//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldFindNodesByLabelInTx() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldFindNodesByLabelInTx() { long inStore; long deletedInTx; long createdInTx; using (Transaction tx = beginTransaction()) { inStore = CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelOne); CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelTwo); deletedInTx = CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelOne); tx.Success(); } using (Transaction tx = beginTransaction()) { tx.DataWrite().nodeDelete(deletedInTx); createdInTx = CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelOne); CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelTwo); Read read = tx.DataRead(); using (NodeLabelIndexCursor cursor = tx.Cursors().allocateNodeLabelIndexCursor()) { MutableLongSet uniqueIds = new LongHashSet(); // when read.NodeLabelScan(_labelOne, cursor); // then assertNodes(cursor, uniqueIds, inStore, createdInTx); } } }
public override NodeLabelIndexCursor AllocateNodeLabelIndexCursor() { NodeLabelIndexCursor n = _cursors.allocateNodeLabelIndexCursor(); _allCursors.Add(n); return(n); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldFindNodesByLabel() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldFindNodesByLabel() { // GIVEN long toDelete; using (Transaction tx = beginTransaction()) { CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelOne, _labelFirst); CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelTwo, _labelFirst); CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelThree, _labelFirst); toDelete = CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelOne); CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelTwo); CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelThree); CreateNode(tx.DataWrite(), _labelThree); tx.Success(); } using (Transaction tx = beginTransaction()) { tx.DataWrite().nodeDelete(toDelete); tx.Success(); } using (Transaction tx = beginTransaction()) { Read read = tx.DataRead(); using (NodeLabelIndexCursor cursor = tx.Cursors().allocateNodeLabelIndexCursor()) { MutableLongSet uniqueIds = new LongHashSet(); // WHEN read.NodeLabelScan(_labelOne, cursor); // THEN assertNodeCount(cursor, 1, uniqueIds); // WHEN read.NodeLabelScan(_labelTwo, cursor); // THEN assertNodeCount(cursor, 2, uniqueIds); // WHEN read.NodeLabelScan(_labelThree, cursor); // THEN assertNodeCount(cursor, 3, uniqueIds); // WHEN uniqueIds.clear(); read.NodeLabelScan(_labelFirst, cursor); // THEN assertNodeCount(cursor, 3, uniqueIds); } } }
public override void NodeLabelIntersectionScan(NodeLabelIndexCursor cursor, params int[] labels) { Ktx.assertOpen(); DefaultNodeLabelIndexCursor client = ( DefaultNodeLabelIndexCursor )cursor; client.Read = this; client.IntersectionScan(new NodeLabelIndexProgressor(LabelScanReader().nodesWithAllLabels(labels), client), false, labels); }
public override void NodeLabelScan(int label, NodeLabelIndexCursor cursor) { Ktx.assertOpen(); DefaultNodeLabelIndexCursor indexCursor = ( DefaultNodeLabelIndexCursor )cursor; indexCursor.Read = this; LabelScanReader().nodesWithLabel(indexCursor, label); }
public override void NodeLabelIntersectionScan(NodeLabelIndexCursor cursor, params int[] labels) { throw new System.NotSupportedException(); }
public override void NodeLabelScan(int label, NodeLabelIndexCursor cursor) { (( StubNodeLabelIndexCursor )cursor).Initialize(label); }