Пример #1
        public static RaceCar AddRaceCar(Scene scene, TransformNode parentTrans)
            TransformNode transNode = new TransformNode();

            transNode.Translation = new Vector3(0, 10, 10);

            Material carMat = new Material();

            carMat.Diffuse       = Color.Pink.ToVector4();
            carMat.Specular      = Color.White.ToVector4();
            carMat.SpecularPower = 10;

            GeometryNode carNode = new GeometryNode("Race Car");

            carNode.Model    = new Box(3, 1.0f, 2);
            carNode.Material = carMat;
            carNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

            NewtonPhysics physicsEngine = (NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine;

            RaceCar car = new RaceCar(carNode, physicsEngine);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                car.Tires[i] = CreateTire((TireID)Enum.ToObject(typeof(TireID), i),
                                          car.TireTransformNode[i], carNode, scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity);

            car.Collidable   = true;
            car.Interactable = true;

            carNode.Physics = car;
            carNode.Physics.NeverDeactivate = true;
            carNode.AddToPhysicsEngine      = true;



Пример #2
        public static RaceCar AddRaceCar(Scene scene, TransformNode Marke, Vector3 CarPos, GeometryNode CModel, int IdPlayer)
            TransformNode transNode = new TransformNode();

            transNode.Name        = "Tcar:" + IdPlayer;
            transNode.Translation = CarPos;

            CModel.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

            NewtonPhysics physicsEngine = (NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine;

            RaceCar car = new RaceCar(CModel, physicsEngine);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                car.Tires[i] = CreateTire((TireID)Enum.ToObject(typeof(TireID), i),
                                          car.TireTransformNode[i], CModel, scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity);

            car.Collidable   = true;
            car.Interactable = true;
            car.StartPos     = CarPos;
            //Physic material Name
            car.MaterialName = "Car" + IdPlayer;

            CModel.Physics = car;
            CModel.Physics.NeverDeactivate = true;
            CModel.AddToPhysicsEngine      = true;

            //Add To node


Пример #3
        public RaceCar(Object container, NewtonPhysics engine) : base(container)
            this.engine = engine;

            //Crea los cuatro nodos de transformacion para las 4 Ruedas
            tireTransNode = new TransformNode[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                tireTransNode[i] = new TransformNode();

            // set the mass of the race car - Propiedad heredada
            mass = VEHICLE_MASS;

            // lower the center of the mass for a race car
            centerOfMass = -Vector3.UnitY * 1.5f;

            // sets up the callback function when body moves in the simulation
            transformCallback = delegate(IntPtr body, float[] matrix)
                Matrix mat = MatrixHelper.FloatsToMatrix(matrix);

                // set the transformation of the vehicle body
                PhysicsWorldTransform = mat;

                Matrix     invMat        = Matrix.Invert(mat);
                float[]    tireMatrix    = new float[16];
                NewtonTire tire          = null;
                float      sign          = 0;
                float      angle         = 0;
                float      brakePosition = 0;

                // set the global matrix for each tire
                for (IntPtr tyreId = Newton.NewtonVehicleGetFirstTireID(joint);
                     tyreId != IntPtr.Zero; tyreId = Newton.NewtonVehicleGetNextTireID(joint, tyreId))
                    int tireID = (int)GetTireID(tyreId);
                    tire = tires[tireID];
                    Newton.NewtonVehicleGetTireMatrix(joint, tyreId, tireMatrix);

                    // calculate the local matrix
                    Matrix tireMat = MatrixHelper.GetRotationMatrix(
                        MatrixHelper.FloatsToMatrix(tireMatrix) * invMat) * tire.TireOffsetMatrix;
                    tire.TireMatrix = tireMat;
                    tireTransNode[tireID].WorldTransformation = Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2)
                                                                * tireMat;

                    // calcualte the parametric brake position
                    brakePosition    = tireMat.Translation.Y - tire.TireRefHeight;
                    tire.BrakeMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, tire.BrakeRefPosition.Y + brakePosition, 0);

                    // set suspensionMatrix
                    sign  = (tire.BrakeRefPosition.Z > 0) ? 1 : -1;
                    angle = (float)Math.Atan2(sign * brakePosition, Math.Abs(tire.BrakeRefPosition.Z));
                    Matrix rotationMatrix = new Matrix(
                        1, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, (float)Math.Cos(angle), (float)Math.Sin(angle), 0,
                        0, -(float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Cos(angle), 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 1);
                    tire.AxelMatrix             = rotationMatrix * tire.AxelMatrix;
                    tire.SuspensionTopMatrix    = rotationMatrix * tire.SuspensionTopMatrix;
                    tire.SuspensionBottomMatrix = rotationMatrix * tire.SuspensionBottomMatrix;

            forceCallback = delegate(IntPtr body)
                float Ixx = 0, Iyy = 0, Izz = 0, tmpMass = 0;

                Newton.NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix(body, ref tmpMass, ref Ixx, ref Iyy, ref Izz);
                tmpMass *= (1.0f + (float)Math.Abs(GetSpeed()) / 20.0f);
                float[] force = Vector3Helper.ToFloats(engine.GravityDirection * engine.Gravity * tmpMass);

                Newton.NewtonBodySetForce(body, force);

            tireUpdate = delegate(IntPtr vehicleJoint)
                NewtonTire tire = null;

                for (IntPtr tyreId = Newton.NewtonVehicleGetFirstTireID(vehicleJoint);
                     tyreId != IntPtr.Zero; tyreId = Newton.NewtonVehicleGetNextTireID(vehicleJoint, tyreId))
                    tire = tires[(int)GetTireID(tyreId)];

                    // If the tire is a front tire
                    if ((tire == tires[(int)TireID.FrontLeft]) || (tire == tires[(int)TireID.FrontRight]))
                        float currSteerAngle = Newton.NewtonVehicleGetTireSteerAngle(vehicleJoint, tyreId);
                        Newton.NewtonVehicleSetTireSteerAngle(vehicleJoint, tyreId,
                                                              currSteerAngle + (tire.Steer - currSteerAngle) * 0.035f);
                    else // if the tire is a rear tire
                        Newton.NewtonVehicleSetTireTorque(vehicleJoint, tyreId, tire.Torque);

                        if (tire.Brakes > 0)
                            // ask Newton for the precise acceleration needed to stop the tire
                            float brakeAcceleration =
                                Newton.NewtonVehicleTireCalculateMaxBrakeAcceleration(vehicleJoint, tyreId);

                            // tell Newton you want this tire stoped but only if the torque need it is less than
                            // the brakes pad can withstand (assume max brake pad torque is 500 newton * meter)
                            Newton.NewtonVehicleTireSetBrakeAcceleration(vehicleJoint, tyreId,
                                                                         brakeAcceleration, 10000.0f);

                            // set some side slip as function of the linear speed
                            float speed = Newton.NewtonVehicleGetTireLongitudinalSpeed(vehicleJoint, tyreId);
                            Newton.NewtonVehicleSetTireMaxSideSleepSpeed(vehicleJoint, tyreId, speed * 0.1f);

            bodyLeaveCallback = delegate(IntPtr body)
Пример #4
        public static RaceCar AddRaceCarOld(Scene scene, TransformNode parentTrans, Vector3 CarPos, Vector4 CarColor, CarType_Enum CType)
            TransformNode transNode = new TransformNode();

            //transNode.Scale = new Vector3(2.8f, 2.8f, 2.8f);
            transNode.Translation = CarPos;

            Material carMat = new Material();

            carMat.Diffuse       = CarColor;
            carMat.Specular      = Color.White.ToVector4();
            carMat.SpecularPower = 10;

            GeometryNode carNode = new GeometryNode("Race Car");
            //Intento cargar un modelo
            ModelLoader loader = new ModelLoader();

            //Cargo el modelo Dependiendo del tipo
            switch (CType)
            case CarType_Enum.Basic:
                carNode.Model    = new Box(3, 1.0f, 2);
                carNode.Material = carMat;

            case CarType_Enum.Ferrary:
                carNode.Model = (Model)loader.Load("Models", "ferrari");
                ((Model)carNode.Model).UseInternalMaterials = true;

            case CarType_Enum.Tank:
                carNode.Model = (Model)loader.Load("Models", "Osirian_Battle_Tank");
                ((Model)carNode.Model).UseInternalMaterials = true;

                carNode.Model    = new Box(3, 1.0f, 2);
                carNode.Material = carMat;

            carNode.Model.ShadowAttribute = ShadowAttribute.ReceiveCast;

            NewtonPhysics physicsEngine = (NewtonPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine;

            RaceCar car = new RaceCar(carNode, physicsEngine);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                car.Tires[i] = CreateTire((TireID)Enum.ToObject(typeof(TireID), i),
                                          car.TireTransformNode[i], carNode, scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity);

            car.Collidable   = true;
            car.Interactable = true;

            car.StartPos = CarPos;

            carNode.Physics = car;
            carNode.Physics.NeverDeactivate = true;
            carNode.AddToPhysicsEngine      = true;


