Пример #1
        public ActionResult Chatroom(string inputMessage)
            NotGitterDBEntities db       = new NotGitterDBEntities();
            List <Message>      messages = new List <Message>();
            string repoName = "";

            //inputMessage is empty
            if (inputMessage.Equals(""))
                messages = getMessage();

            // Get CurrentTime
            DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;

            //Get Repo Name from url parameter
            if (Request.QueryString["repoName"] != null)
                repoName = Request.QueryString["repoName"];

            //Get current user
            int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userId"]);

            //Get All Repo made by userId
            ICollection <Repo> allRepo = db.Repoes.Where(rp => rp.UId == userId).ToList();
            Repo repo = new Repo();

            // Loop through All repo made by userid, find repo name that are corresponding repo chatroom name
            foreach (Repo rp in allRepo)
                if (rp.name.Equals(repoName))
                    repo = rp;

            //Create Message object for new message
            Message newMessage = new Message();

            //Add information of new Message
            newMessage.Content   = inputMessage;
            newMessage.Uid       = userId;
            newMessage.timestamp = currentTime;
            newMessage.RepoId    = repo.RepoId;

            //Add to Database

            //save changes

            //Getting all message for listing
            messages = getMessage();

            //Return to chatroom view with list of messages
Пример #2
        //Helper function to return list of messages to display
        public List <Message> getMessage()
            NotGitterDBEntities db = new NotGitterDBEntities();
            string repoName        = "";

            //Get Repo Name from url parameter
            if (Request.QueryString["repoName"] != null)
                repoName = Request.QueryString["repoName"];

            Repo repo = new Repo();
            ICollection <Repo> repoes   = db.Repoes.Where(rp => rp.name == repoName).ToList();
            List <long>        repoid   = new List <long>();
            List <Message>     messages = new List <Message>();

            // Get All the Repo ID that have same Repo name
            foreach (Repo rp in repoes)

            // Get all the Message that contain repoid
            for (int i = 0; i < repoid.Count(); i++)
                long actualRepoId = repoid.ElementAt(i);
                ICollection <Message> oneRepoMessages = db.Messages.Where(m => m.RepoId == actualRepoId).ToList();
                foreach (Message m in oneRepoMessages)

            //swap message according to timestamp
            var message = from m in messages orderby m.timestamp select m;

        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            var accessToken = Session["OAuthToken"] as string;

            if (accessToken != null)
                // This allows the client to make requests to the GitHub API on the user's behalf
                // without ever having the user's OAuth credentials.
                client.client.Credentials = new Credentials(accessToken);
                // The following requests retrieves all of the user's repositories and
                // requires that the user be logged in to work.

                //add repos and user to DB

                var userDetails = await client.client.User.Current();

                Models.User currentUser = new Models.User();

                NotGitterDBEntities dbContextRef = new NotGitterDBEntities();
                var emailList = await client.client.User.Email.GetAll();

                currentUser.email  = emailList.ToArray()[0].Email;
                currentUser.name   = userDetails.Login;
                currentUser.online = 1;
                var currentUserId = 0;
                var tempGithubId  = await client.client.User.Current();

                currentUser.GithubId = tempGithubId.Id;

                //write your id here

                Models.User checkuser = dbContextRef.Users.Where(d => d.GithubId == currentUser.GithubId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (checkuser == null)
                    currentUserId = currentUser.UId;
                    dbContextRef.Entry(checkuser).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    currentUserId = checkuser.UId;
                IReadOnlyList <Repository> repos = await client.client.Repository.GetAllForCurrent();

                foreach (Repository e in repos)
                    Models.Repo oldone = await dbContextRef.Repoes.Where(rp => rp.url == e.HtmlUrl).FirstOrDefaultAsync <Models.Repo>();

                    Models.Repo newone1 = new Models.Repo();

                    if (oldone != null)
                        oldone.UId         = currentUserId;
                        oldone.url         = e.HtmlUrl;
                        oldone.dateCreated = e.CreatedAt.DateTime;
                        oldone.language    = e.Language;
                        oldone.C_private_  = e.Private ? 1 : 0;
                        oldone.RepoId      = Convert.ToInt32(e.Id);
                        oldone.name        = e.Name;
                        oldone.Stars       = e.StargazersCount;
                        oldone.Description = e.Description;
                        dbContextRef.Entry(oldone).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        newone1.UId         = currentUserId;
                        newone1.url         = e.HtmlUrl;
                        newone1.dateCreated = e.CreatedAt.DateTime;
                        newone1.language    = e.Language;
                        newone1.C_private_  = e.Private ? 1 : 0;
                        newone1.RepoId      = Convert.ToInt32(e.Id);
                        newone1.name        = e.Name;
                        newone1.Description = e.Description;
                        newone1.Stars       = e.StargazersCount;
                    catch (Exception ex)

                //then add the repos if they don't exist
                //note: at this point you'd have to create a chat room for each repo that doesn't exist
                //index should show a list of all the repos(chat rooms available)
                // don't forget to get the id of the owner
                // TODO: make a viewModel for this mess
                // TODO: the view for this page should NOT show the  chat
                // index(list of repos)->(repos' chat panel)->(repo's details)
                ViewBag.name        = currentUser.name;
                Session["userId"]   = currentUserId;
                Session["userName"] = currentUser.name;

                return(View(dbContextRef.Repoes.Where(e => e.UId == currentUserId).ToList()));
            catch (AuthorizationException)
                // Either the accessToken is null or it's invalid. This redirects
                // to the GitHub OAuth login page. That page will redirect back to the
                // Authorize action.