public override IEnumerator ExecuteNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            if (context.inputPort.fieldName == nameof(breakFlow))
                Debug.LogWarning("Canceled wait node!");
                shouldBreakFlow = true;
                int   sec     = GetInputValue <int>(nameof(this.seconds), this.seconds);
                float timeout = (float)sec;

                while (!shouldBreakFlow)
                    yield return(null);

                    timeout -= Time.deltaTime;

                    if (timeout <= 0)
        public override IEnumerator ExecuteNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            string message = GetInputValue <string>(nameof(this.message), this.message);


            yield return(null);
        public override NodeExecutionContext NextNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            NTNode   node = GetNode(nameof(flowOut));
            NodePort port = GetPort(nameof(flowOut));

            return(new NodeExecutionContext {
                node = node, inputPort = port?.Connection, outputPort = port
Пример #4
        public override IEnumerator ExecuteNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            GameObject  hintGameObject = GameObject.Find("Session Hints/Panel/Hint Text");
            TextMeshPro textComponent  = hintGameObject.GetComponent <TextMeshPro>();
            string      hint           = GetInputValue <string>(nameof(this.hintText), this.hintText);

            textComponent.text = hint;

            yield return(null);
 public override NodeExecutionContext NextNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
     if (shouldBreakFlow)
         return(new NodeExecutionContext()
             node = null, inputPort = null, outputPort = GetPort(nameof(flowOut))
Пример #6
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task StringFormatFromNodesTest()
            var node = new StringFormatNode();

            node.Pattern        = @"Hello {{name_1}}, from {{name_3}} {{value_2}}";
            node.FromOtherNodes = true;

            node.MetaDate = new NodeMetaData()
                NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                    NodeClass = typeof(StringFormatNode)
                FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                    new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                        MappedNodeId    = 1,
                        MappedFieldName = "name"
                    new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                        MappedNodeId    = 2,
                        MappedFieldName = "value"
                    new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                        MappedNodeId    = 3,
                        MappedFieldName = "name"

            var context = new NodeExecutionContext()
                Pad = new Pad(ExecutionMode.Validation)
                    Nodes = new List <INode>()
            await node.Init(context);

            await node.Execute(context);

            Assert.DoesNotContain("{", node.Context.Result.ToString());
        public override NodeExecutionContext NextNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            Debug.Log("Next node from branch??");

            bool condition = GetInputValue <bool>(nameof(condition), this.condition);

            string nemeOfPort = condition ? nameof(trueBranch) : nameof(falseBranch);


            NTNode   node = GetNode(nemeOfPort);
            NodePort port = GetPort(nemeOfPort);

            return(new NodeExecutionContext {
                node = node, inputPort = port?.Connection, outputPort = port
        public override IEnumerator ExecuteNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            NTGraph g = graph as NTGraph;

            NodePort port = GetPort(variablePath);

            object portValue = port.GetInputValue();

            if (!port.IsConnected)
                portValue = backingValue;

            object value = null;

            if (portValue != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variablePath))
                    value = g.variableDelegate.GetValue(dataKey);

                    if (value == null)
                        yield break;

                    ReflectionUtilities.SetValueOf(ref value, portValue, variablePath.Split('/').ToList());

                    g.variableDelegate.SetValue(dataKey, value);
                    value = portValue;

            yield return(null);
        public override IEnumerator ExecuteNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            GameObject messageGameObject       = GameObject.Find("ShowMessage/Bocadillo/MessageText");
            GameObject parentMessageGameObject = getGameObjectParent(getGameObjectParent(messageGameObject));

            // Check if message is empty
            string message = GetInputValue <string>(nameof(this.messageText), this.messageText);
            bool   visible = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message);
            // Modify visibility by changing scale
            Vector3 scale = visible ? :;

            parentMessageGameObject.transform.localScale = scale;

            if (visible)
                TextMeshPro textComponent = messageGameObject.GetComponent <TextMeshPro>();
                textComponent.text = message;
                // Place message outside the object's bounding box, towards the scene center (to avoid walls collision)
                GameObject  positionGameObject = GetInputValue <SceneGameObject>(nameof(objectPosition), null).gameObject;
                BoxCollider collider           = positionGameObject.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider>();

                if (collider != null)
                    Vector3 colliderCenter = collider.transform.TransformPoint(;
                    colliderCenter.y = 0;
                    parentMessageGameObject.transform.position = colliderCenter;

                    Vector3 offset = collider.size;
                    offset.x += 0.5f;  // Message size fixed offset
                    offset.z  = 0;
                    parentMessageGameObject.transform.position = positionGameObject.transform.position;
                    parentMessageGameObject.transform.Translate(new Vector3(1, 1, 0));

                // Rotación de seguimiento alrededor del objeto de posición??

            yield return(null);
Пример #10
        public override IEnumerator ExecuteNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
            NTGraph g = graph as NTGraph;

            NodePort port = GetPort(dataKey);

            object portValue = port.GetInputValue();

            if (!port.IsConnected)
                portValue = backingValue;

            if (portValue != null)
                g.variableDelegate.SetUserVariable(dataKey, portValue);

            yield return(null);
Пример #11
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task StringFormatTest()
            var node = new StringFormatNode();

            node.Pattern = @"Hello {{name}}, from {{name}} {{value}}";
            node.Data    = @"{'name':'James', 'value':'ddddd'}";

            var context = new NodeExecutionContext()
                Pad = new Pad(ExecutionMode.Validation)
                    Nodes = new List <INode>()
            await node.Init(context);

            await node.Execute(context);

            Assert.DoesNotContain("{", node.Context.Result.ToString());
Пример #12
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task RegexNodeMatchTestAsync()
            var node = new RegexNode();

            node.Pattern     = @"(\d{3})-(\d{3}-\d{4})";
            node.Value       = "212-555-6666 906-932-1111 415-222-3333 425-888-9999";
            node.EnableGroup = true;
            var context = new NodeExecutionContext()
                Pad = new Pad(ExecutionMode.Validation)
                    Nodes = new List <INode>()
            await node.Init(context);

            await node.Execute(context);

            Assert.Equal(true, node.Context.Result);
            Assert.Equal(4, node.Matches.Count);
        public IEnumerator StartExecutionFlow(CallbackNode callbackNode)
            NodeExecutionContext nodeExecutionContext = new NodeExecutionContext {
                node = callbackNode

            while (nodeExecutionContext.node != null)
                Debug.Log("<color=green> Execute node:  " + nodeExecutionContext.node + " ... GRAPH: " + name + "</color>");

                yield return(new YieldNode(nodeExecutionContext));

                Debug.Log("<color=red> Finished node:  " + nodeExecutionContext.node + "</color>");

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f));


                nodeExecutionContext = nodeExecutionContext.node.NextNode(nodeExecutionContext);

            yield return(null);
Пример #14
 public ParameterResolverContext(NodeExecutionContext nodectx) : base(nodectx)
 public override IEnumerator ExecuteNode(NodeExecutionContext context)
     MessageSystem.SendMessage("Fail Session /" + (GetValue() != null ? GetValue() : grade));
     yield return(null);
Пример #16
 public NodeExecutionContextProxy(NodeExecutionContext ctx)
     Context = ctx;
Пример #17
 public LoaderPluginWriteContext(NodeExecutionContext nodectx) : base(nodectx)
Пример #18
 public CustomPluginWriteContext(NodeExecutionContext nodectx) : base(nodectx)
Пример #19
 public CaseNode(TestCaseInfo unit, CompositeNode parent) : base(unit, new DefaultTestContext(parent.InitContext, unit))
     _parent    = parent;
     _execution = new NodeExecutionContext(this, InitContext, Case, Case.CreateTestObject());