protected void btnPublishAndUnpublish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); int sectionId = int.Parse(ddlSection.SelectedValue); var q = from a in db.Articles where a.SectionId == sectionId select a; int i = 0; foreach (Article a in q) { CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)rptArticles.Items[i].FindControl(String.Format("chkArticle{0}", a.ArticleId)); if (chk != null && chk.Checked) { a.Published = ((Button)sender).ID == "btnPublish" ? true : false; // Update search index MyLucene.UpdateArticle(a); } i++; } db.SubmitChanges(); rptArticles.DataBind(); }
public static string GetUserNameFromFbUid(NietoYostenDbDataContext db, string fbUserId) { var userNameQuery = from u in db.aspnet_Users join fbu in db.FacebookUserIds on u.UserId equals fbu.UserId where fbu.FbUid == fbUserId select u.UserName; return userNameQuery.FirstOrDefault(); }
void UpdateGrid() { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); var q = from m in db.aspnet_Memberships where m.IsApproved == false select new { UserName = m.aspnet_User.UserName, m.Email }; PendingUsersGrid.DataSource = q; PendingUsersGrid.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Populate list of sections if (!IsPostBack) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); db.Log = new DebugTextWriter(); PopulateSectionsList(db, ddlSection, 0, null); } rptArticles.DataSource = articlesDataSource; rptArticles.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); if (!IsPostBack) { // Populate Section lists admin.AdminSiteContent.PopulateSectionsList(db, ddlSection1, 0, null); admin.AdminSiteContent.PopulateSectionsList(db, ddlSection2, 0, null); admin.AdminSiteContent.PopulateSectionsList(db, ddlSection3, 0, null); admin.AdminSiteContent.PopulateSectionsList(db, ddlSection4, 0, null); LoadDataFromDb(db); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); int articleId = int.Parse(Page.RouteData.Values["ArticleId"].ToString()); Article article = db.Articles.Single(a => a.ArticleId == articleId); // Populate section list admin.AdminSiteContent.PopulateSectionsList(db, ddlSection, 0, null); ddlSection.SelectedValue = article.SectionId.ToString(); txtTitle.Text = article.Title; introEditor.Text = article.IntroText; contentEditor.Text = article.Content; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(); int articleId = int.Parse(Page.RouteData.Values["ArticleId"].ToString()); Article article = db.Articles.Single(a => a.ArticleId == articleId); article.Title = txtTitle.Text; article.IntroText = introEditor.Text; article.Content = contentEditor.Text; article.SectionId = int.Parse(ddlSection.SelectedValue); article.ModifiedBy = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey; article.DateModified = DateTime.Now; db.SubmitChanges(); // Update index MyLucene.UpdateArticle(article); Response.Redirect("~/admin/AdminSiteContent.aspx"); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); var q = from h in db.HomePageArticles orderby h.Position where h.Position >= 1 && h.Position <=4 select h; int i = 1; foreach (var hpa in q) { GetDataFromRow((HomePageArticle)hpa, i); i++; } db.SubmitChanges(); Response.Redirect("~/admin/AdminSiteContent.aspx"); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Insert the article into the DB NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); db.Log = new DebugTextWriter(); MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(); Article article = new Article { Title = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(txtTitle.Text), IntroText = introEditor.Text, Content = contentEditor.Text, SectionId = int.Parse(ddlSection.SelectedValue), CreatedBy = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; db.Articles.InsertOnSubmit(article); db.SubmitChanges(); MyLucene.UpdateArticle(article); Response.Redirect("~/Admin/AdminSiteContent.aspx"); }
public static void PopulateSectionsList(NietoYostenDbDataContext db, DropDownList ddl, int level, int? parent) { List<Section> sectionList; if (parent == null) { sectionList = db.Sections.Where(section => section.ParentSectionId == null).ToList(); } else { sectionList = db.Sections.Where(section => section.ParentSectionId == parent).ToList(); } foreach (Section section in sectionList) { string sectionName = new StringBuilder().Insert(0, " ", level * 2).ToString() + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(section.Name); ListItem item = new ListItem(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(sectionName), section.SectionId.ToString()); ddl.Items.Add(item); PopulateSectionsList(db, ddl, level + 1, section.SectionId); } }
public static void DeletePicture(NietoYostenDbDataContext db, HttpServerUtility server, int pictureId) { var picture = db.Pictures.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == pictureId); string folderName = picture.Album.FolderName; string fileName = picture.FileName; // Delete pictures from file system string originalPicFile = server.MapPath(string.Format( "~/pictures/original/{0}/{1}", folderName, fileName)); System.IO.File.Delete(originalPicFile); string webPicFile = server.MapPath(string.Format( "~/pictures/web/{0}/{1}", folderName, fileName)); System.IO.File.Delete(webPicFile); string thumbPicFile = server.MapPath(string.Format( "~/pictures/thumb/{0}/{1}", folderName, fileName)); System.IO.File.Delete(thumbPicFile); // Delete picture from DB db.Pictures.DeleteOnSubmit(picture); }
void PopulateArticleList(NietoYostenDbDataContext db, int row) { Control mainContent = Page.Master.FindControl("MainContent"); DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)mainContent.FindControl("ddlArticle" + row); DropDownList ddlSection = (DropDownList)mainContent.FindControl("ddlSection" + row); int sectionId = int.Parse(ddlSection.SelectedValue); PopulateArticleList(db, ddl, sectionId); }
void PopulateArticleList(NietoYostenDbDataContext db, DropDownList ddl, int sectionId) { Table<Article> Article = db.GetTable<Article>(); var q = from a in Article where a.SectionId == sectionId orderby a.DateCreated descending select a; ddl.Items.Clear(); foreach (var article in q) { string publishedStatus = article.Published ? "" : "(Unpublished)"; ListItem item = new ListItem(article.Title + " " + publishedStatus, article.ArticleId.ToString()); ddl.Items.Add(item); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); admin.AdminSiteContent.PopulateSectionsList(db, ddlSection, 0, null); }
void PopulateRow(NietoYostenDbDataContext db, int row) { Table<HomePageArticle> HomePageArticles = db.GetTable<HomePageArticle>(); HomePageArticle h = HomePageArticles.Single(q => q.Position == row); Control mainContent = Page.Master.FindControl("MainContent"); ((CheckBox)mainContent.FindControl("chkShow" + row)).Checked = h.Enabled; int sectionId1 = h.Article.SectionId; ((DropDownList)mainContent.FindControl("ddlSection" + row)).SelectedValue = sectionId1.ToString(); DropDownList ddlArticle = (DropDownList)mainContent.FindControl("ddlArticle" + row); PopulateArticleList(db, ddlArticle, sectionId1); ddlArticle.SelectedValue = h.ArticleId.ToString(); }
protected void ddlSection4_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { NietoYostenDbDataContext db = new NietoYostenDbDataContext(); PopulateArticleList(db, 4); }
/// <summary> /// Loads data from the DB into the controls /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> void LoadDataFromDb(NietoYostenDbDataContext db) { for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { PopulateRow(db, i); } }