public void GetAll_ShouldReturnSuccess()
            // Arrange
            var expectedCount    = _expectedModelReturn.NewsReleaseLog.Count;
            var expectedLogEntry = _expectedModelReturn.NewsReleaseLog.FirstOrDefault();
            var mockRepository   = CreateDataStore();
            var controller       = new NewsReleaseLogsController(mockRepository.Object, _logger.Object, _mapper.Object);

            // Act
            var result = controller.GetAll("0");

            // Assert
            result.Should().BeOfType(typeof(OkObjectResult), "because the read operation should go smoothly");
            var actual         = ((result as OkObjectResult).Value as IEnumerable <NewsReleaseLogViewModel>);
            var actualLogEntry = actual.FirstOrDefault();

        public void Get_ShouldReturnSuccess()
            // Arrange
            var mockRepository = CreateDataStore();
            var controller     = new NewsReleaseLogsController(mockRepository.Object, _logger.Object, _mapper.Object);

            // Act
            var result = controller.Get("0", 1);

            // Assert
            result.Should().BeOfType(typeof(OkObjectResult), "because the read operation should go smoothly");
        public void Get_ShouldReturnNotFound_WhenGivenInvalidParameters(string releaseId, int logId, string because = null)
            // Arrange
            var mockRepository = CreateDataStore();
            var controller     = new NewsReleaseLogsController(mockRepository.Object, _logger.Object, _mapper.Object);

            // Act
            var result = controller.Get(releaseId, logId);  // does not exist...

            // Assert
            result.Should().BeOfType(typeof(NotFoundResult), because);
        public void GetAll_ShouldReturnNotFound_WhenGivenInvalidReleaseId()
            // Arrange
            var mockRepository = CreateDataStore();
            var controller     = new NewsReleaseLogsController(mockRepository.Object, _logger.Object, _mapper.Object);

            // Act
            var result = controller.GetAll("-1");  // does not exist...

            // Assert
            result.Should().BeOfType(typeof(NotFoundResult), "because an invalid Id should not yield a result");