public string updateTicketInfo(string bfrom, string eto, string bunkf, string bunky)//更新 { NewPara np = new NewPara(); XmlDocument doc = np.getRoot(); np.AddPara("cm", "ret_updateTicketInfo"); string strSql = ""; string strRet = ""; Conn cn = null; try { cn = new Conn(); strSql = "UPDATE eg_ticketInfo SET BUNKF = '" + bunkf + "', BUNKY = '" + bunky + "' WHERE (BFROM = '" + bfrom + "') AND (ETO = '" + eto + "')"; if (cn.Update(strSql)) { strRet = "true"; } else { strRet = "false"; } } catch (Exception ex) { gs.util.func.Write("updateTicketInfo is err sql=" + strSql + ex.Message); throw ex; } finally { cn.close(); } np.AddPara("ret", strRet); return(np.GetXML()); }
public string insertTicketInfo(string bfrom, string eto, string bunkf, string bunky)//添加 { NewPara np = new NewPara(); XmlDocument doc = np.getRoot(); np.AddPara("cm", "ret_insertTicketInfo"); string strSql = ""; string strRet = ""; Conn cn = null; try { cn = new Conn(); strSql = "INSERT INTO eg_ticketInfo (BFROM, ETO, BUNKF, BUNKY) VALUES ('" + bfrom + "', '" + eto + "', '" + bunkf + "', '" + bunky + "')"; if (cn.Update(strSql)) { strRet = "true"; } else { strRet = "false"; } } catch (Exception ex) { gs.util.func.Write("insertTicketInfo is err sql=" + strSql + ex.Message); throw ex; } finally { cn.close(); } np.AddPara("ret", strRet); return(np.GetXML()); }
public string getAllPolicyCity()//得到所有的城市 { NewPara np = new NewPara(); XmlDocument doc = np.getRoot(); np.AddPara("cm", "ret_getAllPolicyCity"); string strSql = ""; string strRet = ""; Conn cn = null; try { cn = new Conn(); strSql = "SELECT vcCityCode FROM eg_PolicyCity "; DataSet ds = cn.GetDataSet(strSql); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { strRet += (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["vcCityCode"].ToString().Trim() + ";"); } } catch (Exception ex) { gs.util.func.Write("getAllPolicyCity is err sql=" + strSql + ex.Message); throw ex; } finally { cn.close(); } np.AddPara("Citys", strRet); return(np.GetXML()); }
public string GetTNNullPnrByIPID(string ipid) { NewPara np = new NewPara(); XmlDocument doc = np.getRoot(); np.AddPara("cm", "RetTNumberNullPnr"); string strSql = ""; string strRet = ""; Conn cn = null; try { cn = new Conn(); //strSql = "select * from eg_user where vcLoginName='" + p_strUserCode.Trim() + "'"; strSql = "select * from eg_SrvIps where ipid=" + ipid.Trim(); DataSet ds = cn.GetDataSet(strSql); string strAgentCode = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["numAgentId"].ToString().Trim(); if (strAgentCode.Length > 8) { strAgentCode = strAgentCode.Substring(0, 8); } strSql = "select eg_eticket.Pnr from dbo.eg_eticket INNER JOIN dbo.eg_user ON ltrim(rtrim(dbo.eg_eticket.UserID)) = ltrim(rtrim(dbo.eg_user.vcLoginName)) where ({ fn LENGTH(eg_eticket.etNumber) } < 14 or eg_eticket.etNumber IS NULL or eg_eticket.etNumber = ''or ltrim(rtrim(eg_eticket.DecFeeState))='0') and eg_user.numAgentId like '" + strAgentCode + "%' and eg_eticket.OperateTime > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString().Trim() + " 00:00:00') AND eg_eticket.OperateTime < CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Trim() + " 23:59:59') "; ds = cn.GetDataSet(strSql); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { strRet += (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Pnr"].ToString().Trim() + ";"); } } catch (Exception ex) { gs.util.func.Write("GetTNumberNullPnr is err sql=" + strSql + ex.Message); throw ex; } finally { cn.close(); } np.AddPara("Pnrs", strRet); return(np.GetXML()); }
public string getTicketInfo(string bfrom, string eto)//得到 { NewPara np = new NewPara(); XmlDocument doc = np.getRoot(); np.AddPara("cm", "ret_getTicketInfo"); string strSql = ""; string strRet = ""; Conn cn = null; try { cn = new Conn(); strSql = "SELECT * FROM eg_ticketInfo WHERE (BFROM = '" + bfrom + "') AND (ETO = '" + eto + "')"; DataSet ds = cn.GetDataSet(strSql); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strRet = "true"; } else { strRet = "false"; } } catch (Exception ex) { gs.util.func.Write("getTicketInfo is err sql=" + strSql + ex.Message); throw ex; } finally { cn.close(); } np.AddPara("ret", strRet); return(np.GetXML()); }
/// <summary> /// 河南邮政185接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_str185"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Submit185Order(string p_str185) { Conn cn = null; NewPara np = new NewPara(); XmlDocument doc = np.getRoot(); string strRet = ""; try { string[] ary = p_str185.Split('$'); NewPara npSent = new NewPara(); npSent.AddPara("AirNo", ary[7]); npSent.AddPara("ActionCode", "LL"); npSent.AddPara("DepartTime", Policy.getIBEDate2(ary[33])); npSent.AddPara("Dst", ary[3]); npSent.AddPara("Org", ary[2]); npSent.AddPara("SeatName", ary[11]); npSent.AddPara("EtkPrc", ary[12]); npSent.AddPara("Fule", ary[15]); npSent.AddPara("BaseFee", ary[14]); npSent.AddPara("TkDate", Policy.getIBEDate(ary[33])); npSent.AddPara("PerCount", ary[16]); XmlDocument rootDoc = npSent.getRoot(); XmlNode nodeRecord = npSent.AddPara("record", ""); string strCuster = ary[34]; string[] aryCust = strCuster.Split('~'); for (int iTmp = 0; iTmp < aryCust.Length; iTmp++) { string strACust = aryCust[iTmp]; string[] aryCustView = strACust.Split('*'); string strPerName = aryCustView[0]; string strIdentCardType = aryCustView[1]; string strMobile = aryCustView[2]; string strIdentCardNo = aryCustView[3]; string chInsurance = aryCustView[4]; XmlNode nodeRec = rootDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "rec", ""); XmlNode subNode = rootDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "IdCard", ""); subNode.AppendChild(rootDoc.CreateTextNode(strIdentCardNo)); nodeRec.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 subNode = rootDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "AirCorp", ""); subNode.AppendChild(rootDoc.CreateTextNode(ary[6])); nodeRec.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 subNode = rootDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "IdType", ""); subNode.AppendChild(rootDoc.CreateTextNode("NI")); nodeRec.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 subNode = rootDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "CustName", ""); subNode.AppendChild(rootDoc.CreateTextNode(strPerName)); nodeRec.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 nodeRecord.AppendChild(nodeRec); } //TextBox1.Text = npSent.GetXML(); //gs.util.func.Write("1111"); IBECOMService ic = new IBECOMService(); string strPnr = ic.MakeOrder(npSent.GetXML()); gs.util.func.Write("pnr=" + strPnr); np.AddPara("cm", "SubmitWebOrder"); // np.AddPara("pnr", strPnr); //np.AddPara("pnr",ary[0]); np.AddPara("CurUserName", ary[1]); //gs.util.func.Write("CurUserName="******"BeginPort", ary[2]); np.AddPara("EndPort", ary[3]); np.AddPara("BeginPortName", ary[4]); np.AddPara("EndPortName", ary[5]); np.AddPara("AirName", ary[6]); np.AddPara("FlightNo", ary[7]); np.AddPara("DepaTime", ary[8]); np.AddPara("LandTime", ary[9]); np.AddPara("AirType", ary[10]); np.AddPara("SeatName", ary[11]); np.AddPara("EtkPrc", ary[12]); np.AddPara("RealPrc", ary[13]); np.AddPara("BaseFee", ary[14]); np.AddPara("Fule", ary[15]); np.AddPara("PerCounts", ary[16]); np.AddPara("RetGain", ary[17]); np.AddPara("AirRetGain", ary[18]); np.AddPara("PubGain", ary[19]); np.AddPara("PoliId", ary[20]); np.AddPara("Total", ary[21]); //gs.util.func.Write("Total="+ary[21]); np.AddPara("PoliBegin", ary[22]); np.AddPara("PoliEnd", ary[23]); np.AddPara("ProviderAgentName", ary[24]); np.AddPara("ProviderAgentId", ary[25]); np.AddPara("vcSaleContacter", ary[26]); np.AddPara("vcSalMobile", ary[27]); np.AddPara("vcSalTel", ary[28]); np.AddPara("vcSalQq", ary[29]); np.AddPara("vcAddress", ary[30]); //gs.util.func.Write("vcAddress="+ary[30]); np.AddPara("AirCorpName", ary[31]); np.AddPara("Discount", ary[32]); //gs.util.func.Write("Discount="+ary[32]); np.AddPara("FlyDate", ary[33]); //gs.util.func.Write("FlyDate="+ary[33]); //gs.util.func.Write("2222"); //string strCuster = ary[34]; //string[] aryCust = strCuster.Split('~'); XmlNode nodeCusters = np.AddPara("Custer", ""); gs.util.func.Write("aryCust.Length=" + aryCust.Length); for (int iTmp = 0; iTmp < aryCust.Length; iTmp++) { string strACust = aryCust[iTmp]; string[] aryCustView = strACust.Split('*'); XmlNode subCuster = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ACUSTER", ""); XmlNode subNode = null; //gs.util.func.Write("aryCustView[0]="+aryCustView[0]); subNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "PerName", ""); subNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(aryCustView[0])); subCuster.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 //gs.util.func.Write("aryCustView[1]="+aryCustView[1]); subNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "IdentCardType", ""); subNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(aryCustView[1])); subCuster.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 subNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Mobile", ""); subNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(aryCustView[2])); subCuster.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 subNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "IdentCardNo", ""); subNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(aryCustView[3])); subCuster.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 subNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Insurance", ""); subNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(aryCustView[4])); subCuster.AppendChild(subNode); //把变量值赋进去 //gs.util.func.Write("aryCustView[4]="+aryCustView[4]); nodeCusters.AppendChild(subCuster); } string strSent = np.GetXML(); cn = new Conn(); cn.beginTrans(); strRet = SubmitOrder(cn, strSent); cn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { cn.rollback(); strRet = "outtkerr"; gs.util.func.Write("Submit185Order is err=" + ex.Message); } finally { cn.close(); } return(strRet); }
/// <summary> /// C客户得到自己首页的一些参数 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_strUserName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string getCUserPageXml(string p_strAgentCode) { NewPara npRet = new NewPara(); XmlDocument doc = npRet.getRoot(); npRet.AddPara("cm", "RetCUserFirstPage"); XmlNode nodeAirs = npRet.AddPara("AirList", ""); XmlNode nodeCitys = npRet.AddPara("CityList", ""); Conn cn = null; try { cn = new Conn(); string strSql = "select '全部' as vcAirName,'' as vcAirCode union select vcAirName,vcAirCode from eg_PolicyAir order by vcAirCode"; DataSet ds = cn.GetDataSet(strSql); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { XmlNode subNodeNew = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "AAIR", ""); XmlNode subIpNode = null; subIpNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "AirName", ""); subIpNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["vcAirName"].ToString().Trim())); subNodeNew.AppendChild(subIpNode); //把变量值赋进去 subIpNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "AirCode", ""); subIpNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["vcAirCode"].ToString().Trim())); subNodeNew.AppendChild(subIpNode); nodeAirs.AppendChild(subNodeNew); } strSql = "select vcCityPy + '-' + vcCityName as vcCityName,vcCityCode from eg_PolicyCity order by vcCityPy"; ds = cn.GetDataSet(strSql); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { XmlNode subNodeNew = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ACITY", ""); XmlNode subIpNode = null; subIpNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "CityName", ""); subIpNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["vcCityName"].ToString().Trim())); subNodeNew.AppendChild(subIpNode); //把变量值赋进去 subIpNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "CityCode", ""); subIpNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["vcCityCode"].ToString().Trim())); subNodeNew.AppendChild(subIpNode); nodeCitys.AppendChild(subNodeNew); } strSql = "select vcWebCUser from eg_AgentCUser where numAgentId='" + p_strAgentCode + "'"; ds = cn.GetDataSet(strSql); string strWebUser = ""; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strWebUser = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["vcWebCUser"].ToString().Trim(); } npRet.AddPara("WebUser", strWebUser); //计算当前用户所在代理商所在城市 string strAgentCode = ""; if (p_strAgentCode.Length > 8) { strAgentCode = p_strAgentCode.Substring(0, 8); } else { strAgentCode = p_strAgentCode; } string strSqlCity = "SELECT vcCityCode FROM eg_agent where numAgentId ='" + strAgentCode + "'"; //gs.util.func.Write("strSqlCity=" + strSqlCity); DataSet rsRet = cn.GetDataSet(strSqlCity); string strCityCode = rsRet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["vcCityCode"].ToString().Trim(); //得到用户所在城市 rsRet.Clear(); npRet.AddPara("InCity", strCityCode); } catch (Exception ex) { gs.util.func.Write("WS.EgUser.getCUserPageXml is err" + ex.Message); } finally { cn.close(); } return(npRet.GetXML()); }