public async void CreateLibro()
            // Configure EF to be used in memory for testing purposes
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <LibreriaContext>()

            var context        = new LibreriaContext(options);
            var rabbitEventBus = new Mock <IRabbitEventBus>();

            rabbitEventBus.Setup(x => x.Publish(new EmailEventQueue("*****@*****.**", "test title", "test content")));

            var request = new NewLibroCommand
                Titulo           = "Libro titulo",
                AutorLibro       = Guid.Empty,
                FechaPublicacion = DateTime.Now
            var handler = new NewLibroCommandHandler(context, rabbitEventBus.Object);

            var result = await handler.Handle(request, new System.Threading.CancellationToken());

            Assert.True(result != null);
 public async Task <ActionResult <Unit> > Create(NewLibroCommand data)
     return(await _mediator.Send(data));