public static void AddNetworkEvent(NetworkAction action) { lock (queueLock) { actionQueue.Add(action); } }
/// <summary> /// Handler the server registers to react to network messages /// </summary> void ServerOnDataHandler(object source, NetworkEventArgs n) { NetIncomingMessage msg = n.GetData(); NetworkMessageType msgType = n.GetInfo(); if (msgType == NetworkMessageType.LoadFinish) { //just ignore the message content for now _loadedClients++; if (_loadedClients == _targetClientCount) { OnAllLoaded(); } } else if (msgType == NetworkMessageType.TankControl) { //read from old message int networkId = msg.ReadInt32(32); NetworkAction networkAction = (NetworkAction)msg.ReadByte(); //write to new message NetOutgoingMessage relayMessage = Server.CreateMessage(n.GetData().LengthBits); relayMessage.Write((byte)NetworkMessageType.TankControl); relayMessage.Write(networkId, 32); relayMessage.Write((byte)networkAction); Server.SendToAll(relayMessage, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered); } }
public AdminChatMessage(NetworkAction networkAction, ChatDestination chatDestination, uint destination, string message) { this.NetworkAction = networkAction; this.ChatDestination = chatDestination; this.Message = message; this.Destination = destination; }
public AdminChatMessageEvent(Player player, ChatDestination chatDestination, NetworkAction action, string msg) { this.Player = player; this.Message = msg; this.ChatDestination = chatDestination; this.NetworkAction = action; }
public void ChangeRobot(NetworkAction action) { JsonData data = JsonMapper.ToObject(; JsonData robotStructure = data["robot"]; Debug.Log("RoboStruct : " + robotStructure.ToString()); if (robotStructure != null) { int newAiMode = Int32.Parse(robotStructure["TOP"].ToString()); switch (newAiMode) { case 0: aiMode = AiMode.Aggressive; break; case 1: aiMode = AiMode.Flanking; break; case 2: aiMode = AiMode.Objective; break; } } }
public static Socket ConnectToServer(NetworkAction _call, string hostName) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("connecting to " + hostName); // Create a TCP/IP socket. Socket socket; IPAddress ipAddress; Networking.MakeSocket(hostName, out socket, out ipAddress); SocketState ss = new SocketState(socket, -1); ss.callMe = _call; socket.BeginConnect(ipAddress, Networking.DEFAULT_PORT, ConnectedCallback, ss); return(socket); /** * hostname - the name of the server to connect to * * callMe - a delegate function to be called when a connection is made. Your SpaceWars client will provide this function when it invokes ConnectToServer. * * ConnectToServer should attempt to connect to the server via a provided hostname. It should save the callMe function in a socket state object for use when data arrives. * * It will need to create a socket and then use the BeginConnect method. Note this method takes the "state" object and "regurgitates" it back to you when a connection is made, thus allowing communication between this function and the ConnectedCallback function (below). **/ }
public SocketState(Socket s, int id, NetworkAction d) { socket = s; = id; callMe = d; buffer = new byte[1024]; builder = new StringBuilder(); }
public PacketServerChatMessage(NetworkAction action, uint clientId, bool selfSend, string message, long data) { this.NetworkAction = action; this.ClientId = clientId; this.Message = message; this.SelfSend = selfSend; this.Data = data; }
public static void TriggerEvent(string eventName, NetworkAction arg) { GameEvent thisEvent = null; if (instance.eventDictionary.TryGetValue(eventName, out thisEvent)) { thisEvent.Invoke(arg); } }
internal static void InitNetwork(NetworkHandlerSystem nhs) { actionSetO2LevelForCharacter = nhs.CreateAction <long, float>(HandleSetO2LevelForCharacter); actionSetH2LevelForCharacter = nhs.CreateAction <long, float>(HandleSetH2LevelForCharacter); actionSetEnergyLevelForCharacter = nhs.CreateAction <long, float>(HandleSetEnergyLevelForCharacter); actionSetO2LevelForPlayer = nhs.CreateAction <long, float>(HandleSetO2LevelForPlayer); actionSetH2LevelForPlayer = nhs.CreateAction <long, float>(HandleSetH2LevelForPlayer); actionSetEnergyLevelForPlayer = nhs.CreateAction <long, float>(HandleSetEnergyLevelForPlayer); }
private void SendNotification(NetworkAction whatNetworkAction) { //we need a second peer for this to send a message to the server itself NetOutgoingMessage message = _client.CreateMessage(); message.Write((byte) NetworkMessageType.TankControl); message.Write(Tank.NetworkId, 32); message.Write((byte)whatNetworkAction); _client.SendMessage(message, _client.ServerConnection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered, 0); }
void OnJoin(NetworkAction action) { Debug.Log("OnJoin data " +; string ip = action.senderIp; string session = action.senderSession; RegisterPlayer(ip, session); playerListChanged.Invoke(GetEnemies()); }
private void SendNotification(NetworkAction whatNetworkAction) { //we need a second peer for this to send a message to the server itself NetOutgoingMessage message = _client.CreateMessage(); message.Write((byte)NetworkMessageType.TankControl); message.Write(Tank.NetworkId, 32); message.Write((byte)whatNetworkAction); _client.SendMessage(message, _client.ServerConnection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered, 0); }
public void CreateNetwork() { NetworkAction networkAction = new NetworkAction(DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName), newNetwork, true); networkAction.Completed += networkAction_Completed; networkAction.RunAsync(); AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(); DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).LoadCache(DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).Session); Assert.AreEqual(networks + 1, DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).Cache.Networks.Length); }
/// <summary> /// Takes a NetworkAction delegate, a, and sets it to this sockets action. /// if a is null, sets action to empty lambda. /// </summary> public void SetNetworkAction(NetworkAction a) { if (a != null) { action = a; } else { action = x => { }; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new ConnectionState object with the user given TcpListener /// and NetworkAction delegate. /// /// If listen is null, throws ArgumentNullException. /// If action is null, sets networkAction to an empty lambda. /// </summary> public ConnectionState(TcpListener listen, NetworkAction networkAction) { if (listen == null) { string exceptionMessage = "TcpListener object passed to ConnectionState cannot be null"; throw new ArgumentNullException(exceptionMessage); } listener = listen; SetNetworkAction(networkAction); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="callMe"></param> public static void ServerAwaitingClientLoop(NetworkAction callMe) { TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, DEFAULT_PORT); listener.Start(); ConnectionState cs = new ConnectionState(); cs.listener = listener; cs.callMe = callMe; listener.BeginAcceptSocket(AcceptNewClient, cs); }
private void CreateNonBonded() { XenAPI.Network network = PopulateNewNetworkObj(); PIF nic = pageNetworkDetails.SelectedHostNic; long vlan = pageNetworkDetails.VLAN; NetworkAction action = pageNetworkType.SelectedNetworkType == NetworkTypes.External ? new NetworkAction(xenConnection, network, nic, vlan) : new NetworkAction(xenConnection, network, true); action.RunAsync(); }
void OnAddRobot(NetworkAction action) { Debug.Log("OnAddRobot " + action); string name = players[action.senderIp].name; JsonData data = JsonMapper.ToObject(; JsonData robotStructure = data["robot"]; Debug.Log("RoboStruct : " + robotStructure.ToString()); string hexCode = data["color"].ToString(); EnemyManager.instance.CreatePlayer(action.senderIp, name, robotStructure, hexCode); }
public void CreateExternalNetwork() { Assert.True(DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).Cache.PIFs.Length > 0); PIF pif = DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).Cache.PIFs[0]; NetworkAction networkAction = new NetworkAction(DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName), newNetwork, pif, 2); networkAction.Completed += networkAction_Completed; networkAction.RunAsync(); AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(); DatabaseManager.RefreshCacheFor(dbName); Assert.AreEqual(networks + 1, DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).Cache.Networks.Length); }
void Update() { lock (queueLock) { while (actionQueue.Count > 0) { NetworkAction action = actionQueue[0]; TriggerEvent("game", action); actionQueue.RemoveAt(0); } } }
public void receiveServerChat(Packet p) { NetworkAction action = (NetworkAction)p.readUint8(); DestType dest = (DestType)p.readUint8(); long clientId = p.readUint32(); String message = p.readString(); long data = p.readUint64(); if (OnChat != null) { OnChat(action, dest, clientId, message, data); } }
public virtual void AsyncSend(NetworkData a_oData) { try { NetworkAction?.StateChanged(State.Sending, new StateObject(this, a_oData)); NetworkSocket?.BeginSend(a_oData.Buffer, 0, a_oData.DataLength(true), SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), this); } catch (Exception) { NetworkAction?.StateChanged(State.Error, new StateObject(this)); } }
protected virtual void AcceptConnection() { try { NetworkAction?.StateChanged(State.Listening, new StateObject(this)); m_oNetObject?.BeginAcceptTcpClient(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), this); } catch (Exception e) { NetworkAction?.StateChanged(State.Error, new StateObject(this, e)); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts a TcpListener to continuously listen for data from clients on a given socket /// </summary> /// <param name="callMe"></param> public static void ServerAwaitingClientLoop(NetworkAction callMe) { TcpListener lstn = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 11000); lstn.Start(); ConnectionState cs = new ConnectionState(); cs.listener = lstn; cs.callMe = callMe; // Send AcceptNewClient as a delegate and the new ConnectionState to accept a new client lstn.BeginAcceptSocket(AcceptNewClient, cs); }
public void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Debug.Log("An instance already exists, destroying this instance"); Destroy(this); } networkAction = new NetworkAction(); InitialisePacketsIDReader(); }
public void DeleteNetwork() { CreateNetwork(); Network network = FindCreatedNetwork(); Assert.NotNull(network); NetworkAction networkAction = new NetworkAction(DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName), network, false); networkAction.Completed += networkAction_Completed; networkAction.RunAsync(); AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(); DatabaseManager.RefreshCacheFor(dbName); Assert.AreEqual(networks, DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).Cache.Networks.Length); }
/// <summary> /// Allows a hostname to resolve to a Socket, getting the IP address from a DHCP server if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="callMe"></param> /// <param name="hostname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Socket ConnectToServer(NetworkAction callMe, string hostname) { Socket socket; IPAddress ip; MakeSocket("localhost", out socket, out ip); SocketState state = new SocketState(socket); state.Call = callMe; state.sock.BeginConnect(ip, 11000, ConnectedCallback, state); return(state.sock); }
/// <summary> /// Moded method to also take an HTTP port /// </summary> /// <param name="callMe"></param> /// <param name="port"></param> public static void ServerAwaitingClientLoop(NetworkAction callMe, int port) { lstn = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, Networking.HTTP_PORT); lstn.Start(); NewConnectionState cs = new NewConnectionState(lstn, callMe); cs.listener = lstn; cs.callMe = callMe; lstn.BeginAcceptSocket(AcceptNewClient, cs); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the connection process from a socket to a server. Sets a delegate callback /// function which is specified by the client to perform actions desired by the client /// once a connection has been made. /// </summary> /// <param name="callbackFunction"></param> /// <param name="hostname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Socket ConnectToServer(NetworkAction callbackFunction, string hostname) { IPAddress addr; Socket mySocket; MakeSocket(hostname, out mySocket, out addr); SocketState state = new SocketState(mySocket); state.callMe = callbackFunction; mySocket.BeginConnect(addr, DEFAULT_PORT, ConnectedToServer, state); return(mySocket); }
/// <summary> /// This is the heart of the server code. It starts with a TcpListener for new connections /// and passes the listener, along with the callMe delegate, to BeginAcceptSocket as the state parameter. /// </summary> public static void ServerAwaitingClientLoop(NetworkAction action) { TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, DEFAULT_PORT); listener.Start(); // setting up the connection state ConnectionState state = new ConnectionState(); state.listener = listener; state.callMe = action; listener.BeginAcceptSocket(AcceptNewClient, state); }
private static string stringify(object source, NetworkAction action) { return action.ToString() + " " + source.ToString(); }
public NetworkEvent(object source, NetworkAction action) : base(source, NetworkEvent.stringify(source, action)) { this._action = action; }