/// <summary> /// Constructor for New Form /// </summary> public NewForm() { InitializeComponent(); viewModel = App.MainViewModel.CreateItemViewModelInstance; if (!viewModel.IsInitialized) { viewModel.InitializationCompleted += new EventHandler<InitializationCompletedEventArgs>(OnViewModelInitialization); viewModel.Initialize(); } else { this.DataContext = viewModel; } }
public NewItemPage() { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = new NewItemViewModel(); }
public void TestInitialize() { // Would be good to implement some dependency injection with these view models. viewModel = new NewItemViewModel(); }
public NewItemPage(string itemid) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = new NewItemViewModel(itemid); }
public NewItemPage(Item existing_item) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = NewItemViewModel = new NewItemViewModel(existing_item); EditMode = true; }
public ActionResult NewItem(NewItemViewModel nivm) { if (Session["User"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("LoginPage", "Application"); } else if (!Session["Elevation"].Equals("Administrator")) { return RedirectToAction("LoggedInProfile"); } else { if (db.Items.Where(x => x.name == nivm.name).Count() > 0) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("name", "Error: Duplicate Name"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) // checks required in model. does server validation { Item i = new Item(); i.name = nivm.name; i.description = nivm.description; i.price = nivm.price; UploadImage(nivm.image, nivm.name + ".png"); db.Items.Add(i); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Store", "Application"); } else { return RedirectToAction("Store", "Application"); } } }
public ViewModelLocator() { ItemsViewModel = new ItemsViewModel(new LocalTodoDataStore(), new UwpNavigationService(this)); ItemDetailViewModel = new ItemDetailViewModel(new UwpNavigationService(this), new LocalTodoDataStore(), new LocalPomodoroDataStore()); NewItemViewModel = new NewItemViewModel(new UwpNavigationService(this), new LocalTodoDataStore()); }
public NewItemPage(Item.status status) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = NewItemViewModel = new NewItemViewModel(status); }
public ActionResult Refresh(int?baseType, int?type, int?attribute1, int?attribute2) { var baseTypes = _context.BaseTypes.ToList(); var itemsList = _context.ItemsDB.ToList(); int baseTypeId, typeId, attribute1Id, attribute2Id; baseTypeId = baseType != null ? baseType.Value : -1; typeId = type != null ? type.Value : -1; attribute1Id = attribute1 != null ? attribute1.Value : -1; attribute2Id = attribute2 != null ? attribute2.Value : -1; bool isBaseTypeInDb = baseTypes.Any(i => i.Id == baseTypeId); bool isTypeIdInDb = baseTypes .SelectMany(i => i.Types) .Any(i => i.Id == typeId); var types = (List <ItemType>)null; if (isTypeIdInDb) { if (isBaseTypeInDb) { types = baseTypes .Where(i => i.Id == baseTypeId) .SelectMany(i => i.Types) .ToList(); } else { types = baseTypes .SelectMany(i => i.Types) .ToList(); } } else { types = baseTypes .SelectMany(i => i.Types) .Where(i => i.BaseTypeId == baseTypeId) .ToList(); if (types.Count() == 0) { types = baseTypes .SelectMany(i => i.Types) .ToList(); } } bool isBaseTypeArmour = baseTypes.SelectMany(i => i.Attributes).Any(i => i.BaseTypeId == baseTypeId); bool isTypeArmour = baseTypes.Where(i => i.Name == "Armour").SelectMany(i => i.Types).Any(i => i.Id == typeId); var attributes = (List <ItemAttribute>)null; var items = (List <ItemDB>)null; // This part of code applies only to items with attributes (armour and it's types) if (isBaseTypeArmour || isTypeArmour || !isBaseTypeInDb && !isTypeIdInDb) { bool isAttr1InDb = baseTypes .SelectMany(i => i.Attributes) .Any(i => i.Id == attribute1Id); bool isAttr2InDb = baseTypes .SelectMany(i => i.Attributes) .Any(i => i.Id == attribute2Id); attributes = baseTypes .SelectMany(i => i.Attributes) .ToList(); if (isAttr1InDb && !isAttr2InDb) { var firstFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id == attribute1Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); var secondFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id != attribute1Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); items = new List <ItemDB>(); foreach (var item in firstFilter) { bool match = secondFilter.Any(i => i.Id == item.Id); if (!match) { items.Add(item); } } } else if (!isAttr1InDb && isAttr2InDb) { var firstFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id == attribute2Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); var secondFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id != attribute2Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); items = new List <ItemDB>(); foreach (var item in firstFilter) { bool match = secondFilter.Any(i => i.Id == item.Id); if (!match) { items.Add(item); } } } else if (isAttr1InDb && isAttr2InDb) { if (attribute1Id != attribute2Id) { var firstFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id == attribute1Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); var secondFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id == attribute2Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); items = firstFilter .Join(secondFilter, a => a.Id, b => b.Id, (a, b) => new ItemDB() { Attributes = b.Attributes, BaseType = b.BaseType, BaseTypeId = b.BaseTypeId, Id = b.Id, Level = b.Level, Name = b.Name, Type = b.Type, TypeId = b.TypeId }) .ToList(); } else { var firstFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id == attribute1Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); var secondFilter = attributes .Where(i => i.Id != attribute2Id) .SelectMany(i => i.Items) .ToList(); items = new List <ItemDB>(); foreach (var item in firstFilter) { bool match = secondFilter.Any(i => i.Id == item.Id); if (!match) { items.Add(item); } } } } if (isTypeIdInDb && items != null) { items = items.Where(i => i.TypeId == typeId).ToList(); } else if (isBaseTypeInDb && items != null) { items = items.Where(i => i.BaseTypeId == baseTypeId).ToList(); } else if (isTypeIdInDb) { items = itemsList .Where(i => i.TypeId == typeId) .Select(i => i) .ToList(); } else if (isBaseTypeInDb) { items = itemsList .Where(i => i.BaseTypeId == baseTypeId) .Select(i => i) .ToList(); } else if (attributes.Any(i => i.Id == attribute1Id) || attributes.Any(i => i.Id == attribute2Id)) { } else { items = itemsList; } } // If item doesn't have attribute. else { if (isTypeIdInDb) { items = itemsList .Where(i => i.TypeId == typeId) .Select(i => i) .ToList(); } else if (isBaseTypeInDb) { items = itemsList .Where(i => i.BaseTypeId == baseTypeId) .Select(i => i) .ToList(); } else { items = itemsList; } } var viewModel = new NewItemViewModel() { BaseTypes = baseTypes, Types = types, Attributes = attributes, Items = items, }; return(PartialView("_RefreshPartial", viewModel)); }
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) { string itemName = replacementsDictionary["$safeitemname$"]; ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (automationObject is DTE dte) { object activeProjects = dte.ActiveSolutionProjects; Array activeProjectsArray = (Array)activeProjects; if (activeProjectsArray.Length > 0) { Project project = (Project)activeProjectsArray.GetValue(0); if (project != null) { IEnumerable <string> validProjectTypes = Enumerable.Empty <string>(); string itemType = string.Empty; GetWizardDataFromTemplate(); string projectDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullName); ProjectInformationCommandResult projectInformation = _plcncliCommunication.ExecuteCommand(Resources.Command_get_project_information, null, typeof(ProjectInformationCommandResult), Resources.Option_get_project_information_no_include_detection, Resources.Option_get_project_information_project, $"\"{projectDirectory}\"") as ProjectInformationCommandResult; string projecttype = projectInformation.Type; if (projecttype == null || !validProjectTypes.Contains(projecttype)) { MessageBox.Show( $"This template is not available for the selected project. The template is available for the project types" + $"{validProjectTypes.Aggregate(string.Empty, (s1, s2) => s1 + $"\n'{s2}'")}\nbut the selected project is of type\n'{projecttype}'.", "Template not available for project type", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); throw new WizardBackoutException(); } NewItemModel model = new NewItemModel(_plcncliCommunication, projectDirectory, itemType); NewItemViewModel viewModel = new NewItemViewModel(model); NewItemDialogView view = new NewItemDialogView(viewModel); bool?result = view.ShowModal(); if (result != null && result == true) { try { if (itemType.Equals(Resources.ItemType_program)) { _plcncliCommunication.ExecuteCommand(Resources.Command_new_program, null, null, Resources.Option_new_program_project, $"\"{projectDirectory}\"", Resources.Option_new_program_name, itemName, Resources.Option_new_program_component, model.SelectedComponent, Resources.Option_new_program_namespace, model.SelectedNamespace); } else if (itemType.Equals(Resources.ItemType_component)) { string command = Resources.Command_new_component; if (projecttype.Equals(Resources.ProjectType_ACF)) { command = Resources.Command_new_acfcomponent; } _plcncliCommunication.ExecuteCommand(command, null, null, Resources.Option_new_component_project, $"\"{projectDirectory}\"", Resources.Option_new_component_name, itemName, Resources.Option_new_component_namespace, model.SelectedNamespace); } string[] itemFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "src"), $"{itemName}.*pp"); foreach (string itemFile in itemFiles) { project.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(itemFile); } _plcncliCommunication.ExecuteCommand(Resources.Command_generate_code, null, null, Resources.Option_generate_code_project, $"\"{projectDirectory}\""); }catch (PlcncliException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error occured", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); throw new WizardBackoutException(); } } void GetWizardDataFromTemplate() { string wizardData = replacementsDictionary["$wizarddata$"]; XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(wizardData); XNamespace nspace = document.Root.GetDefaultNamespace(); validProjectTypes = document.Element(nspace + "Data").Element(nspace + "ValidProjectTypes") .Descendants(nspace + "Type").Select(e => e.Value); itemType = document.Element(nspace + "Data").Element(nspace + "ItemType").Value; } } } } }
void RefreshCategory(NewItemViewModel obj, Category category) { categoryPicker.SelectedItem = category; }
public NewItemPage(List <ItemModel> itemsList) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = new NewItemViewModel(itemsList); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); _vm = new NewItemViewModel(new IosNavigation(this), new LocalTodoDataStore()); }
public NewItemPage() { InitializeComponent(); // This is where the view model is bound to this view. BindingContext = new NewItemViewModel(); }
public NewItemPage() { InitializeComponent(); SaveSum.Text = NewItemViewModel.sum.ToString(); BindingContext = new NewItemViewModel(); }