internal static bool IsUpstreamOf(this NodeModel node, NodeModel otherNode) { var gathered = new List<NodeModel>(); otherNode.AllUpstreamNodes(gathered); return gathered.Contains(node); }
public ExportWithUnitsViewModel(ExportWithUnits model, NodeView nodeView) { exportWithUnitsModel = model; nodeViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel; nodeModel = nodeView.ViewModel.NodeModel; model.PropertyChanged +=model_PropertyChanged; }
internal void CreateManipulator(NodeModel model, DynamoManipulationExtension manipulatorContext) { var creators = registeredManipulatorCreators.Where(pair => pair.Key.IsInstanceOfType(model)).SelectMany(pair => pair.Value); activeManipulators[model.GUID] = new CompositeManipulator( creators.Select(x => x.Create(model, manipulatorContext)). Where(x => x != null).ToList()); }
public void Setup() { m_Model = new NodeModel(1, 2.0, 3.0, Angle.For45Degrees); }
/// <summary> /// Validates the watch content with the source nodes output. /// </summary> /// <param name="watch">WatchViewModel of the watch node</param> /// <param name="sourceNode">NodeModel for source to watch node</param> public void AssertWatchContent(WatchViewModel watch, NodeModel sourceNode) { string var = sourceNode.GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(0).Name; RuntimeMirror mirror = null; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => mirror = ViewModel.Model.EngineController.GetMirror(var)); Assert.IsNotNull(mirror); AssertWatchContent(watch, mirror.GetData()); }
internal void KillManipulators(NodeModel model) { IDisposable manipulator; if (activeManipulators.TryGetValue(model.GUID, out manipulator)) { manipulator.Dispose(); activeManipulators.Remove(model.GUID); } }
private ConnectorModel( NodeModel start, NodeModel end, int startIndex, int endIndex, Guid guid) { GUID = guid; Start = start.OutPorts[startIndex]; PortModel endPort = end.InPorts[endIndex]; Start.Connect(this); Connect(endPort); }
/// <summary> /// Factory method to create a connector. Checks to make sure that the start and end ports are valid, /// otherwise returns null. /// </summary> /// <param name="start">The port where the connector starts</param> /// <param name="end">The port where the connector ends</param> /// <param name="startIndex"></param> /// <param name="endIndex"></param> /// <param name="guid"></param> /// <returns>The valid connector model or null if the connector is invalid</returns> internal static ConnectorModel Make( NodeModel start, NodeModel end, int startIndex, int endIndex, Guid? guid = null) { if (start != null && end != null && start != end && startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0 && start.OutPorts.Count > startIndex && end.InPorts.Count > endIndex) { return new ConnectorModel(start, end, startIndex, endIndex, guid ?? Guid.NewGuid()); } return null; }
public INodeManipulator Create(NodeModel node, DynamoManipulationExtension manipulatorContext) { var dsFunction = node as DSFunction; if (dsFunction == null) return null; var name = dsFunction.CreationName; IEnumerable<INodeManipulatorFactory> creators; if (manipulatorCreators.TryGetValue(name, out creators)) { return new CompositeManipulator(creators.Select(x => x.Create(node, manipulatorContext)).ToList()); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Factory method to create a connector. Checks to make sure that the start and end ports are valid, /// otherwise returns null. /// </summary> /// <param name="start">The node having port where the connector starts</param> /// <param name="end">The node having port where the connector ends</param> /// <param name="startIndex">Port index in <paramref name="start"/></param> /// <param name="endIndex">Port index in <paramref name="end"/></param> /// <param name="guid">Identifier of the new connector</param> /// <returns>The valid connector model or null if the connector is invalid</returns> internal static ConnectorModel Make( NodeModel start, NodeModel end, int startIndex, int endIndex, Guid? guid = null) { if (start != null && end != null && start != end && startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0 && start.OutPorts.Count > startIndex && end.InPorts.Count > endIndex) { return new ConnectorModel(start, end, startIndex, endIndex, guid ?? Guid.NewGuid()); } Debug.WriteLine("Could not create a connector between {0} and {1}.", start.NickName, end.NickName); return null; }
private void TryApplyCustomization(NodeModel model, NodeView view, InternalNodeViewCustomization customization) { try { var disposable = customization.CustomizeView(model, view); view.Unloaded += (s, a) => disposable.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { var message = string.Format(Wpf.Properties.Resources.MessageFailedToApplyCustomization, model.GetType().Name); logger.LogError(message); logger.Log(e); } }
private NodeController[,] buildNetwork(NodeController[,] map) { for (int i = 0; i< boardWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < boardHeight; j++) { GameObject newNode = Instantiate(nodePrefab, new Vector3(i,j,0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newNode.transform.parent = this.transform; Node newNodeView = newNode.GetComponent<Node>(); NodeModel newNodeModel = new NodeModel(new Vector2(i,j)); FSMSystem newNodeFSM = configureFSM(); map[i,j] = new NodeController(newNodeModel, newNodeView, newNodeFSM); } } Utilities.alignGroupCenterToOrigin(transform,nodePrefab,boardWidth,boardHeight); return map; }
internal void NavigateTo(NodeModel node) { if(SelectedNode == node || node == null) return; SelectedNode = node; SummaryLabel.Text = node.Name; SummaryLabel.ForeColor = ColorProfile.ObjColors[(int)node.ObjType]; if (SelectedNode.XNode.External) DetailsLabel.Text = "Not XRayed"; else DetailsLabel.Text = ""; SubnodesView.Items.Clear(); foreach (var subnode in node.Nodes.OrderBy(n => n.Name).OrderBy(n => (int) n.ObjType)) SubnodesView.Items.Add(new SubnodeItem(subnode)); SubnodesView.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); }
/// <summary> /// If all nodes that the node outputs to are in scopes list. I.e., /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <param name="scopes"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsNodeInScope(NodeModel node, IEnumerable<NodeModel> scopes) { if (node is Symbol) { return false; } foreach (var index in Enumerable.Range(0, node.OutPorts.Count)) { HashSet<Tuple<int, NodeModel>> outputTuples = null; if (!node.TryGetOutput(index, out outputTuples)) { continue; } if (!outputTuples.All(t => scopes.Contains(t.Item2))) { return false; } } return true; }
private void RequestRemoveModelsHandler(NodeModel node) { if (CheckAccess()) { ViewModel.DeleteGeometryForNode(node); } else { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, new Action(() => ViewModel.DeleteGeometryForNode(node))); } }
static DynElementUpdateDelegate ReEvalOnModified(NodeModel node, Action modifiedAction) { return delegate { if (!node.RequiresRecalc && !dynRevitSettings.Controller.Running) { if (modifiedAction != null) modifiedAction(); node.RequiresRecalc = true; } }; }
/// <summary> /// <param name="workspace">A <see cref="WorkspaceModel"/>.</param> /// This method extracts all models from the workspace and puts them /// into the combined graph object, LayoutSubgraphs.First() /// <param name="isGroupLayout">True if all the selected models are groups.</param> /// <param name="layoutSubgraphs"></param> /// <param name="subgraphClusters"></param> /// </summary> private static void GenerateCombinedGraph(this WorkspaceModel workspace, bool isGroupLayout, out List <GraphLayout.Graph> layoutSubgraphs, out List <List <GraphLayout.Node> > subgraphClusters) { layoutSubgraphs = new List <GraphLayout.Graph> { new GraphLayout.Graph() }; var combinedGraph = layoutSubgraphs.First(); subgraphClusters = new List <List <GraphLayout.Node> >(); if (!isGroupLayout) { foreach (AnnotationModel group in workspace.Annotations) { // Treat a group as a graph layout node/vertex combinedGraph.AddNode(group.GUID, group.Width, group.Height, group.X, group.Y, group.IsSelected || DynamoSelection.Instance.Selection.Count == 0); } } foreach (NodeModel node in workspace.Nodes) { if (!isGroupLayout) { AnnotationModel group = workspace.Annotations.Where( g => g.Nodes.Contains(node)).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); // Do not process nodes within groups if (group == null) { combinedGraph.AddNode(node.GUID, node.Width, node.Height, node.X, node.Y, node.IsSelected || DynamoSelection.Instance.Selection.Count == 0); } } else { // Process all nodes inside the selection combinedGraph.AddNode(node.GUID, node.Width, node.Height, node.X, node.Y, node.IsSelected || DynamoSelection.Instance.Selection.Count == 0); } } ///Adding all connectorPins (belonging to all connectors) as graph.nodes to the combined graph. foreach (ConnectorModel edge in workspace.Connectors) { foreach (var pin in edge.ConnectorPinModels) { combinedGraph.AddNode(pin.GUID, pin.Width, pin.Height, pin.CenterX, pin.CenterY, pin.IsSelected || DynamoSelection.Instance.Selection.Count == 0); } } foreach (ConnectorModel edge in workspace.Connectors) { if (!isGroupLayout) { AnnotationModel startGroup = null, endGroup = null; startGroup = workspace.Annotations.Where( g => g.Nodes.Contains(edge.Start.Owner)).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); endGroup = workspace.Annotations.Where( g => g.Nodes.Contains(edge.End.Owner)).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); // Treat a group as a node, but do not process edges within a group if (startGroup == null || endGroup == null || startGroup != endGroup) { var startGuid = startGroup == null ? edge.Start.Owner.GUID : startGroup.GUID; var endGuid = endGroup == null ? edge.End.Owner.GUID : endGroup.GUID; AddConnectorEdgesIncludingPinEdges(combinedGraph, edge, startGuid, endGuid); } } else { AddConnectorEdgesIncludingPinEdges(combinedGraph, edge); } } foreach (NoteModel note in workspace.Notes) { AnnotationModel group = workspace.Annotations.Where( g => g.Nodes.Contains(note)).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); GraphLayout.Node nd = null; if (!isGroupLayout || group == null) { // If note is not part of a group, link to the nearest node in the graph nd = combinedGraph.Nodes.OrderBy(node => Math.Pow(node.X + node.Width / 2 - note.X - note.Width / 2, 2) + Math.Pow(node.Y + node.Height / 2 - note.Y - note.Height / 2, 2)).FirstOrDefault(); } else { // If note is part of a group, link to the nearest node in the group NodeModel ndm = group.Nodes.OfType <NodeModel>().OrderBy(node => Math.Pow(node.X + node.Width / 2 - note.X - note.Width / 2, 2) + Math.Pow(node.Y + node.Height / 2 - note.Y - note.Height / 2, 2)).FirstOrDefault(); // Skip processing the group if there is no node in the group if (ndm == null) { continue; } // If the nearest point is a node model nd = combinedGraph.FindNode(ndm.GUID); // If the nearest point is a group model nd = nd ?? combinedGraph.FindNode(group.GUID); } // Otherwise, leave the note unchanged if (nd != null) { nd.LinkNote(note, note.Width, note.Height); } } if (!isGroupLayout) { // Add all nodes to one big cluster List <GraphLayout.Node> bigcluster = new List <GraphLayout.Node>(); bigcluster.AddRange(combinedGraph.Nodes); subgraphClusters.Add(bigcluster); } else { // Each group becomes one cluster foreach (AnnotationModel group in DynamoSelection.Instance.Selection.OfType <AnnotationModel>()) { List <GraphLayout.Node> cluster = new List <GraphLayout.Node>(); cluster.AddRange(group.Nodes.OfType <NodeModel>().Select(x => combinedGraph.FindNode(x.GUID))); subgraphClusters.Add(cluster); } } }
private ConnectorModel( NodeModel start, NodeModel end, int startIndex, int endIndex, Guid guid) { GUID = guid; Start = start.OutPorts[startIndex]; PortModel endPort = end.InPorts[endIndex]; Debug.WriteLine("Creating a connector between ports {0}(owner:{1}) and {2}(owner:{3}).", start.GUID, Start.Owner == null ? "null" : Start.Owner.NickName, end.GUID, endPort.Owner == null ? "null" : endPort.Owner.NickName); Start.Connectors.Add(this); Connect(endPort); }
/// <summary> /// Cria um valor compatível para o tipo indicado com base no conteúdo /// do modelo deserializado. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">O tipo do dado esperado.</param> /// <param name="node">O modelo deserializado.</param> /// <returns>O valor obtido da compatibilização.</returns> private object CreateCompatibleValue(Type type, NodeModel node) { if (node == null) { return(null); } if (type == typeof(PropertyCollection)) { return((PropertyCollection)CreateCompatibleValue(typeof(object), node)); } if (type == typeof(NameCollection)) { var target = new NameCollection(); foreach (var item in node.ChildValues()) { target.Add(item.Value.ToString()); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(FieldCollection)) { var target = new FieldCollection(); foreach (var @object in node.ChildObjects()) { var field = new Field(); CopyNodeProperties(@object, field); target.Add(field); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(FieldProperties)) { var properties = new FieldProperties(); CopyNodeProperties(node, properties); return(properties); } if (type == typeof(LinkCollection)) { var target = new LinkCollection(); foreach (var item in node.Children()) { var link = new Link(); CopyNodeProperties(item, link); target.Add(link); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(EntityActionCollection)) { var target = new EntityActionCollection(); foreach (var item in node.Children()) { var action = new EntityAction(); CopyNodeProperties(item, action); target.Add(action); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(EntityCollection)) { var target = new EntityCollection(); foreach (var item in node.Children()) { var entity = new Entity(); CopyNodeProperties(item, entity); target.Add(entity); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(CaseVariantString)) { var text = (node as ValueModel)?.Value.ToString(); return(text.ChangeCase(TextCase.PascalCase)); } return(CreateCompatibleValue(node)); }
/// <summary> /// NodeDeleted event handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> public void NodeDeleted(NodeModel node) { syncDataManager.DeleteNodes(node.GUID); }
/// <summary> /// Aggregates all upstream geometry for the given node then sends /// a message that a visualization is ready /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node whose upstream geometry you need.</param> /// <returns>A render description containing all upstream geometry.</returns> public void RenderUpstream(NodeModel node) { var rd = new RenderDescription(); //send back just what the node needs var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); if (node == null) { //send back everything rd = AggregateRenderDescriptions(); //StripDuplicates(rd); OnResultsReadyToVisualize(this, new VisualizationEventArgs(rd, string.Empty)); } else { //send back renderables for the branch var drawables = GetUpstreamDrawableIds(node.Inputs); var ids = from viz in dynSettings.Controller.VisualizationManager.Visualizations where drawables.Contains(viz.Key) select viz; var keyValuePairs = ids as KeyValuePair <string, RenderDescription>[] ?? ids.ToArray(); var pts = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Points); var lines = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Lines); var meshes = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Meshes); var xs = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.XAxisPoints); var ys = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.YAxisPoints); var zs = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.ZAxisPoints); var pts_sel = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.SelectedPoints); var lines_sel = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.SelectedLines); var mesh_sel = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.SelectedMeshes); var text = keyValuePairs.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Text); rd.Points.AddRange(pts); rd.Lines.AddRange(lines); rd.Meshes.AddRange(meshes); rd.XAxisPoints.AddRange(xs); rd.YAxisPoints.AddRange(ys); rd.ZAxisPoints.AddRange(zs); rd.SelectedPoints.AddRange(pts_sel); rd.SelectedLines.AddRange(lines_sel); rd.SelectedMeshes.AddRange(mesh_sel); rd.Text.AddRange(text); //StripDuplicates(rd); OnResultsReadyToVisualize(this, new VisualizationEventArgs(rd, node.GUID.ToString())); } watch.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} ellapsed for aggregating geometry for watch.", watch.Elapsed)); //LogVisualizationUpdateData(rd, watch.Elapsed.ToString()); }
void DynamoModel_NodeDeleted(NodeModel node) { UpdateVisualizations(); }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; var valueMap = new Dictionary <Guid, String>(); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { var firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); //Get node connectors foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; if (!valueMap.ContainsKey(guid)) { Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null?data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } } } int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand(DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); Thread.Sleep(100); } writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); while (!DynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of NumberRange"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { var firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { String valmap = valueMap[connector.Start.Owner.GUID].ToString(); Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String nodeVal = data != null?data.ToString() : "null"; if (valmap != nodeVal) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of NumberRange is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + nodeVal); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valmap); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of NumberRange is failed"); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of NumberRange complete"); writer.Flush(); return(pass = true); }
public OneNodeTopicsView() { InitializeComponent(); var click = Observable .FromEventPattern <ItemClickEventArgs>(NodeTopcisList, nameof(NodeTopcisList.ItemClick)) .Select(x => x.EventArgs.ClickedItem as TopicModel) .ObserveOnCoreDispatcher() .Subscribe(x => PageStack.Next("Right", "Right", typeof(RepliesAndTopicView), x.Id)); var collect = Observable.FromEventPattern <TappedRoutedEventArgs>(CollectNode, nameof(CollectNode.Tapped)) .SelectMany(x => ApiClient.GetNodeInformation(Node.Name)) .Select(html => { var regexFav = new Regex("<a href=\"(.*)\">加入收藏</a>"); var regexUnFav = new Regex("<a href=\"(.*)\">取消收藏</a>"); var url = ""; if (regexFav.IsMatch(html)) { url = regexFav.Match(html).Groups[1].Value; } if (regexUnFav.IsMatch(html)) { url = regexUnFav.Match(html).Groups[1].Value; } return(url); }) .SelectMany(url => ApiClient.OnlyGet($"{url}")) .ObserveOnCoreDispatcher() .Subscribe(x => Node.IsCollect = Node.IsCollect == "加入收藏" ? "取消收藏" : "加入收藏", ex => { }); NotifyData.LoadDataTask = async count => { var html = await ApiClient.GetTopicsWithPageN(Node.Name, NotifyData.CurrentPage); var dom = new HtmlParser().ParseDocument(html); if (NotifyData.MaxPage == 0) { var header = dom.GetElementById("Main").QuerySelector("div.node_header"); Node = new NodeModel { Topics = Convert.ToInt32(header.QuerySelector("strong").TextContent), IsCollect = header.QuerySelector("a").TextContent, Cover = header.QuerySelector("img") == null ? "ms-appx:///Assets/default.png" : header.QuerySelector("img").GetAttribute("src"), Title = Node.Title, Name = Node.Name }; } var topics = dom.GetElementById("TopicsNode").Children.Select(node => { var hrefs = node.QuerySelectorAll("a"); var imgs = node.QuerySelector("img.avatar"); var topic = new TopicModel { Title = hrefs[1].TextContent, Member = new MemberModel { Username = hrefs[2].TextContent, Image = imgs.GetAttribute("src") }, Id = int.Parse(node.ClassName.Split('_').Last()) }; if (hrefs.Length == 5) { topic.LastUsername = $"最后回复者 :{hrefs[3].TextContent}"; topic.Replies = int.Parse(hrefs[4].TextContent); var last = node.GetElementsByClassName("topic_info").First().TextContent.Split('•')[1].Trim(); if (last.Length > 12) { var timeSpan = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse(last.Insert(10, " ")); last = $"{(int) timeSpan.TotalDays}天"; } topic.LastReply = $"时间 : {last.Trim()}"; } return(topic); }); return(new PagesBaseModel <TopicModel> { Pages = Node.Topics % 20 == 0 ? Node.Topics / 20 : Node.Topics / 20 + 1, Entity = topics }); }; _events = new List <IDisposable> { collect, click }; }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; var valueMap = new Dictionary <Guid, String>(); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { Guid guid = node.GUID; Object data = node.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null?data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand( DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); } Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning re-exec"); ExecuteAndWait(); writer.WriteLine("### - re-exec complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning readback"); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of DirectoryPath"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { string valmap = valueMap[node.GUID].ToString(); object data = node.GetValue(0, engine).Data; string nodeVal = data != null?data.ToString() : "null"; if (valmap != nodeVal) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of DirectoryPath is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + nodeVal); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valmap); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of DirectoryPath is failed"); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of DirectoryPath complete"); writer.Flush(); return(pass = true); }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; List <ConnectorModel> firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); Dictionary <Guid, String> valueMap = new Dictionary <Guid, String>(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { if (connector.Start.Owner.GUID != node.GUID) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; if (!valueMap.ContainsKey(guid)) { String val = connector.Start.Owner.NickName; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } } else if (connector.End.Owner.GUID != node.GUID) { Guid guid = connector.End.Owner.GUID; if (!valueMap.ContainsKey(guid)) { String val = connector.End.Owner.NickName; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } } } int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); IList <NodeModel> nodesAfterMutate = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes; if (nodesAfterMutate.Contains(node)) { writer.WriteLine("### - Connector wasn't deleted"); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } else { writer.WriteLine("### - Connector was deleted"); } for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand( DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); } Thread.Sleep(100); IList <NodeModel> nodesAfterUndo = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes; NodeModel nodeAfterUndo = nodesAfterUndo.FirstOrDefault(t => t.GUID.Equals(node.GUID)); List <ConnectorModel> firstNodeConnectorsAfterUndo = nodeAfterUndo.AllConnectors.ToList(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectorsAfterUndo) { if (connector.Start.Owner.GUID != node.GUID) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; if (!valueMap.ContainsKey(guid)) { writer.WriteLine("### - ### - Connector wasn't recreated"); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } else { writer.WriteLine("### - Connector was recreated"); writer.Flush(); } } else if (connector.End.Owner.GUID != node.GUID) { Guid guid = connector.End.Owner.GUID; if (!valueMap.ContainsKey(guid)) { writer.WriteLine("### - ### - Connector wasn't recreated"); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } else { writer.WriteLine("### - Connector was recreated"); writer.Flush(); } } } return(pass = true); }
protected override void NodeModified(NodeModel node) { base.NodeModified(node); RequestRun(); }
protected override IEnumerable<NodeModel> OnGizmoClick(IGizmo gizmoInAction, object hitObject) { var axis = hitObject as Vector; if (null == axis) return null; if(null == inputNode) { inputNode = CreateAndConnectInputNode(0, 1); } return new[] { inputNode }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates PortModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="portType">Type of the Port</param> /// <param name="owner">Parent Node</param> /// <param name="data">Information about port</param> public PortModel(PortType portType, NodeModel owner, PortData data) { IsConnected = false; PortType = portType; Owner = owner; SetPortData(data); MarginThickness = new Thickness(0); Height = Math.Abs(data.Height) < 0.001 ? Configurations.PortHeightInPixels : data.Height; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a visualization to the dictionary and adds a handler for node property changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="kvp"></param> private void RegisterNodeForVisualization(NodeModel node) { Visualizations.Add(node.GUID.ToString(), new RenderDescription()); node.PropertyChanged += node_PropertyChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Get all objects from a given node which have visualizers associated with them. /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Dictionary <string, object> GetDrawablesFromNode(NodeModel node) { return(GetDrawableFromValue(new List <int>(), node.OldValue)); }
/// <summary> /// Updates input node by specified amount. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputNode">Input node</param> /// <param name="amount">Amount by which it needs to be modified.</param> private static void ModifyInputNode(NodeModel inputNode, double amount) { if (inputNode == null) return; if (Math.Abs(amount) < 0.001) return; dynamic uiNode = inputNode; uiNode.Value = Math.Round(uiNode.Value + amount, 3); }
/// <summary> /// This is required here to compute the nodes delta state. /// This is overriden in HomeWorkspaceViewModel /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">The object.</param> public virtual void OnNodeModified(NodeModel obj) { }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the given node has any manipulator attached with it. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Input Node</param> /// <returns>true if node has any manipulator</returns> public bool HasNodeManipulator(NodeModel node) { IDisposable manipulator; return activeManipulators.TryGetValue(node.GUID, out manipulator); }
/// <summary> /// Now that the portData has been set for the new ports, we recreate the connections we /// so mercilessly destroyed, restoring peace and balance to the world once again. /// </summary> /// <param name="inportConnections"></param> /// <param name="outportConnections"> List of the connections that were killed</param> private void LoadAndCreateConnectors(OrderedDictionary inportConnections, OrderedDictionary outportConnections) { //----------------------------Inputs--------------------------------- /* Input Port connections are matched only if the name is the same */ for (int i = 0; i < InPortData.Count; i++) { string varName = InPortData[i].ToolTipString; if (inportConnections.Contains(varName)) { if (inportConnections[varName] != null) { foreach (var startPortModel in (inportConnections[varName] as List <PortModel>)) { NodeModel startNode = startPortModel.Owner; var connector = ConnectorModel.Make( startNode, this, startPortModel.Index, i); } outportConnections[varName] = null; } } } //----------------------------Outputs-------------------------------- /*The matching is done in three parts: * Step 1: * First, it tries to match the connectors wrt to the defined * variable name. Hence it first checks to see if any of the old * variable names are present. If so, if there were any connectors * presnt then it makes the new connectors. As it iterates through * the new ports, it also finds the ports that didnt exist before */ List <int> undefinedIndices = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < OutPortData.Count; i++) { string varName = OutPortData[i].ToolTipString; if (outportConnections.Contains(varName)) { if (outportConnections[varName] != null) { foreach (var endPortModel in (outportConnections[varName] as List <PortModel>)) { NodeModel endNode = endPortModel.Owner; var connector = ConnectorModel.Make(this, endNode, i, endPortModel.Index); } outportConnections[varName] = null; } } else { undefinedIndices.Add(i); } } /* * Step 2: * The second priority is to match the connections to the previous * indices. For all the ports that were not previously defined, it * now checks if that "numbered" port had any connections * previously, ie, if the old third port had 2 connections, then * these would go to the new 3rd port (if it is not a variable that * was defined before) */ for (int i = 0; i < undefinedIndices.Count; i++) { int index = undefinedIndices[i]; if (index < outportConnections.Count && outportConnections[index] != null) { foreach (PortModel endPortModel in (outportConnections[index] as List <PortModel>)) { NodeModel endNode = endPortModel.Owner; var connector = ConnectorModel.Make(this, endNode, index, endPortModel.Index); } outportConnections[index] = null; undefinedIndices.Remove(index); i--; } } /* * Step 2: * The final step. Now that the priorties are finished, the * function tries to reuse any existing connections by attaching * them to any ports that have not already been given connections */ List <List <PortModel> > unusedConnections = outportConnections.Values.Cast <List <PortModel> >() .Where(portModelList => portModelList != null) .ToList(); while (undefinedIndices.Count > 0 && unusedConnections.Count != 0) { foreach (PortModel endPortModel in unusedConnections[0]) { NodeModel endNode = endPortModel.Owner; ConnectorModel connector = ConnectorModel.Make( this, endNode, undefinedIndices[0], endPortModel.Index); } undefinedIndices.RemoveAt(0); unusedConnections.RemoveAt(0); } }
public void BuildValueStringAcceptsEmptyContainerInput() { var res = NodeModel.PrintValue(FScheme.Value.NewContainer(null), 0, 3, 0, 4); Assert.AreEqual("<empty>", res); }
/// <summary> /// Returns whether a node has output which has an associated visualizer. /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsNodeDrawable(NodeModel node) { return(GetDrawablesFromNode(node).Count > 0); }
/// <summary> /// Deserialize a function definition from a given path. A side effect of this function is that /// the node is added to the dictionary of loadedNodes. /// </summary> /// <param name="funcDefGuid">The function guid we're currently loading</param> /// <param name="controller">Reference to the calling controller</param> /// <param name="def">The resultant function definition</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool GetDefinitionFromPath(Guid funcDefGuid, out FunctionDefinition def) { var controller = dynSettings.Controller; try { var xmlPath = GetNodePath(funcDefGuid); #region read xml file var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); string funName = null; string category = ""; double cx = 0; double cy = 0; string description = ""; string version = ""; double zoom = 1.0; string id = ""; // load the header // handle legacy workspace nodes called dynWorkspace // and new workspaces without the dyn prefix XmlNodeList workspaceNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Workspace"); if (workspaceNodes.Count == 0) { workspaceNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynWorkspace"); } foreach (XmlNode node in workspaceNodes) { foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes) { if (att.Name.Equals("X")) { cx = double.Parse(att.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (att.Name.Equals("Y")) { cy = double.Parse(att.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (att.Name.Equals("zoom")) { zoom = double.Parse(att.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (att.Name.Equals("Name")) { funName = att.Value; } else if (att.Name.Equals("Category")) { category = att.Value; } else if (att.Name.Equals("Description")) { description = att.Value; } else if (att.Name.Equals("ID")) { id = att.Value; } else if (att.Name.Equals("Version")) { version = att.Value; } } } // we have a dyf and it lacks an ID field, we need to assign it // a deterministic guid based on its name. By doing it deterministically, // files remain compatible if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(funName)) { id = GuidUtility.Create(GuidUtility.UrlNamespace, funName).ToString(); } #endregion //DynamoCommands.WriteToLogCmd.Execute("Loading node definition for \"" + funName + "\" from: " + xmlPath); dynSettings.Controller.DynamoModel.WriteToLog("Loading node definition for \"" + funName + "\" from: " + xmlPath); var ws = new CustomNodeWorkspaceModel( funName, category.Length > 0 ? category : BuiltinNodeCategories.SCRIPTING_CUSTOMNODES, description, cx, cy) { WatchChanges = false, FileName = xmlPath, Zoom = zoom }; def = new FunctionDefinition(Guid.Parse(id)) { WorkspaceModel = ws }; // load a dummy version, so any nodes depending on this node // will find an (empty) identifier on compilation FScheme.Expression dummyExpression = FScheme.Expression.NewNumber_E(0); controller.FSchemeEnvironment.DefineSymbol(def.FunctionId.ToString(), dummyExpression); // set the node as loaded this.LoadedCustomNodes.Add(def.FunctionId, def); XmlNodeList elNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Elements"); XmlNodeList cNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Connectors"); XmlNodeList nNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Notes"); if (elNodes.Count == 0) { elNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynElements"); } if (cNodes.Count == 0) { cNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynConnectors"); } if (nNodes.Count == 0) { nNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dynNotes"); } XmlNode elNodesList = elNodes[0]; XmlNode cNodesList = cNodes[0]; XmlNode nNodesList = nNodes[0]; #region instantiate nodes var badNodes = new List <Guid>(); foreach (XmlNode elNode in elNodesList.ChildNodes) { XmlAttribute typeAttrib = elNode.Attributes["type"]; XmlAttribute guidAttrib = elNode.Attributes["guid"]; XmlAttribute nicknameAttrib = elNode.Attributes["nickname"]; XmlAttribute xAttrib = elNode.Attributes["x"]; XmlAttribute yAttrib = elNode.Attributes["y"]; XmlAttribute lacingAttrib = elNode.Attributes["lacing"]; XmlAttribute isVisAttrib = elNode.Attributes["isVisible"]; XmlAttribute isUpstreamVisAttrib = elNode.Attributes["isUpstreamVisible"]; string typeName = typeAttrib.Value; //test the GUID to confirm that it is non-zero //if it is zero, then we have to fix it //this will break the connectors, but it won't keep //propagating bad GUIDs var guid = new Guid(guidAttrib.Value); if (guid == Guid.Empty) { guid = Guid.NewGuid(); } string nickname = nicknameAttrib.Value; double x = double.Parse(xAttrib.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double y = double.Parse(yAttrib.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); bool isVisible = true; if (isVisAttrib != null) { isVisible = isVisAttrib.Value == "true" ? true : false; } bool isUpstreamVisible = true; if (isUpstreamVisAttrib != null) { isUpstreamVisible = isUpstreamVisAttrib.Value == "true" ? true : false; } typeName = Dynamo.Nodes.Utilities.PreprocessTypeName(typeName); System.Type type = Dynamo.Nodes.Utilities.ResolveType(typeName); if (null == type) { badNodes.Add(guid); continue; } NodeModel el = dynSettings.Controller.DynamoModel.CreateNodeInstance(type, nickname, guid); if (lacingAttrib != null) { LacingStrategy lacing = LacingStrategy.First; Enum.TryParse(lacingAttrib.Value, out lacing); el.ArgumentLacing = lacing; } el.IsVisible = isVisible; el.IsUpstreamVisible = isUpstreamVisible; ws.Nodes.Add(el); el.WorkSpace = ws; var node = el; node.X = x; node.Y = y; if (el == null) { return(false); } el.DisableReporting(); el.Load( elNode, string.IsNullOrEmpty(version) ? new Version(0, 0, 0, 0) : new Version(version)); } #endregion #region instantiate connectors foreach (XmlNode connector in cNodesList.ChildNodes) { XmlAttribute guidStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[0]; XmlAttribute intStartAttrib = connector.Attributes[1]; XmlAttribute guidEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[2]; XmlAttribute intEndAttrib = connector.Attributes[3]; XmlAttribute portTypeAttrib = connector.Attributes[4]; var guidStart = new Guid(guidStartAttrib.Value); var guidEnd = new Guid(guidEndAttrib.Value); int startIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intStartAttrib.Value); int endIndex = Convert.ToInt16(intEndAttrib.Value); PortType portType = ((PortType)Convert.ToInt16(portTypeAttrib.Value)); //find the elements to connect NodeModel start = null; NodeModel end = null; if (badNodes.Contains(guidStart) || badNodes.Contains(guidEnd)) { continue; } foreach (NodeModel e in ws.Nodes) { if (e.GUID == guidStart) { start = e; } else if (e.GUID == guidEnd) { end = e; } if (start != null && end != null) { break; } } try { var newConnector = ConnectorModel.Make( start, end, startIndex, endIndex, portType); if (newConnector != null) { ws.Connectors.Add(newConnector); } } catch { //DynamoCommands.WriteToLogCmd.Execute(string.Format("ERROR : Could not create connector between {0} and {1}.", start.NickName, end.NickName)); dynSettings.Controller.DynamoModel.WriteToLog(string.Format("ERROR : Could not create connector between {0} and {1}.", start.NickName, end.NickName)); } } #endregion #region instantiate notes if (nNodesList != null) { foreach (XmlNode note in nNodesList.ChildNodes) { XmlAttribute textAttrib = note.Attributes[0]; XmlAttribute xAttrib = note.Attributes[1]; XmlAttribute yAttrib = note.Attributes[2]; string text = textAttrib.Value; double x = Convert.ToDouble(xAttrib.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double y = Convert.ToDouble(yAttrib.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var command = new DynCmd.CreateNoteCommand(guid, text, x, y, false); dynSettings.Controller.DynamoModel.AddNoteInternal(command, ws); } } #endregion foreach (var e in ws.Nodes) { e.EnableReporting(); } def.CompileAndAddToEnvironment(controller.FSchemeEnvironment); ws.WatchChanges = true; this.OnGetDefinitionFromPath(def); } catch (Exception ex) { dynSettings.Controller.DynamoModel.WriteToLog("There was an error opening the workbench."); dynSettings.Controller.DynamoModel.WriteToLog(ex); if (controller.Testing) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } def = null; return(false); } return(true); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Model = this.GetComponentInParent <NodeModel>(); }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { NodeModel node = null; var obj = JObject.Load(reader); var type = Type.GetType(obj["$type"].Value <string>()); // If we can't find this type - try to look in our load from assemblies, // but only during testing - this is required during testing because some dlls are loaded // using Assembly.LoadFrom using the assemblyHelper - which loads dlls into loadFrom context - // dlls loaded with LoadFrom context cannot be found using Type.GetType() - this should // not be an issue during normal dynamo use but if it is we can enable this code. if (type == null && this.isTestMode == true) { List <Assembly> resultList; var typeName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').FirstOrDefault(); // This assemblyName does not usually contain version information... var assemblyName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').Skip(1).FirstOrDefault().Trim(); if (assemblyName != null) { if (this.loadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out resultList)) { var matchingTypes = resultList.Select(x => x.GetType(typeName)).ToList(); type = matchingTypes.FirstOrDefault(); } } } // Check for and attempt to resolve an unknown type before proceeding if (type == null) { // Attempt to resolve the type using `AlsoKnownAs` var unresolvedName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').FirstOrDefault(); Type newType; nodeFactory.ResolveType(unresolvedName, out newType); // If resolved update the type if (newType != null) { type = newType; } } // If the id is not a guid, makes a guid based on the id of the node var guid = GuidUtility.tryParseOrCreateGuid(obj["Id"].Value <string>()); var replication = obj["Replication"].Value <string>(); var inPorts = obj["Inputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray(); var outPorts = obj["Outputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray(); var resolver = (IdReferenceResolver)serializer.ReferenceResolver; string assemblyLocation = objectType.Assembly.Location; bool remapPorts = true; // If type is still null at this point return a dummy node if (type == null) { node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts); } // Attempt to create a valid node using the type else if (type == typeof(Function)) { var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>()); CustomNodeDefinition def = null; CustomNodeInfo info = null; bool isUnresolved = !manager.TryGetCustomNodeData(functionId, null, false, out def, out info); Function function = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId, null, false, def, info); node = function; if (isUnresolved) { function.UpdatePortsForUnresolved(inPorts, outPorts); } } else if (type == typeof(CodeBlockNodeModel)) { var code = obj["Code"].Value <string>(); CodeBlockNodeModel codeBlockNode = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, guid, 0.0, 0.0, libraryServices, ElementResolver); node = codeBlockNode; // If the code block node is in an error state read the extra port data // and initialize the input and output ports if (node.IsInErrorState) { List <string> inPortNames = new List <string>(); var inputs = obj["Inputs"]; foreach (var input in inputs) { inPortNames.Add(input["Name"].ToString()); } // NOTE: This could be done in a simpler way, but is being implemented // in this manner to allow for possible future port line number // information being available in the file List <int> outPortLineIndexes = new List <int>(); var outputs = obj["Outputs"]; int outputLineIndex = 0; foreach (var output in outputs) { outPortLineIndexes.Add(outputLineIndex++); } codeBlockNode.SetErrorStatePortData(inPortNames, outPortLineIndexes); } } else if (typeof(DSFunctionBase).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { var mangledName = obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>(); var priorNames = libraryServices.GetPriorNames(); var functionDescriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(mangledName); string newName; // Update the function descriptor if a newer migrated version of the node exists if (priorNames.TryGetValue(mangledName, out newName)) { functionDescriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(newName); } // Use the functionDescriptor to try and restore the proper node if possible if (functionDescriptor == null) { node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts); } else { if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction)) { node = new DSVarArgFunction(functionDescriptor); // The node syncs with the function definition. // Then we need to make the inport count correct var varg = (DSVarArgFunction)node; varg.VarInputController.SetNumInputs(inPorts.Count()); } else if (type == typeof(DSFunction)) { node = new DSFunction(functionDescriptor); } } } else if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction)) { var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>()); node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId); } else if (type.ToString() == "CoreNodeModels.Formula") { node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type); } else { node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type); // if node is an customNode input symbol - assign the element resolver. if (node is Nodes.CustomNodes.Symbol) { (node as Nodes.CustomNodes.Symbol).ElementResolver = ElementResolver; } // We don't need to remap ports for any nodes with json constructors which pass ports remapPorts = false; } if (remapPorts) { RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver, manager.AsLogger()); } // Cannot set Lacing directly as property is protected node.UpdateValue(new UpdateValueParams("ArgumentLacing", replication)); node.GUID = guid; // Add references to the node and the ports to the reference resolver, // so that they are available for entities which are deserialized later. serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, node.GUID.ToString(), node); foreach (var p in node.InPorts) { serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p); } foreach (var p in node.OutPorts) { serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p); } return(node); }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; var types = LoadAllTypesFromDynamoAssemblies(); foreach (Type type in types) { string nodeName = GetName(type); var firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); double coordinatesX = node.X; double coordinatesY = node.Y; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeName)) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { var newNode = type.GetDefaultConstructor <NodeModel>()(); DynamoModel.CreateNodeCommand createCommand = new DynamoModel.CreateNodeCommand( newNode, coordinatesX, coordinatesY, false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(createCommand); })); var valueMap = new Dictionary <Guid, String>(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null?data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand(DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); } Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); while (!DynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of CustomNode"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { NodeModel nodeAfterUndo = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault( (t) => (t.GUID == node.GUID)); if (nodeAfterUndo != null) { var firstNodeConnectorsAfterUndo = nodeAfterUndo.AllConnectors.ToList(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null?data.ToString() : "null"; if (valueMap[guid] != val) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + val); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valueMap[guid]); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } } } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode is failed"); writer.Flush(); return(pass); } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of CustomNode complete"); writer.Flush(); } } return(pass = true); }
public DynamoSlider(NodeModel model) { nodeModel = model; }
public NodeModel getTarget(NodeModel current) { NodeModel target = null; if (instructionList[0].direction == "noInstructions") { return target; } for (int i = 0; i < instructionList.Length; i++) { if (instructionList[i].direction == "North") { if ((current.GetNorth() != null) && (current.GetNorth().getProperty("DeadEnd") == false)) { if (current.GetNorth().getProperty(instructionList[i].property)) { target = current.GetNorth(); return target; } } } else if (instructionList[i].direction == "South") { if ((current.GetSouth() != null) && (current.GetSouth().getProperty("DeadEnd") == false)) { if (current.GetSouth().getProperty(instructionList[i].property)) { target = current.GetSouth(); return target; } } } else if (instructionList[i].direction == "East") { if ((current.GetEast() != null) && (current.GetEast().getProperty("DeadEnd") == false)) { if (current.GetEast().getProperty(instructionList[i].property)) { target = current.GetEast(); return target; } } } else if (instructionList[i].direction == "West") { if ((current.GetWest() != null) && (current.GetWest().getProperty("DeadEnd") == false)) { if (current.GetWest().getProperty(instructionList[i].property)) { target = current.GetWest(); return target; } } } else if (instructionList[i].direction == "Current") { current.CheckIfDeadEnd(); } } return target; }
/// <summary> /// Create a set of manipulators for the given node by inspecting its numeric inputs /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <param name="manipulatorContext"></param> /// <returns></returns> public abstract INodeManipulator Create(NodeModel node, DynamoManipulationExtension manipulatorContext);
public INodeManipulator Create(NodeModel node, DynamoManipulationExtension manipulatorContext) { return new PointOnCurveManipulator(node as DSFunction, manipulatorContext); }
protected override AssociativeNode GetFunctionApplication(NodeModel model, List <AssociativeNode> inputAstNodes) { AssociativeNode rhs; string function = Definition.FunctionName; switch (Definition.Type) { case FunctionType.Constructor: case FunctionType.StaticMethod: if (model.IsPartiallyApplied) { var functionNode = new IdentifierListNode { LeftNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.ClassName), RightNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.FunctionName) }; rhs = CreateFunctionObject(model, functionNode, inputAstNodes); } else { model.AppendReplicationGuides(inputAstNodes); rhs = AstFactory.BuildFunctionCall( Definition.ClassName, Definition.FunctionName, inputAstNodes); } break; case FunctionType.StaticProperty: var staticProp = new IdentifierListNode { LeftNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.ClassName), RightNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.FunctionName) }; rhs = staticProp; break; case FunctionType.InstanceProperty: // Only handle getter here. Setter could be handled in CBN. if (model.IsPartiallyApplied) { var functionNode = new IdentifierListNode { LeftNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.ClassName), RightNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.FunctionName) }; rhs = CreateFunctionObject(model, functionNode, inputAstNodes); } else { rhs = new NullNode(); if (inputAstNodes != null && inputAstNodes.Count >= 1) { var thisNode = inputAstNodes[0]; if (thisNode != null && !(thisNode is NullNode)) { var insProp = new IdentifierListNode { LeftNode = inputAstNodes[0], RightNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.FunctionName) }; rhs = insProp; } } } break; case FunctionType.InstanceMethod: if (model.IsPartiallyApplied) { var functionNode = new IdentifierListNode { LeftNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.ClassName), RightNode = new IdentifierNode(Definition.FunctionName) }; rhs = CreateFunctionObject(model, functionNode, inputAstNodes); } else { rhs = new NullNode(); model.AppendReplicationGuides(inputAstNodes); if (inputAstNodes != null && inputAstNodes.Count >= 1) { var thisNode = inputAstNodes[0]; inputAstNodes.RemoveAt(0); // remove this pointer if (thisNode != null && !(thisNode is NullNode)) { var memberFunc = new IdentifierListNode { LeftNode = thisNode, RightNode = AstFactory.BuildFunctionCall(function, inputAstNodes) }; rhs = memberFunc; } } } break; default: if (model.IsPartiallyApplied) { var functionNode = new IdentifierNode(function); rhs = CreateFunctionObject(model, functionNode, inputAstNodes); } else { model.AppendReplicationGuides(inputAstNodes); rhs = AstFactory.BuildFunctionCall(function, inputAstNodes); } break; } return(rhs); }
/// <summary> /// Call this method to recursively gather downstream nodes of a given node. /// Returns only those nodes that are in RUN state. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">A NodeModel whose downstream nodes are to be gathered.</param> /// <param name="gathered">A list of all downstream nodes.</param> /// private static void GetDownstreamNodes(NodeModel node, ICollection<NodeModel> gathered) { if (gathered.Contains(node) || node.IsFrozen) // Considered this node before, bail.pu return; gathered.Add(node); var sets = node.OutputNodes.Values; var outputNodes = sets.SelectMany(set => set.Select(t => t.Item2)).Distinct(); foreach (var outputNode in outputNodes) { // Recursively get all downstream nodes. GetDownstreamNodes(outputNode, gathered); } }
protected override void OnRenderPackagesUpdated(NodeModel node, IEnumerable<IRenderPackage> renderPackages) { var updatedNode = model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.GUID == node.GUID); if (updatedNode == null) return; var visibleUpstream = new List<NodeModel>(); watchNode.VisibleUpstreamNodes(visibleUpstream); if (!visibleUpstream.Contains(updatedNode)) { return; } base.OnRenderPackagesUpdated(node, renderPackages); }
public void BuildValueStringAcceptsNullInput() { var res = NodeModel.PrintValue(null, 0, 3, 0, 4); Assert.AreEqual("<null>", res); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the RequestSilenceNodeModifiedEvents event is emitted from a Node /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node itself</param> /// <param name="value">A boolean value indicating whether to silence or not</param> private void NodeOnRequestSilenceNodeModifiedEvents(NodeModel node, bool value) { this.silenceNodeModifications = value; }
/// <summary> /// When a node is in freeze state, the node and its dependencies are /// deleted from AST /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node.</param> internal void DeleteFrozenNodesFromAST(NodeModel node) { HashSet<NodeModel> gathered = new HashSet<NodeModel>(); node.GetDownstreamNodes(node, gathered); foreach (var iNode in gathered) { syncDataManager.DeleteNodes(iNode.GUID); } }
internal void RegisterNode(NodeModel node) { profilingData.RegisterNode(node); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to get the first item from the objects resulted from /// this node. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Input Node</param> /// <returns>Returns the first item of the node.</returns> protected static object GetFirstValueFromNode(NodeModel node) { return(GetElementsFromMirrorData(node.CachedValue).FirstOrDefault()); }
public static GraphElement CreateNode(this INodeBuilder builder, Store store, NodeModel model) { return(new Node(model, store, builder.GraphView)); }
protected VariableInputNodeController(NodeModel model) { this.model = model; }
protected FileSystemObjectDisposable(NodeModel nodeModel) { node = nodeModel; }
private Node nodeView; //Not used yet. Exists to enable controll of the GameObject #endregion Fields #region Constructors public NodeController(NodeModel model, Node view, FSMSystem FSM) { nodeModel = model; nodeView = view; nodeFSM = FSM; }
/// <summary> /// Called when a node is disposed and removed from the workspace /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node itself</param> protected override void DisposeNode(NodeModel node) { node.RequestSilenceNodeModifiedEvents -= NodeOnRequestSilenceNodeModifiedEvents; base.DisposeNode(node); }