public NewsDetailsViewModel(NewsChannel newsChannel, NewsItem newsItem) { if (newsChannel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsChannel", "News channel cannot be null"); if (newsItem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsItem", "Source news item cannot be null"); UpdateDetails(newsItem); ComposePublicationDetails(newsChannel, newsItem); }
public bool SetNewsChannel(NewsChannel newschannel) { SqlConnection _connection = OneTapConnection.GetConnection; bool status = false; try { string result = ""; _connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("PROC_OneTap_Insert_NewsChannel"); command.Connection = _connection; command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; var param = new SqlParameter(); param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param.ParameterName = "@pnewschannel"; param.Value = newschannel.NewsChannelName; command.Parameters.Add(param); var outparam = new SqlParameter(); outparam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; outparam.ParameterName = "@retValue"; outparam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar; outparam.Size = 20; command.Parameters.Add(outparam); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); result = (string)outparam.Value; status = result.ToLower().Equals("success"); } catch (Exception) { if (_connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { _connection.Close(); } //throw; status = false; } finally { if (_connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { _connection.Close(); } } return(status); }
public bool SetNewsChannel(string newschannel) { NewsChannel newchannel = new NewsChannel(); newchannel.NewsChannelName = newschannel; using (NewsManager _newsManager = new NewsManager()) { return(_newsManager.SetNewsChannel(newchannel)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // A Single news channgel NewsChannel n = new NewsChannel(); // Setup all of the reporters NewsChannel_Watcher nick = new NewsChannel_Watcher(n, "nick"); NewsChannel_Watcher ashley = new NewsChannel_Watcher(n, "ashley"); NewsChannel_Watcher emma = new NewsChannel_Watcher(n, "emma"); NewsChannel_Watcher megan = new NewsChannel_Watcher(n, "megan"); // Pulic a news item n.LatestNewsHeadline = "mark buys a drink"; }
private void ComposePublicationDetails(NewsChannel newsChannel, NewsItem newsItem) { PublicationDetails = newsItem.PublicationDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyy - HH:mm") + " • " + newsChannel.Name; }
public NewsChannel_Watcher(NewsChannel nh, string name) { _name = name; nh.LatestNewsChange += new NewsChangeEventHandler(NewsChanged_Event); }