Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests to reload the knobTexture and adapts it to the position and orientation
        /// </summary>
        protected void UpdateKnobTexture()
            if (knobTexture == null)
                throw new UnityException("Knob texture of " + name + " could not be loaded!");
            if (side != defaultSide)
            {             // Rotate Knob texture according to the side it's used on
                int       rotationSteps = getRotationStepsAntiCW(defaultSide, side);
                string[]  mods          = new string[] { "Rotation:" + rotationSteps };
                Texture2D modKnobTex    = null;

                // Try to get standard texture in memory
                NodeResourceManager.MemoryTexture memoryTex = NodeResourceManager.FindInMemory(knobTexture);
                if (memoryTex != null)
                {                 // Texture does exist in memory, so built a mod including rotation and try to find it again
                    mods = NodeResourceManager.AppendMod(memoryTex.modifications, "Rotation:" + rotationSteps);
                    NodeResourceManager.TryGetTexture(memoryTex.path, ref modKnobTex, mods);

                if (modKnobTex == null)
                {                 // Rotated version does not exist yet, so create and record it
                    modKnobTex = RTEditorGUI.RotateTextureCCW(knobTexture, rotationSteps);
                    NodeResourceManager.AddTextureToMemory(memoryTex.path, modKnobTex, mods);

                knobTexture = modKnobTex;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup of the base framework. Enough to manage and calculate canvases.
        /// </summary>
        private static void setupBaseFramework()

            // Init Resource system. Can be called anywhere else, too, if it's needed before.
            NodeResourceManager.SetDefaultResourcePath(editorPath + "GameResources/");

            // Run fetching algorithms searching the script assemblies for Custom Nodes / Connection Types / NodeCanvas Types

            // Setup Callback system

            // Init input

                #if UNITY_EDITOR
            UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update -= Update;
            UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update += Update;

            initiatedBase = true;
Пример #3
        public static NodeEditorWindow OpenNodeEditor()
            _editor         = GetWindow <NodeEditorWindow>();
            _editor.minSize = new Vector2(400, 200);

            Texture iconTexture = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture(EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin? "Textures/Icon_Dark.png" : "Textures/Icon_Light.png");

            _editor.titleContent = new GUIContent("Node Editor", iconTexture);

Пример #4
        protected void LoadKnobTextures()
            if (NodeEditorInterface.GetInstance().isOpenedWindows)
            _inKnobTex  = NodeResourceManager.GetTintedTexture(InKnobTexPath, Color);
            _outKnobTex = NodeResourceManager.GetTintedTexture(OutKnobTexPath, Color);
            if (InKnobTex == null || OutKnobTex == null)
                LogMgr.LogError("Invalid style '" + Identifier + "': Could not load knob textures from '" + InKnobTexPath + "' and '" + OutKnobTexPath + "'!");
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the NodeCanvas from the asset file at path and optionally creates a working copy of it before returning
        /// </summary>
        public static NodeCanvas LoadNodeCanvas(string path, bool createWorkingCopy)
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Cannot load Canvas: No path specified!");
            path = NodeResourceManager.PreparePath(path);

            // Load only the NodeCanvas from the save file
            NodeCanvas nodeCanvas = NodeResourceManager.LoadResource <NodeCanvas> (path);
            if (nodeCanvas == null)
                throw new UnityException("Cannot load NodeCanvas: The file at the specified path '" + path + "' is no valid save file as it does not contain a NodeCanvas!");

            if (!Application.isPlaying && (nodeCanvas.editorStates == null || nodeCanvas.editorStates.Length == 0))
            {             // Try to load any contained editorStates, as the canvas did not reference any
                nodeCanvas.editorStates = NodeResourceManager.LoadResources <NodeEditorState> (path);

            // Set the path as the new source of the canvas

            // Postprocess the loaded canvas
            if (createWorkingCopy)
                nodeCanvas = CreateWorkingCopy(nodeCanvas);

Пример #6
        public static bool Init()
            // Textures
            Background       = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture("Textures/background.png");
            AALineTex        = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture("Textures/AALine.png");
            GUIBox           = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture("Textures/NE_Box.png");
            GUIButton        = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture("Textures/NE_Button.png");
            GUIBoxSelection  = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture("Textures/BoxSelection.png");
            GUIToolbar       = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture("Textures/NE_Toolbar.png");
            GUIToolbarButton = NodeResourceManager.LoadTexture("Textures/NE_ToolbarButton.png");

            if (!Background || !AALineTex || !GUIBox || !GUIButton || !GUIToolbar || !GUIToolbarButton)

            // Skin & Styles
            nodeSkin = Object.Instantiate(GUI.skin);
            GUI.skin = nodeSkin;

            foreach (GUIStyle style in GUI.skin)
                style.fontSize = 11;
                //style.normal.textColor = style.active.textColor = style.focused.textColor = style.hover.textColor = NE_TextColor;

            // Label
            nodeSkin.label.normal.textColor = NE_TextColor;
            nodeLabel     = nodeSkin.label;
            nodeLabelBold = new GUIStyle(nodeLabel)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold
            nodeLabelSelected = new GUIStyle(nodeLabel);
            nodeLabelSelected.normal.background = RTEditorGUI.ColorToTex(1, NE_LightColor);
            nodeLabelCentered = new GUIStyle(nodeLabel)
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
            nodeLabelBoldCentered = new GUIStyle(nodeLabelBold)
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
            nodeLabelLeft = new GUIStyle(nodeLabel)
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
            nodeLabelRight = new GUIStyle(nodeLabel)
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight

            // Box
            nodeSkin.box.normal.background = GUIBox;
            nodeSkin.box.normal.textColor  = NE_TextColor;
            nodeSkin.box.active.textColor  = NE_TextColor;
            nodeBox     = nodeSkin.box;
            nodeBoxBold = new GUIStyle(nodeBox)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold

            // Button
            nodeSkin.button.normal.textColor  = NE_TextColor;
            nodeSkin.button.normal.background = GUIButton;

            // Toolbar
            toolbar         = GUI.skin.FindStyle("toolbar");
            toolbarButton   = GUI.skin.FindStyle("toolbarButton");
            toolbarLabel    = GUI.skin.FindStyle("toolbarButton");
            toolbarDropdown = GUI.skin.FindStyle("toolbarDropdown");
            if (toolbar == null || toolbarButton == null || toolbarLabel == null || toolbarDropdown == null)
            {             // No editor styles available - use custom skin
                toolbar = new GUIStyle(nodeSkin.box);
                toolbar.normal.background = GUIToolbar;
                toolbar.active.background = GUIToolbar;
                toolbar.border            = new RectOffset(0, 0, 1, 1);
                toolbar.margin            = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0);
                toolbar.padding           = new RectOffset(10, 10, 1, 1);

                toolbarLabel = new GUIStyle(nodeSkin.box);
                toolbarLabel.normal.background = GUIToolbarButton;
                toolbarLabel.border            = new RectOffset(2, 2, 0, 0);
                toolbarLabel.margin            = new RectOffset(-2, -2, 0, 0);
                toolbarLabel.padding           = new RectOffset(6, 6, 4, 4);

                toolbarButton = new GUIStyle(toolbarLabel);
                toolbarButton.active.background = RTEditorGUI.ColorToTex(1, NE_LightColor);

                toolbarDropdown = new GUIStyle(toolbarButton);
            GUI.skin = null;

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the the specified NodeCanvas as a new asset at path, optionally as a working copy and overwriting any existing save at path
        /// </summary>
        public static void SaveNodeCanvas(string path, ref NodeCanvas nodeCanvas, bool createWorkingCopy, bool safeOverwrite = true)
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Cannot save NodeCanvas: No path specified!");
            if (nodeCanvas == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Cannot save NodeCanvas: The specified NodeCanvas that should be saved to path '" + path + "' is null!");
            if (nodeCanvas.GetType() == typeof(NodeCanvas))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot save NodeCanvas: The NodeCanvas has no explicit type! Please convert it to a valid sub-type of NodeCanvas!");


            if (nodeCanvas.livesInScene)
                LogMgr.LogWarning("Attempting to save scene canvas '" + nodeCanvas.name + "' to an asset, references to scene object may be broken!" + (!createWorkingCopy? " Forcing creation of working copy!" : ""));
                createWorkingCopy = true;
            if (UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Contains(nodeCanvas) && UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(nodeCanvas) != path)
                LogMgr.LogWarning("Trying to create a duplicate save file for '" + nodeCanvas.name + "'! Forcing creation of working copy!");
                nodeCanvas = CreateWorkingCopy(nodeCanvas);

            // Prepare and update source path of the canvas
            path = NodeResourceManager.PreparePath(path);

            // Preprocess the canvas
            NodeCanvas processedCanvas = nodeCanvas;
            if (createWorkingCopy)
                processedCanvas = CreateWorkingCopy(processedCanvas);

            // Differenciate canvasSave as the canvas asset and nodeCanvas as the source incase an existing save has been overwritten
            NodeCanvas canvasSave = processedCanvas;
            NodeCanvas prevSave;
            if (safeOverwrite && (prevSave = NodeResourceManager.LoadResource <NodeCanvas> (path)) != null && prevSave.GetType() == canvasSave.GetType())
            {             // OVERWRITE: Delete contents of old save
                for (int nodeCnt = 0; nodeCnt < prevSave.nodes.Count; nodeCnt++)
                    Node node = prevSave.nodes[nodeCnt];
                    // Make sure all node ports are included in the representative connectionPorts list
                    for (int k = 0; k < node.connectionPorts.Count; k++)
                        Object.DestroyImmediate(node.connectionPorts[k], true);
                    Object.DestroyImmediate(node, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < prevSave.editorStates.Length; i++)
                    if (prevSave.editorStates[i] != null)
                        Object.DestroyImmediate(prevSave.editorStates[i], true);
                // Overwrite main canvas
                OverwriteCanvas(ref prevSave, processedCanvas);
                canvasSave = prevSave;
            {             // Write main canvas
                UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(processedCanvas, path);

            // Write editorStates
            AddSubAssets(processedCanvas.editorStates, canvasSave);
            // Write nodes + contents
            foreach (Node node in processedCanvas.nodes)
            {             // Write node and additional scriptable objects
                AddSubAsset(node, canvasSave);
                AddSubAssets(node.GetScriptableObjects(), node);
                // Make sure all node ports are included in the representative connectionPorts list
                foreach (ConnectionPort port in node.connectionPorts)
                    AddSubAsset(port, node);

