private void listBoxSubtitles_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int idx = listBoxSubtitles.SelectedIndex;

            if (idx < 0)

            int pid  = _tsParser.SubtitlePacketIds[listBoxTracks.SelectedIndex];
            var list = _tsParser.GetDvbSubtitles(pid);

            var dvbBmp  = list[idx].GetActiveImage();
            var nDvbBmp = new NikseBitmap(dvbBmp);

            nDvbBmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
            var oldImage = pictureBox1.Image;

            pictureBox1.Image = nDvbBmp.GetBitmap();
            if (oldImage != null)
Пример #2
        internal void Initialize(Bitmap bitmap, int pixelsIsSpace, bool rightToLeft, NOcrDb nOcrDb, VobSubOcr vobSubOcr, double unItalicFactor)
            _bitmap = bitmap;
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bitmap);

            bitmap          = nbmp.GetBitmap();
            _bitmap2        = bitmap;
            _nocrChars      = nOcrDb.OcrCharacters;
            _matchList      = new List <VobSubOcr.CompareMatch>();
            _vobSubOcr      = vobSubOcr;
            _unItalicFactor = unItalicFactor;

            int minLineHeight = 6;

            _imageList = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.SplitBitmapToLettersNew(nbmp, pixelsIsSpace, rightToLeft, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr.TopToBottom, minLineHeight);
            // _imageList = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.SplitBitmapToLetters(nbmp, pixelsIsSpace, rightToLeft, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr.TopToBottom);

            int index = 0;

            while (index < _imageList.Count)
                ImageSplitterItem item = _imageList[index];
                if (item.NikseBitmap == null)
                    nbmp = item.NikseBitmap;
                    item.Y += nbmp.CropTopTransparent(0);
                    nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(0, true);

                    //get nocr matches
                    Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Forms.VobSubOcr.CompareMatch match = vobSubOcr.GetNOcrCompareMatchNew(item, nbmp, nOcrDb, _unItalicFactor, false, false);
                    if (match == null)
        internal void Initialize(Bitmap bitmap, int pixelsIsSpace, bool rightToLeft, NOcrDb nOcrDb, VobSubOcr vobSubOcr)
            _bitmap = bitmap;
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bitmap);
            bitmap = nbmp.GetBitmap();
            _bitmap2 = bitmap;
            _nocrChars = nOcrDb.OcrCharacters;
            _matchList = new List<VobSubOcr.CompareMatch>();
            _vobSubOcr = vobSubOcr;

            const int minLineHeight = 6;
            _imageList = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.SplitBitmapToLettersNew(nbmp, pixelsIsSpace, rightToLeft, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr.TopToBottom, minLineHeight);
            // _imageList = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.SplitBitmapToLetters(nbmp, pixelsIsSpace, rightToLeft, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr.TopToBottom);

            int index = 0;
            while (index < _imageList.Count)
                ImageSplitterItem item = _imageList[index];
                if (item.NikseBitmap == null)
                    nbmp = item.NikseBitmap;
                    item.Y += nbmp.CropTopTransparent(0);
                    nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(0, true);

                    //get nocr matches
                    var match = vobSubOcr.GetNOcrCompareMatchNew(item, nbmp, nOcrDb, false, false);
                    if (match == null)
Пример #4
        public BinEditBrightness(Bitmap bitmap)

            var nikseBitmap = new NikseBitmap(bitmap);

            nikseBitmap.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(99999, true);
            _bitmap = nikseBitmap.GetBitmap();

            trackBarBrightness_Scroll(null, null);
            Factor    = 1.0m;
            Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;

            Text = LanguageSettings.Current.BinEdit.ChangeBrightnessTitle;
            labelChangeBrightness.Text = string.Format(LanguageSettings.Current.BinEdit.BrightnessX, trackBarBrightness.Value);
            buttonOK.Text     = LanguageSettings.Current.General.Ok;
            buttonCancel.Text = LanguageSettings.Current.General.Cancel;
            UiUtil.FixLargeFonts(this, buttonOK);
Пример #5
        public BinEditAlpha(Bitmap bitmap)

            var nikseBitmap = new NikseBitmap(bitmap);

            nikseBitmap.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(99999, true);
            _bitmap = nikseBitmap.GetBitmap();

            _backgroundImageDark = Configuration.Settings.General.UseDarkTheme;
            trackBarAlpha_Scroll(null, null);
            Factor    = 1.0m;
            Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;

            Text = LanguageSettings.Current.BinEdit.ChangeAlphaTitle;
            labelChangeAlpha.Text = string.Format(LanguageSettings.Current.BinEdit.AlphaX, trackBarAlpha.Value);
            buttonOK.Text         = LanguageSettings.Current.General.Ok;
            buttonCancel.Text     = LanguageSettings.Current.General.Cancel;
            UiUtil.FixLargeFonts(this, buttonOK);
Пример #6
        internal static ImageSplitterItem GetExpandedSelectionNew(NikseBitmap bitmap, List<ImageSplitterItem> expandSelectionList)
            int minimumX = expandSelectionList[0].X;
            int maximumX = expandSelectionList[expandSelectionList.Count - 1].X + expandSelectionList[expandSelectionList.Count - 1].NikseBitmap.Width;
            int minimumY = expandSelectionList[0].Y;
            int maximumY = expandSelectionList[0].Y + expandSelectionList[0].NikseBitmap.Height;
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
            foreach (ImageSplitterItem item in expandSelectionList)
                for (int y = 0; y < item.NikseBitmap.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < item.NikseBitmap.Width; x++)
                        int a = item.NikseBitmap.GetAlpha(x, y);
                        if (a > 100)
                            nbmp.SetPixel(item.X + x, item.Y + y, Color.White);
                if (item.Y < minimumY)
                    minimumY = item.Y;
                if (item.Y + item.NikseBitmap.Height > maximumY)
                    maximumY = item.Y + item.NikseBitmap.Height;
            nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(0, true);
            int topCropping;
            nbmp = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.CropTopAndBottom(nbmp, out topCropping);

            return new ImageSplitterItem(minimumX, minimumY, nbmp);
Пример #7
        public Bitmap GetSubtitleBitmap(int index)
            Bitmap returnBmp = null;
            Color background;
            Color pattern;
            Color emphasis1;
            Color emphasis2;

            if (_mp4List != null)
                if (index >= 0 && index < _mp4List.Count)
                    if (checkBoxCustomFourColors.Checked)
                        GetCustomColors(out background, out pattern, out emphasis1, out emphasis2);

                        returnBmp = _mp4List[index].Picture.GetBitmap(null, background, pattern, emphasis1, emphasis2, true);
                        if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
                        returnBmp = _mp4List[index].Picture.GetBitmap(null, Color.Transparent, Color.Black, Color.White, Color.Black, false);
                        if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
            else if (_spList != null)
                if (index >= 0 && index < _spList.Count)
                    if (checkBoxCustomFourColors.Checked)
                        GetCustomColors(out background, out pattern, out emphasis1, out emphasis2);

                        returnBmp = _spList[index].Picture.GetBitmap(null, background, pattern, emphasis1, emphasis2, true);
                        if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
                        returnBmp = _spList[index].Picture.GetBitmap(null, Color.Transparent, Color.Black, Color.White, Color.Black, false);
                        if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
            else if (_bdnXmlSubtitle != null)
                if (index >= 0 && index < _bdnXmlSubtitle.Paragraphs.Count)
                    var fileNames = _bdnXmlSubtitle.Paragraphs[index].Text.SplitToLines();
                    var bitmaps = new List<Bitmap>();
                    int maxWidth = 0;
                    int totalHeight = 0;

                    foreach (string fn in fileNames)
                        string fullFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_bdnFileName), fn);
                        if (!File.Exists(fullFileName))
                            // fix AVISubDetector lines
                            int idxOfIEquals = fn.IndexOf("i=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                            if (idxOfIEquals >= 0)
                                int idxOfSpace = fn.IndexOf(' ', idxOfIEquals);
                                if (idxOfSpace > 0)
                                    fullFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_bdnFileName), fn.Remove(0, idxOfSpace).Trim());
                        if (File.Exists(fullFileName))
                                var temp = new Bitmap(fullFileName);
                                if (temp.Width > maxWidth)
                                    maxWidth = temp.Width;
                                totalHeight += temp.Height;
                                return null;

                    Bitmap b = null;
                    if (bitmaps.Count > 1)
                        var merged = new Bitmap(maxWidth, totalHeight + 7 * bitmaps.Count);
                        int y = 0;
                        for (int k = 0; k < bitmaps.Count; k++)
                            Bitmap part = bitmaps[k];
                            if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
                            using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(merged))
                                g.DrawImage(part, 0, y);
                            y += part.Height + 7;
                        b = merged;
                    else if (bitmaps.Count == 1)
                        b = bitmaps[0];

                    if (b != null)
                        if (_isSon && checkBoxCustomFourColors.Checked)
                            GetCustomColors(out background, out pattern, out emphasis1, out emphasis2);

                            FastBitmap fbmp = new FastBitmap(b);
                            for (int x = 0; x < fbmp.Width; x++)
                                for (int y = 0; y < fbmp.Height; y++)
                                    Color c = fbmp.GetPixel(x, y);
                                    if (c.R == Color.Red.R && c.G == Color.Red.G && c.B == Color.Red.B) // normally anti-alias
                                        fbmp.SetPixel(x, y, emphasis2);
                                    else if (c.R == Color.Blue.R && c.G == Color.Blue.G && c.B == Color.Blue.B) // normally text?
                                        fbmp.SetPixel(x, y, pattern);
                                    else if (c.R == Color.White.R && c.G == Color.White.G && c.B == Color.White.B) // normally background
                                        fbmp.SetPixel(x, y, background);
                                    else if (c.R == Color.Black.R && c.G == Color.Black.G && c.B == Color.Black.B) // outline/border
                                        fbmp.SetPixel(x, y, emphasis1);
                                        fbmp.SetPixel(x, y, c);
                        if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
                        returnBmp = b;
            else if (_xSubList != null)
                if (index >= 0 && index < _xSubList.Count)
                    if (checkBoxCustomFourColors.Checked)
                        GetCustomColors(out background, out pattern, out emphasis1, out emphasis2);
                        returnBmp = _xSubList[index].GetImage(background, pattern, emphasis1, emphasis2);
                        returnBmp = _xSubList[index].GetImage();
            else if (_dvbSubtitles != null)
                if (index >= 0 && index < _dvbSubtitles.Count)
                    var dvbBmp = _dvbSubtitles[index].GetActiveImage();
                    var nDvbBmp = new NikseBitmap(dvbBmp);
                    nDvbBmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
                    if (checkBoxTransportStreamGetColorAndSplit.Checked)
                        _dvbSubColor = nDvbBmp.GetBrightestColorWhiteIsTransparent();
                    if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
                    if (checkBoxTransportStreamGrayscale.Checked)
                    returnBmp = nDvbBmp.GetBitmap();
            else if (_dvbPesSubtitles != null)
                if (index >= 0 && index < _dvbPesSubtitles.Count)
                    var dvbBmp = _dvbPesSubtitles[index].GetImageFull();
                    var nDvbBmp = new NikseBitmap(dvbBmp);
                    nDvbBmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
                    if (checkBoxTransportStreamGetColorAndSplit.Checked)
                        _dvbSubColor = nDvbBmp.GetBrightestColorWhiteIsTransparent();
                    if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
                    if (checkBoxTransportStreamGrayscale.Checked)
                    returnBmp = nDvbBmp.GetBitmap();
            else if (_bluRaySubtitlesOriginal != null)
                if (index >= 0 && index < _bluRaySubtitles.Count)
                    returnBmp = _bluRaySubtitles[index].GetBitmap();
            else if (index >= 0 && index < _vobSubMergedPackist.Count)
                if (checkBoxCustomFourColors.Checked)
                    GetCustomColors(out background, out pattern, out emphasis1, out emphasis2);

                    returnBmp = _vobSubMergedPackist[index].SubPicture.GetBitmap(null, background, pattern, emphasis1, emphasis2, true);
                    if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)
                    returnBmp = _vobSubMergedPackist[index].SubPicture.GetBitmap(_palette, Color.Transparent, Color.Black, Color.White, Color.Black, false);
                    if (checkBoxAutoTransparentBackground.Checked)

            if (returnBmp == null)
                return null;

            if ((_binaryOcrDb == null && _nOcrDb == null) || _fromMenuItem)
                return returnBmp;

            var n = new NikseBitmap(returnBmp);
            return n.GetBitmap();
Пример #8
        private Bitmap GenerateImageFromTextWithStyle(string text)
            const bool subtitleFontBold  = false;
            bool       subtitleAlignLeft = comboBoxHAlign.SelectedIndex == 0;

            // remove styles for display text (except italic)
            text = RemoveSubStationAlphaFormatting(text);
            text = text.Replace("<b>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</b>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("<B>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</B>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("<u>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</u>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("<U>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</U>", string.Empty);

            Font font;

                font = new Font(_subtitleFontName, _subtitleFontSize, FontStyle.Regular);
            catch (Exception exception)
                font = new Font(FontFamily.Families[0].Name, _subtitleFontSize);
            var bmp = new Bitmap(400, 200);
            var g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            SizeF textSize   = g.MeasureString("Hj!", font);
            var   lineHeight = (textSize.Height * 0.64f);

            textSize = g.MeasureString(Utilities.RemoveHtmlTags(text), font);
            int sizeX = (int)(textSize.Width * 0.8) + 40;
            int sizeY = (int)(textSize.Height * 0.8) + 30;

            if (sizeX < 1)
                sizeX = 1;
            if (sizeY < 1)
                sizeY = 1;
            bmp = new Bitmap(sizeX, sizeY);
            g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            var lefts = new List <float>();

            foreach (var line in HtmlUtil.RemoveOpenCloseTags(text, HtmlUtil.TagItalic, HtmlUtil.TagFont).Split(Utilities.NewLineChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                if (subtitleAlignLeft)
                    lefts.Add((float)(bmp.Width - g.MeasureString(line, font).Width * 0.8 + 15) / 2);

            g.TextRenderingHint  = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            g.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

            var sf = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;// draw the text to a path
            var path = new GraphicsPath();

            // display italic
            var   sb       = new StringBuilder();
            int   i        = 0;
            bool  isItalic = false;
            float left     = 5;

            if (lefts.Count > 0)
                left = lefts[0];
            float top              = 5;
            bool  newLine          = false;
            int   lineNumber       = 0;
            float leftMargin       = left;
            bool  italicFromStart  = false;
            int   newLinePathPoint = -1;
            Color c          = _subtitleColor;
            var   colorStack = new Stack <Color>();
            var   lastText   = new StringBuilder();

            while (i < text.Length)
                if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<font ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    float addLeft           = 0;
                    int   oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount;
                    if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                        oldPathPointIndex = 0;

                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    if (path.PointCount > 0)
                        PointF[] list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                        for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                            if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                addLeft = list[k].X;
                    if (addLeft == 0)
                        addLeft = left + 2;
                    left = addLeft;

                    if (_borderWidth > 0)
                        g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
                    g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
                    path = new GraphicsPath();
                    sb   = new StringBuilder();

                    int endIndex = text.Substring(i).IndexOf('>');
                    if (endIndex < 0)
                        i += 9999;
                        string fontContent = text.Substring(i, endIndex);
                        if (fontContent.Contains(" color="))
                            var arr = fontContent.Substring(fontContent.IndexOf(" color=", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7).Trim().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (arr.Length > 0)
                                string fontColor = arr[0].Trim('\'').Trim('"').Trim('\'');
                                    colorStack.Push(c); // save old color
                                    if (fontColor.StartsWith("rgb("))
                                        arr = fontColor.Remove(0, 4).TrimEnd(')').Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        c   = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(arr[0]), int.Parse(arr[1]), int.Parse(arr[2]));
                                        c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(fontColor);
                                    c = _subtitleColor;
                        i += endIndex;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</font>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (text.Substring(i).ToLower().Replace("</font>", string.Empty).Length > 0)
                        if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                            string t = sb.ToString();
                            sb.Append(' ');

                        float addLeft           = 0;
                        int   oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount - 1;
                        if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                            oldPathPointIndex = 0;
                        if (sb.Length > 0)
                            TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                        if (path.PointCount > 0)
                            PointF[] list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                            for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                                if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                    addLeft = list[k].X;
                        if (addLeft == 0)
                            addLeft = left + 2;
                        left = addLeft;

                        if (_borderWidth > 0)
                            g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
                        g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
                        //path = new GraphicsPath();
                        sb = new StringBuilder();
                        if (colorStack.Count > 0)
                            c = colorStack.Pop();
                    i += 6;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    italicFromStart = i == 0;
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    isItalic = true;
                    i       += 2;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && isItalic)
                    if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                        string t = sb.ToString();
                        sb.Append(' ');
                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    isItalic = false;
                    i       += 3;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith(Environment.NewLine))
                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    top    += lineHeight;
                    newLine = true;
                    i      += Environment.NewLine.Length - 1;
                    if (lineNumber < lefts.Count)
                        leftMargin = lefts[lineNumber];
                        left       = leftMargin;
                    if (isItalic)
                        italicFromStart = true;
            if (sb.Length > 0)
                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

            if (_borderWidth > 0)
                g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
            g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);

            nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
Пример #9
        private Bitmap GenerateImageFromTextWithStyle(string text, bool bold)
            bool subtitleFontBold = bold;

            text = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text);

            Font font;

                var fontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
                if (subtitleFontBold)
                    fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

                font = new Font(_subtitleFontName, _subtitleFontSize, fontStyle);
            catch (Exception exception)
                font = new Font(FontFamily.Families[0].Name, _subtitleFontSize);
            var bmp = new Bitmap(400, 200);
            var g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            SizeF textSize   = g.MeasureString("Hj!", font);
            var   lineHeight = (textSize.Height * 0.64f);

            textSize = g.MeasureString(HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text), font);
            int sizeX = (int)(textSize.Width * 0.8) + 40;
            int sizeY = (int)(textSize.Height * 0.8) + 30;

            if (sizeX < 1)
                sizeX = 1;

            if (sizeY < 1)
                sizeY = 1;

            bmp = new Bitmap(sizeX, sizeY);
            g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            g.TextRenderingHint  = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            g.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

            var sf = new StringFormat
                Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near,
                LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
            // draw the text to a path
            var path = new GraphicsPath();

            // display italic
            var         sb               = new StringBuilder();
            int         i                = 0;
            const float left             = 5f;
            float       top              = 5;
            bool        newLine          = false;
            const float leftMargin       = left;
            int         newLinePathPoint = -1;
            Color       c                = _subtitleColor;
            int         textLen          = text.Length;

            while (i < textLen)
                char ch = text[i];
                if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, false, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    top    += lineHeight;
                    newLine = true;
                    if (i + 1 < textLen && text[i + 1] == '\n' && text[i] == '\r')
                        i += 2; // CR+LF (Microsoft Windows)
                        i++; // LF (Unix and Unix-like systems )
            if (sb.Length > 0)
                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, false, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);


            g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, BorderWidth), path);
            g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);

            nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
Пример #10
        private Bitmap GenerateImageFromTextWithStyle(string text, bool bold)
            bool subtitleFontBold   = bold;
            bool subtitleAlignLeft  = true;
            bool subtitleAlignRight = false;

            text = Utilities.RemoveHtmlTags(text);

            Font font;

                var fontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
                if (subtitleFontBold)
                    fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
                font = new Font(_subtitleFontName, _subtitleFontSize, fontStyle);
            catch (Exception exception)
                font = new Font(FontFamily.Families[0].Name, _subtitleFontSize);
            var bmp = new Bitmap(400, 200);
            var g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            SizeF textSize   = g.MeasureString("Hj!", font);
            var   lineHeight = (textSize.Height * 0.64f);

            textSize = g.MeasureString(Utilities.RemoveHtmlTags(text), font);
            int sizeX = (int)(textSize.Width * 0.8) + 40;
            int sizeY = (int)(textSize.Height * 0.8) + 30;

            if (sizeX < 1)
                sizeX = 1;
            if (sizeY < 1)
                sizeY = 1;
            bmp = new Bitmap(sizeX, sizeY);
            g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            var lefts = new List <float>();

            foreach (string line in Utilities.RemoveHtmlFontTag(text.Replace("<i>", string.Empty).Replace("</i>", string.Empty)).Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                if (subtitleAlignLeft)
                else if (subtitleAlignRight)
                    lefts.Add(bmp.Width - (TextDraw.MeasureTextWidth(font, line, subtitleFontBold) + 15));
                    lefts.Add((float)(bmp.Width - g.MeasureString(line, font).Width * 0.8 + 15) / 2);

            g.TextRenderingHint  = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            g.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

            var sf = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;// draw the text to a path
            var path = new GraphicsPath();

            // display italic
            var   sb       = new StringBuilder();
            int   i        = 0;
            bool  isItalic = false;
            float left     = 5;

            if (lefts.Count > 0)
                left = lefts[0];
            float top              = 5;
            bool  newLine          = false;
            int   lineNumber       = 0;
            float leftMargin       = left;
            int   newLinePathPoint = -1;
            Color c          = _subtitleColor;
            var   colorStack = new Stack <Color>();
            var   lastText   = new StringBuilder();

            while (i < text.Length)
                if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith(Environment.NewLine))
                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    top    += lineHeight;
                    newLine = true;
                    i      += Environment.NewLine.Length - 1;
                    if (lineNumber < lefts.Count)
                        leftMargin = lefts[lineNumber];
                        left       = leftMargin;
                    sb.Append(text.Substring(i, 1));
            if (sb.Length > 0)
                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

            if (_borderWidth > 0)
                g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
            g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);

            nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// The make 3 d top bottom.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">
        /// The parameter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nbmp">
        /// The nbmp.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="NikseBitmap"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private static NikseBitmap Make3DTopBottom(MakeBitmapParameter parameter, NikseBitmap nbmp)
            Bitmap singleBmp = nbmp.GetBitmap();
            Bitmap singleHalfBmp = ScaleToHalfHeight(singleBmp);
            var topBottomBmp = new Bitmap(parameter.ScreenWidth, parameter.ScreenHeight - parameter.BottomMargin);
            int singleHeight = parameter.ScreenHeight / 2;
            int leftM = (parameter.ScreenWidth / 2) - (singleHalfBmp.Width / 2);

            using (Graphics gTopBottom = Graphics.FromImage(topBottomBmp))
                gTopBottom.DrawImage(singleHalfBmp, leftM + parameter.Depth3D, singleHeight - singleHalfBmp.Height - parameter.BottomMargin);
                gTopBottom.DrawImage(singleHalfBmp, leftM - parameter.Depth3D, parameter.ScreenHeight - parameter.BottomMargin - singleHalfBmp.Height);

            nbmp = new NikseBitmap(topBottomBmp);
            if (parameter.BackgroundColor == Color.Transparent)
                nbmp.CropTop(2, Color.Transparent);
                nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, false);
                nbmp.CropTop(4, parameter.BackgroundColor);
                nbmp.CropSidesAndBottom(4, parameter.BackgroundColor, false);

            return nbmp;
        /// <summary>
        /// The generate image from text with style inner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">
        /// The parameter.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="Bitmap"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private static Bitmap GenerateImageFromTextWithStyleInner(MakeBitmapParameter parameter)
            string text = parameter.P.Text;

            text = RemoveSubStationAlphaFormatting(text);

            text = text.Replace("<I>", "<i>");
            text = text.Replace("</I>", "</i>");
            text = HtmlUtil.FixInvalidItalicTags(text);

            text = text.Replace("<B>", "<b>");
            text = text.Replace("</B>", "</b>");

            // no support for underline
            text = HtmlUtil.RemoveOpenCloseTags(text, HtmlUtil.TagUnderline);

            Font font = null;
            Bitmap bmp = null;
                font = SetFont(parameter, parameter.SubtitleFontSize);
                var lineHeight = parameter.LineHeight; // (textSize.Height * 0.64f);

                SizeF textSize;
                using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpTemp))
                    textSize = g.MeasureString(HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text), font);

                int sizeX = (int)(textSize.Width * 1.8) + 150;
                int sizeY = (int)(textSize.Height * 0.9) + 50;
                if (sizeX < 1)
                    sizeX = 1;

                if (sizeY < 1)
                    sizeY = 1;

                if (parameter.BackgroundColor != Color.Transparent)
                    var nbmpTemp = new NikseBitmap(sizeX, sizeY);
                    bmp = nbmpTemp.GetBitmap();
                    bmp = new Bitmap(sizeX, sizeY);

                // align lines with gjpqy, a bit lower
                var lines = text.SplitToLines();
                int baseLinePadding = 13;
                if (parameter.SubtitleFontSize < 30)
                    baseLinePadding = 12;

                if (parameter.SubtitleFontSize < 25)
                    baseLinePadding = 9;

                if (lines.Length > 0)
                    var lastLine = lines[lines.Length - 1];
                    if (lastLine.Contains(new[] { 'g', 'j', 'p', 'q', 'y', ',', 'ý', 'ę', 'ç', 'Ç' }))
                        var textNoBelow = lastLine.Replace('g', 'a').Replace('j', 'a').Replace('p', 'a').Replace('q', 'a').Replace('y', 'a').Replace(',', 'a').Replace('ý', 'a').Replace('ę', 'a').Replace('ç', 'a').Replace('Ç', 'a');
                        baseLinePadding -= (int)Math.Round(TextDraw.MeasureTextHeight(font, lastLine, parameter.SubtitleFontBold) - TextDraw.MeasureTextHeight(font, textNoBelow, parameter.SubtitleFontBold));
                        baseLinePadding += 1;

                    if (baseLinePadding < 0)
                        baseLinePadding = 0;

                // TODO: Better baseline - test
                // float baselineOffset=font.SizeInPoints/font.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(font.Style)*font.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(font.Style);
                // float baselineOffsetPixels = g.DpiY/72f*baselineOffset;
                // baseLinePadding = (int)Math.Round(baselineOffsetPixels);
                var lefts = new List<float>();
                if (text.Contains("<font", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || text.Contains("<i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    foreach (string line in text.SplitToLines())
                        var lineNoHtml = HtmlUtil.RemoveOpenCloseTags(line, HtmlUtil.TagItalic, HtmlUtil.TagFont);
                        if (parameter.AlignLeft)
                        else if (parameter.AlignRight)
                            lefts.Add(bmp.Width - CalcWidthViaDraw(lineNoHtml, parameter) - 15); // calculate via drawing+crop
                            lefts.Add((float)((bmp.Width - CalcWidthViaDraw(lineNoHtml, parameter) + 5.0) / 2.0)); // calculate via drawing+crop
                    foreach (var line in HtmlUtil.RemoveOpenCloseTags(text, HtmlUtil.TagItalic, HtmlUtil.TagFont).SplitToLines())
                        if (parameter.AlignLeft)
                        else if (parameter.AlignRight)
                            lefts.Add(bmp.Width - (TextDraw.MeasureTextWidth(font, line, parameter.SubtitleFontBold) + 15));
                            lefts.Add((float)((bmp.Width - TextDraw.MeasureTextWidth(font, line, parameter.SubtitleFontBold) + 15) / 2.0));

                var sf = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Near, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near };

                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                    g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                    g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                    g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;

                    if (parameter.SimpleRendering)
                        if (text.StartsWith("<font ", StringComparison.Ordinal) && Utilities.CountTagInText(text, "<font") == 1)
                            parameter.SubtitleColor = Utilities.GetColorFromFontString(text, parameter.SubtitleColor);

                        text = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text, true); // TODO: Perhaps check single color...
                        var brush = new SolidBrush(parameter.BorderColor);
                        int x = 3;
                        const int y = 3;
                        sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                        if (parameter.AlignLeft)
                            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                        else if (parameter.AlignRight)
                            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                            x = parameter.ScreenWidth - 5;
                            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                            x = parameter.ScreenWidth / 2;

                        bmp = new Bitmap(parameter.ScreenWidth, sizeY);

                        Graphics surface = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
                        surface.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
                        surface.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default;
                        surface.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
                        surface.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                        for (int j = 0; j < parameter.BorderWidth; j++)
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);

                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j + 1, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j + 1, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j + 1, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j - 1, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j - 1, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j - 1, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);

                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j + 1, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j + 1, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j + 1, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j - 1, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j - 1, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - j - 1, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);

                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);

                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j + 1, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y - 1 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y - 0 + j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + j - 1, Y = y + 1 + j }, sf);

                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + 1, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + 1, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x + 1, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - 1, Y = y - 1 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - 1, Y = y - 0 - j }, sf);
                            surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x - 1, Y = y + 1 - j }, sf);

                        brush = new SolidBrush(parameter.SubtitleColor);
                        surface.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                        surface.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                        surface.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                        surface.DrawString(text, font, brush, new PointF { X = x, Y = y }, sf);
                        var path = new GraphicsPath();
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        bool isItalic = false;
                        bool isBold = parameter.SubtitleFontBold;
                        float left = 5;
                        if (lefts.Count > 0)
                            left = lefts[0];

                        float top = 5;
                        bool newLine = false;
                        int lineNumber = 0;
                        float leftMargin = left;
                        int newLinePathPoint = -1;
                        Color c = parameter.SubtitleColor;
                        var colorStack = new Stack<Color>();
                        var lastText = new StringBuilder();
                        int numberOfCharsOnCurrentLine = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                            if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<font ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                float addLeft = 0;
                                int oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount;
                                if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                                    oldPathPointIndex = 0;

                                if (sb.Length > 0)
                                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                                if (path.PointCount > 0)
                                    var list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                                    for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                                        if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                            addLeft = list[k].X;

                                if (path.PointCount == 0)
                                    addLeft = left;
                                else if (addLeft < 0.01)
                                    addLeft = left + 2;

                                left = addLeft;

                                DrawShadowAndPath(parameter, g, path);
                                var p2 = new SolidBrush(c);
                                g.FillPath(p2, path);
                                path = new GraphicsPath();
                                sb = new StringBuilder();

                                int endIndex = text.Substring(i).IndexOf('>');
                                if (endIndex < 0)
                                    i += 9999;
                                    string fontContent = text.Substring(i, endIndex);
                                    if (fontContent.Contains(" color="))
                                        string[] arr = fontContent.Substring(fontContent.IndexOf(" color=", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7).Trim().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        if (arr.Length > 0)
                                            string fontColor = arr[0].Trim('\'').Trim('"').Trim('\'');
                                                colorStack.Push(c); // save old color
                                                if (fontColor.StartsWith("rgb(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                                    arr = fontColor.Remove(0, 4).TrimEnd(')').Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                                    c = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(arr[0]), int.Parse(arr[1]), int.Parse(arr[2]));
                                                    c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(fontColor);
                                                c = parameter.SubtitleColor;

                                    i += endIndex;
                            else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</font>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                if (text.Substring(i).ToLower().Replace("</font>", string.Empty).Length > 0)
                                    if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                                        string t = sb.ToString();
                                        sb.Append(' ');

                                    float addLeft = 0;
                                    int oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount - 1;
                                    if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                                        oldPathPointIndex = 0;

                                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                                        if (lastText.Length > 0 && left > 2)
                                            left -= 1.5f;


                                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                                    if (path.PointCount > 0)
                                        var list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                                        for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                                            if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                                addLeft = list[k].X;

                                    if (addLeft < 0.01)
                                        addLeft = left + 2;

                                    left = addLeft;

                                    DrawShadowAndPath(parameter, g, path);
                                    g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
                                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                                    if (colorStack.Count > 0)
                                        c = colorStack.Pop();

                                    if (left >= 3)
                                        left -= 2.5f;

                                i += 6;
                            else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                if (sb.Length > 0)
                                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                                isItalic = true;
                                i += 2;
                            else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && isItalic)
                                if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                                    string t = sb.ToString();
                                    sb.Append(' ');

                                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                                isItalic = false;
                                i += 3;
                            else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<b>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                if (sb.Length > 0)
                                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, isBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                                isBold = true;
                                i += 2;
                            else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</b>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && isBold)
                                if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                                    string t = sb.ToString();
                                    sb.Append(' ');

                                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, isBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                                isBold = false;
                                i += 3;
                            else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, isBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                                top += lineHeight;
                                newLine = true;
                                i += Environment.NewLine.Length - 1;
                                if (lineNumber < lefts.Count)
                                    leftMargin = lefts[lineNumber];
                                    left = leftMargin;

                                numberOfCharsOnCurrentLine = 0;
                                if (numberOfCharsOnCurrentLine != 0 || text[i] != ' ')

                        if (sb.Length > 0)
                            TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                        DrawShadowAndPath(parameter, g, path);
                        g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);


                var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);
                if (parameter.BackgroundColor == Color.Transparent)
                    nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(baseLinePadding, true);
                    nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, false);
                    nbmp.CropSidesAndBottom(4, parameter.BackgroundColor, true);
                    nbmp.CropTop(4, parameter.BackgroundColor);

                if (nbmp.Width > parameter.ScreenWidth)
                    parameter.Error = "#" + parameter.P.Number.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ": " + nbmp.Width.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " > " + parameter.ScreenWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                if (parameter.Type3D == 1)
                    // Half-side-by-side 3D
                    Bitmap singleBmp = nbmp.GetBitmap();
                    Bitmap singleHalfBmp = ScaleToHalfWidth(singleBmp);
                    var sideBySideBmp = new Bitmap(parameter.ScreenWidth, singleHalfBmp.Height);
                    int singleWidth = parameter.ScreenWidth / 2;
                    int singleLeftMargin = (singleWidth - singleHalfBmp.Width) / 2;

                    using (Graphics gSideBySide = Graphics.FromImage(sideBySideBmp))
                        gSideBySide.DrawImage(singleHalfBmp, singleLeftMargin + parameter.Depth3D, 0);
                        gSideBySide.DrawImage(singleHalfBmp, singleWidth + singleLeftMargin - parameter.Depth3D, 0);

                    nbmp = new NikseBitmap(sideBySideBmp);
                    if (parameter.BackgroundColor == Color.Transparent)
                        nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
                        nbmp.CropSidesAndBottom(4, parameter.BackgroundColor, true);
                else if (parameter.Type3D == 2)
                    // Half-Top/Bottom 3D
                    nbmp = Make3DTopBottom(parameter, nbmp);

                return nbmp.GetBitmap();
                if (font != null)

                if (bmp != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// The calc width via draw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">
        /// The text.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parameter">
        /// The parameter.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="int"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private static int CalcWidthViaDraw(string text, MakeBitmapParameter parameter)
            // text = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text, true).Trim();
            text = text.Trim();
            var path = new GraphicsPath();
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            int i = 0;
            bool isItalic = false;
            bool isBold = parameter.SubtitleFontBold;
            const float top = 5f;
            bool newLine = false;
            float left = 1.0f;
            float leftMargin = left;
            int newLinePathPoint = -1;
            Color c = parameter.SubtitleColor;
            var colorStack = new Stack<Color>();
            var lastText = new StringBuilder();
            var sf = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Near, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near };
            var bmp = new Bitmap(parameter.ScreenWidth, 200);
            var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;

            Font font = SetFont(parameter, parameter.SubtitleFontSize);
            while (i < text.Length)
                if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<font ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    float addLeft = 0;
                    int oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount;
                    if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                        oldPathPointIndex = 0;

                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    if (path.PointCount > 0)
                        var list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                        for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                            if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                addLeft = list[k].X;

                    if (path.PointCount == 0)
                        addLeft = left;
                    else if (addLeft < 0.01)
                        addLeft = left + 2;

                    left = addLeft;

                    DrawShadowAndPath(parameter, g, path);
                    var p2 = new SolidBrush(c);
                    g.FillPath(p2, path);
                    path = new GraphicsPath();
                    sb = new StringBuilder();

                    int endIndex = text.Substring(i).IndexOf('>');
                    if (endIndex < 0)
                        i += 9999;
                        string fontContent = text.Substring(i, endIndex);
                        if (fontContent.Contains(" color="))
                            string[] arr = fontContent.Substring(fontContent.IndexOf(" color=", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7).Trim().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (arr.Length > 0)
                                string fontColor = arr[0].Trim('\'').Trim('"').Trim('\'');
                                    colorStack.Push(c); // save old color
                                    if (fontColor.StartsWith("rgb("))
                                        arr = fontColor.Remove(0, 4).TrimEnd(')').Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        c = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(arr[0]), int.Parse(arr[1]), int.Parse(arr[2]));
                                        c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(fontColor);
                                    c = parameter.SubtitleColor;

                        i += endIndex;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</font>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (text.Substring(i).ToLower().Replace("</font>", string.Empty).Length > 0)
                        if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                            string t = sb.ToString();
                            sb.Append(' ');

                        float addLeft = 0;
                        int oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount - 1;
                        if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                            oldPathPointIndex = 0;

                        if (sb.Length > 0)
                            if (lastText.Length > 0 && left > 2)
                                left -= 1.5f;


                            TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                        if (path.PointCount > 0)
                            var list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                            for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                                if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                    addLeft = list[k].X;

                        if (addLeft < 0.01)
                            addLeft = left + 2;

                        left = addLeft;

                        DrawShadowAndPath(parameter, g, path);
                        g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
                        sb = new StringBuilder();
                        if (colorStack.Count > 0)
                            c = colorStack.Pop();

                        if (left >= 3)
                            left -= 2.5f;

                    i += 6;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    isItalic = true;
                    i += 2;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && isItalic)
                    if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                        string t = sb.ToString();
                        sb.Append(' ');

                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    isItalic = false;
                    i += 3;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<b>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, isBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    isBold = true;
                    i += 2;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</b>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && isBold)
                    if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                        string t = sb.ToString();
                        sb.Append(' ');

                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, isBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    isBold = false;
                    i += 3;


            if (sb.Length > 0)
                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, parameter.SubtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

            DrawShadowAndPath(parameter, g, path);
            g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);

            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);
            nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(0, true);
            return nbmp.Width;
Пример #14
        private Bitmap GenerateImageFromTextWithStyle(string text)
            const bool subtitleFontBold = false;
            bool subtitleAlignLeft = comboBoxHAlign.SelectedIndex == 0;

            // remove styles for display text (except italic)
            text = RemoveSubStationAlphaFormatting(text);
            text = text.Replace("<b>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</b>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("<B>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</B>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("<u>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</u>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("<U>", string.Empty);
            text = text.Replace("</U>", string.Empty);

            Font font;
                font = new Font(_subtitleFontName, _subtitleFontSize, FontStyle.Regular);
            catch (Exception exception)
                font = new Font(FontFamily.Families[0].Name, _subtitleFontSize);
            var bmp = new Bitmap(400, 200);
            var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            SizeF textSize = g.MeasureString("Hj!", font);
            var lineHeight = (textSize.Height * 0.64f);

            textSize = g.MeasureString(HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text), font);
            int sizeX = (int)(textSize.Width * 0.8) + 40;
            int sizeY = (int)(textSize.Height * 0.8) + 30;
            if (sizeX < 1)
                sizeX = 1;
            if (sizeY < 1)
                sizeY = 1;
            bmp = new Bitmap(sizeX, sizeY);
            g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            var lefts = new List<float>();
            foreach (var line in HtmlUtil.RemoveOpenCloseTags(text, HtmlUtil.TagItalic, HtmlUtil.TagFont).SplitToLines())
                if (subtitleAlignLeft)
                    lefts.Add((float)(bmp.Width - g.MeasureString(line, font).Width * 0.8 + 15) / 2);

            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

            var sf = new StringFormat();
            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;// draw the text to a path
            var path = new GraphicsPath();

            // display italic
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            int i = 0;
            bool isItalic = false;
            float left = 5;
            if (lefts.Count > 0)
                left = lefts[0];
            float top = 5;
            bool newLine = false;
            int lineNumber = 0;
            float leftMargin = left;
            bool italicFromStart = false;
            int newLinePathPoint = -1;
            Color c = _subtitleColor;
            var colorStack = new Stack<Color>();
            var lastText = new StringBuilder();
            while (i < text.Length)
                if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<font ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    float addLeft = 0;
                    int oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount;
                    if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                        oldPathPointIndex = 0;

                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    if (path.PointCount > 0)
                        PointF[] list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                        for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                            if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                addLeft = list[k].X;
                    if (addLeft == 0)
                        addLeft = left + 2;
                    left = addLeft;

                    if (_borderWidth > 0)
                        g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
                    g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
                    path = new GraphicsPath();
                    sb = new StringBuilder();

                    int endIndex = text.Substring(i).IndexOf('>');
                    if (endIndex < 0)
                        i += 9999;
                        string fontContent = text.Substring(i, endIndex);
                        if (fontContent.Contains(" color="))
                            var arr = fontContent.Substring(fontContent.IndexOf(" color=", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7).Trim().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (arr.Length > 0)
                                string fontColor = arr[0].Trim('\'').Trim('"').Trim('\'');
                                    colorStack.Push(c); // save old color
                                    if (fontColor.StartsWith("rgb("))
                                        arr = fontColor.Remove(0, 4).TrimEnd(')').Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        c = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(arr[0]), int.Parse(arr[1]), int.Parse(arr[2]));
                                        c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(fontColor);
                                    c = _subtitleColor;
                        i += endIndex;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</font>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (text.Substring(i).ToLower().Replace("</font>", string.Empty).Length > 0)
                        if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                            string t = sb.ToString();
                            sb.Append(' ');

                        float addLeft = 0;
                        int oldPathPointIndex = path.PointCount - 1;
                        if (oldPathPointIndex < 0)
                            oldPathPointIndex = 0;
                        if (sb.Length > 0)
                            TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                        if (path.PointCount > 0)
                            PointF[] list = (PointF[])path.PathPoints.Clone(); // avoid using very slow path.PathPoints indexer!!!
                            for (int k = oldPathPointIndex; k < list.Length; k++)
                                if (list[k].X > addLeft)
                                    addLeft = list[k].X;
                        if (addLeft == 0)
                            addLeft = left + 2;
                        left = addLeft;

                        if (_borderWidth > 0)
                            g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
                        g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
                        //path = new GraphicsPath();
                        sb = new StringBuilder();
                        if (colorStack.Count > 0)
                            c = colorStack.Pop();
                    i += 6;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("<i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    italicFromStart = i == 0;
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    isItalic = true;
                    i += 2;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith("</i>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && isItalic)
                    if (lastText.EndsWith(' ') && !sb.StartsWith(' '))
                        string t = sb.ToString();
                        sb.Append(' ');
                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);
                    isItalic = false;
                    i += 3;
                else if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith(Environment.NewLine))
                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    top += lineHeight;
                    newLine = true;
                    i += Environment.NewLine.Length - 1;
                    if (lineNumber < lefts.Count)
                        leftMargin = lefts[lineNumber];
                        left = leftMargin;
                    if (isItalic)
                        italicFromStart = true;
            if (sb.Length > 0)
                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, isItalic, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

            if (_borderWidth > 0)
                g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
            g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);
            nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
            return nbmp.GetBitmap();
Пример #15
        private Bitmap GenerateImageFromTextWithStyle(string text, bool bold)
            bool subtitleFontBold = bold;

            text = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text);

            Font font;
                var fontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
                if (subtitleFontBold)
                    fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
                font = new Font(_subtitleFontName, _subtitleFontSize, fontStyle);
            catch (Exception exception)
                font = new Font(FontFamily.Families[0].Name, _subtitleFontSize);
            var bmp = new Bitmap(400, 200);
            var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            SizeF textSize = g.MeasureString("Hj!", font);
            var lineHeight = (textSize.Height * 0.64f);

            textSize = g.MeasureString(HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text), font);
            int sizeX = (int)(textSize.Width * 0.8) + 40;
            int sizeY = (int)(textSize.Height * 0.8) + 30;
            if (sizeX < 1)
                sizeX = 1;
            if (sizeY < 1)
                sizeY = 1;
            bmp = new Bitmap(sizeX, sizeY);
            g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

            var sf = new StringFormat();
            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;// draw the text to a path
            var path = new GraphicsPath();

            // display italic
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            int i = 0;
            const float left = 5f;
            float top = 5;
            bool newLine = false;
            const float leftMargin = left;
            int newLinePathPoint = -1;
            Color c = _subtitleColor;
            while (i < text.Length)
                if (text.Substring(i).StartsWith(Environment.NewLine))
                    TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, false, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

                    top += lineHeight;
                    newLine = true;
                    i += Environment.NewLine.Length - 1;
            if (sb.Length > 0)
                TextDraw.DrawText(font, sf, path, sb, false, subtitleFontBold, false, left, top, ref newLine, leftMargin, ref newLinePathPoint);

            if (_borderWidth > 0)
                g.DrawPath(new Pen(_borderColor, _borderWidth), path);
            g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(c), path);
            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(bmp);
            nbmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
            return nbmp.GetBitmap();
        private void listBoxSubtitles_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int idx = listBoxSubtitles.SelectedIndex;
            if (idx < 0)

            int pid = _tsParser.SubtitlePacketIds[listBoxTracks.SelectedIndex];
            var list = _tsParser.GetDvbSubtitles(pid);

            var dvbBmp = list[idx].GetActiveImage();
            var nDvbBmp = new NikseBitmap(dvbBmp);
            nDvbBmp.CropTransparentSidesAndBottom(2, true);
            var oldImage = pictureBox1.Image;
            pictureBox1.Image = nDvbBmp.GetBitmap();
            if (oldImage != null)