private void ComputeCurvesAssignment()
            if (Model.IsSelected)
            if (Model.GetType() != typeof(NewCuboid))
                //Compute at least one silhouette curve
                //Pick the first available silhouette Curve
                Model.SilhouetteCurves[0].isDeselected = true;
                if (Model.SilhouetteCurves[0].AssignedTo != null)
                    Model.SilhouetteCurves[0].AssignedTo.isdeselected = true;

                //Unassing the second silhouette curve if it exists
                if (Model.SilhouetteCurves.Length > 1 && Model.SilhouetteCurves[1].AssignedTo != null)
                    Model.SilhouetteCurves[1].AssignedTo = null;
                //Find all compatible feature curve
                while (curveAssigner.ComputeFeatureAssignments(Model))
                var NumberOfActiveFeatureCurves = Model.FeatureCurves
                    .Select(c => c)
                    .Where(c => c.AssignedTo != null)
                if (NumberOfActiveFeatureCurves > 0)
                    while (curveAssigner.ComputeSilhouetteAssignments(Model))
                        if (NumberOfActiveFeatureCurves == 1) Model.CheckSilhoueteCurveWith1Feature();
                        else Model.CheckSilhoueteCurveWith2Features();
                var NumberOfActiveSilhouettes = Model.SilhouetteCurves
                    .Select(c => c)
                    .Where(c => c.AssignedTo != null)
                if (NumberOfActiveSilhouettes > 1)
                    if (NumberOfActiveFeatureCurves > 0)
                NewCuboid cuboid = (NewCuboid)Model;
                List<Tuple<int, Point, Point>> cornerList = new List<Tuple<int, Point, Point>>();
                for (int i = 0; i < cuboid.ArrayOfCorners.Length; i++)
                    while (curveAssigner.ComputeFeatureAssignments(cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[i]))

                        int numberOfAssignedFeatures = (from curve in cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[i]
                                                        where curve.AssignedTo != null
                                                        select curve).Count();
                        if (numberOfAssignedFeatures == 3)
                            Point CP = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindCoincidentPoint(cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[i]);
                            Point CPprimitive = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindCoincidentPoint(cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[i], false);
                            cornerList.Add(Tuple.Create(i, CP, CPprimitive));
                    cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[i][0].AssignedTo = null;
                    cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[i][1].AssignedTo = null;
                    cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[i][2].AssignedTo = null;

                double minDistance = 10e10;
                foreach (var cubicTuple in cornerList)
                    Vector v = cubicTuple.Item2 - cubicTuple.Item3;
                    if (v.Length < minDistance)
                        cuboid.ActiveCubicCorner = cubicTuple.Item1;
                        minDistance = v.Length;
                if (cuboid.ActiveCubicCorner >= 0)
                while (curveAssigner.ComputeFeatureAssignments(cuboid.ArrayOfCorners[cuboid.ActiveCubicCorner]))
            //Refresh all curves so that they can be selected again
            Model.CanSnap = CheckIfPrimitiveCanSnap();

            if (Model.IsSelected)
Пример #2
        protected override Tuple <Term, Term[]> Reconstruct(SnappedCuboid snappedPrimitive, Dictionary <FeatureCurve, ISet <Annotation> > curvesToAnnotations)
            Point   O  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindCoincidentPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner);
            Point   A  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEndPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[0].AssignedTo, O);
            Point   B  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEndPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[1].AssignedTo, O);
            Point   C  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEndPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[2].AssignedTo, O);
            Point3D Op = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindCoincident3DPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner);
            EnhancedPrimitiveCurve ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[0];
            Point3D Ap = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEnd3DPoint(ec.Points3D, Op);

            ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[1];
            Point3D Bp = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEnd3DPoint(ec.Points3D, Op);

            ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[2];
            Point3D Cp = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEnd3DPoint(ec.Points3D, Op);

            O.Y = -O.Y;
            A.Y = -A.Y;
            B.Y = -B.Y;
            C.Y = -C.Y;
            Vector OA = A - O;
            Vector OB = B - O;
            Vector OC = C - O;

            Debug.WriteLine("O=({0},{1})", O.X, O.Y);
            Debug.WriteLine("A=({0},{1})", A.X, A.Y);
            Debug.WriteLine("B=({0},{1})", B.X, B.Y);
            Debug.WriteLine("C=({0},{1})", C.X, C.Y);

            Vector OAn = OA.Normalized();
            Vector OBn = OB.Normalized();
            Vector OCn = OC.Normalized();

            double dotABn = OAn * OBn;
            double dotACn = OAn * OCn;
            double dotBCn = OBn * OCn;

            double a = Math.Acos(dotABn);
            double b = Math.Acos(dotACn);
            double c = Math.Acos(dotBCn);

            /*double[] anglesSort = new double[] { a, b, c };
             * double[] angles = new double[] { a, b, c };
             * int[] idx = new int[3]{0, 1, 2};
             * Vector[] vecArr = new Vector[] { OAn, OBn, OCn };
             * Array.Sort(anglesSort, idx);
             * Debug.WriteLine("(a,b,c)=({0},{1},{2})", a * 180 / Math.PI, b * 180 / Math.PI, c * 180 / Math.PI);
             * Debug.WriteLine("sorted : (a,b,c)=({0},{1},{2})", anglesSort[0] * 180 / Math.PI, anglesSort[1] * 180 / Math.PI, anglesSort[2] * 180 / Math.PI);
             * Debug.WriteLine("index : {0}, {1}, {2}", idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]);
             * if (anglesSort[1] > Math.PI / 2 && anglesSort[0] < Math.PI / 2)
             * {
             *  double theta = anglesSort[1] - Math.PI / 2 + 0.001;
             *  var rotMatrix = new RotateTransform(theta*180/Math.PI).Value;
             *  vecArr[idx[1]] = rotMatrix.Transform(vecArr[idx[1]]);
             *  angles[idx[1]] = Math.PI/2 - 0.001;
             *  angles[idx[0]] = angles[idx[2]] - angles[idx[1]];
             * }
             * Debug.WriteLine("after : (a,b,c)=({0},{1},{2},{3})", angles[0] * 180 / Math.PI, angles[1] * 180 / Math.PI, angles[2] * 180 / Math.PI, (angles[0]+angles[1])*180/Math.PI);
             * dotABn = Math.Cos(angles[0]);
             * dotACn = Math.Cos(angles[1]);
             * dotBCn = Math.Cos(angles[2]);
             * OAn = vecArr[0].Normalized();
             * OBn = vecArr[1].Normalized();
             * OCn = vecArr[2].Normalized();*/
            Debug.WriteLine("Cubic Corner Index:{0}", snappedPrimitive.CubicCornerIdx);

            double pn, qn, rn;
            int    signp = 0, signq = 0, signr = 0;

            if (dotABn < 0 && dotACn < 0 && dotBCn < 0)
                signp = signq = signr = 1;
                if (dotABn < 0)
                    signp = signq = -1;
                    signr = 1;
                else if (dotBCn < 0)
                    signq = signr = 1;
                    signp = -1;
                    signp = signr = 1;
                    signq = -1;

            pn = signp * Math.Sqrt(-dotACn * dotABn / dotBCn);
            qn = signq * Math.Sqrt(-dotABn * dotBCn / dotACn);
            rn = signr * Math.Sqrt(-dotACn * dotBCn / dotABn);

            Debug.WriteLine("p*q={0}, OA*OB={1}", pn * qn, dotABn);
            Debug.WriteLine("p*r={0}, OA*OC={1}", pn * rn, dotACn);
            Debug.WriteLine("q*r={0}, OB*OC={1}", rn * qn, dotBCn);

            Vector3D OA3Dn = new Vector3D(OAn.X, OAn.Y, pn);
            Vector3D OB3Dn = new Vector3D(OBn.X, OBn.Y, qn);
            Vector3D OC3Dn = new Vector3D(OCn.X, OCn.Y, rn);

            OA3Dn = OA3Dn.Normalized();
            OB3Dn = OB3Dn.Normalized();
            OC3Dn = OC3Dn.Normalized();
            Vector3D pOA     = (Ap - Op).Normalized();
            Vector3D pOB     = (Bp - Op).Normalized();
            Vector3D pOC     = (Cp - Op).Normalized();
            Vector3D approxW = new Vector3D(); // = OA3Dn.Normalized();
            Vector3D approxH = new Vector3D(); // = -OB3Dn.Normalized();
            Vector3D approxD = new Vector3D(); // = OC3Dn.Normalized();

            /*if (pOA.X * OA3Dn.X < 0) OA3Dn.X = -OA3Dn.X;
            *  if (pOA.Y * OA3Dn.Y < 0) OA3Dn.Y = -OA3Dn.Y;
            *  if (pOA.Z * OA3Dn.Z < 0) OA3Dn.Z = -OA3Dn.Z;
            *  if (pOB.X * OB3Dn.X < 0) OB3Dn.X = -OB3Dn.X;
            *  if (pOB.Y * OB3Dn.Y < 0) OB3Dn.Y = -OB3Dn.Y;
            *  if (pOB.Z * OB3Dn.Z < 0) OB3Dn.Z = -OB3Dn.Z;
            *  if (pOC.X * OC3Dn.X < 0) OC3Dn.X = -OC3Dn.X;
            *  if (pOC.Y * OC3Dn.Y < 0) OC3Dn.Y = -OC3Dn.Y;
            *  if (pOC.Z * OC3Dn.Z < 0) OC3Dn.Z = -OC3Dn.Z;*/

            switch (snappedPrimitive.CubicCornerIdx)
            case 0:
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? OA3Dn : -OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) < 0 ? OB3Dn : -OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) > 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;

            case 1:
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? -OA3Dn : OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) > 0 ? -OB3Dn : OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) > 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;

            case 2:
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? -OA3Dn : OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) > 0 ? OB3Dn : -OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) < 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;

            case 3:
                approxW = -OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = -OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = -OC3Dn.Normalized();

            case 4:
                approxW = OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = OC3Dn.Normalized();

            case 5:
                //if (pOA.X * OA3Dn.X < 0) OA3Dn.X = -OA3Dn.X;
                //if (pOA.X * OA3Dn.X < 0) OA3Dn.X = -OA3Dn.X;
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? -OA3Dn : OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) > 0 ? OB3Dn : -OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) > 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;


            case 6:
                approxW = OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = -OC3Dn.Normalized();

            case 7:
                approxW = -OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = -OC3Dn.Normalized();

            snappedPrimitive.W = OA3Dn.Normalized();
            snappedPrimitive.H = OB3Dn.Normalized();
            snappedPrimitive.D = OC3Dn.Normalized();

            Debug.WriteLine("Normalized W*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxW, approxH));
            Debug.WriteLine("Normalized W*D={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxW, approxD));
            Debug.WriteLine("Normalized D*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxD, approxH));

            /*double lOA = OA.Length;
             * double lOB = OB.Length;
             * double lOC = OC.Length;
             * Debug.WriteLine("(lOA, lOB, lOC)=({0},{1},{2})", lOA, lOB, lOC);*/

            //a = Math.Acos(OAn * OBn);
            //b = Math.Acos(OAn * OCn);
            //c = Math.Acos(OBn * OCn);
            //Debug.WriteLine("(pi/2, a,b,c,sum)=({0},{1},{2}, {3},{4})", Math.PI / 2, a * 180 / Math.PI, b * 180 / Math.PI, c * 180 / Math.PI, a * 180 / Math.PI + b * 180 / Math.PI);

            /*double cota = 1 / Math.Tan(a);
            *  double cotb = 1 / Math.Tan(b);
            *  double cotc = 1 / Math.Tan(c);*/

            /*double dotAB = lOA * lOB * Math.Cos(a);
            *  double dotAC = lOA * lOC * Math.Cos(b);
            *  double dotBC = lOB * lOC * Math.Cos(c);*/

            double dotAB = OA * OB;
            double dotAC = OA * OC;
            double dotBC = OB * OC;
            double p, q, r;

            p = signp * Math.Sqrt(-dotAC * dotAB / dotBC);
            q = signq * Math.Sqrt(-dotAB * dotBC / dotAC);
            r = signr * Math.Sqrt(-dotAC * dotBC / dotAB);

            //double r = Math.Sqrt(-dotAB*dotBC/dotAC);
            //Debug.WriteLine("(p,q,r)=({0},{1},{2})", p, q, r);

            //ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[0];
            Vector3D cuboidOA = ec.Points3D[1] - ec.Points3D[0];
            //ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[1];
            Vector3D cuboidOB = ec.Points3D[1] - ec.Points3D[0];
            //ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[2];
            Vector3D cuboidOC = ec.Points3D[1] - ec.Points3D[0];
            double   zAp      = p;
            double   zAn      = -zAp;
            double   zBp      = q;
            double   zBn      = -zBp;
            double   zCp      = r;
            double   zCn      = -zCp;

            Point3D O3D = new Point3D(O.X, O.Y, 0);

            snappedPrimitive.Origin = O3D;
            Point3D  A3Dp  = new Point3D(A.X, A.Y, zAp);
            Point3D  A3Dn  = new Point3D(A.X, A.Y, -zAp);
            Vector3D OA3Dp = A3Dp - O3D;
            //Point3D A3D = (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOA, OA3Dp) > 0) ? A3Dp : A3Dn;
            Point3D A3D = A3Dp;// (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOA, OA3Dp) > 0) ? A3Dp : A3Dn;

            Point3D  B3Dp  = new Point3D(B.X, B.Y, zBp);
            Point3D  B3Dn  = new Point3D(B.X, B.Y, -zBp);
            Vector3D OB3Dp = B3Dp - O3D;
            //Point3D B3D = (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOB, OB3Dp) > 0) ? B3Dp : B3Dn;
            Point3D B3D = B3Dp; //(Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOB, OB3Dp) > 0) ? B3Dp : B3Dn;

            Point3D  C3Dp  = new Point3D(C.X, C.Y, zCp);
            Point3D  C3Dn  = new Point3D(C.X, C.Y, -zCp);
            Vector3D OC3Dp = C3Dp - O3D;
            //Point3D C3D = (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOC, OC3Dp) > 0) ? C3Dp : C3Dn;
            Point3D C3D = C3Dp;

            Debug.WriteLine("OA3D=({0},{1},{2})", OA3Dp.X, OA3Dp.Y, OA3Dp.Z);
            Debug.WriteLine("OB3D=({0},{1},{2})", OB3Dp.X, OB3Dp.Y, OB3Dp.Z);

            Debug.WriteLine("W*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxH, approxW));
            Debug.WriteLine("W*D={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxD, approxW));
            Debug.WriteLine("D*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxH, approxD));

            double  approxWidth  = (A3D - O3D).Length;
            double  approxHeight = (O3D - B3D).Length;
            double  approxDepth  = (C3D - O3D).Length;
            Point3D approxCenter = new Point3D();

            switch (snappedPrimitive.CubicCornerIdx)
            case 0:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 1:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 2:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 3:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 4:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 5:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 6:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 7:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;
            var CenterTerm =
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.X - approxCenter.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.Y - approxCenter.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.Z - approxCenter.Z, 2);

            var LengthTerm =
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Width - approxWidth, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Height - approxHeight, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Depth - approxDepth, 2);

            double widthVectorArea  = approxHeight * approxDepth; // area of the face orthogonal to width vector
            double heightVectorArea = approxWidth * approxDepth;  // area of the face orthogonal to height vector
            double depthVectorArea  = approxWidth * approxHeight; // area of the face orthogonal to depth vector

            Debug.WriteLine("WVA = {0}, HVA = {1}, DVA = {2}", widthVectorArea, heightVectorArea, depthVectorArea);

            var WidthVectorTerm = Math.Pow(widthVectorArea, 2) * (
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Wv.X - approxW.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Wv.Y - approxW.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Wv.Z - approxW.Z, 2));

            var HeightVectorTerm = Math.Pow(heightVectorArea, 2) * (
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Hv.X - approxH.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Hv.Y - approxH.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Hv.Z - approxH.Z, 2));

            var DepthVectorTerm = Math.Pow(depthVectorArea, 2) * (
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Dv.X - approxD.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Dv.Y - approxD.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Dv.Z - approxD.Z, 2));

            var objective =
                CenterTerm +
                LengthTerm +
                100 * (WidthVectorTerm +
                       HeightVectorTerm +

            var ABorthogonal = TVec.InnerProduct(snappedPrimitive.Wv, snappedPrimitive.Hv);
            var ACorthogonal = TVec.InnerProduct(snappedPrimitive.Wv, snappedPrimitive.Dv);
            var BCorthogonal = TVec.InnerProduct(snappedPrimitive.Hv, snappedPrimitive.Dv);
            var constraints  = new Term[] { snappedPrimitive.Wv.NormSquared - 1, snappedPrimitive.Hv.NormSquared - 1, snappedPrimitive.Dv.NormSquared - 1, ABorthogonal, ACorthogonal, BCorthogonal };

            return(Tuple.Create(10 * objective, constraints));