direction * GATHER_DISTANCE; } }
private void OnNoteHit(NoteQuality quality, float diff) { if (quality != NoteQuality.Miss) { iTween.PunchRotation(mood.gameObject, 30f * (_moodDirection ? 1 : -1) * Vector3.forward, BeatInputService.NOTE_TIME * .9f); _moodDirection = !_moodDirection; _successCount++; if (_successCount >= 4) { _successCount = 0; SetMoodSpriteIndex(_moodIndex + 1); } } else { HandleFail(); } }
private void HandleNoteHit() { double dspTime = AudioSettings.dspTime; double closestHalfNote = RoundToMetronome(dspTime); double closestFullNote = RoundToMetronomeFull(dspTime); _lastNoteTimeAbs = closestHalfNote; float noteTimeDiff = (float)(_lastNoteTimeAbs - dspTime); float noteTimeDiffToFull = (float)(closestFullNote - dspTime); bool canCreateBeat = !HasBeat || _currentBeatRunTime >= 8 * NOTE_TIME - FAIL_TOLERANCE; if (canCreateBeat && Mathf.Abs(noteTimeDiffToFull) <= FAIL_TOLERANCE) { _currentBeatRunTime = noteTimeDiffToFull; _currentBeatStartTimeAbs = RoundToMetronome(dspTime); } NoteQuality hitNoteQuality = CalcNoteQuality(noteTimeDiff); if (hitNoteQuality != NoteQuality.Miss) { _currentNotes.Add(Mathf.RoundToInt((float)_currentBeatRunTime / HALF_NOTE_TIME) * .5f); _currentQualities.Add(hitNoteQuality); } HasBeat = true; float[] notesAsArray = _currentNotes.ToArray(); List <Song> matchingSongs = _songService.CheckSongs(notesAsArray); if (matchingSongs.Count == 1 && matchingSongs[0].Matches(notesAsArray)) { ExecuteSong(hitNoteQuality, noteTimeDiff, matchingSongs[0]); return; } if (matchingSongs.Count == 0) { hitNoteQuality = NoteQuality.Miss; Debug.Log("No songs detected with that beat! Current beat was " + string.Join("-", _currentNotes)); } NoteHit?.Invoke(hitNoteQuality, noteTimeDiff); if (hitNoteQuality == NoteQuality.Miss) { HandleBeatLost(); } }
private void ExecuteSong(NoteQuality hitNoteQuality, float beatTimeDiff, Song matchingSong) { NoteHit?.Invoke(hitNoteQuality, beatTimeDiff); if (_beatInputHandler == Constants.Noop) { // don't execute song if game has been finished with the last note return; } _streakScore += _currentQualities.Aggregate(0, (total, curQuality) => total + (int)curQuality); _streakPower = Mathf.Min(_streakScore / Constants.REQUIRED_STREAK_SCORE, Constants.MAX_STREAK_POWER); _currentSong = matchingSong; int curStreakPower = _streakPower; _currentSong.ExecuteCommand(hitNoteQuality, curStreakPower); _coroutineProvider.StartCoroutine(Coroutines.ExecuteAfterSeconds(HALF_NOTE_TIME, () => { ExecutionStarted?.Invoke(matchingSong, curStreakPower); DisableTouchHandler(); })); ExecutionStarting?.Invoke(_currentSong, curStreakPower); _currentCommandUpdate = _currentSong.ExecuteCommandUpdate; ResetBeatAfterSeconds(NOTE_TIME * 4); }
private void NoteHit(NoteQuality quality, float diff) { updateClickLocation(); Image hitImage; if (quality == NoteQuality.Bad) { hitImage = diff > 0 ? hitEarly : hitLate; } else { hitImage = _beatHitImages[quality]; } _beatHitFadeHashtable["onupdate"] = CreateFadeDelegate(hitImage); GameObject hitImageGo = hitImage.gameObject; hitImageGo.transform.eulerAngles = Random.value * 90 * Vector3.back; Vector2 center = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2f, Screen.height / 2f); hitImageGo.transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(center, _latestTouchPosition, .5f); iTween.PunchScale(hitImageGo, _punchScaleHashtable); iTween.ValueTo(hitImageGo, _beatHitFadeHashtable); }
private void PunchClosestIndicator(NoteQuality noteQuality, float diff) { if (noteQuality == NoteQuality.Miss) { return; } // if we don't have a beat, we reset and thus always punch the first index if (_hadBeat) { float closestDist = 1; for (int i = 0; i < _indicatorLines.Count; i++) { float curDist = CalcDistToIndicator(_indicatorLines[i]); if (closestDist > curDist) { closestDist = curDist; } } } // iTween.PunchScale(_indicatorLines[closestIndex].gameObject, * 1.1f, BeatInputService.NOTE_TIME); iTween.PunchScale(metronomeDiffIndicator.gameObject, * 1.1f, BeatInputService.NOTE_TIME * .75f); }
private void NoteHit(NoteQuality arg1, float diff) { _animator.SetTrigger(nextAnim); nextAnim = nextAnim == LeftPerfect ? RightPerfect : LeftPerfect; }
private void SetDegreeQuality(ScaleDegree degree, NoteQuality quality) { _noteQualities[(int) degree] = quality; }
public abstract void Executed(NoteQuality noteQuality, int streak);
private void OnCommandExecuted(NoteQuality noteQuality, int streak) { _curStreakPower = streak; streakBonus = CalcStreakBonus(); Executed(noteQuality, streak); }
public void ExecuteCommand(NoteQuality noteQuality, int streakLength) { Debug.Log("Executing song " + Name); CommandExecuted?.Invoke(noteQuality, streakLength); }
private void NoteHit(NoteQuality quality, float diff) { ServiceLocator.Get <AudioService>().PlayOneShot(clips[quality]); }