IEnumerator Login(string username, string password) { NetObj loginRequest = new NetObj(); loginRequest.resourcePath = API_CLIENT.serverLocation + "api/login"; loginRequest.payload = "{\n\"username\":\"" + username + "\",\n\"password\":\"" + password + "\"\n}"; loginScreen.SetActive(false); loginButton.SetActive(false); connectionSprite.SetActive(true); yield return(loginRequest.Post()); connectionSprite.SetActive(false); if (loginRequest.responce.responseHeaders ["STATUS"] == API_CLIENT.okCode) { loggedIn = true; successScreen.SetActive(true); Debug.Log(loginRequest.responce.text); } else { Debug.Log(loginRequest.responce.text); loginScreen.SetActive(true); loginButton.SetActive(true); } }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { // Test code -- To be moved out into a connection testing function/class. // Asks if server is online, via api/status which returns an ok 200 http responce. NetObj callServer = new NetObj(); callServer.contentType = ""; callServer.resourcePath = serverLocation + "api/status"; yield return(callServer.Post()); if (callServer.responce.responseHeaders ["STATUS"] == okCode) { isServerAlive = true; } }