public NodeData(NodeData node, bool keepId = false) { m_name = node.m_name; m_x = node.m_x; m_y = node.m_y; m_nodeNeedsRevisit = false; m_inputPoints = new List <ConnectionPointData>(); m_outputPoints = new List <ConnectionPointData>(); if (keepId) { m_id = node.m_id; node.InputPoints.ForEach(p => m_inputPoints.Add(new ConnectionPointData(p))); node.OutputPoints.ForEach(p => m_outputPoints.Add(new ConnectionPointData(p))); m_nodeInstance = new NodeInstance(node.m_nodeInstance); } else { m_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Node n = node.m_nodeInstance.Object.Clone(this); m_nodeInstance = new NodeInstance(n); } }
public NodeData(V1.NodeData v1) { //TODO: m_id = v1.Id; m_name = v1.Name; m_x = v1.X; m_y = v1.Y; m_nodeNeedsRevisit = false; m_inputPoints = new List <ConnectionPointData>(); m_outputPoints = new List <ConnectionPointData>(); foreach (var input in v1.InputPoints) { m_inputPoints.Add(new ConnectionPointData(input)); } foreach (var output in v1.OutputPoints) { m_outputPoints.Add(new ConnectionPointData(output)); } Node n = CreateNodeFromV1NodeData(v1, this); m_nodeInstance = new NodeInstance(n); }
private bool?CanUnlockTechTreeNodePath(BasePlayer player, NodeInstance node, TechTreeData techTree) { if (HasPermissionToUnlockAny(player, techTree)) { return(true); } var blueprintRuleset = _pluginConfig.GetPlayerBlueprintRuleset(player.UserIDString); if (blueprintRuleset == null) { return(null); } if (node.itemDef != null && !blueprintRuleset.HasPrerequisites(node.itemDef)) { return(true); } if (HasUnlockPath(player, node, techTree, blueprintRuleset)) { return(true); } return(null); }
public Task LoadDriverFactory(NodeInstance nodeInstance, IDriverFactory factory, IDriverContext context) { var driver = factory.CreateDriver(context); nodeInstance.State = NodeInstanceState.Loaded; if (driver.BeforeInit()) { _driverStore.Add(driver.Id, driver); nodeInstance.State = NodeInstanceState.Initialized; driver.Configure(); } else { nodeInstance.State = NodeInstanceState.UnknownError; } _driverNodeStore.Add(driver.Id, driver); for (int i = 0; i <= driver.ChildrensCreated; ++i) { _licenseContract.IncrementDriverCount(); } AddDriverRecursive(driver); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void Add(Trending value, NodeInstance nodeInstance) { using var context = new AutomaticaContext(_config); _logger.LogInformation($"Save trend for {nodeInstance.Name} ({nodeInstance.ObjId}) with value {value.Value}..."); context.Add(value); context.SaveChanges(); }
private GraphicInstance CreateGraphicVisualizedInstance(Type type, LogicalInstance logicalInstance, DragEventArgs args) { Point position = args.GetPosition(this); double width = (double)type.GetProperty("Width").GetValue(Activator.CreateInstance(type), null); double height = (double)type.GetProperty("Height").GetValue(Activator.CreateInstance(type), null); GraphicInstance graphicInstance = null; if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(NodeType))) { ParentableInstance parent = (this.Content as CanvasItemsControl).FindParent(position, graphicInstance); graphicInstance = new NodeInstance { X = position.X, Y = position.Y, Width = (width != 0 && !double.IsNaN(width)) ? width : 200, Height = (height != 0 && !double.IsNaN(height)) ? height : 200, LogicalInstance = logicalInstance, Parent = parent }; } else { graphicInstance = new EdgeInstance { X = position.X, Y = position.Y, Width = (width != 0 && !double.IsNaN(width)) ? width : 200, Height = (height != 0 && !double.IsNaN(height)) ? height : 200, LogicalInstance = logicalInstance, Parent = InstancesManager.Instance.CanvasRootElement }; } return(graphicInstance); }
public Task <IDriver> LoadDriverFactory(NodeInstance nodeInstance, IDriverFactory factory, IDriverContext context) { var driver = factory.CreateDriver(context); nodeInstance.State = NodeInstanceState.Loaded; try { if (driver.BeforeInit()) { _driverStore.Add(driver.Id, driver); nodeInstance.State = NodeInstanceState.Initialized; driver.Configure(); } else { nodeInstance.State = NodeInstanceState.UnknownError; } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, $"Error initialize driver {factory.DriverName}"); nodeInstance.State = NodeInstanceState.UnknownError; } _driverNodeStore.AddChild(driver, driver); for (int i = 0; i <= driver.ChildrensCreated; ++i) { _licenseContract.IncrementDriverCount(); } AddDriverRecursive(driver, driver); return(Task.FromResult(driver)); }
public static async Task <DriverNodeMock> CreateNodeMock(Guid guid, string name, IDispatcher dispatcher, INodeInstanceCache cache = null, IDriverNodesStore store = null) { var mockNode = new NodeInstance { ObjId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = name + "Parent" }; var mockNodeChild = new NodeInstance { ObjId = guid, Name = name }; cache?.Add(mockNode.ObjId, mockNode); cache?.Add(mockNodeChild.ObjId, mockNodeChild); mockNode.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation.Add(mockNodeChild); var mock = new DriverNodeMock(new DriverContextMock(mockNode, new NodeTemplateFactoryMock(), dispatcher)); mock.Configure(); await mock.Start(); store?.Add(mock.Id, mock); store?.Add(mock.Children[0].Id, mock.Children[0]); return(mock); }
public Node CreateNode(T cargo) { Node node = new NodeInstance(cargo, this); this.nodes.Add(node); return(node); }
private async Task StartInstance(string clientId, IDriverFactory factory, NodeInstance nodeInstance) { try { var actionRequests = new List <ActionRequest>(); _logger.LogDebug($"Publish to slave/{clientId}/actions (Start {factory.ImageName}:{factory.Tag})"); var actionRequest = new ActionRequest { Action = SlaveAction.Start, ImageSource = factory.ImageSource, ImageName = factory.ImageName, Tag = factory.Tag, Id = nodeInstance.ObjId }; actionRequests.Add(actionRequest); await SendAction(clientId, actionRequest); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Could not send start instances message..."); } }
public DriverContextMock(NodeInstance nodeInstance, INodeTemplateFactory nodeTemplateFactory) { NodeInstance = nodeInstance; NodeTemplateFactory = nodeTemplateFactory; TelegramMonitor = new TelegramMonitorMock(); LicenseState = new LicenseStateMock(); }
public async Task <NodeInstance> AddNode([FromBody] NodeInstance node) { var transaction = DbContext.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { var entityState = await AddOrUpdateNodeInstance(node); await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); await transaction.CommitAsync(); _nodeInstanceCache.Clear(); await ReloadDriver(node, entityState); return(_nodeInstanceCache.Get(node.ObjId)); } catch (Exception e) { transaction.Rollback(); SystemLogger.Instance.LogError(e, $"Could not {nameof(AddNode)} {nameof(NodeInstance)}", e); throw; } }
private async Task ReloadDriver(NodeInstance node, EntityState entityState) { if (!node.This2ParentNodeInstance.HasValue) { return; } try { var nodeInstance = _nodeInstanceCache.Get(node.ObjId); if (entityState == EntityState.Added) { var nodeTemplate = _templateCache.Get(nodeInstance.This2NodeTemplate.Value); if (nodeTemplate.ProvidesInterface2InterfaceTypeNavigation.IsDriverInterface) { await _coreServer.InitializeAndStartDriver(nodeInstance, nodeTemplate); } else { await StopStartDriver(nodeInstance); } } else if (entityState == EntityState.Modified) { await StopStartDriver(nodeInstance); } } catch (Exception e) { SystemLogger.Instance.LogError(e, "Error hot-load driver.."); } }
// TODO: As per other comments, we need an actual model separate from the view! /// <summary> /// Recursively try to find where the symbol is defined in the tree. /// </summary> protected Symbol FindSymbolInTree(string symbol, TreeNodeCollection nodes) { Symbol ret = null; foreach (System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode node in nodes) { if (node.Text.LeftOf(':').Trim() == symbol) { NodeInstance inst = (NodeInstance)node.Tag; ret = (Symbol)inst.Instance.Item; break; } else { ret = FindSymbolInTree(symbol, node.Nodes); if (ret != null) { break; } } } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Recursively copy the tree at src into dest. /// </summary> protected void CopyNodes(TreeNode dest, TreeNode src) { foreach (TreeNode childSrcNode in src.Nodes) { NodeInstance childInst = (NodeInstance)childSrcNode.Tag; Symbol childInstSymbol = (Symbol)childInst.Instance.Item; // Create a new controller. IXtreeNode controller = (IXtreeNode)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(childInst.NodeDef.TypeName), new object[] { false }); // Create a new symbol. Symbol item = new Symbol() { Name = childInstSymbol.Name, Structure = childInstSymbol.Structure }; controller.Item = item; // Add the new symbol to the destination symbol collection. ((Symbol)((NodeInstance)dest.Tag).Instance.Item).Symbols.Add(item); TreeNode childDestNode = View.AddNode(controller, dest); // TODO: Yuck. Clean this up so the model is king, and drives any controller, and remove the inc/dec from the respective view! ApplicationController.SymbolListController.IfNotNull(ctrl => ctrl.AddSymbol(item.Name)).Else(() => ApplicationModel.IncrementSymbolReference(item.Name)); ApplicationController.StructureListController.IfNotNull(ctrl => ctrl.AddStructure(item.Structure)).Else(() => ApplicationModel.IncrementStructureReference(item.Structure)); // Recurse. CopyNodes(childDestNode, childSrcNode); } }
public void Disconnect() { if (to != null) { to.links[link.backLink].to = null; to = null; } }
public static NodeInstance CreateNodeInstanceFromTemplate(NodeTemplate template) { var instance = new NodeInstance { ObjId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = template.Name, Description = template.Description, This2NodeTemplateNavigation = template, This2NodeTemplate = template.ObjId, IsWriteable = template.IsWriteable, IsReadable = template.IsReadable }; foreach (var prop in template.PropertyTemplate) { var propertyInstance = new PropertyInstance { ObjId = Guid.NewGuid(), This2NodeInstanceNavigation = instance, This2PropertyTemplateNavigation = prop, This2PropertyTemplate = prop.ObjId, Value = prop.DefaultValue }; instance.PropertyInstance.Add(propertyInstance); } return(instance); }
private static bool HasUnlockPath(BasePlayer player, NodeInstance node, TechTreeData techTree, BlueprintRuleset blueprintRuleset) { if (node.inputs.Count == 0) { return(true); } var hasUnlockPath = false; foreach (var inputNodeId in node.inputs) { var inputNode = techTree.GetByID(inputNodeId); if (inputNode.itemDef == null) { // This input node appears to be an entry node, so consider it unlocked. return(true); } if (!techTree.HasPlayerUnlocked(player, inputNode) && !blueprintRuleset.IsOptional(inputNode.itemDef)) { // This input node does not provide an unlock path. // Continue iterating the other input nodes in case they provide an unlock path. continue; } if (HasUnlockPath(player, inputNode, techTree, blueprintRuleset)) { hasUnlockPath = true; } } return(hasUnlockPath); }
protected IDriver CreateDriver(NodeInstance node) { var driverContext = new DriverContextMock(node, Factory, Dispatcher); var driver = DriverFactory.CreateDriver(driverContext); driver.Configure(); return(driver); }
void Awake() { if (current == null) { current = Overlapper.FindClosestNode(unit); Debug.LogFormat("Current was null. Changed to closest node: {0}", current); } Init(); }
public async Task <ResultState> Read([FromBody] NodeInstance instance) { var result = await _notifyDriver.Read(instance); return(new ResultState { Result = result }); }
private void GetFullName(NodeInstance node, List <string> names) { if (node.This2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation == null) { return; } names.Add(node.This2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation.Name); GetFullName(node.This2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation, names); }
public void TestPropertyNotFound() { var node = new NodeInstance { }; Assert.Equal(nameof(NodeInstance), node.TypeInfo); Assert.Throws <PropertyNotFoundException>(() => node.GetProperty("asdf")); }
private string GetFullName(NodeInstance node) { var list = new List <string>(); list.Add(node.Name); GetFullName(node, list); list.Reverse(); return(String.Join("-", list)); }
public void CreateLink() { var linkObject = GameObject.Instantiate(SampleManager.instance.spaceLink); linkObject.transform.SetParent(GetComponentInParent<Node>().linkParent); link = linkObject.GetComponent<Link>(); = name; = to.node; to = null; }
public RestartOnChangePatternsForm(NodeInstance i) { InitializeComponent(); _nodeInstance = i; // patternsTextBox.Text = _nodeInstance.restartOnFileChangePatternsString; }
internal OwlTreeNode AddNode(NodeInstance graphNode) { TreeNode <OwlTreeNode> treePtr = m_tree; int depth = 0; string fullName = ""; foreach (string pathSegment in graphNode.m_pathSegments) { depth++; bool found = false; TreeNode <OwlTreeNode> newPtr = null; fullName += pathSegment + " "; foreach (var kid in treePtr.Children) { OwlTreeNode kidElem = kid.Value; found = kidElem.matchesString(pathSegment); if (found) { newPtr = kid; break; } } if (!found) { newPtr = treePtr.AddChild( new OwlTreeNode(pathSegment, depth, treePtr.Value.mNumKids++)); if (GraphManager.m_debug) { newPtr.Value.mFullName = '<' + fullName + '>'; } } treePtr = newPtr; } if (treePtr.Value.mNodeInstance != null) { Debug.Log("dupe node: " + treePtr.Value); } treePtr.Value.mNodeInstance = graphNode; if (graphNode.m_owlNode != null) // && GraphManager.m_debug) { treePtr.Value.mFullName += "(" + graphNode.m_owlNode.ID + ')'; } return(treePtr.Value); }
public NodeInstanceTerminal() { InitializeComponent(); _nodeInstance = null; _stdin = new List <string>(); _curCompletion = 0; outTextBox.Focus(); }
Transform LinkFolder(NodeInstance node) { var linksFolder = node.transform.Find("Links"); if (linksFolder == null) { linksFolder = new GameObject("Links").transform; linksFolder.SetParent(node.transform); linksFolder.transform.Reset(); } return linksFolder; }
public override Task <IList <NodeInstance> > Scan() { var devices = Driver.LoadDevices(); IList <NodeInstance> ret = new List <NodeInstance>(); foreach (var device in devices) { if (Devices.Any(a => a.Container.DeviceId == device.Id)) { continue; } NodeInstance node = null; switch (device.ApplicationType) { case DeviceType.Remote: break; case DeviceType.Unknown: break; case DeviceType.Light: node = DriverContext.NodeTemplateFactory.CreateNodeInstance(IkeaTradfriFactory.LightContainerGuid); var lightNode = DriverContext.NodeTemplateFactory.CreateNodeInstance(IkeaTradfriFactory.LightGuid); node.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation.Add(lightNode); var lighColorNode = DriverContext.NodeTemplateFactory.CreateNodeInstance(IkeaTradfriFactory.LightColorGuid); node.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation.Add(lighColorNode); var lightDimmerNode = DriverContext.NodeTemplateFactory.CreateNodeInstance(IkeaTradfriFactory.LightDimmerGuid); node.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation.Add(lightDimmerNode); break; case DeviceType.PowerOutlet: node = DriverContext.NodeTemplateFactory.CreateNodeInstance(IkeaTradfriFactory.RelayContainerGuid); var stateNode = DriverContext.NodeTemplateFactory.CreateNodeInstance(IkeaTradfriFactory.RelayGuid); node.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation.Add(stateNode); break; } if (node != null) { var idProp = node.GetProperty(IkeaTradfriFactory.DeviceIdPropertyKey); idProp.Value = device.Id; node.Name = device.Name; ret.Add(node); } } return(Task.FromResult(ret)); }
private async Task <EntityState> AddOrUpdateNodeInstance(NodeInstance node) { var childs = node.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation; var props = node.PropertyInstance; node.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation = null; node.PropertyInstance = null; node.IsDeleted = false; if (node.Description == null) { node.Description = ""; } var entityState = EntityState.Unchanged; var entity = DbContext.NodeInstances.AsNoTracking().SingleOrDefault(a => a.ObjId == node.ObjId); if (entity != null) { DbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Detached; DbContext.Entry(node).State = EntityState.Modified; DbContext.Update(node); entityState = EntityState.Modified; } else { DbContext.Entry(node).State = EntityState.Added; await DbContext.AddAsync(node); entityState = EntityState.Added; } foreach (var prop in props) { prop.This2NodeInstanceNavigation = node; prop.This2PropertyTemplateNavigation = null; if (entityState == EntityState.Modified) { DbContext.Update(prop); } else { await DbContext.AddAsync(prop); } } foreach (var child in childs) { await AddOrUpdateNodeInstance(child); } return(entityState); }
private void CreateLink(NodeInstance node, NodeInstance other) { Debug.LogFormat("CreateLink from {0} to {1}", node, other); var linksFolder = LinkFolder(node); var link = new GameObject(GenerateLinkName(node, other)); link.transform.SetParent(other.transform); link.transform.Reset(); link.transform.SetParent(linksFolder, worldPositionStays: true); var linkScript = link.AddComponent<LinkScript>(); = other; }
public override async Task OnSave(NodeInstance instance) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(instance.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation); var post = await Client.PostAsync($"http://{RemoteIpAddress}:{RemotePort}/webapi/nodeInstances", new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); if (!post.IsSuccessStatusCode) { DriverContext.Logger.LogError("Could not save data for remote node"); } }
public T2 CreateDriver <T2>(NodeInstance node, params Guid[] childNodeGuid) { foreach (var gu in childNodeGuid) { var childNode = CreateNodeInstance(gu); childNode.ObjId = Guid.NewGuid(); node.InverseThis2ParentNodeInstanceNavigation.Add(childNode); } return(CreateDriver <T2>(node)); }
//private IOwlEdge mOwlEdge; public EdgeInstance(/*IOwlEdge edge,*/ NodeInstance childNode, NodeInstance parentNode, GameObject goEdge) { mChildNode = childNode; mParentNode = parentNode; mGoEdge = goEdge; //mOwlEdge = edge; childNode.addParentEdge(this); parentNode.addChildEdge(this); }
static void CheckOverlapNode(NodeInstance node, float reduction) { //Debug.LogFormat( // "Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5})", // newNode.bounds.transform.TransformPoint(, // reduction * newNode.bounds.size / 2, // overlapResults, // newNode.bounds.transform.rotation, // nodeMask, // QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide //); overlapCount = Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc( node.bounds.transform.TransformPoint(, reduction * node.bounds.size / 2, overlapResults, node.bounds.transform.rotation, nodeMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide ); }
string GenerateLinkName(NodeInstance node, NodeInstance other) { var linkName = new List<string>(); var delta = other.transform.position - node.transform.position; if (delta.x > 0.1) { linkName.Add("Right"); } if (delta.x < -0.1) { linkName.Add("Left"); } if (delta.y > 0.1) { linkName.Add("Up"); } if (delta.y < -0.1) { linkName.Add("Down"); } if (delta.z > 0.1) { linkName.Add("Far"); } if (delta.z < -0.1) { linkName.Add("Near"); } return string.Join(" ", linkName.ToArray()); }
public NodeInstance NewNode() { var instance = new NodeInstance(this); this.FInstances.Add(instance); return instance; }
void FollowLink(Queue<NodeInstance> queue, NodeInstance from, LinkScript link) { var debug = false; //debug = == "Node 8 (4) #2" && == "Up"; if (debug) { Debug.LogFormat("debug link: {0}", link.transform.Path()); } if (bfsNodeCount >= MAX_NODES) { Debug.LogWarning("cnt >= MAX_NODES"); return; } NodeInstance overlapNode = null; overlapNode = Overlapper.OverlapPoint(link.transform.position); if (overlapNode != null) { HandleOverlap(from, overlapNode, link); if (debug) { Debug.LogFormat("link {0}: overlapped by point with node {1}", link.transform.Path(), overlapNode); } return; } NodeInstance node = null; var oldNode =; if (oldNode != null) { if (oldNode.IsOn()) { if (debug) { Debug.LogFormat("link {0}: oldNode is on", link.transform.Path()); } //link.AssertAcceptable(); return; } else { node = oldNode; } } else { node = CreateNewNode(link); node.Off(); } overlapNode = Overlapper.OverlapNode(node, reduction: 0.99f); if (overlapNode != null) { if (debug) { Debug.LogFormat("link {0}: overlapped with node: {1}", link.transform.Path(), overlapNode); } node.Disconnect(); node.ReturnToPoolLight(); HandleOverlap(from, overlapNode, link); } else { if (debug) { Debug.LogFormat("link {0}: set new node: {1}", link.transform.Path(), node); } node.On(); node.distance = from.distance + 1; = node; var nodeLinks = node.links; var backLinkSignature =; var backLink = nodeLinks[backLinkSignature]; = from; //if (!link.AssertAcceptable()) { // Debug.LogFormat("oldnode = {0}", oldNodeUsed); //} //backLink.AssertAcceptable(); nodes.Add(node); queue.Enqueue(node); bfsNodeCount++; } }
void HandleOverlap(NodeInstance from, NodeInstance overlap, LinkScript link) { var overlappedNode = overlap; if (Acceptable(overlappedNode, link)) { = overlappedNode; overlappedNode.links[].to = from; } }
void Start() { if (current == null) { return; } current = current.node.NewNodeInstance(); current.On(); current.transform.SetParent(current.node.transform); current.transform.Reset(); current.transform.SetParent(world, worldPositionStays: true); nodes.Clear(); Bfs(); FindObjectsOfType<NodeInstance>().Where(ni => ni.links == null).ToList().ForEach(ni => { Debug.LogFormat("links == null for {0}", ni); }); }
private void SwitchNode(NodeInstance node) { current = node; if (DebugManager.debug) { Debug.LogFormat("current = {0}", node); } Bfs(); #if UNITY_EDITOR FindObjectsOfType<LinkScript>().ToList().ForEach(link => { if ( != null) { link.AssertAcceptable(); } }); #endif }
bool TooFar(NodeInstance node) { return node.distance == distanceLimit; }
public static bool Acceptable(NodeInstance node, LinkScript link) { var closeTranform = Extensions.Close(node.transform, link.transform); return node.node == link.Node && closeTranform; }
void CancelNode(NodeInstance node) { }
bool AcceptableEditor(NodeInstance node, LinkScript link) { return node == && Extensions.Close(node.transform, link.transform); }
public static List<NodeInstance> AllOverlapNodes(NodeInstance node, float reduction) { CheckOverlapNode(node, reduction); List<NodeInstance> result = new List<NodeInstance>(); for (int i = 0; i < overlapCount; i++) { var overlap = overlapResults[i]; var other = overlap.GetComponentInParent<NodeInstance>(); if (other != null) { result.Add(other); } } return result; }
public static NodeInstance OverlapNode(NodeInstance newNode, float reduction = 0.99f) { InitSearching(); CheckOverlapNode(newNode, reduction); return FirstOnNode(); }