Пример #1
        // Precondition:  Focus shifting from one of the address combo boxes
        //                sender is ComboBox
        // Postcondition: If no address selected, focus remains and error provider
        //                highlights the field
        private void listBoxSelectAddress_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            // Downcast to sender as ComboBox, so make sure you obey precondition!
            ListBox lstBo = sender as ListBox; // Cast sender as combo box

            bool valid = true;                 // bool for testing

            if (listBoxSelectAddress.SelectedIndex == -1)
                e.Cancel = true; // Stops focus changing process
                                 // Will NOT proceed to Validated event

                valid = false;
                lstBo = listBoxSelectAddress;

            if (!valid)          // error message if not valid
                e.Cancel = true; // Stops focus changing process
                                 // Will NOT proceed to Validated event
                NoAddressError.SetError(listBoxSelectAddress, "You must select an address.");
                MessageBox.Show("You must select an address.", "Error");
Пример #2
        // Precondition:  Validating of sender not cancelled, so data OK
        //                sender is Control
        // Postcondition: Error provider cleared and focus allowed to change
        private void listBoxSelectAddress_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Downcast to sender as Control, so make sure you obey precondition!
            Control control = sender as Control; // Cast sender as Control

            // Should always be a Control
            NoAddressError.SetError(control, "");