private void OnNetCreate(NetCreatePacket obj)
            //Debug.Log($"[Client] - NetObject {obj.TypeName} created with id {obj.NetID} and parent id {obj.ParentID}");
            DebugUtils.Assert(!NetObjectExists(obj.NetID), $"Net object with id {obj.NetID} already exists on the client.");
            var netObj = new INetObject(this, obj.NetObjectType, obj.EntityType, obj.NetID, obj.CreateData);

            netObjects.Add(obj.NetID, netObj);

            // If the corresponding obj has a parent, then we need to go up the chain
            // of parents and find the first one that has an OnCreate method defined
            // for this type of net object. If we don't find anything, then this net
            // object becomes its own Game Object with the NetObject component.
            if (obj.ParentID != -1)

                // Recursively try and find parent that handles creation of this type
                // If no parents have defined a handler, then we need to create a game object
                // with a NetObject component.
                if (TryParentCreate(obj.ParentID, netObj))
            netObj.IsGameObject = true;
            var go = CreateGameObject(netObj);
Пример #2
        // @Note: Right now parent-child relationships have to be established BEFORE adding
        // the child to the NetObjectManager so when the packet is sent we can set the ParentID.
        public void AddNetObject(NetObject netObj)
            // By using a queue we can traverse the hierarchy in a BFS order. This guarantees that
            // parents are created before children.
            var queue = new Queue <NetObject>();


            while (queue.Count > 0)
                var obj = queue.Dequeue();

                foreach (var childToAdd in obj.ChildrenToBeAdded)

                DebugUtils.Assert(!netObjects.ContainsKey(obj.ID), $"NetObject with ID {obj.ID} already exists!");

                // Order matters when creating net objects. Children can't be added before their parents.
                DebugUtils.Assert(!obj.HasParent || netObjects.ContainsKey(obj.ParentID), $"NetObject[{obj.ID}]'s parent with id {obj.ParentID} hasn't been added yet! !");

                netObjects.Add(obj.ID, obj);
                obj.Added = true;
                //Debug.Log($"[Server] - Adding {obj.TypeName} net object {obj.ID} has parent {obj.HasParent}");

                DebugUtils.Assert(obj.NetObjectType != NetObjectType.NOTHING || obj.EntityType != EntityType.NOTHING, "Can't have NOTHING for both fields EntityType and NetObjectType");

                var packet = new NetCreatePacket {
                    NetID         = obj.ID,
                    NetObjectType = obj.NetObjectType,
                    EntityType    = obj.EntityType,
                    ParentID      = obj.HasParent ? obj.ParentID : -1,
                    CreateData    = obj.CreateData

                if (obj.SendToAllClients)
                    server.SendToSingleClient(packet, obj.ClientID);