Пример #1
        private static bool CanNodeBranchInDirection(ushort nodeId, Vector3 direction)
            var closestSegmentId = NetNodeUtility.GetClosestSegmentId(nodeId, direction);

            var exitDirection = NetNodeUtility.GetSegmentExitDirection(nodeId, closestSegmentId);

            var exitAngle = Vector3Extensions.GetSignedAngleBetween(direction.Flatten(), exitDirection.Flatten(),

            return(Mathf.Abs(exitAngle) >= 45f);
Пример #2
        public static NetTool.ControlPoint SnapDirectionOverride(NetTool.ControlPoint newPoint,
                                                                 NetTool.ControlPoint oldPoint,
                                                                 NetInfo info, out bool success, out float minDistanceSq)
            if (Debug.Enabled)
                DebugPrint = string.Format("oldPoint: {0}\nnewPoint:{1}", StringUtil.ToString(oldPoint),

            SnappedGuideLine = null;

            minDistanceSq = info.GetMinNodeDistance();
            minDistanceSq = minDistanceSq * minDistanceSq;
            var controlPoint = newPoint;

            success = false;

            if (EnableSnapping)
                // If dragging from a node
                if (oldPoint.m_node != 0 && !newPoint.m_outside)
                    // Node the road build operation is starting from
                    var sourceNodeId = oldPoint.m_node;
                    var sourceNode   = NetManager.instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[sourceNodeId];

                    // Direction and length of the line from the node to the users control point
                    var userLineDirection = (newPoint.m_position - sourceNode.m_position).Flatten();
                    var userLineLength    = userLineDirection.magnitude;

                    var closestSegmentId = NetNodeUtility.GetClosestSegmentId(sourceNodeId, userLineDirection);

                    if (closestSegmentId > 0)
                        // Snap to angle increments originating from this closest segment

                        var closestSegmentDirection = NetNodeUtility.GetSegmentExitDirection(sourceNodeId,

                        var currentAngle = Vector3Extensions.Angle(closestSegmentDirection, userLineDirection,

                        var snappedAngle     = Mathf.Round(currentAngle / Settings.SnapAngle) * Settings.SnapAngle;
                        var snappedDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(snappedAngle, Vector3.up) * closestSegmentDirection;

                        controlPoint.m_direction  = snappedDirection.normalized;
                        controlPoint.m_position   = sourceNode.m_position + userLineLength * controlPoint.m_direction;
                        controlPoint.m_position.y = newPoint.m_position.y;

                        minDistanceSq = (newPoint.m_position - controlPoint.m_position).sqrMagnitude;
                        success       = true;

                        //minDistanceSq = olpo;
                else if (oldPoint.m_segment != 0 && !newPoint.m_outside)
                    // Else if dragging from a segment

                    // Segment the road build operation is starting from
                    var sourceSegmentId = oldPoint.m_segment;
                    var sourceSegment   = NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer[sourceSegmentId];

                    Vector3 segmentDirection;
                    Vector3 segmentPosition;

                    // Direction and length of the line between control points
                    var userLineDirection = (newPoint.m_position - oldPoint.m_position).Flatten();
                    var userLineLength    = userLineDirection.magnitude;

                    // Get direction of the segment at the branch position
                    sourceSegment.GetClosestPositionAndDirection(oldPoint.m_position, out segmentPosition,
                                                                 out segmentDirection);

                    var currentAngle = Vector3Extensions.Angle(segmentDirection, userLineDirection, Vector3.up);

                    segmentDirection = segmentDirection.Flatten().normalized;

                    var snappedAngle     = Mathf.Round(currentAngle / Settings.SnapAngle) * Settings.SnapAngle;
                    var snappedDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(snappedAngle, Vector3.up) * segmentDirection;

                    controlPoint.m_direction  = snappedDirection.normalized;
                    controlPoint.m_position   = oldPoint.m_position + userLineLength * controlPoint.m_direction;
                    controlPoint.m_position.y = newPoint.m_position.y;

                    minDistanceSq = (newPoint.m_position - controlPoint.m_position).sqrMagnitude;

                    success = true;
                else if (oldPoint.m_direction.sqrMagnitude > 0.5f)
                    if (newPoint.m_node == 0 && !newPoint.m_outside)
                        // Let's do some snapping between control point directions

                        var currentAngle = Vector3Extensions.Angle(oldPoint.m_direction, newPoint.m_direction,

                        var snappedAngle     = Mathf.Round(currentAngle / Settings.SnapAngle) * Settings.SnapAngle;
                        var snappedDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(snappedAngle, Vector3.up) *

                        controlPoint.m_direction = snappedDirection.normalized;

                        controlPoint.m_position = oldPoint.m_position +
                                                                   newPoint.m_position.Flatten()) *

                        controlPoint.m_position.y = newPoint.m_position.y;

                        success = true;
                else if (oldPoint.m_segment == 0 && oldPoint.m_node == 0 && newPoint.m_segment == 0 &&
                         oldPoint.m_segment == 0)
                    // Snap to angles based from north

                    var userLineDirection = (newPoint.m_position - oldPoint.m_position).Flatten();
                    var userLineLength    = userLineDirection.magnitude;

                    var snapDirection = Vector3.forward;

                    var currentAngle = Vector3Extensions.Angle(snapDirection, userLineDirection, Vector3.up);

                    var snappedAngle     = Mathf.Round(currentAngle / Settings.SnapAngle) * Settings.SnapAngle;
                    var snappedDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(snappedAngle, Vector3.up) * snapDirection;

                    controlPoint.m_direction  = snappedDirection.normalized;
                    controlPoint.m_position   = oldPoint.m_position + userLineLength * controlPoint.m_direction;
                    controlPoint.m_position.y = newPoint.m_position.y;

                    minDistanceSq = (newPoint.m_position - controlPoint.m_position).sqrMagnitude;
                    success       = true;
                // Run the default snapping


                controlPoint = NetTool.SnapDirection(newPoint, oldPoint, info, out success, out minDistanceSq);


            if (EnableAdvancedSnapping)
                if (controlPoint.m_segment == 0 && controlPoint.m_node == 0)
                    controlPoint = SnapDirectionGuideLines(controlPoint, oldPoint, info, ref success, ref minDistanceSq);

Пример #3
        public static void CalculateAngles(ushort nodeId, Vector3 direction, ICollection <Measurement> measurements)
            direction = direction.Flatten();

            var node             = NetManager.instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[nodeId];
            var existingSegments = NetNodeUtility.GetNodeSegmentIds(node);

            if (existingSegments.Count == 0)

            var    nearestLeftAngle     = 360f;
            ushort nearestLeftSegmentId = 0;
            var    nearestLeftNormal    = Vector3.zero;

            var    nearestRightAngle     = 360f;
            ushort nearestRightSegmentId = 0;
            var    nearestRightNormal    = Vector3.zero;

            for (var i = 0; i < existingSegments.Count; i++)
                var s = NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer[existingSegments[i]];

                var d = s.m_startNode == nodeId ? s.m_startDirection : s.m_endDirection;
                d = d.Flatten();

                var angle = Vector3Extensions.GetClockwiseAngleBetween(-d, direction, Vector3.up);

                var leftAngle  = 360f - angle;
                var rightAngle = angle;

                var n = Vector3.Normalize(direction + d);

                if (leftAngle < nearestLeftAngle)
                    nearestLeftAngle     = leftAngle;
                    nearestLeftSegmentId = existingSegments[i];
                    nearestLeftNormal    = Quaternion.AngleAxis(leftAngle * 0.5f, Vector3.up) * direction;

                if (rightAngle < nearestRightAngle)
                    nearestRightAngle     = rightAngle;
                    nearestRightSegmentId = existingSegments[i];
                    nearestRightNormal    = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rightAngle * -0.5f, Vector3.up) * direction;

            // When both angles are 180, only show the one on the right.
            if (Math.Abs(nearestLeftAngle - 180f) < 0.25f && Math.Abs(nearestRightAngle - 180f) < 0.25f)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestRightAngle, node.m_position, nearestRightNormal,


            var leftFlags = nearestRightSegmentId > 0
                ? (nearestLeftAngle < nearestRightAngle ? MeasurementFlags.Primary : MeasurementFlags.Secondary)
                : MeasurementFlags.Secondary;

            var rightFlags = nearestLeftSegmentId > 0
                ? (nearestRightAngle <= nearestLeftAngle ? MeasurementFlags.Primary : MeasurementFlags.Secondary)
                : MeasurementFlags.Secondary;

            if (nearestLeftSegmentId > 0)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestLeftAngle, node.m_position, nearestLeftNormal, leftFlags));

            if (nearestRightSegmentId > 0)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestRightAngle, node.m_position, nearestRightNormal, rightFlags));