public async Task Client_Can_Get_Accessible_Locations_Async() { // call static async method with parameter. var locations = await NimbleApiClient.GetAccessibleLocationsAsync(authInfo); // assert that results were returned from the api. Assert.IsTrue(locations.Count > 0); }
public async Task Can_Get_Employees_Async() { // call the async method. var employees = await NimbleApiClient.GetEmployeesAsync(authInfo); // test that data is returned, meaning that the http client was able to authenticate and make the call. Assert.IsTrue(employees.Count > 0); }
public async Task Can_Get_Shifts_Async() { // call the async method. var shifts = await NimbleApiClient.GetShiftsAsync(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-14), DateTime.Today, authInfo); // test that data is returned, meaning that the http client was able to authenticate and make the call. Assert.IsTrue(shifts.Count > 0); }
public async Task Client_Can_Get_Departments_Async() { // call static async method with parameter. var departments = await NimbleApiClient.GetDepartmentsAsync(authInfo); // assert that results were returned from the api. Assert.IsTrue(departments.Count > 0); }