Пример #1
        public override bool AddChildNotModified(Node.Connector connector, Node node)
            Debug.Check(connector.Owner == this || connector.Owner == _referencedBehavior);

            if (connector.Owner == this)
                return(base.AddChildNotModified(connector, node));

            if (((Node)_referencedBehavior).AddChildNotModified(connector, node))


Пример #2
    void OnGUI()
        Color last = Handles.color;

        drawBackground(new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1f));
        Handles.color = last;

        nodes.ForEach(n => {
        conns.ForEach(c => {

        Event e = Event.current;

        if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
            offset -= e.delta;

        if (connectFromObj != null)
            drawCurve(connectFromObj.Position - offset, e.mousePosition);
        if (e.button == 1)
            connectFromObj = null;
Пример #3
        void connectionManagement(Node.Connector con)
            var existing = parent.conns.Find(co => co.contains(con));

            if (existing != null)
                parent.connectFromObj = existing.a == con? existing.b: existing.a;
                existing.a.bound      = false;
                existing.b.bound      = false;
                if (parent.connectFromObj == null)
                    parent.connectFromObj = con;
                else if (con.Parent != parent.connectFromObj.Parent)
                    if (con.type != parent.connectFromObj.type)
                        parent.conns.Add(new Node.Connection(parent.connectFromObj, con));
                        parent.connectFromObj = null;
                        parent.ShowNotification(new GUIContent("Cannot connect to same type of pin!"));
                    parent.ShowNotification(new GUIContent("Cannot connect to same node!"));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the drawing and updating of the graph.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {

            // calculate the mouse position in the graph
            PointF graphMousePos = _nodeLayoutManager.ViewToGraph(_lastMousePosition);

            // when the layout was changed it needs to be recalculated
            bool layoutChanged = _nodeLayoutManager.LayoutChanged;

            if (layoutChanged) {
                _nodeLayoutManager.UpdateLayout(e.Graphics, _forceChangeLayout);
                _forceChangeLayout = false;

            // center the root behaviour if requested
            if (_pendingCenterBehavior) {
                _pendingCenterBehavior = false;

            // select the pending node
            if (_selectedNodePending != null) {
                if (_selectedNodePendingParent != null) {
                    if (_selectedNodePendingParent.CanBeExpanded() && !_selectedNodePendingParent.IsExpanded) {
                        _selectedNodePendingParent.IsExpanded = true;

                    SelectedNode = _selectedNodePendingParent.GetChild(_selectedNodePending);

                } else {
                    SelectedNode = RootNodeView.FindNodeViewData(_selectedNodePending);

                if (SelectedNode != null) {
                    if (SelectedNode.CanBeExpanded() && !SelectedNode.IsExpanded) {
                        SelectedNode.IsExpanded = true;

                    SelectedNode.SelectedSubItem = SelectedNode.GetSubItem(_selectedAttachmentPending);

                _selectedNodePending = null;
                _selectedNodePendingParent = null;
                _selectedAttachmentPending = null;

                if (ClickEvent != null) {

            // check if we must keep the original position of the mouse
            if (_maintainMousePosition) {
                _maintainMousePosition = false;

                // move the graph so that _graphOrigin is at the same position in the view as it was before
                float mouseX = (graphMousePos.X - _graphOrigin.X) * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale + _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.X;
                float mouseY = (graphMousePos.Y - _graphOrigin.Y) * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale + _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.Y;

                _nodeLayoutManager.Offset = new PointF(mouseX, mouseY);

            // check if we must keep the original position of _maintainNodePosition
            else if (_maintainNodePosition != null) {
                // move the graph so that _graphOrigin is at the same position in the view as it was before
                RectangleF bbox = _maintainNodePosition.IsFSM ? _maintainNodePosition.GetTotalBoundingBox() : _maintainNodePosition.BoundingBox;
                PointF viewpos = new PointF(bbox.X * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale, bbox.Y * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale);

                _nodeLayoutManager.Offset = new PointF(_graphOrigin.X - viewpos.X, _graphOrigin.Y - viewpos.Y);

            // reset the node whose position we want to keep
            _maintainNodePosition = null;

            // draw the graph to the view
            _nodeLayoutManager.DrawGraph(e.Graphics, graphMousePos, _currentNode, SelectedNode, _highlightedNodeIds, _updatedNodeIds, _highlightedTransitionIds, _highlightBreakPoint, _profileInfos);

            // check if we are currently dragging a node and we must draw additional data
            if (_dragTargetNode != null && _dragAttachment == null && (KeyCtrlIsDown && _movedNode != null || _dragTargetNode.Node != _movedNode)) {
                if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.Attachment) {
                    // we could draw some stuff for attachements here
                } else {
                    // draw the arrows for the attach modes

                    // get the bounding box of the node
                    RectangleF bbox = _dragTargetNode.BoundingBox;

                    // get the bounding box of the connector
                    _dragTargetConnector = null;

                    // the depth of the area for the mouse
                    const float offset = 12.0f;

                    // the distance of the arrow from the border and its height
                    const float innerOffset = 2.0f;

                    // the horizintal middle of the node
                    float centerX = bbox.Left + bbox.Width * 0.5f;
                    float centerY = bbox.Top + bbox.Height * 0.5f;
                    float centerBoxX = bbox.X + bbox.Width * 0.4f;
                    float centerBoxWidth = bbox.Width * 0.2f;

                    // the half width of the arrow depending of the node's height
                    float arrowHalfWidth = (bbox.Height - innerOffset - innerOffset) * 0.5f;

                    // calculate the mouse areas for the different attach modes
                    RectangleF top    = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, bbox.Top, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF bottom = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, bbox.Bottom - offset, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF center = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, centerY - offset * 0.5f, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF left   = new RectangleF(bbox.X, bbox.Y, offset, bbox.Height);

                    // update for dragging in a new node
                    BehaviorNode behavior = _dragNodeDefaults as BehaviorNode;

                    if (behavior != null && behavior.FileManager == null) {
                        behavior = null;

                    // the node that is currently dragged
                    Node draggedNode = (_movedNode != null) ? _movedNode : (_dragNodeDefaults as Node);

                    if (draggedNode == null) {

                    Node.Connector parentConnector = _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector;
                    bool canBeAdoptedByParent = parentConnector != null && (!parentConnector.IsAsChild || AdoptNodeByAncestor(_dragTargetNode.Node.Parent, draggedNode));
                    //bool targetCanBeAdoptedByParent = (_movedNode == null) || (_movedNode.ParentConnector != null) && _movedNode.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_dragTargetNode.Node);
                    bool hasParentBehavior = _dragTargetNode.HasParentBehavior(behavior);
                    bool parentHasParentBehavior = (_dragTargetNode.Parent == null);

                    bool isFSM = _rootNodeView.IsFSM || (_rootNodeView.Children.Count == 0);

                    bool mayTop = !isFSM && canBeAdoptedByParent /*&& targetCanBeAdoptedByParent*/ && !parentHasParentBehavior &&
                                  parentConnector != null && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode);

                    bool mayBottom = mayTop;

                    bool mayCenter = !parentHasParentBehavior && (_rootNodeView.IsFSM && draggedNode.IsFSM || canBeAdoptedByParent && 
                                     draggedNode.GetType() != _dragTargetNode.Node.GetType() &&
                                     parentConnector != null && !parentConnector.IsReadOnly && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode, true) &&

                    bool mayLeft = !isFSM && (_dragTargetNode.Node.Parent != _movedNode) &&
                                   canBeAdoptedByParent && !parentHasParentBehavior && !hasParentBehavior &&
                                   parentConnector != null && !parentConnector.IsReadOnly && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode, true) &&
                                   !(draggedNode is BehaviorNode) && draggedNode.CanAdoptNode(_dragTargetNode.Node);

                    // update for moving an existing node
                    bool dragTargetHasParentMovedNode = false;

                    if (_movedNode != null) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        dragTargetHasParentMovedNode = KeyShiftIsDown && _dragTargetNode.Node.HasParent(_movedNode);

                        // a node may not dragged on itself and may not dragged on one of its own children
                        if (_dragTargetNode.Node == _movedNode || dragTargetHasParentMovedNode) {
                            //mayTop = KeyCtrlIsDown;
                            mayTop &= KeyCtrlIsDown && (_dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector != null) && _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_movedNode);
                            mayBottom = mayTop;
                            mayLeft = false;

                        } else {
                            // a dragged node cannot be placed in the same position again
                            mayTop &= (KeyCtrlIsDown || _dragTargetNode.Node.PreviousNode != _movedNode);
                            mayBottom &= (KeyCtrlIsDown || _dragTargetNode.Node.NextNode != _movedNode);
                            mayLeft &= _movedNode.CanAdoptChildren(_dragTargetNode.Node) && (!KeyShiftIsDown || _movedNode.Children.Count == 0);

                    if (_copiedNode != null) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        mayLeft &= _copiedNode.CanAdoptChildren(_dragTargetNode.Node) && (!KeyShiftIsDown || _copiedNode.Children.Count == 0);
                        mayTop &= (_dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector != null) && _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_copiedNode);
                        mayBottom = mayTop;

                    } else if (_clipboardPasteMode) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        mayLeft &= !KeyShiftIsDown;

                    // reset the attach mode
                    _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.None;

                    // the vertices needed to draw the arrows
                    PointF[] vertices = new PointF[3];

                    // draw the top arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayTop) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX, top.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);

                        if (top.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Top;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the bottom arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayBottom) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX, bottom.Bottom - innerOffset);

                        if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && bottom.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Bottom;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the center rectangle if this action is allowed
                    if (mayCenter) {
                        if (center.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Center;
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, centerX - arrowHalfWidth * 0.5f, centerY - innerOffset * 2.0f, arrowHalfWidth, innerOffset * 4.0f);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, centerX - arrowHalfWidth * 0.5f, centerY - innerOffset * 2.0f, arrowHalfWidth, innerOffset * 4.0f);

                    // draw the left arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayLeft) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(left.Right - innerOffset, left.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(left.Right - innerOffset, left.Bottom - innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(left.Left + innerOffset, left.Top + left.Height * 0.5f);

                        if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && left.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Left;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the right arrow if this action is allowed
                    foreach(Node.Connector connector in _dragTargetNode.Connectors) {
                        RectangleF bboxConnector = _dragTargetNode.GetConnectorBoundingBox(bbox, connector);
                        RectangleF right = new RectangleF(bboxConnector.Right - offset, bboxConnector.Y, offset, bboxConnector.Height);

                        bool mayRight = !_rootNodeView.IsFSM && !dragTargetHasParentMovedNode &&
                                        !hasParentBehavior &&
                                        !connector.IsReadOnly &&
                                        connector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode) &&
                                        (!connector.IsAsChild || AdoptNodeByAncestor(_dragTargetNode.Node, draggedNode));

                        if (mayRight && draggedNode != null && connector == draggedNode.ParentConnector) {
                            mayRight = false;

                        if (mayRight) {
                            float inOffset = bboxConnector.Height > innerOffset * 4.0f ? innerOffset : 3.0f;

                            vertices[0] = new PointF(right.Left + inOffset, right.Top + inOffset);
                            vertices[1] = new PointF(right.Right - inOffset, right.Top + right.Height * 0.5f);
                            vertices[2] = new PointF(right.Left + inOffset, right.Bottom - inOffset);

                            if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && right.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                _dragTargetConnector = _dragTargetNode.Node.GetConnector(connector.Identifier);
                                _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Right;
                                e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                            } else {
                                e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

            // draw last mouse pos
            //e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, graphMousePos.X -1.0f, graphMousePos.Y -1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

            //when we are dragging an existing node we draw a small graph representing it
            if (_movedNodeGraph != null) {
                // update the layout for the graph. This happens only once inside the function.

                // offset the graph to the mouse position
                _movedNodeGraph.Offset = new PointF(_nodeLayoutManager.Offset.X + graphMousePos.X * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale,
                                                    _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.Y + graphMousePos.Y * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale - _movedNodeGraph.RootNodeLayout.LayoutRectangle.Height * 0.5f * _movedNodeGraph.Scale);

                // draw the graph
                _movedNodeGraph.DrawGraph(e.Graphics, graphMousePos);

            // attachment
            if (_currentNode != null && _dragTargetNode != null &&
                _dragAttachment != null && _dragTargetAttachment != null && _dragAttachment != _dragTargetAttachment &&
                _dragTargetNode.Node.AcceptsAttachment(_dragAttachment.Attachment)) {
                _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.None;

                Attachments.Attachment sourceAttach = _dragAttachment.SelectableObject as Attachments.Attachment;
                Attachments.Attachment targetAttach = _dragTargetAttachment.SelectableObject as Attachments.Attachment;

                if (sourceAttach != null && targetAttach != null &&
                    sourceAttach.IsPrecondition == targetAttach.IsPrecondition &&
                    sourceAttach.IsTransition == targetAttach.IsTransition &&
                    sourceAttach.IsEffector == targetAttach.IsEffector)
                    SubItemRegin regin = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemRegin(graphMousePos);
                    int itemIndex = _currentNode.GetSubItemIndex(_dragAttachment);
                    int targetItemIndex = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemIndex(_dragTargetAttachment);

                    if (regin != SubItemRegin.Out && itemIndex >= 0 && targetItemIndex >= 0) {
                        RectangleF bbox = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemBoundingBox(graphMousePos);

                        const float offset = 8.0f;
                        const float innerOffset = 2.0f;

                        float centerX = bbox.Left + bbox.Width * 0.5f;
                        float centerY = bbox.Top + bbox.Height * 0.5f;
                        float centerBoxX = bbox.X + bbox.Width * 0.4f;
                        float arrowHalfWidth = bbox.Width * 0.12f;

                        RectangleF top = new RectangleF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bbox.Top, arrowHalfWidth * 2.0f, offset);
                        RectangleF bottom = new RectangleF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bbox.Bottom - offset, arrowHalfWidth * 2.0f, offset);

                        PointF[] vertices = new PointF[3];

                        switch (regin) {
                            case SubItemRegin.Top:
                                if (KeyCtrlIsDown || _currentNode != _dragTargetNode || itemIndex != targetItemIndex - 1) {
                                    vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);
                                    vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX, top.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);

                                    if (top.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                        _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Top;
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                                    } else {
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);


                            case SubItemRegin.Bottom:
                                if (KeyCtrlIsDown || _currentNode != _dragTargetNode || itemIndex != targetItemIndex + 1) {
                                    vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX, bottom.Bottom - innerOffset);

                                    if (bottom.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                        _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Bottom;
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                                    } else {
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);


            if (_movedSubItem != null) {
                NodeViewData.SubItemText subitem = _movedSubItem as NodeViewData.SubItemText;

                if (subitem != null) {
                    RectangleF boundingBox = new RectangleF(graphMousePos, new SizeF(50, 12));
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(subitem.BackgroundBrush, boundingBox);

            // draw FSM related
            DrawFSMArrow(e, graphMousePos);
            DrawFSMDragCurve(e, graphMousePos);

            //the first time of paint, to collapse plan failed branch by default
            Behavior b = this.RootNode as Behavior;

            if (b.PlanIsCollapseFailedBranch > 0) {
                if (b.PlanIsCollapseFailedBranch == Behavior.kPlanIsCollapseFailedBranch) {
                    NodeViewData root = (NodeViewData)this.RootNodeView.Children[0];


Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a node from a given XML node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getBehaviorNode">The callback used to return the behavior.</param>
        /// <param name="xml">The XML node we want to create the node from.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent this node will be added to.</param>
        /// <param name="connector">The connector used to add this node to the parent.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the created node.</returns>
        protected Node CreateNodeAndAdd(List <Nodes.Node.ErrorCheck> result, GetBehaviorNode getBehaviorNode, XmlNode xml, Node parent, Node.Connector connector)
            try {
                // get the type of the node and create it
                string clss = GetAttribute(xml, "Class");
                Type   t    = Plugin.GetType(clss);

                if (t == null)
                    string msg = string.Format(Resources.ExceptionUnknownNodeType, clss);

                    string msgError = string.Format("{0}:\n{1}", this.Filename, msg);

                    //throw new Exception(msg);
                    MessageBox.Show(msgError, Resources.LoadError, MessageBoxButtons.OK);



                Node node = Nodes.Node.Create(t);

                if (parent == null)
                    //if this._version == 0, it means there is no Version attribute in the file
                    node.Behavior.Version = this._version;

                // update the loaded behaviour member
                if (node is BehaviorNode)
                    ((BehaviorNode)node).FileManager = this;

                // add the node to the parent
                if (parent != null)
                    if (connector != null)
                        parent.AddChildNotModified(connector, node);


                int version = 0;

                if (node.Behavior != null)
                    version = node.Behavior.Version;

                SetEnterExitSlot(result, xml, node, version);

                // initialise the properties
                IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> properties = node.GetDesignerProperties();
                foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                    if (!property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave))
                        InitProperty(result, xml, node, property);

                // return the created behaviour node
                if (node is BehaviorNode)

                // maintain compatibility with version 1
                if (node is ReferencedBehaviorNode)
                    ReferencedBehaviorNode refbehavior = (ReferencedBehaviorNode)node;

                    if (refbehavior.ReferenceFilename == null)
                        refbehavior.ReferenceFilename = GetAttribute(xml, "Reference");

                // update node with properties

                // load child objects
                foreach (XmlNode xnode in xml.ChildNodes)
                    if (xnode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        switch (xnode.Name)
                        // load parameters
                        case ("Parameters"):
                            if (node is Behavior || node is ReferencedBehavior)
                                LoadParameters(result, xnode, node, node.LocalVars);


                        case ("DescriptorRefs"):
                            LoadDescriptorRefs(result, xnode, node.Behavior as Behavior);
#endif//#if QUERY_EANBLED

                        // maintain compatibility with version 1
                        case ("Node"):
                            CreateNodeAndAdd(result, getBehaviorNode, xnode, node, node.GetConnector(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric));

                        // maintain compatibility with version 2.1
                        case ("Event"):
                        case ("Attachment"): {
                            Attachments.Attachment a = CreateAttachment(result, node, xnode);

                            if (a != null)

                                a.PostCreate(result, version, node, xnode);

                        case ("Comment"):
                            // create a comment object
                            node.CommentText = "temp";

                            // initialise the attributes
                            properties = node.CommentObject.GetDesignerProperties();
                            foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                                if (property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave))

                                string value;

                                if (GetAttribute(xnode, property.Property.Name, out value))
                                    property.SetValueFromString(result, node.CommentObject, value);

                        case ("Connector"):
                            string identifier         = GetAttribute(xnode, "Identifier");
                            Nodes.Node.Connector conn = node.GetConnector(identifier);

                            foreach (XmlNode connected in xnode.ChildNodes)
                                if (connected.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && connected.Name == "Node")
                                    CreateNodeAndAdd(result, getBehaviorNode, connected, node, conn);

                        case ("FSMNodes"):
                            string locationX = GetAttribute(xnode, "ScreenLocationX");
                            string locationY = GetAttribute(xnode, "ScreenLocationY");

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationX) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationY))
                                try {
                                    float x = float.Parse(locationX);
                                    float y = float.Parse(locationY);
                                    node.ScreenLocation = new System.Drawing.PointF(x, y);
                                } catch {

                            foreach (XmlNode fsmNode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                                if (fsmNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && fsmNode.Name == "Node")
                                    CreateNodeAndAdd(result, getBehaviorNode, fsmNode, node, null);

                // update attachments with attributes
                foreach (Attachments.Attachment attach in node.Attachments)

                // set the properties from its prefab
                bool isPrefabInstance = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.PrefabName) && !node.HasOwnPrefabData;

                if (isPrefabInstance)
                    Node prefabNode = Plugin.GetPrefabNode(node);

                    if (prefabNode != null)
                        node.ResetByPrefab(node.PrefabName, prefabNode);

                        Behavior b = node.Behavior as Behavior;

                node.PostCreate(result, version, xml);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                string idNode   = xml.Attributes["Id"].Value;
                string msgError = string.Format("{0}:\r\nNode Id:{1}\r\n{2}", this.Filename, idNode, e.Message);

                //throw new Exception(msg);
                MessageBox.Show(msgError, Resources.LoadError, MessageBoxButtons.OK);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a node from a given XML node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getBehaviorNode">The callback used to return the behavior.</param>
        /// <param name="xml">The XML node we want to create the node from.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent this node will be added to.</param>
        /// <param name="connector">The connector used to add this node to the parent.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the created node.</returns>
        protected Node CreateNodeAndAdd(GetBehaviorNode getBehaviorNode, XmlNode xml, Node parent, Node.Connector connector)
            // get the type of the node and create it
            string clss = GetAttribute(xml, "Class");
            Type   t    = Plugin.GetType(clss);

            if (t == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.ExceptionUnknownNodeType, clss));

            Node node = Nodes.Node.Create(t);

            // update the loaded behaviour member
            if (node is BehaviorNode)
                ((BehaviorNode)node).FileManager = this;

            // add the node to the parent
            if (parent != null)
                Debug.Check(connector != null);
                parent.AddChildNotModified(connector, node);

            // initialise the properties
            IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> properties = node.GetDesignerProperties();

            foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                if (property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave))

                InitProperty(xml, node, property);

            // return the created behaviour node
            if (node is BehaviorNode)

            // maintain compatibility with version 1
            if (node is ReferencedBehaviorNode)
                ReferencedBehaviorNode refbehavior = (ReferencedBehaviorNode)node;
                if (refbehavior.ReferenceFilename == null)
                    refbehavior.ReferenceFilename = GetAttribute(xml, "Reference");

            // update node with properties

            // load child objects
            foreach (XmlNode xnode in xml.ChildNodes)
                if (xnode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    switch (xnode.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                    // maintain compatibility with version 1
                    case ("node"):
                        CreateNodeAndAdd(getBehaviorNode, xnode, node, node.GetConnector("GenericChildren"));

                    // maintain compatibility with version 2.1
                    case ("event"):

                    case ("attachment"):
                        node.AddAttachment(CreateAttachment(node, xnode));

                    case ("comment"):
                        // create a comment object
                        node.CommentText = "temp";

                        // initialise the attributes
                        properties = node.CommentObject.GetDesignerProperties();
                        foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                            if (property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave))

                            string value;
                            if (GetAttribute(xnode, property.Property.Name, out value))
                                property.SetValueFromString(node.CommentObject, value);

                    case ("connector"):
                        string identifier         = GetAttribute(xnode, "Identifier");
                        Nodes.Node.Connector conn = node.GetConnector(identifier);

                        foreach (XmlNode connected in xnode.ChildNodes)
                            if (connected.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                                connected.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "node")
                                CreateNodeAndAdd(getBehaviorNode, connected, node, conn);

            // update attachments with attributes
            foreach (Attachments.Attachment attach in node.Attachments)

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a node from a given XML node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getBehaviorNode">The callback used to return the behavior.</param>
        /// <param name="xml">The XML node we want to create the node from.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent this node will be added to.</param>
        /// <param name="connector">The connector used to add this node to the parent.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the created node.</returns>
        protected Node CreateNodeAndAdd(GetBehaviorNode getBehaviorNode, XmlNode xml, Node parent, Node.Connector connector)
                // get the type of the node and create it
                string clss = GetAttribute(xml, "Class");
                Type   t    = Plugin.GetType(clss);

                if (t == null)
                    string msg = string.Format(Resources.ExceptionUnknownNodeType, clss);

                    string msgError = string.Format("{0}:\n{1}", this.Filename, msg);

                    //throw new Exception(msg);
                    MessageBox.Show(msgError, Resources.LoadError, MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                    parent.Behavior.IsModified = true;


                Node node = Nodes.Node.Create(t);

                // update the loaded behaviour member
                if (node is BehaviorNode)
                    ((BehaviorNode)node).FileManager = this;

                // add the node to the parent
                if (parent != null)
                    Debug.Check(connector != null);
                    parent.AddChildNotModified(connector, node);

                // initialise the properties
                IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> properties = node.GetDesignerProperties();
                foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                    if (!property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave))
                        InitProperty(xml, node, property);

                // return the created behaviour node
                if (node is BehaviorNode)

                // maintain compatibility with version 1
                if (node is ReferencedBehaviorNode)
                    ReferencedBehaviorNode refbehavior = (ReferencedBehaviorNode)node;
                    if (refbehavior.ReferenceFilename == null)
                        refbehavior.ReferenceFilename = GetAttribute(xml, "Reference");

                // update node with properties

                // load child objects
                foreach (XmlNode xnode in xml.ChildNodes)
                    if (xnode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        switch (xnode.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                        // load parameters
                        case ("parameters"):
                            LoadParameters(xnode, node, node.Pars);

                        case ("descriptorrefs"):
                            LoadDescriptorRefs(xnode, node.Behavior as Behavior);
#endif//#if QUERY_EANBLED

                        // maintain compatibility with version 1
                        case ("node"):
                            CreateNodeAndAdd(getBehaviorNode, xnode, node, node.GetConnector("GenericChildren"));

                        // maintain compatibility with version 2.1
                        case ("event"):

                        case ("attachment"):
                            Attachments.Attachment a = CreateAttachment(node, xnode);

                            if (a != null)

                        case ("comment"):
                            // create a comment object
                            node.CommentText = "temp";

                            // initialise the attributes
                            properties = node.CommentObject.GetDesignerProperties();
                            foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                                if (property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave))

                                string value;
                                if (GetAttribute(xnode, property.Property.Name, out value))
                                    property.SetValueFromString(node.CommentObject, value);

                        case ("connector"):
                            string identifier         = GetAttribute(xnode, "Identifier");
                            Nodes.Node.Connector conn = node.GetConnector(identifier);

                            foreach (XmlNode connected in xnode.ChildNodes)
                                if (connected.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                                    connected.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "node")
                                    CreateNodeAndAdd(getBehaviorNode, connected, node, conn);

                // update attachments with attributes
                foreach (Attachments.Attachment attach in node.Attachments)

                // set the properties from its prefab
                bool isPrefabInstance = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.PrefabName) && !node.HasOwnPrefabData;
                if (isPrefabInstance)
                    Node prefabNode = Plugin.GetPrefabNode(node);
                    if (prefabNode != null)
                        node.ResetByPrefab(node.PrefabName, prefabNode);

            catch (Exception e)
                string idNode   = xml.Attributes["Id"].Value;
                string msgError = string.Format("{0}:\r\nNode Id:{1}\r\n{2}", this.Filename, idNode, e.Message);

                //throw new Exception(msg);
                MessageBox.Show(msgError, Resources.LoadError, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
