Пример #1
        public void testUnGetAvailableCars()
            NetworkStation netwk = new NetworkStation(new MainView());

            string     carType         = "BMW";
            string     plateNumber     = "4567";
            Car        cars            = new Car(carType, plateNumber, Properties.Resources.blueCar);
            List <Car> myCars          = new List <Car>();
            List <Car> UnavailableCars = new List <Car>();

            //Car Initialisation
            UnavailableCars.Add(new Car("Toyota", "0312", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            UnavailableCars.Add(new Car("AUDI", "4412", Properties.Resources.blueCar));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, UnavailableCars.Count);
Пример #2
        public void GetAllCars()
            NetworkStation netwk = new NetworkStation(new MainView());

            string     carType     = "BMW";
            string     plateNumber = "4567";
            Car        cars        = new Car(carType, plateNumber, Properties.Resources.blueCar);
            List <Car> myCars      = new List <Car>();

            //Car Initialisation
            myCars.Add(new Car("BMW", "1234", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            myCars.Add(new Car("SKODA", "2234", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            myCars.Add(new Car("TWA", "0012", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            myCars.Add(new Car("KIA", "1111", Properties.Resources.blueCar));

            Assert.AreEqual(4, myCars.Count);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 ///  Constructor of the form
 /// </summary>
 public MainView()
     //  Stopwatch Mytimer = new Stopwatch();
     form2                    = new ControlStation.ControlStation(this);
     form2.Visible            = false;
     btStopSimulation.Enabled = false;
     checkTimer               = true;
     ns = new NetworkStation(this);
     dh = new DataHelper();
     this.timer1.Interval = 1000;
     this.timer2.Interval = 10;
     timer1.Tick         += OnTimeEvent;
     //btn_Menu.Enabled = false;
     form2.btOrder.Enabled      = false;
     form2.btn_Save.Enabled     = false;
     form2.btn_Load.Enabled     = false;
     form2.btChange.Enabled     = false;
     form2.btCancelTaxi.Enabled = false;
     //  Mytimer.Start();
     // MessageBox.Show("time taken to start" + Mytimer.Elapsed);
Пример #4
        public void testChangeHotspotCapacity()
            NetworkStation netwk = new NetworkStation(new MainView());

            string     carType         = "BMW";
            string     plateNumber     = "4567";
            Car        cars            = new Car(carType, plateNumber, Properties.Resources.blueCar);
            List <Car> myCars          = new List <Car>();
            List <Car> UnavailableCars = new List <Car>();
            int        capactiy        = 1;

            //Car Initialisation
            myCars.Add(new Car("BMW", "1234", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            myCars.Add(new Car("SKODA", "2234", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            myCars.Add(new Car("TWA", "0012", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            myCars.Add(new Car("KIA", "1111", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            //myCars.Add(new Car("KIA", "1111", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            UnavailableCars.Add(new Car("Toyota", "0312", Properties.Resources.blueCar));
            UnavailableCars.Add(new Car("AUDI", "4412", Properties.Resources.blueCar));

            int result = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (netwk.Hotspots[i].CurrentCapacity <= capactiy)
                    if (netwk.calculateTotalMaxCapacity(netwk.Hotspots[i], capactiy) >= myCars.Count + UnavailableCars.Count)
                        netwk.Hotspots[i].MaxCapacity = capactiy;
                result = netwk.Hotspots[i].MaxCapacity;
            Assert.AreEqual(capactiy, result);