Пример #1
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> CreateNonPersoJob(NonPersoModel entity)
            userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Create the CS
            var newEntity = new NonPersoJob()
                SidProductId  = entity.SidProductId,
                Quantity      = entity.Quantity,
                JobName       = entity.JobName,
                Description   = entity.Description,
                ServiceTypeId = entity.ServiceTypeId,
                IsTreated     = false,

                CreatedById  = userId,
                ModifiedById = userId,
                CreatedOn    = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedOn   = DateTime.Now

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(Ok <NonPersoJob>(newEntity));
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> CreateJob([FromBody] JobModel entity) //Todo: Create the model for this entity
            //Todo: check if the job already exist

            if (entity == null)

            if (entity.RemarkId == 0)
                var remark = context.Remarks.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "Null");
                entity.RemarkId = remark.Id;

            // Get Required Resources
            var jobTypePersoOnly               = _repo.FindJobTypeByName("Perso Only");
            var jobTypePrintingOnly            = _repo.FindJobTypeByName("Printing Only");
            var jobTypeMailingOnly             = _repo.FindJobTypeByName("Mailing Only");
            var jobTypeDispatchOnly            = _repo.FindJobTypeByName("Dispatch Only");
            var jobTypePrintingAndPerso        = _repo.FindJobTypeByName("Printing And Perso");
            var jobTypePrintingPersoAndMailing = _repo.FindJobTypeByName("Printing, Perso And Mailing");
            var jobTypePersoAndMailing         = _repo.FindJobTypeByName("Perso And Mailing");

            var jobName              = _repo.FindServerJobByName(entity.JobName);
            var jobStatusPending     = _repo.FindJobStatusByName("Pending");
            var jobStatusCompleted   = _repo.FindJobStatusByName("Completed");
            var jobStatusQueue       = _repo.FindJobStatusByName("Queue");
            var jobStatusNotRequired = _repo.FindJobStatusByName("Not Required");

            //var jobTrackerStatusNew = _repo.FindJobTrackerStatusByName("New");

            if (entity.JobType == "NonPerso")
                NonPersoJob nonPersoJob = await _repo.FindNonPersoJobById(entity.Id);

                nonPersoJob.IsTreated            = true;
                context.Entry(nonPersoJob).State = EntityState.Modified;
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
                ServerJobQueue serverJobQueue = await _repo.FindServerJobQueueById(jobName.Id);

                // Update ServerJob as Treated
                serverJobQueue.IsTreated            = true;
                context.Entry(serverJobQueue).State = EntityState.Modified;
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var newJob = new Job()
                JobName       = entity.JobName,
                SidCardTypeId = entity.SidCardTypeId,
                SidClientId   = entity.SidClientId,
                RemarkId      = entity.RemarkId,
                Quantity      = entity.Quantity,
                CreatedOn     = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedOn    = DateTime.Now,
                JobStatusId   = jobStatusPending.Id

            // Create Job
            //newJob.JobStatusId = jobStatusPending.Id;
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var lastCreatedJob = _repository.Jobs.Where(m => m.JobName == entity.JobName).OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).ToList().FirstOrDefault();

            // Create JobTracker
            var jobTrackerPersoOnly = new JobTracker()
                JobId             = lastCreatedJob.Id,
                CardOpsId         = jobStatusCompleted.Id,
                InventoryId       = jobStatusQueue.Id,
                PrintingId        = jobStatusNotRequired.Id,
                PrintQAId         = jobStatusPending.Id,
                PrintQCId         = jobStatusPending.Id,
                CardEngrId        = jobStatusPending.Id,
                QAId              = jobStatusPending.Id,
                FirstJobRunId     = jobStatusPending.Id,
                CardEngrResumeId  = jobStatusPending.Id,
                QCId              = jobStatusPending.Id,
                MailingId         = jobStatusPending.Id,
                DispatchId        = jobStatusPending.Id, //Create dispatch setups
                CustomerServiceId = jobStatusPending.Id,
                MAudId            = jobStatusPending.Id,

                JobStatusId = jobStatusPending.Id,
                CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedOn  = DateTime.Now

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // CardOpsLogs
            entity.Id = lastCreatedJob.Id;
            var t1 = CreateCardOpsLogs(newJob);
            await Task.WhenAll(t1);

            return(Ok <Job>(newJob));