Пример #1
        public async Task <Tuple <bool, NewImplementTemplateViewModel> > ReturnTemplateById(long templateId)
            bool status = false;
            NewImplementTemplateViewModel result = new NewImplementTemplateViewModel();

            using (var dataEntities = new DAL.GETContext())
                var template = dataEntities.LU_IMPLEMENT.Find(templateId);
                if (template != null)
                    result.CustomerId        = template.CustomerId;
                    result.ImplementCategory = (ImplementCategory)template.implement_category_auto;
                    result.TemplateName      = template.implementdescription;
                    result.TemplateId        = template.implement_auto;

                    if (template.CustomerId != null)
                        result.TemplateAccess = TemplateAccess.Customer;
                        result.TemplateAccess = TemplateAccess.Global;

                    var implementModels = await dataEntities.GET_IMPLEMENT_MAKE_MODEL
                                          .Where(i => i.implement_auto == templateId)
                                          .Select(s => (int)s.model_auto)

                    if (implementModels != null)
                        result.EquipmentModels = implementModels;

                    var implementComponents = await(from ic in dataEntities.GET_IMPLEMENT_COMPARTTYPE
                                                    join lct in dataEntities.LU_COMPART_TYPE
                                                    on ic.comparttype_auto equals lct.comparttype_auto
                                                    where ic.implement_auto == templateId
                                                    select new ImplementComponentTypeViewModel
                        Id   = ic.comparttype_auto,
                        Name = lct.comparttype

                    if (implementComponents != null)
                        result.ComponentTypes = implementComponents;

                    status = true;

            return(Tuple.Create(status, result));
Пример #2
        public async Task <Tuple <int, string> > CreateNewImplementTemplate(NewImplementTemplateViewModel newImplementTemplate)
            List <LU_COMPART_TYPE> components = new List <LU_COMPART_TYPE>(); // New components that need to be added to the database

            // Check if a template with this name exists for the same category and customer
            bool existingTemplate = _context.LU_IMPLEMENT.Where(i => i.implementdescription.ToLower() == newImplementTemplate.TemplateName.ToLower() &&
                                                                i.CustomerId == newImplementTemplate.CustomerId &&
                                                                i.implement_category_auto == (int)newImplementTemplate.ImplementCategory).Any();

            if (existingTemplate)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "A template with this name already exists. "));

            // Create new implement
            LU_IMPLEMENT template = new LU_IMPLEMENT
                CustomerId              = newImplementTemplate.CustomerId,
                implementdescription    = newImplementTemplate.TemplateName,
                implement_category_auto = (int)newImplementTemplate.ImplementCategory,
                parentID = 0


            // Create any new components that don't exist yet, and then add all new and existing components to list
            foreach (ImplementComponentTypeViewModel componentType in newImplementTemplate.ComponentTypes)
                if (componentType.Id == 0) // If ID = 0 then it is a new component we need to create
                    // Generate a stupid second ID we don't need.
                    string id = componentType.Name;
                    if (id.Length > 10)
                        id = id.Substring(0, 10);

                    // GET-68
                    if (containsReservedName(id))
                        return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Unable to create component as it contains a reserved keyword!"));

                    // Work out the component type category for GET or Dump Body
                    short componentCategory;
                    if (newImplementTemplate.ImplementCategory == ImplementCategory.GET)
                        componentCategory = (int)ComponentTypeCategory.GET;
                        componentCategory = (int)ComponentTypeCategory.DumpBody;

                    LU_COMPART_TYPE newComponent = new LU_COMPART_TYPE()
                        comparttypeid = id,
                        comparttype   = componentType.Name,
                        _protected    = false,
                        system_auto   = componentCategory

                else // Add existing components to list, so we can map them to this implement template
                    components.Add(_context.LU_COMPART_TYPE.Where(c => c.comparttype_auto == componentType.Id).First());

            } catch (Exception e)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Failed to create template and new component types. Exception: " + e.Message));

            // If everything saved successfully, map all the components to the new template
            foreach (LU_COMPART_TYPE comp in components)
                    comparttype_auto = comp.comparttype_auto,
                    implement_auto   = template.implement_auto

            } catch (Exception e)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Failed to map new component types to the new template. Exception: " + e.Message));

            // Map the models to the template
            foreach (int modelId in newImplementTemplate.EquipmentModels)
                    implement_auto = template.implement_auto,
                    model_auto     = modelId

            catch (Exception e)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Failed to map the new template to it's models. Exception: " + e.Message));

            return(Tuple.Create((int)template.implement_auto, "Template created successfully. "));
Пример #3
        public async Task <Tuple <int, string> > UpdateExistingImplementTemplate(NewImplementTemplateViewModel existingImplementTemplate)
            List <LU_COMPART_TYPE> components = new List <LU_COMPART_TYPE>(); // New components that need to be added to the database

            // Check if the template exists.
            var template = _context.LU_IMPLEMENT.Find(existingImplementTemplate.TemplateId);

            // An existing template does not exist, so an update action cannot be performed.
            if (template == null)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Could not update this template. Please refresh the page and try again. "));

            template.CustomerId              = existingImplementTemplate.CustomerId;
            template.implementdescription    = existingImplementTemplate.TemplateName;
            template.implement_category_auto = (int)existingImplementTemplate.ImplementCategory;
            template.parentID = 0;

            // Save any changes made to the template.
            catch (Exception ex1)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Unable to save changes to the template. Exception: " + ex1.Message));

            // Create any new components that don't exist yet, and then add all new and existing components to list
            foreach (ImplementComponentTypeViewModel componentType in existingImplementTemplate.ComponentTypes)
                if (componentType.Id == 0) // If ID = 0 then it is a new component we need to create
                    // Generate a stupid second ID we don't need.
                    string id = componentType.Name;
                    if (id.Length > 10)
                        id = id.Substring(0, 10);

                    // GET-68
                    if (containsReservedName(id))
                        return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Unable to create component as it contains a reserved keyword!"));

                    // Work out the component type category for GET or Dump Body
                    short componentCategory;
                    if (existingImplementTemplate.ImplementCategory == ImplementCategory.GET)
                        componentCategory = (int)ComponentTypeCategory.GET;
                        componentCategory = (int)ComponentTypeCategory.DumpBody;

                    LU_COMPART_TYPE newComponent = new LU_COMPART_TYPE()
                        comparttypeid = id,
                        comparttype   = componentType.Name,
                        _protected    = false,
                        system_auto   = componentCategory

                else // Add existing components to list, so we can map them to this implement template
                    components.Add(_context.LU_COMPART_TYPE.Where(c => c.comparttype_auto == componentType.Id).First());

            // Save any changes made to the list of component types.
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Failed to update component types. Exception: " + e.Message));

            // If everything saved successfully, map all the components to the new template
            foreach (LU_COMPART_TYPE comp in components)
                // Check whether the mapping already exists.
                var implement_comparttype = await _context.GET_IMPLEMENT_COMPARTTYPE
                                            .Where(ic => ic.comparttype_auto == comp.comparttype_auto && ic.implement_auto == template.implement_auto)

                // Create the mapping if it doesn't exist.
                if (implement_comparttype == null)
                        comparttype_auto = comp.comparttype_auto,
                        implement_auto   = template.implement_auto

            // Save the mapping of component types to the implement template.
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Failed to map new component types to the new template. Exception: " + e.Message));

            // Map the models to the template
            foreach (int modelId in existingImplementTemplate.EquipmentModels)
                // Check whether the mapping already exists.
                var implement_make_model = await _context.GET_IMPLEMENT_MAKE_MODEL
                                           .Where(imm => imm.implement_auto == template.implement_auto && imm.model_auto == modelId)

                // Create the mapping if it doesn't already exist.
                if (implement_make_model == null)
                    _context.GET_IMPLEMENT_MAKE_MODEL.Add(new GET_IMPLEMENT_MAKE_MODEL()
                        implement_auto = template.implement_auto,
                        model_auto     = modelId

            // Save the mapping of models to the implement template.
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Failed to map the new template to it's models. Exception: " + e.Message));

            return(Tuple.Create((int)template.implement_auto, "Template updated successfully. "));