Пример #1
        public DataTable DanhSachBuuGui()
            //Lay tat ca so lieu cua mot buu cuc
            //db.ChuoiKetNoi = ChuoiKetNoi;

            DataSet ds;

            ds = db.ChayThuTuc("select DT.ItemCode SoHieu, isnull(A.SendingContent,'') NoiDungBuuGui, DT.ServiceCode MaDichVu, S.ServiceName as TenDichVu, A.ItemTypeCode as LoaiBuuGui,A.AcceptancePOSCode as MaBCChapNhan,SendingTime as NgayGioNhan,DT.ToPOSCode as BuuCucNhanCT, DT.MailTripNumber SoChuyen, DT.PostBagIndex SoTui,DT.FromPOSCode MaDuongThu, " +
                               "A.Weight TrongLuong, isnull(A.WeightConvert,0) TrongLuongQuiDoi,A.ProvinceCode+'0000' MaTinhPhat,A.CountryCode MaNuocPhat,A.CustomerCode MaKhachHang, A.SenderFullname TenKhachHang, " +
                               "A.SenderAddress DiaChiKhachHang,A.ReceiverFullname TenNguoiNhan, A.ReceiverAddress DiaChiNguoiNhan, A.MainFreight CuocChinh, A.FuelSurchargeFreight PhuPhiXD, " +
                               "A.FarRegionFreight PhuPhiVX, (isnull(A.SubFreight,0)-isnull(B.Freight,0)) as CuocCongThem, '' DichVuCongThem, 0 as TongCuoc,A.VATFreight as VAT,A.TotalFreightVAT as ThanhTien, C.Value SoTienCOD, B.Freight CuocCOD, B.FreightVAT CuocCODVAT, A.IsDebt as No, convert(bit,0,101) as GuiLo,cast('' as nvarchar(30)) as SoLo " +
                               "from Dispatch DT inner join Item A on DT.ItemCode=A.ItemCode  " +
                               "left join (select * from ValueAddedServiceItem where ValueAddedServiceCode='COD')B  " +
                               "on A.ItemCode=B.ItemCode " +
                               "left join (select * from ItemVASPropertyValue where PropertyCode='Amount' and ValueAddedServiceCode='COD') C " +
                               "on A.ItemCode=C.ItemCode " +
                               "left join Service S on A.ServiceCode=S.ServiceCode " +
                               "where A.BatchCode is null and DT.Year='" + Ngay.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and DT.FromPOSCode='" + SoHieuBuuCuc + "' " +
                               " and A.SendingTime between '" + Ngay.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " 14:00:00' and '" + Ngay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " 23:59:00'" +
                               " order by ToPOSCode,DT.MailTripNumber,DT.PostBagIndex,DT.IndexNumber");
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            ds = new DataSet();
            ds = db.ChayThuTuc("select A.ItemCode SoHieu, isnull(A.SendingContent,'') NoiDungBuuGui, DT.ServiceCode MaDichVu, S.ServiceName as TenDichVu, A.ItemTypeCode as LoaiBuuGui,A.AcceptancePOSCode as MaBCChapNhan,A.SendingTime as NgayGioNhan,DT.ToPOSCode as BuuCucNhanCT, DT.MailTripNumber SoChuyen, 0 SoTui,DT.FromPOSCode MaDuongThu, " +
                               "(A.Weight) TrongLuong, (isnull(A.WeightConvert,0)) TrongLuongQuiDoi,A.ProvinceCode+'0000' MaTinhPhat,A.CountryCode MaNuocPhat,A.CustomerCode MaKhachHang, A.SenderFullname TenKhachHang, " +
                               "A.SenderAddress DiaChiKhachHang,A.ReceiverFullname TenNguoiNhan, A.ReceiverAddress DiaChiNguoiNhan, A.MainFreight CuocChinh, A.FuelSurchargeFreight PhuPhiXD, " +
                               "A.FarRegionFreight PhuPhiVX, (isnull(A.SubFreight,0)-isnull(B.Freight,0)) as CuocCongThem, CAST(''as nvarchar(5)) DichVuCongThem, (isnull(A.TotalFreight,0)-isnull(B.Freight,0)) as TongCuoc,A.VATFreight as VAT,A.TotalFreightVAT as ThanhTien, C.Value SoTienCOD, B.Freight CuocCOD, B.FreightVAT CuocCODVAT, A.IsDebt as No, convert(bit,1,101) as GuiLo,A.BatchCode as SoLo " +
                               "from Dispatch DT inner join Item A on DT.ItemCode=A.ItemCode  " +
                               "left join (select * from ValueAddedServiceItem where ValueAddedServiceCode='COD')B  " +
                               "on A.ItemCode=B.ItemCode " +
                               "left join (select * from ItemVASPropertyValue where PropertyCode='Amount' and ValueAddedServiceCode='COD') C " +
                               "on A.ItemCode=C.ItemCode " +
                               "left join Service S on A.ServiceCode=S.ServiceCode " +
                               "where A.BatchCode is not null and DT.Year='" + Ngay.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and DT.FromPOSCode='" + SoHieuBuuCuc + "' " +
                               " and A.SendingTime between '" + Ngay.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " 14:00:00' and '" + Ngay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " 23:59:00'" +
                               //" group by A.BatchCode,isnull(A.SendingContent,''), DT.ServiceCode, DT.MailTripNumber,DT.FromPOSCode,A.ProvinceCode+'0000',A.CountryCode,A.CustomerCode, A.SenderFullname, B.FreightVAT, " +
                               //"A.SenderAddress,A.ReceiverFullname, A.ReceiverAddress, A.MainFreight, A.FuelSurchargeFreight,A.ItemTypeCode,A.AcceptancePOSCode,A.SendingTime,DT.ToPOSCode, " +
                               //"A.FarRegionFreight, (isnull(A.SubFreight,0)-isnull(B.Freight,0)), 0,A.VATFreight,A.TotalFreightVAT, C.Value, B.Freight, A.IsDebt " +
                               " order by DT.MailTripNumber");

            DataTable dt1;

            dt1 = db.ChayThuTuc("select DT.ServiceCode, A.BatchCode, " +
                                "(A.MainFreight)/count(*) CuocChinh, (A.FuelSurchargeFreight)/count(*) PhuPhiXD, " +
                                "(A.FarRegionFreight)/count(*) PhuPhiVX, (isnull(A.SubFreight,0))/count(*) as CuocCongThem, CAST(COUNT(*)as nvarchar(5)) DichVuCongThem, (A.VATFreight)/count(*) as VAT,(A.TotalFreightVAT)/count(*) as ThanhTien " +
                                "from Dispatch DT inner join Item A on DT.ItemCode=A.ItemCode  " +
                                "left join Service S on A.ServiceCode=S.ServiceCode " +
                                "where A.BatchCode is not null and DT.Year='" + Ngay.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and DT.FromPOSCode='" + SoHieuBuuCuc + "' " +
                                " and A.SendingTime between '" + Ngay.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " 14:00:00' and '" + Ngay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " 23:59:00'" +
                                " group by A.BatchCode,DT.ServiceCode,A.MainFreight,A.FuelSurchargeFreight,A.FarRegionFreight,A.SubFreight,A.TotalFreightVAT,A.VATFreight " +
                                "order by A.BatchCode").Tables[0];

            DataRow drDL, drCL;
            string  _MaDV = "", _MaLo = "";

            if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
                drCL = dt1.Rows[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    drDL = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];

                    if (_MaLo != drDL["SoLo"].ToString() || _MaDV != drDL["MaDichVu"].ToString())
                        _MaLo = drDL["SoLo"].ToString();
                        _MaDV = drDL["MaDichVu"].ToString();
                        drCL  = TimCuocLo(_MaLo, _MaDV, dt1);

                    drDL["CuocChinh"]      = drCL["CuocChinh"];
                    drDL["PhuPhiXD"]       = drCL["PhuPhiXD"];
                    drDL["PhuPhiVX"]       = drCL["PhuPhiVX"];
                    drDL["CuocCongThem"]   = drCL["CuocCongThem"];
                    drDL["DichVuCongThem"] = drCL["DichVuCongThem"];
                    drDL["VAT"]            = drCL["VAT"];
                    drDL["ThanhTien"]      = drCL["ThanhTien"];


            ChuoiKetNoiChay = db.ChuoiKetNoi;