private XDocument HandlePayload(IMessagingMessage originalMessage, Stream bodyStream, string contentType, IncomingMessage incomingMessage, out bool contentWasSigned)
            XDocument payload;

            if (contentType.Equals(ContentType.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                contentType.Equals(ContentType.Soap, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                contentWasSigned = false;
                // no certificates to validate
                payload = new NoMessageProtection().Unprotect(bodyStream, null)?.ToXDocument();
                contentWasSigned = true;
                // if we receive enrypted messages on the error queue, we have no idea what to do with them
                // Since this can be message we sent, it's encrypted with their certificate and we don't have that private key
                if (QueueType == QueueType.Error)

                // TODO: The whole part of validating the local certificates below should probably be move into
                // the IMessageProtection implementation, but since there are some constraints to properties on
                // IMessagingMessage we'll keep it here for now

                // in receive mode, we try to decrypt and validate content even if the certificates are invalid
                // invalid certificates are flagged to the application layer processing the decrypted message.
                // with the decrypted content, they may have a chance to figure out who sent it

                var validator = Core.CertificateValidator;
                // validate the local encryption certificate and, if present, the local legacy encryption certificate
                incomingMessage.DecryptionError = validator == null
                    ? CertificateErrors.None
                    : validator.Validate(Core.MessageProtection.EncryptionCertificate, X509KeyUsageFlags.DataEncipherment);
                // in earlier versions of Helsenorge.Messaging we removed the message, but we should rather
                // want it to be dead lettered since this is a temp issue that should be fixed locally.
                ReportErrorOnLocalCertificate(originalMessage, Core.MessageProtection.EncryptionCertificate, incomingMessage.DecryptionError, false);
                if (Core.MessageProtection.LegacyEncryptionCertificate != null)
                    // this is optional information that should only be in effect durin a short transition period
                    incomingMessage.LegacyDecryptionError = validator == null
                        ? CertificateErrors.None
                        : validator.Validate(Core.MessageProtection.LegacyEncryptionCertificate, X509KeyUsageFlags.DataEncipherment);
                    // if someone forgets to remove the legacy configuration, we log an error message but don't remove it
                    ReportErrorOnLocalCertificate(originalMessage, Core.MessageProtection.LegacyEncryptionCertificate, incomingMessage.LegacyDecryptionError, false);
                // validate remote signature certificate
                var signature = incomingMessage.CollaborationAgreement?.SignatureCertificate;
                incomingMessage.SignatureError = validator == null
                    ? CertificateErrors.None
                    : validator.Validate(signature, X509KeyUsageFlags.NonRepudiation);
                ReportErrorOnRemoteCertificate(originalMessage, signature, incomingMessage.SignatureError);

                // decrypt the message and validate the signatureS
                payload = Core.MessageProtection.Unprotect(bodyStream, signature)?.ToXDocument();
        private XDocument HandlePayload(IMessagingMessage originalMessage, Stream bodyStream, string contentType, IncomingMessage incomingMessage, out bool contentWasSigned)
            XDocument payload;

            if (contentType.Equals(ContentType.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                contentType.Equals(ContentType.Soap, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                contentWasSigned = false;
                // no certificates to validate
                payload = new NoMessageProtection().Unprotect(bodyStream, null, null, null);
                contentWasSigned = true;
                // if we receive enrypted messages on the error queue, we have no idea what to do with them
                // Since this can be message we sent, it's encrypted with their certificate and we don't have that private key
                if (QueueType == QueueType.Error)

                // in receive mode, we try to decrypt and validate content even if the certificates are invalid
                // invalid certificates are flagged to the application layer processing the decrypted message.
                // with the decrypted content, they may have a chance to figure out who sent it
                var decryption       = Core.Settings.DecryptionCertificate.Certificate;
                var signature        = incomingMessage.CollaborationAgreement?.SignatureCertificate;
                var legacyDecryption = Core.Settings.LegacyDecryptionCertificate?.Certificate;

                incomingMessage.DecryptionError = Core.DefaultCertificateValidator.Validate(decryption, X509KeyUsageFlags.DataEncipherment);
                ReportErrorOnLocalCertificate(originalMessage, decryption, incomingMessage.DecryptionError, true);

                incomingMessage.SignatureError = Core.DefaultCertificateValidator.Validate(signature, X509KeyUsageFlags.NonRepudiation);
                ReportErrorOnRemoteCertificate(originalMessage, signature, incomingMessage.SignatureError);

                if (legacyDecryption != null)
                    // this is optional information that should only be in effect durin a short transition period
                    incomingMessage.LegacyDecryptionError = Core.DefaultCertificateValidator.Validate(legacyDecryption, X509KeyUsageFlags.DataEncipherment);
                    // if someone forgets to remove the legacy configuration, we log an error message but don't remove it
                    ReportErrorOnLocalCertificate(originalMessage, legacyDecryption, incomingMessage.LegacyDecryptionError, false);

                payload = Core.DefaultMessageProtection.Unprotect(bodyStream, decryption, signature, legacyDecryption);